LOL.....Gore now says climate change triggering "flying rivers"!!!

This is called Natural Variation... Man has no control over this and anything that happens inside those boundaries is within natural normal's. Now where is the proof that man has had an impact that you can prove with empirical evidence (models are not evidence).
What does it matter if climate change is natural or man-made? The effects will be the same. Earthquakes are natural but we still build stronger houses in earthquake zones.
This is called Natural Variation... Man has no control over this and anything that happens inside those boundaries is within natural normal's. Now where is the proof that man has had an impact that you can prove with empirical evidence (models are not evidence).
What does it matter if climate change is natural or man-made? The effects will be the same. Earthquakes are natural but we still build stronger houses in earthquake zones.

S0n...are you doing kidding? It's everything!! It's the only reason people post in here...duh. I've been posting in here for 9 years for one reason.... because the climate alarmist goal is pushing renewable energy down our throats. Thanks but I'm not interested in paying double for my electric bill. All based on an f'ing hoax that climate change is man-made. You obviously need to catch up in here. I highly suggest running through the thread called The Skeptics are Winning
S0n...are you doing kidding? It's everything!! It's the only reason people post in here...duh. I've been posting in here for 9 years for one reason.... because the climate alarmist goal is pushing renewable energy down our throats. Thanks but I'm not interested in paying double for my electric bill. All based on an f'ing hoax that climate change is man-made. You obviously need to catch up in here. I highly suggest running through the thread called The Skeptics are Winning
So you're saying that you agree the climate is changing but since man is not responsible we should do nothing? something about climate change when it's NOT man-made!!
My take is that if he wants say, buy a new umbrella, I really don't think it should involve my having to pay higher taxes.

Does that make me a bad guy? hideous human being!!! To that alang guy, costs don't matter...if it sounds like a good it:113:
S0n...are you doing kidding? It's everything!! It's the only reason people post in here...duh. I've been posting in here for 9 years for one reason.... because the climate alarmist goal is pushing renewable energy down our throats. Thanks but I'm not interested in paying double for my electric bill. All based on an f'ing hoax that climate change is man-made. You obviously need to catch up in here. I highly suggest running through the thread called The Skeptics are Winning
So you're saying that you agree the climate is changing but since man is not responsible we should do nothing?
ALL Man can do is as he always has... ADAPT.... Mother nature is going to run him over if he does not..

Tell me.. Do you think paying billions into the money grubbers of the IPCC and UN will change the outcome? Will paying sky high electric bills and forcing man to walk, live in caves, have no fire, and have little food will please the climate change gods?
Climate Change darwinisim is nothing more that the old DEPOPULATION meme of the socialists...
Did you know that an atmospheric river waaaaaaaay back in 1862 flooded the entire Central Valley of California? I know! And not an SUV in sight!
Well golly, I'll make sure to go tell the scientists who taught you everything you know about that , since they clearly forgot!
S0n...are you doing kidding? It's everything!! It's the only reason people post in here...duh. I've been posting in here for 9 years for one reason.... because the climate alarmist goal is pushing renewable energy down our throats. Thanks but I'm not interested in paying double for my electric bill. All based on an f'ing hoax that climate change is man-made. You obviously need to catch up in here. I highly suggest running through the thread called The Skeptics are Winning
So you're saying that you agree the climate is changing but since man is not responsible we should do nothing?
The world we live in is considered an ice house world. Most people think this is normal but it's not. It is geologically rare. For most of earth's history it has been a greenhouse world. It has only been about the last 3 million years that we began the transition. Over the last 400,000 years we have been cycling between glacial and interglacial cycles. My point is that the trend is that the earth is cooling. Has CO2 played a role in this? Yes, but the data shows that CO2 reinforces climate change. It does not drive it.



? Yes, but the data shows that CO2 reinforces climate change. It does not drive it.
Shameles lie. All the data clearly shows that increased CO2 does, in fact, drive climate change. While at times a different mechanism may start the planet warming, increased CO2 always drives warming. It's a simple fact.
The conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse world to an icehouse world are still in place today; poles isolated from warm marine currents (i.e. plate tectonics) and atmospheric CO2 of 400 ppm.
? Yes, but the data shows that CO2 reinforces climate change. It does not drive it.
Shameles lie. All the data clearly shows that increased CO2 does, in fact, drive climate change. While at times a different mechanism may start the planet warming, increased CO2 always drives warming. It's a simple fact.
Can you show me this data that proves CO2 has driven climate change in the past?

55 million years ago CO2 dropped from 3500 ppm to 1000 ppm. What would you have expected the associated temperature to be as a result of this drop? What was the change in temperature? How long did it take for the temperature to reflect the change in CO2?
If CO2 is driving climate change now then it must have driven climate change in the past, right?

Show me that evidence, Fort Fun.
? Yes, but the data shows that CO2 reinforces climate change. It does not drive it.
Shameles lie. All the data clearly shows that increased CO2 does, in fact, drive climate change. While at times a different mechanism may start the planet warming, increased CO2 always drives warming. It's a simple fact.
Then you won't mind debating this in The Bull Ring, now will you?

I mean after all if I am shamelessly lying then you should have an easy time showing that, right?
Can you show me this data that proves CO2 has driven climate change in the past?
Sure I can, because it is all of the data. See, the way you are talking is stupid and is not how scientists talk about this topic. More than one thing drives climate change. For example: a Milankovitch cycle will result in warming at some point. This warming can (and does) lead to increased CO2 in the atmosphere, which then creates a warming driver itself.

So, as anyone can easily understand, atmospheric CO2 does, in fact, drive the climate, in as much as it warms the climate via the greenhouse effect. As does solar activity, albedo, etc.

So, in a model where CO2 is increased by another method (say, combustion of fossil fuels), it most certainly will become a warming driver in the climate. These are simple facts that are no longer being debated, in any serious circles. Just here in fantasyland, on the USMB.
Can you show me this data that proves CO2 has driven climate change in the past?
Sure I can, because it is all of the data. See, the way you are talking is stupid and is not how scientists talk about this topic. More than one thing drives climate change. For example: a Milankovitch cycle will result in warming at some point. This warming can (and does) lead to increased CO2 in the atmosphere, which then creates a warming driver itself.

So, as anyone can easily understand, atmospheric CO2 does, in fact, drive the climate, in as much as it warms the climate via the greenhouse effect. As does solar activity, albedo, etc.

So, in a model where CO2 is increased by another method (say, combustion of fossil fuels), it most certainly will become a warming driver in the climate. These are simple facts that are no longer being debated, in any serious circles. Just here in fantasyland, on the USMB.
Then show me where/when it has happened.

Or would you rather do it in the Bull Ring? :lol:
Can someone please explain to me that if CO2 drives climate change why the climate scientists don't show examples of when this has happened in the past?

Could it be that it is because it has never happened?
Fort Fun, please show me an example of when in the past that CO2 drove a climate change?
Then show me where it has happened.
Show you what ... where increased atmospheric CO2 was itself a driver of warming? besides... every single time? Let's try another example:

When glacial periods ended, this end was not trigerred by CO2. However, nearly ALL of the warming happened after the atmospheric spike in CO2. This is because increased CO2 in the atmosphere is, itself, a driver of warming, and it also shows that the atmospheric CO2 had a more significant effect on the temperatures than did just the orbital cycle Iincreased CO2 becomes both the cause and effect of warming, after the initial spike... a "feedback loop". This can be read about here:

"Global warming preceded by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations during the last deglaciation"
For example: a Milankovitch cycle will result in warming at some point. This warming can (and does) lead to increased CO2 in the atmosphere, which then creates a warming driver itself.

What you have just described is CO2 reinforcing climate change. Not driving it. Thank you for proving my point.
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