London has Warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as Enormous Heat Dome Consumes Europe

You are a mangy dog chasing dead posts I am the yellow car you can't stop chasing trying to pee on the back wheel.
^^^if you say so.

Real degree carrying scientists like Roy Spencer wouldn't be chasing dead postings in threads neither does Christy, Soon, Isdo, Marcott, Briffa and many more wouldn't be posting over 1300 times in over 3 weeks time that is a dude doing very little else during the day were you suspended from school a month ago?

I am so pleased that you are obsessed enough with my posting behavior that you are tracking it and calculating how much I post and coming up with hypotheses.

Seems maybe I'm not the mangy dog chasing.

Oh well. It's your game. I can play too.
Still looking for evidence that anybody is caring about the "dome".

Still looking for evidence that anybody is caring about the "dome".

View attachment 637593
Good point!
This thread has gotten a bit off track from where it started.
We've gone from the pros and cons of "Climate Change" = Anthropogenic(Human Caused) or Natural; to details and nuances of geology, and lately a spitting contest on credentials and authenticity.

And this is a four year old thread just revived a few days ago ...

So trying to change direction back, here's something that may not get enough credit for it's effects on Earth and occasional tweaks to "climate";

A huge solar flare just struck Earth — and there may be bigger ones to come, experts say​

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of a solar flare – as seen in the bright flash in the lower right portion of the image– at 11:57 p.m. EST on April 19, 2022. The image shows a subset of extreme ultraviolet light that highlights the extremely hot material in flares and is colorized in SDO channel color blue. NASA/SDO

The weather on the sun is frightful.

For the past few weeks, solar flares have been violently erupting from the sun, and a few of them have whizzed past Earth. The solar flares have been so strong and powerful that they caused radio blackouts in Australia. One of the solar flares last week was the most powerful in the past five years, according to Space Weather Live.

Though they may seem unusual, the strong solar flares are a side effect of a natural, seasonal cycle that occurs on the sun. Earth's sun has recurrent "seasons," much like Earth — a phenomenon known as the solar cycle, which lasts for about 11 Earth years. Currently, the Sun is going through its 25th solar cycle since counting began in 1755. Scientists track this cycle by counting the Sun's number of sunspots; when the sun has the fewest sunspots, it is in its solar minimum phase of the solar cycle. When the number of sunspots reach their pinnacle, the sun is undergoing its solar maximum phase of its solar cycle. During the solar maximum phase of the sun, solar activity increases — hence, the gusty space storm occurring at the moment.
The U;S. Mid Atlantic states have the coldest weather in history,
Mt Washington, New Hampshire, has the coldest temperature records in the continental US and it is NOT among the mid Atlantic states.
Mt Washington, New Hampshire, has the coldest temperature records in the continental US and it is NOT among the mid Atlantic states.
I took my family to London for a couple nights back in the late summer of 2006. It was a record high and I think hit 98 degrees. We had gotten a room on the top floor of a small hotel in Kensington which, of course, had no air conditioning. We left the windows wide open at night which allowed us to meet some of the rats that lived on the roofs. Be that as it may, we had a marvelous time. We were on our way back from Norway where we had had an even more marvelous time, at least in part because it wasn't so bloody hot.
I took my family to London for a couple nights back in the late summer of 2006. It was a record high and I think hit 98 degrees. We had gotten a room on the top floor of a small hotel in Kensington which, of course, had no air conditioning. We left the windows wide open at night which allowed us to meet some of the rats that lived on the roofs. Be that as it may, we had a marvelous time. We were on our way back from Norway where we had had an even more marvelous time, at least in part because it wasn't so bloody hot.
So a record temperature confirms warming? One week? Still confused about weather vs climate I see!
So a record temperature confirms warming? One week? Still confused about weather vs climate I see!

Crick is confused about most things. We are experiencing some unusual weather patterns, but those are attributable to COLD air patterns. Not warm.
Crick is confused about most things. We are experiencing some unusual weather patterns, but those are attributable to COLD air patterns. Not warm.
I am occasionally confused. Most folks are now and then. Very few of us, however, lie through their teeth as often as do you.
Then you have a problem. Your post-glacial warming does NOT provide the forcing necessary to have produced the observed warming - particularly since the planet was cooling for 5,000 years prior to the Industrial Revolution and the rise of CO2 levels. The Greenhouse Effect acting on the added CO2 in the atmosphere does provide sufficient forcing. Your position is simply unsupportable.

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