LOL!! Abortion Barbie seeks out of state donations for doomed campaign.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
From Hollywood to New York, Wendy Davis raking in donations from the 1 percent

The stupid slut who married an even dumber rich guy, divorced his ass right after he paid her way through college. Typical of democrook whores who use people to advance their own ambitions.

According to Jeffrey Davis, Wendy Davis left him the day after he finished paying for her education. “I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left,” Jeffry Davis said.

She eagerly relinquished the burden of her children to pursue a carreer destroying the state of Texas from the inside, and is such a complete joke she can't even get the bed wetters in Texas to cough up enough money to fund a campaign.

Wendy Davis is the epitome of a liberal parasite. She has ZERO experience as an executive, much like the moonbat messiah. She has no accomplishments to speak of beyond a 12 hour rant in support of infanticide. The more I read about this self serving putrid sociopath the more I'm convinced this country desperately needs a modern American Augusto Pinochet.

She's been done for months.

She was done before she started. Texas is the last bastion of people who value individual freedom over the authority of the state. We're rejecting the forces of fascism to a degree that attracts what is left of freedom loving Americans along with bed wetting insurgents hell bent on forcing "workers of the world" to unite.
The supreme court ruled that money is speech and Hollywood jerks are free to donate to democrats just as smart corporate types are free to donate to any political cause they like.
The supreme court ruled that money is speech and Hollywood jerks are free to donate to democrats just as smart corporate types are free to donate to any political cause they like.

She'll still lose, Texas knows she is a ****.
Wendy Davis is the epitome of a political whore.

And a credit to her party!

She is the perfect example of what her party represents.

The sort of sociopath my bottom quote is directed at.

The sort of sociopath personified in the history of leftist despots like hitler, mussolini, stalin and mao.

I refuse to capitalize their names.

If not for people so devoted to their own power, with so little regard for even their own children let alone the people of the nations they nearly destroyed humanity would be so much more advanced. Individuals have been forced to expend so much of their own resourcefulness keeping parasites like these at bay that we could have conquered the solar system by now.

Yet we're forced to thwart the ambitions of these criminally insane sociopaths that would prefer to have humanity act like a mindless ant colony endlessly serving it's queen.

The wars that have been fought to repel the ambitions of despotic sociopaths cannot even be properly recorded, but we have "intellectuals" and academics" who still insist that a centralized collective government will somehow free mankind. That sort of stupidity needs to be snuffed out.
The supreme court ruled that money is speech and Hollywood jerks are free to donate to democrats just as smart corporate types are free to donate to any political cause they like.

The fact that she's still going to get her ass kicked regardless of the amount of cash she wastes on her campaign is proof that the Citizens' United ruling was the right decision.

People in Texas aren't impressed with bullshit trendy cults of personality like the sorts of places obozo can win.
Somebody needs to ship that bitch to NY, she'll fit in quite well there.
Somebody needs to ship that bitch to NY, she'll fit in quite well there.

Depends where...

In Western NY she would be viewed as the skank she is.

In the NYC area no one has enough brains to differentiate a parasitic piece of shit like her from that snookie thing.

Those assholes would vote for an incompetent community organizer.
I must say that abortion barbie must be a absolute joke if not a single sycophantic bed wetter has tried to defend her.

It's a damn shame Greg Abbott won the primary.

I like him well enough, but I'd prefer a candidate that repulsed the republicrat party a little more. I was really pushing for David Patterson, but Mr. Abbott will serve the state well enough. Compared to abortion barbie he will serve the tax payers with a slavish devotion.

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