Zone1 Logic vs American Leftism in American Politics


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA

Everything written into the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the founding documents, debates, expressed thoughts, concepts, ideas, proposals, and adopted policy was based on logic and reason. The intention was a country of, for and by the people based on liberty with government having as little authority and influence as possible and still have a cohesive and effective country and that would be a guiding light to other countries to become the same.

Logic toward that end was what I believe the Founders would have endorsed and promoted as policy, culture, law, customs. Bottom line their logic was the best America was a strong, secure America with liberty, choices, options, opportunity, prosperity and ability to reach for dreams for all as well be a positive influence in the world.

American Leftism is increasingly antithetical to everything logical that allows for the America the Founders envisioned. It pushes for a government controlled by them to increase their power, authority, influence, and demand what policy, culture, law, customs will be acceptable. And many seem to think a one world government is the ideal

Logic: A small limited government is the key to maximum liberty, opportunity, prosperity.

Leftism: The people are incapable of governing themselves and need a strong government to ensure they do things the way they are supposed to do them.

Logic A. The best policy is that which allows and encourages the people to be able to better provide for themselves.

Leftism: Those who believe A are greedy, selfish, hate the poor.

Logic: In 1948 Israel was established by the U.N., on a TINY piece of land Jews have occupied for thousands of years and consider The Holy Land, as a homeland for Jews cruelly displaced by WWII and/or persecuted in other places. That became international law.

Leftism: The heirs of the Palestinians have every right to return even though they left so the Arabs could kill all the Jews but the Jews have no right to return to their historical homeland.

Logic: The Supreme Court may rule rightly or wrongly but they are an important concept in separation of powers essential for the Constitution to work effectively.

Leftism: The Supreme Court should have unchallenged ability to make law the leftists want but should be dissolved or packed with leftists and/or disciplined by the President or Congress if it rules in a way the leftists don’t want.

Logic: Biologically/scientifically there are two genders that are sufficiently different that certain customs and policies are proper and necessary for the common good. That people want to be a different gender than they were born does not change that biological fact.

Leftism: People should be able to choose whatever gender they want to be and it should be criminal not to recognize, support, approve, fully integrate and accommodate and use the proper pronouns for whatever they choose to be.

Logic: For a government to be of, for and by the people, the people must be confident that the electoral process and results are honest and secure.

Leftism: No matter how many people mistrust the process and results, it is more important that as many (leftist) people vote as possible and if that results in cheating/illegalities, oh well.

Logic: A free people can live, work, play, think, speak, believe, worship, aspire in peace so long as they do not infringe on anybody else’s unalienable rights. The Founders intended the Constitution to promote that concept for all.

Leftism: The government should have full authority to dictate how people must live, work, think, speak, believe, worship and what choices, options, and opportunities will be available to them.

There are many many more of these examples and it is the OP’s intention that others can be added.
The founders believed in gov't for the "greater good" Today's Leftists believe that the masses should suffer to pander to the fringe.
They didn't even really believe that "greater good" pap.

Gubmint was put in place to provide a structure to either prevent, or provide recompense for, force and fraud, either against individuals within the nation or aggressors from without.

Everything else was to be left to the people.

Everything written into the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the founding documents, debates, expressed thoughts, concepts, ideas, proposals, and adopted policy was based on logic and reason. The intention was a country of, for and by the people based on liberty with government having as little authority and influence as possible and still have a cohesive and effective country and that would be a guiding light to other countries to become the same.

Logic toward that end was what I believe the Founders would have endorsed and promoted as policy, culture, law, customs. Bottom line their logic was the best America was a strong, secure America with liberty, choices, options, opportunity, prosperity and ability to reach for dreams for all as well be a positive influence in the world.

American Leftism is increasingly antithetical to everything logical that allows for the America the Founders envisioned. It pushes for a government controlled by them to increase their power, authority, influence, and demand what policy, culture, law, customs will be acceptable. And many seem to think a one world government is the ideal

Logic: A small limited government is the key to maximum liberty, opportunity, prosperity.

Leftism: The people are incapable of governing themselves and need a strong government to ensure they do things the way they are supposed to do them.

Logic A. The best policy is that which allows and encourages the people to be able to better provide for themselves.

Leftism: Those who believe A are greedy, selfish, hate the poor.

Logic: In 1948 Israel was established by the U.N., on a TINY piece of land Jews have occupied for thousands of years and consider The Holy Land, as a homeland for Jews cruelly displaced by WWII and/or persecuted in other places. That became international law.

Leftism: The heirs of the Palestinians have every right to return even though they left so the Arabs could kill all the Jews but the Jews have no right to return to their historical homeland.

Logic: The Supreme Court may rule rightly or wrongly but they are an important concept in separation of powers essential for the Constitution to work effectively.

Leftism: The Supreme Court should have unchallenged ability to make law the leftists want but should be dissolved or packed with leftists and/or disciplined by the President or Congress if it rules in a way the leftists don’t want.

Logic: Biologically/scientifically there are two genders that are sufficiently different that certain customs and policies are proper and necessary for the common good. That people want to be a different gender than they were born does not change that biological fact.

Leftism: People should be able to choose whatever gender they want to be and it should be criminal not to recognize, support, approve, fully integrate and accommodate and use the proper pronouns for whatever they choose to be.

Logic: For a government to be of, for and by the people, the people must be confident that the electoral process and results are honest and secure.

Leftism: No matter how many people mistrust the process and results, it is more important that as many (leftist) people vote as possible and if that results in cheating/illegalities, oh well.

Logic: A free people can live, work, play, think, speak, believe, worship, aspire in peace so long as they do not infringe on anybody else’s unalienable rights. The Founders intended the Constitution to promote that concept for all.

Leftism: The government should have full authority to dictate how people must live, work, think, speak, believe, worship and what choices, options, and opportunities will be available to them.

There are many many more of these examples and it is the OP’s intention that others can be added.
Conservatives on the Right are for limited government and rights of the people

Commies on the left are for limited rights of the people and top down government control over the people's minds, hearts and property.
They didn't even really believe that "greater good" pap.

Gubmint was put in place to provide a structure to either prevent, or provide recompense for, force and fraud, either against individuals within the nation or aggressors from without.

Everything else was to be left to the people.
I think Lincoln hit the nail squarely on the head when he famously said, "You can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." I think what he was trying to say was that the limited gov't should legislate for the greater good not for every fringe in the country.

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