LOL!! Liberal (socialist) activist gets perfect KARMA after taking in migrants.

Wow, amazingly honorable, she actually went through with it unlike rest of the lefties. Of course, she quickly learned the truth.
JoeB131, there is little sense in debating conservative wingnuts, or Russian trolls for that matter. They are followers, weak, resentful mostly white men easily lead by hate speech and pure BS. Right wing emotional snowflakes get a sense of power through guns and other fake courage, even the words of our draft dodger president appeal to them. Words matter more than reality for the weak.

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

"He had been researching other school shooters for months and, determined to outdo them, learned exactly how many people they'd murdered: 13 at Columbine High; 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary; 32 at Virginia Tech." "I think ill probably most likely kill around 50 or 60," Jesse declared. "If I get lucky maybe 150."
Accused S.C. teen wanted to outdo other school shootings. The problem, he explained, was the weapon.

This topic is more complicated than the fluff from right wing apologists.

"I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun"

Perspective | I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun

"In an era of incredible division and political polarization, military killing is the most thoroughly bipartisan of all policy initiatives. Drone murders spiked tenfold under Obama, and Trump has supposedly already upped the Obama rate by a factor of eight. The new president apparently killed more civilians in his first seven months in office than Obama did overall, making use of our growing capacity for mechanized murder.""Giant militarized countries, "he said, "breed violent populations.""

Taibbi: If We Want Kids to Stop Killing, the Adults Have to Stop, Too

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."

Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

And the race-card croupier checks in.
someone who has to use a voice synthesizer because if they recognize his voice and will get him fired.
An event brought about by filthy liberal fascists like you. The OP is justice for a stupid bitch.
Limousine Liberals are the worst of the Useful Idiots. Their delusional fantasies are enabled by their circle of Yes-Men & Women they surround themselves with. In this case, those people aren't even actual refugees. But regardless, i truly hope they get to keep the place. Good on em. :thup:
An event brought about by filthy liberal fascists like you. The OP is justice for a stupid bitch.

hey, I cantotally understand why most of you don't want your coworkers to know what you realy think...
I can assure you that if you were my coworker you would not want to know what I thought, nor would I you.
LOL!! Liberal (socialist) activist gets perfect KARMA after taking in migrants.
Thank you for correctly identifying the real ideology. In typical Marxist fashion, the commie horde has pilfered and bastardized the political label "liberal" to mean just the opposite.

This guy was a liberal (and a fucking genius):


I am a liberal.

I wish more on USMB would correctly identify these authoritarian communist roaches and let me have my label back.


They voted to put four in the White House.

They voted for an illegal (Communist) who used chain immigration to bring in three more Communists.

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