Lol, Bush plant Exposed Trying to Bushwack Trump and the LameStream Media fell for it 100%

He crawls as low as a snake just like the Democrats. he should go and become one. all the left seems to be hot for him and thinks he's the one like Obama was
Or, did the clown car setup CNN. Remember, the GOP doesn't want the White House.

What I took; Trump says he's pro Women, but being pro-Life he can't keep his hands out of Women's vaginas.
Someone doesn't like the idea that Bush was Caught doing dirty tricks to Trump!

Who's going to beat Trump? Carson? Rubio? Bush? Fiorina? Rand? Fatboy? Kasich?

Who's going to beat Trump? Carson? Rubio? Bush? Fiorina? Rand? Fatboy? Kasich?


It's not looking like any of them will.

And certainly not Miss Hitlary Vagina herself.

Think about it; Hillary Clintons primary qualification for President is that she has a vagina, that's it. What has she accomplished worth voting for her for?
It's not looking like any of them will.

And certainly not Miss Hitlary Vagina herself.

Think about it; Hillary Clintons primary qualification for President is that she has a vagina, that's it. What has she accomplished worth voting for her for?

Hate women that much?
It's not looking like any of them will.

And certainly not Miss Hitlary Vagina herself.

Think about it; Hillary Clintons primary qualification for President is that she has a vagina, that's it. What has she accomplished worth voting for her for?

Hate women that much?

I was not talking about all women, just one dried old hag of a bitch, Hillary Clinton, whose only qualification is that she has a vagina. That is all.
I was not talking about all women, just one dried old hag of a bitch, Hillary Clinton, whose only qualification is that she has a vagina. That is all.

Clinton is the ONLY candidate with the pedigree to be President.

Because......the distaff community demands it? It's her turn? What has she accomplished that merits consideration for President other than to be blessed with a vagina instead of a penis?
Where has he said anything recently about not liking the murder of innocent babies?

Trump stated he's pro-Women, but can't be both.

Sure you can. You simply are bringing into consideration hundreds of thousands more women than just the ones who got themselves pregnant; their conceived daughters that they plan to dismember without anesthetic and murder.
Trump might as well be the Manchurian Candidate for all the rancor he's injected into the Republican Party. Now all we can do is (I almost said pray) hope he makes it through the primaries and actually becomes their candidate. Unfortunately there is zero chance of that happening. The R establishment will bring out the nuclear weapons before that gets close to a probability and even all you Trump backers know that is a truth you can't fight in the end. He is just too far from the party line and too uncontrollable. Jesus, he even said he would raise taxes on one of the most important bosses - the hedge fund manager. So dream on in the short while you have left. I suspect the whispers, the knives in the back will start soon. And the R establishment aren't amateurs at character assassination. They are 10th degree red belt masters at the craft.

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