of the Kings of Woke, Matt Damon....used the "F" word about homosexual men....let the cancelling begin...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I have nothing against Matt Damon, he is simply one among thousands of Woke actors who walks around feeling superior to the "little" people who go to his, should he be the next one to walk the steps to the Woke Guillotine, I won't feel sorry for him....

Matt Damon is a Faggot

It’s the only reason I could think of why he’s getting away with it. Aside from being part of the Globalist Elite
He is a F.A.G., that’s for sure.
I have nothing against Matt Damon, he is simply one among thousands of Woke actors who walks around feeling superior to the "little" people who go to his, should he be the next one to walk the steps to the Woke Guillotine, I won't feel sorry for him....

As a white leftist, he'll face no repercussions.
I am a bit younger than Matt and I can concur with him. In Canada at least, this word in my circle of friends as I interpreted it was basically "you F'king A-hole", rather than just being called an "A-hole".

I've been called it quite a few times in my life during a sport or some soccer field argument. It wasn't until late in high school when I was seeing a girl and she said to me that "some of the girls in school were sure you were a f_g". I was perplexed, "why would they think I am some kind of A-hole". She said "they don't, some of them think you're gay".

This came down to the fact I was a big sports guy and avoided dating girls from my school, even when I had multiple opportunities, until as I said, late in H.S.

We knew a guy who was gay and we stayed over at his house after a night out at a club. I couldn't care less what people do or who they love, to each their own. When I heard this story about Matt I actually found it a bit refreshing that I was not the only one who misinterpreted this word for so long. For him it's been much longer.

Sometimes when you hear a word or have repeated it yourself in when a kid, it can rear it's head at some point when you are angry at someone.

We had a former Blue Jays player who called an ump that, also allegedly a Leaf player (though it wasn't confirmed) in the heat of the moment. Our language police in the media made sure to make it a story.

They probably heard the word many times growing up. It does have a nice, strong right to it, similar to the F word. I recall the baseball player adfter apoligizing saying, "I don't even know where I heard the word before". That's what happens in the heat of the moment when the neurons fire off in a lazy manner.
I guess that him saying that his act has been cleaned up is the reason why the said backlash isn't worse.

God bless you and him always!!!

^^^ That right there is the reason why so many in the field never really do suffer any real consequences. Once a name for themselves has already been made, eventually they may not care what could happen with it later on.

God bless you always!!!


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