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Zone1 LOL Father Frank Pavone still celebrating Masses despite fake excommunication from fake pope

Go, Fr. Frank!

That excommunication is as fake as the pope who gave it
I believe the Pope you refer to was voted Pope as constituted in the Roman Catholic Church. So, what makes him "fake?" Or, do you not know the definition of the word "fake?" He was ex'd by the Pope. The real Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
I believe the Pope you refer to was voted Pope as constituted in the Roman Catholic Church. So, what makes him "fake?" Or, do you not know the definition of the word "fake?" He was ex'd by the Pope. The real Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
You are ignorant.

Only Catholics have a clue about what is going on in the CC and you are not Catholic so that explains why you don't get what is going on, namely that there has not been a REAL pope since 1958. The lawless, Communist or half-commie anti-Christs took over the Church in that year. Archbishop Lefebvre was technically the pope but no one recognized him as such (not even Lefebvre). However, HE was the one, along w/ many orthodox, truly Catholic priests and bishops, who continued on the TRUE Catholic faith after the infiltrators took over the Vatican. (I write this for the sake of those who really want to know the truth about the CC. You do not seem to be in that group but that doesn't mean there aren't others out there)
From the site

Pavone is still saying Masses, including one streamed online Saturday. The Priests for Life website states that Pavone “is a Catholic priest in good standing, and exercises his ministry in full communion with the Catholic Church.”
In an email to CNA on Saturday, Pavone said that he was not aware of the Vatican’s action.
“How did CNA learn about this before I did?” he asked. In a subsequent email he added that CNA’s inquiry was “the very first communication that came to me about this.”

It is not clear in what diocese Pavone, 63, is incardinated as a priest. On the Priests for Life website, it says he received permission from the Vatican in 2019 to transfer from the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, where he was incardinated in 2005, to another, unnamed diocese.

Pavone hosted the show “Defending Life” on EWTN for many years until the bishop of Amarillo, Texas, revoked Pavone’s permission to appear on the Network. EWTN is the parent organization of CNA.

That's the NO "church" for you (novus ordo or "new order"...the francis sect)

They think they can do whatever they want, including "excommunicating" a priest for no reason and giving him no time to prepare for .. you know, that pesky little thing called Innocent until you are proven guilty.

That alone proves they are NOT the True Church and haven't been since around 1962. Pavone is not excommunicated. francis just seems to like theater.
You are ignorant.

Only Catholics have a clue about what is going on in the CC and you are not Catholic so that explains why you don't get what is going on, namely that there has not been a REAL pope since 1958. The lawless, Communist or half-commie anti-Christs took over the Church in that year. Archbishop Lefebvre was technically the pope but no one recognized him as such (not even Lefebvre). However, HE was the one, along w/ many orthodox, truly Catholic priests and bishops, who continued on the TRUE Catholic faith after the infiltrators took over the Vatican. (I write this for the sake of those who really want to know the truth about the CC. You do not seem to be in that group but that doesn't mean there aren't others out there)
I also taught high school at a Catholic School for 16 years bonehead. I'm well aware of Catholics and their beliefs and history. Here's a stunner for you. "John VIII was assassinated in 882 by his own clerics; he was first poisoned, and then clubbed to death.[5] The motives may have been his exhaustion of the papal treasury, his lack of support among the Carolingians, his gestures towards the Byzantines, and his failure to stop the Saracen raids.[15] Without the protection of powerful magnates or the Carolingian emperor, the papacy after John VIII's reign became increasingly subject to the machinations and greedy ambition of the rival clans of the local nobility."
Seems to me that the same argument you are using was used in 882 on Pope John VIII. So, according to your own words, the commies and muslims took over the Catholic Church in 882. So, what yo deem the "true" Catholic Church is a farse. Good thing I'm not Catholic, huh?
I also taught high school at a Catholic School for 16 years bonehead. I'm well aware of Catholics and their beliefs and history. Here's a stunner for you. "John VIII was assassinated in 882 by his own clerics; he was first poisoned, and then clubbed to death.[5] The motives may have been his exhaustion of the papal treasury, his lack of support among the Carolingians, his gestures towards the Byzantines, and his failure to stop the Saracen raids.[15] Without the protection of powerful magnates or the Carolingian emperor, the papacy after John VIII's reign became increasingly subject to the machinations and greedy ambition of the rival clans of the local nobility."
Seems to me that the same argument you are using was used in 882 on Pope John VIII. So, according to your own words, the commies and muslims took over the Catholic Church in 882. So, what yo deem the "true" Catholic Church is a farse. Good thing I'm not Catholic, huh?
no, you're just too lazy to find out the whole story. I didn't know that stuf about John VIII (and still don't know it bc it hasn't been verified by yours truly) but I know some history of the Church and never said there have never been problems in the CC before Vatican II. But it seems to me that the CC never went 60 years w/o a real pope. Or you could say the real one is in the SsPX but that group doesn't seem to want to claim a pope of their own, for who knows what reasons. I sometimes think they should and when I'm not thinking that, I'm wondering what else would make more sense?

In any case, you were "Catholic" (haha) in the novus ordo "church" so that's not really Catholic so that explains why you ditched the "church" or at least partly does anyhow
no, you're just too lazy to find out the whole story. I didn't know that stuf about John VIII (and still don't know it bc it hasn't been verified by yours truly) but I know some history of the Church and never said there have never been problems in the CC before Vatican II. But it seems to me that the CC never went 60 years w/o a real pope. Or you could say the real one is in the SsPX but that group doesn't seem to want to claim a pope of their own, for who knows what reasons. I sometimes think they should and when I'm not thinking that, I'm wondering what else would make more sense?

In any case, you were "Catholic" (haha) in the novus ordo "church" so that's not really Catholic so that explains why you ditched the "church" or at least partly does anyhow
I've never been Catholic. I, as other non-Catholics, taught at this school. In any case, the same kinds of things have happened over the Centuries that you claim are now a reason to ditch the RCC. I'm just saying, it didn't start in 1958. It started in 325 at the Council at Nicene. Those who didn't follow the emperor were killed. That's not how Jesus started His Church in 30 A.D. And, that isn't how He'd get His Church going again in these latter days. This could be why your SsPX group doesn't claim spiritual leadership because they also know this requires revelation and personal intervention by Jesus Christ himself.
I've never been Catholic. I, as other non-Catholics, taught at this school. In any case, the same kinds of things have happened over the Centuries that you claim are now a reason to ditch the RCC. I'm just saying, it didn't start in 1958. It started in 325 at the Council at Nicene. Those who didn't follow the emperor were killed. That's not how Jesus started His Church in 30 A.D. And, that isn't how He'd get His Church going again in these latter days. This could be why your SsPX group doesn't claim spiritual leadership because they also know this requires revelation and personal intervention by Jesus Christ himself.
you are wrong on several points here but ... For one thing, I don't recall reading about that in Church history.. people being killed for not following the emperor, unless you mean.. well, whatever. I can't argue since I don't recall reading that when I read Church history.. no point on commenting further. obviously neither one of us was there.

I am always amazed at how many LIES there are about the Church. How do I know they are lies, you may ask? Well... Maybe, just maybe the Holy Spirit tells me when I have encountered a lie? It's possible... Stranger things have happened...

But then there is the fact that I do not read trash. I am very careful about what I read because I want the TRUTH. I don't want some weirdo's interpretation of the Truth or the Bible or whatever... (not saying you or anyone else in particular is a weirdo... but there are a lot of totally OFF writings out there RE the Church..)

Anyway... What you say here is just another good example of what is WRONG in the CC: People teaching in a Catholic school... allegedly Catholic when they themselves are not Catholic.. !

That should never be. But of course the Francis sect is NOT the true Catholic Church.
you are wrong on several points here but ... For one thing, I don't recall reading about that in Church history.. people being killed for not following the emperor, unless you mean.. well, whatever. I can't argue since I don't recall reading that when I read Church history.. no point on commenting further. obviously neither one of us was there.

I am always amazed at how many LIES there are about the Church. How do I know they are lies, you may ask? Well... Maybe, just maybe the Holy Spirit tells me when I have encountered a lie? It's possible... Stranger things have happened...

But then there is the fact that I do not read trash. I am very careful about what I read because I want the TRUTH. I don't want some weirdo's interpretation of the Truth or the Bible or whatever... (not saying you or anyone else in particular is a weirdo... but there are a lot of totally OFF writings out there RE the Church..)

Anyway... What you say here is just another good example of what is WRONG in the CC: People teaching in a Catholic school... allegedly Catholic when they themselves are not Catholic.. !

That should never be. But of course the Francis sect is NOT the true Catholic Church.
Once again, if you are going to use this same logic, I have to reason out that you are in the same boat with the CC you don't follow. The fake Church started in 325 A.D. and the same accusations took place in 882 A.D. with John VIII. I'm not advocating for one or the other side of your argument. According to your rules, not mine, neither the RCC or the branch offshoot you claim is the true RCC or the true Church of Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong. I believe all churches that teach Christ have some truth in them. They mostly yield good people. The question is do they have the actual Priesthood Authority to administer the Ordinances of the Gospel correctly? If that died in 325 A.D. or 882 A.D., then all other churches that splintered off from them are incorrect and untrue without authority too. Simple logic and reasoning. Truth is reason and truth is eternal.

I get a lot of the same ridicule you get from the Church I belong to. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We've had our splinter groups as well. What is different is that it's the splinter groups that mostly ended up with clowns leading them like Jefferies or the Allred Brothers. It will always happen. So, logic and reason have to be applied. Without it, the counterfeit, Satan, can act like the Holy Spirit and deceive. Also, we are to study out things. Get both sides of an issue so we can make a true free moral decision. I don't go hogwild on anti-Church stuff but I do want to know what the enemy is thinking and doing so I can prepare for it.
Once again, if you are going to use this same logic, I have to reason out that you are in the same boat with the CC you don't follow. The fake Church started in 325 A.D. and the same accusations took place in 882 A.D. with John VIII. I'm not advocating for one or the other side of your argument. According to your rules, not mine, neither the RCC or the branch offshoot you claim is the true RCC or the true Church of Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong. I believe all churches that teach Christ have some truth in them. They mostly yield good people. The question is do they have the actual Priesthood Authority to administer the Ordinances of the Gospel correctly? If that died in 325 A.D. or 882 A.D., then all other churches that splintered off from them are incorrect and untrue without authority too. Simple logic and reasoning. Truth is reason and truth is eternal.
ok, you talk about using logic, etc.

But how about Scripture as well? Jesus said that the very gates of Hell (very formidable enemy there, the worst of all to mankind) would never prevail against His Church

So there goes your contention that the Church disappeared in the 4th century

I'm going with Jesus myself... not some man made religion
ok, you talk about using logic, etc.

But how about Scripture as well? Jesus said that the very gates of Hell (very formidable enemy there, the worst of all to mankind) would never prevail against His Church

So there goes your contention that the Church disappeared in the 4th century

I'm going with Jesus myself... not some man made religion
And, they haven't. While the Church was taken from the earth with the authority, his kingdom or Church still existed and continues to exist in Heaven. You remember those Bible versus, right? Again, there have always been churches and religions since Adam and Eve. But, the authority of Heaven has not always been with man. But, not because God took it away. It's because man commits apostasy. So, the RCC, Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and others have existed all along. But, none had the authority to perform the Ordinances and teach correct Doctrine. So, all those who have splintered off could not have the authority as well. It took a restoration of the Priesthood and Church to bring back authority. And, it had to be directly from Jesus Christ and His Apostles of old, Peter, James, John and also his Prophets like John the Baptist and Elijah. The Bible says it as "The time of the Restitution of all things." A restoration.
So, if you believe Jesus actually was resurrected and still lives with His Father in Heaven, then you have to believe Jesus Christ can restore His Church by calling latter-day Prophets and Apostles because the Kingdom has always existed in Heaven. So, I agree with you about man made religions like the Protestant Churches and the Jehovah Witnesses. They did not have revelation of Jesus Christ personally coming to them in a vision. But, Joseph Smith did. And, the Father and Son both responded to Joseph's question on which church to join by saying join none of them. For, they are all wrong. No authority. And, through Joseph, Jesus would restore part of His kingdom on the earth, The Church with all authority to bring the fulness of the Gospel back to mankind.
And, they haven't. While the Church was taken from the earth with the authority, his kingdom or Church still existed and continues to exist in Heaven.
Again, you are wasting your efforts on me. Maybe someone else will read through this but I can't even get beyond the 1st sentence.

The church was taken from the earth? Who told you that? Your "church"? Your church so called did not exist until the 1800s so why do you believe anything it says? It is a man made religion. The Church-- if it left Earth, would definitely have succumbed to the gates of Hell mentioned by Jesus, the gates that He promised would NOT prevail against His Church..

Tell me this is faulty logic?! You are calling Jesus a liar!

Again, you are wasting your efforts on me. Maybe someone else will read through this but I can't even get beyond the 1st sentence.

The church was taken from the earth? Who told you that? Your "church"? Your church so called did not exist until the 1800s so why do you believe anything it says? It is a man made religion. The Church-- if it left Earth, would definitely have succumbed to the gates of Hell mentioned by Jesus, the gates that He promised would NOT prevail against His Church..

Tell me this is faulty logic?! You are calling Jesus a liar!

But, it has succumbed to the gates of Hell. The RCC is deceiving you and billions of others with False Doctrines, Ordinances and Authority. All leading the people away from the highest degree in Heaven, Celestial Glory. Let's review what Hell really is. Spiritually, it's a place in one's soul that knows they were deceived and it's too late at the Judgment Seat. The physical location of Hell is in Spirit Prison. There are two places in Spirit Prison where the dead spirits await the resurrection and judgment of God, Paradise and Hell. Without properly authorized Baptisms and other ordinances of Elijah connecting families forever, the spirits of men and women must wait in Hell. Those who did not have the full opportunity of knowing about the true Gospel will have an opportunity to be preached and taught the truth of the Gospel. If they accept the Lord's teachings (1Peter 3:17-22). What the Lord actually did was organize a missionary organization of spirits from Paradise to go to those in Hell and preach to them and teach them the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's then up to those living on Earth to vicariously do their baptisms and ordinances of Elijah so that they may join the rest in Paradise until the resurrection and judgment. So, your Poop and Ministers, Priestscrafters are leading people to the gates of Hell. And, we are doing all we can to help save them.
But, it has succumbed to the gates of Hell. The RCC is deceiving you and billions of others with False Doctrines, Ordinances and Authority.
I read this far. Again, maybe someone else will read the rest and buy what you are selling.

I am definitely not. I have found the True Church (again, that is NOT the francis sect but the SSPX). And then also I have the Church within, which Jesus spoke of. If you don't have Jesus inside you, all the church-going (to whichever Church or "church") won't do u much good... won't save u in the end.

I don't know what the rest of your post says and am not going to read it, since I disagreed w/ the first thing you said.. You have been LIED to about the (true) Catholic Church. And there is nothing I can do about that, that I know of. You don't listen to a word I say, so I am not going to waste my time trying to disabuse you of your totally distorted view of Church history... gotten from who-knows-who.. Satan, is what I'm thinking..
I read this far. Again, maybe someone else will read the rest and buy what you are selling.

I am definitely not. I have found the True Church (again, that is NOT the francis sect but the SSPX). And then also I have the Church within, which Jesus spoke of. If you don't have Jesus inside you, all the church-going (to whichever Church or "church") won't do u much good... won't save u in the end.

I don't know what the rest of your post says and am not going to read it, since I disagreed w/ the first thing you said.. You have been LIED to about the (true) Catholic Church. And there is nothing I can do about that, that I know of. You don't listen to a word I say, so I am not going to waste my time trying to disabuse you of your totally distorted view of Church history... gotten from who-knows-who.. Satan, is what I'm thinking..
You are closed minded and simply caught up in false doctrine like the RCC and the Protestants. Too bad. Your sect cannot be true because according to you, it came out of a false church. No, the only way the True Church can be restored is just that, restored through Jesus Christ directly. Now, you may feel good about what you are doing and for you it may be all you can accept at this point. But, it's not the church with any authority to baptize let a lone anything else. Open your mind to learn for Jesus said to do so. Ask, and the door will be open to you.
You are closed minded and simply caught up in false doctrine
who says they are false, you?

someone who adheres to a religion that didn't even begin with the Apostles, but in the 1800s.

You are brainwashed by that false religion. You remind me of liberals watching cnn all day and then acting like they have the truth... and anyone who disagrees w/ the lib talking points is an idiot


This is on The REAL reason Fr Pavone was (supposedly) defrocked. He cannot be defrocked, however, because the pope is not a real pope. You have to be Catholic and a NON-heretic to be pope and he is neither
who says they are false, you?

someone who adheres to a religion that didn't even begin with the Apostles, but in the 1800s.

You are brainwashed by that false religion. You remind me of liberals watching cnn all day and then acting like they have the truth... and anyone who disagrees w/ the lib talking points is an idiot
Are you this obtuse all the time? Must hurt your head a lot. Let me be as clear as possible. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came to the Prophet Joseph Smith and stated not to join any church or religion because they are all false. None of them have any authority to do any ordinance work for the Godhead. So, upon Apostles and Prophets the Godhead would restore the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth. First, he sent the Prophet John the Baptist to restore the Priesthood after the order of Aaron by conferring this order of the Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Then, they sent the Apostles Peter, James and John to restore the Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek by conferring this order of the Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Therefore, all that preceded from these Apostles to Joseph Smith began with Apostles, Peter, James and John. From this, when the Church formed in 1830, line upon line, precept upon precept, Latter-day Apostles were called by Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith and therefore, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began and continues to have the foundation of Apostles and Prophets. Where are the Apostles today in the RCC or your Sect? Nowhere. Thus, you cannot claim that your Church has a foundation of Apostles and Prophets to continue Revelation as Peter received.
This thread was about Fr Frank Pavone being fakely excommunicated by a fake pope living in the fake-ified Vatican

so yeh... back to that.

Fr Frank said, when he first found out about the fake defrocking "What took them so long?" meaning that the bishops and cardinals had been persecuting him for a long time, lying about him. I posted his letter to his supporters a few posts up.

It's a real badge of honor when a bunch of fake bishops in a fake church don't like you

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