Lockheed Martin Claims Sustainable Fusion Is Within Its Grasp

Compared to fusion, fission produces enormous amounts of waste: contaminated material for which STILL no permanent repository exists.
You know nothing,

First you can not compare fission to fusion, fusion does not exist.

Second, contaminated material can be recycled. Low level radioactive waste is disposed of, safely every single day, transported across the USA and World, with zero problems, where it is permanently buried.
How do you "weaponize" fusion? It's inherently safe. All you can do with it is power your Aircraft carrier.

That's the kind negative thinking that would have caused the Chinese to be content when they invented harmless little firecrackers.
DOE, I packed 4x4x8 boxes on the mech deck at songs, for burial at hanford of low level non-compactible radioactive waste, each box had to have every square inch of space used, weighing no more than 2500 lbs each.

Hanford is a nasty place, site of woops, actually hanford is a bit further, they changed the name of woops, though, I believe, I worked at there boiling water reactor, I am not sure if that is the same type of GE plant that was hit by the tsunami in Japan.

Let me know if I can educate you more, old crock.
DOE, I packed 4x4x8 boxes on the mech deck at songs, for burial at hanford of low level non-compactible radioactive waste, each box had to have every square inch of space used, weighing no more than 2500 lbs each.

Hanford is a nasty place, site of woops, actually hanford is a bit further, they changed the name of woops, though, I believe, I worked at there boiling water reactor, I am not sure if that is the same type of GE plant that was hit by the tsunami in Japan.

Let me know if I can educate you more, old crock.
No, they called it WHOOPS. The original acronym is WPPS, for the Washington Power Supply System. After the massive cost overuns and behind schedule construction, they simply abandoned all but the Hanford site. The site at Satsop was very near to where my parents lived, and everybody there realized what a zoo of clowns the people running that show was.

Old gal, given the scientific ignorance you continuelly display, you will have one hell of a time educating me on anything, other than the fact you are an ignoramous. I have little tolerance for people like you. Dumb asses like you in my trade are killed or maimed before they are 40 years old.
How do you "weaponize" fusion? It's inherently safe. All you can do with it is power your Aircraft carrier.

That's the kind negative thinking that would have caused the Chinese to be content when they invented harmless little firecrackers.

How Is that "negative thinking?" Fusion cannot be used as a weapon. That's a good thing.
Well, Pattycake, we agree on something for once. Small fusion reactors would be a double boon to all of us. First, they could supply cheap and clean energy for transportation, industry, and residences. Second, being small, they could be purchased by municipalities and small utilities, and cut the price of power for all. The more that we can be independent from the really big corperations, the better life will be for all of us.
No, they called it WHOOPS. The original acronym is WPPS, for the Washington Power Supply System. After the massive cost overuns and behind schedule construction, they simply abandoned all but the Hanford site. The site at Satsop was very near to where my parents lived, and everybody there realized what a zoo of clowns the people running that show was.

Old gal, given the scientific ignorance you continuelly display, you will have one hell of a time educating me on anything, other than the fact you are an ignoramous. I have little tolerance for people like you. Dumb asses like you in my trade are killed or maimed before they are 40 years old.
So I got the acroynym wrong, but old crock, you got your facts wrong, the commercial nuclear power plant wpps is not on the hanford site, I know cause I have worked there. It is a Boiling Water reactor still in operation today, not abandoned as you state.

Now how about going back to explaining how you did not even realize without me, no steel plant could produce quality steel.

Same design as the Japanese reactor, but a bit improved, about what I stated, operational, not abandoned, the opposite of what old crock is claiming.

Old Crock, there is not one post of mine you have yet to refute.

Columbia Generating Station - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Columbia Generating Station is a BWR-5, a more robust and updated version of the type of reactor used at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. It features a Mark II containment structure.

In 2013 the Columbia Generating Station set a record for electricity generation during a refueling outage year – 8.4 million megawatt hours of electricity sent to the regional power grid. In 2012 – a non-refueling outage year – Columbia generated a record 9.3 million megawatt hours of electricity for the regional power grid.

In December 2013, Robert McCullough, "one of the nation’s top utility consultants",[8] published an analysis of the economics of Columbia Generating Station commissioned by Physicians for Social Responsibility, a group that advocates eliminating the use of nuclear power.[9] According to McCullough:[8] the plant’s cost of producing a megawatt hour since 2006 is about $36, roughly 1.5 times what efficient nuclear plants spend; and the plant is the most costly nuclear plant of its kind in the country.

In January 2014, the Public Power Council, representing Northwest consumer-owned utilities, examined the competing market assessments and said they found no compelling evidence that ceasing operation of Columbia is economically advisable for the region. The PPC assessment supported public statements by BPA affirming Columbia’s provision of unique, firm, baseload, non-carbon emitting generation with predictable costs for the region’s ratepayers.

The Public Power Council observed in February 2014 that the variable cost of Columbia operations in recent years were slightly above spot market energy prices. However, the council stated that a single unanticipated shift in the markets “can easily wipe out years of anticipated benefits” gained from replacement power.

The council referenced the Western Energy Crisis of 2000-2001. During that relatively short energy crisis, according to the council, the cost benefit of Columbia’s power “dwarf[ed] the modest benefits that would have been achieved” through replacement power. “In 2001 alone the operation of Columbia Generating Station compared to the market saved Bonneville Power Administration ratepayers $1.4 billion,” according to the council.
Dumb ass, I stated all were abandoned but the Hanford site. Among your other deficiencies is an inability to read.

As for your other statements, LOL!
Dumb ass, I stated all were abandoned but the Hanford site. Among your other deficiencies is an inability to read.

As for your other statements, LOL!
How is wppss (it was wppss not wpps as you stated old crock) still operating if it was abandoned? The reactor, wppss, is not on the Hanford site.

Hanford is DOE of energy, the commercial reactor formally known as wppss is not DOE, not on the Hanford site.

Yes, deficiencies, I read correctly, you fail to comprehend facts.
Fusion is the one real solution to us going green very fast! ;) I like solar and wind but it will take at least 3-4 decades to start biting into our emissions.
Fusion is the one real solution to us going green very fast! ;) I like solar and wind but it will take at least 3-4 decades to start biting into our emissions.
You are an idiot, Solar and Wind increase the use of Oil and Coal destroying thousands of square miles of land, millions of birds, millions of trees. Solar and Wind increase emissions. Solar and Wind will cost over $46 trillion dollars and force more people into poverty as the price of food rises, as the cost of electricity increases dramatically.
I know a hell of a lot more about this topic than do you. I've seen reactor vessels up close and personal. My father made H-bombs for 25 years. I'm a freaking engineer and you're a a business major. And a particularly stupid one at that.
Gee crick, I made a half dozen responses to you, with specific question about the basics Nuclear Reactors, I see you have posted in other threads since then, so where is all your knowledge?

I guess some people are all mouth, nothing more.
This board is about environment, not playing gotcha with silly questions. Crick has not proven himself to be an ignoramous concerning science, as you have. This particular thread is about a possible small fusion reactor by LM. Something that we can all hope for, but, in the meantime, continue to increase our clean generation capacity by technologies already proven.
This board is about environment, not playing gotcha with silly questions. Crick has not proven himself to be an ignoramous concerning science, as you have. This particular thread is about a possible small fusion reactor by LM. Something that we can all hope for, but, in the meantime, continue to increase our clean generation capacity by technologies already proven.
Crick and Crock, what a lot, running from posts, quite a lot.
Running from what? Fucking idiots that post drivel about excited solar molecules? You have not demonstrated any better grasp of science than ol' Billy Boob.

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