London has Warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as Enormous Heat Dome Consumes Europe

I KNEW even before I looked it up that Lockwood Clay is a FORMATION which Geologists would know immediately.

Dude, there are thousands upon thousands of Fm names in the US alone. A single formation often has more than one name as it crosses state lines (try correlating a coal measure in the midwest and you see it in real time).

So just knowing ONE FORMATION name is not an indication of ANYTHING.

I'm certain you aren't familiar with the Bonneterre Dolomite or the Potosi Fm or the Springfield #5 or the Herring Coal.

Why on earth would I know one random formation out of the thousands I've been exposed to in my career???

DO you really think you are fooling ANYONE? You don't know what you are talking about here.

I mean, I get it, this is all a big joke and you guys are getting your jollies from trolling. But gosh it's painful to see such ignorance that passes for "entertainment" for you lot.
Let me know when you grow a pair and actually TRY to speak knowledgably about geology. "Petroleum". My a$$. LOL. My wife has sat more drill rigs than you have.

Go ahead and get it out of your system, dear.
Go ahead and get it out of your system, dear.

I knew because I studied about soil and rocks in college and have read a lot about basic geology over 50 years and have a few geology books in my library Took a Northwest Geology class at Central Washington University by Teacher Don Ringe in the early 1990's.

Soil Science by Robert L. Hausenbuiller was one of my college textbooks from 1980 has been updated since.

Yeah, I didn't do soils. I was coal and kerogen.

But I'm glad you had a hobby. What do you do now? Are you still with the sanitation department?
I haven't triggered someone this hard in awhile.

Why does that matter so much to you?

It's actually kind of interesting watching you and your little boyfriends pile on this the way you do. I get it, it's "fun" for you Millennials. The adderall kicks in and you decide this is how you are going to get off.

Why does that matter so much to you?

It's actually kind of interesting watching you and your little boyfriends pile on this the way you do. I get it, it's "fun" for you Millennials. The adderall kicks in and you decide this is how you are going to get off.

Because you are a fake.
Because you are a fake.

A fake what?

So far you've been wrong about everything about me. You didn't even know my actual gender. You guessed and you guessed wrong.

It's actually been kind of funny to watch you continue in your error.

I suspect that's not uncommon for you.
Not necessarily. Any reference literature you have?

That's exactly what I was talking about in regards to South Sister in the Cascades.

Hmmm, not so much. In the case of South Sister it only went up something like 10-20 feet as I recall.

I'd dearly love to see the reference for that.

Huh...and guess what? I mentioned that very thing.

Wow. It's almost as if I know some geology.

No, you just know how to google simple things and parrot them.
Dude, there are thousands upon thousands of Fm names in the US alone. A single formation often has more than one name as it crosses state lines (try correlating a coal measure in the midwest and you see it in real time).

So just knowing ONE FORMATION name is not an indication of ANYTHING.

I'm certain you aren't familiar with the Bonneterre Dolomite or the Potosi Fm or the Springfield #5 or the Herring Coal.

Why on earth would I know one random formation out of the thousands I've been exposed to in my career???

DO you really think you are fooling ANYONE? You don't know what you are talking about here.

I mean, I get it, this is all a big joke and you guys are getting your jollies from trolling. But gosh it's painful to see such ignorance that passes for "entertainment" for you lot.

Bla bla bla bla bla,

you were caught not knowing what Lockwood Clay is and your repeated inability to figure it out was shown vividly.

Keep on flailing as it is entertaining to watch.
Yeah, I didn't do soils. I was coal and kerogen.

But I'm glad you had a hobby. What do you do now? Are you still with the sanitation department?

I worked as Irrigation technician before I took medical disability. This means I field designed, built and maintained Irrigation systems in large City Parks up to 12" diameter pipe and over 250 acres.

Soils is a part of geology since they come from rocks, gases living organisms which a real Geologist would know early on.
A fake what?

So far you've been wrong about everything about me. You didn't even know my actual gender. You guessed and you guessed wrong.

It's actually been kind of funny to watch you continue in your error.

I suspect that's not uncommon for you.
If I were wrong about everything about you it shouldn't have made you this upset. You've been saying wrong things about me and it didn't make me upset because I knew they weren't true. You gave yourself away.
A real scientist wouldn't spend so much time writing like a middle schooler.

Man, I honestly was going there for a while. I actually thought this was something other than a giant game.

Wow. That's on me 100%. I missed all the signs. It's a flaw of mine that I initially take people at their word (even on the intarwebs) because it never occurs to me that there are people out there who get their jollies just being dicks.

I have to learn that lesson over and over again.
If I were wrong about everything about you it shouldn't have made you this upset. You've been saying wrong things about me and it didn't make me upset because I knew they weren't true. You gave yourself away.

I am glad you caught my earlier reference to the North Sea field near Bergen. It was one I am most proud of. Mainly because I knew you'd miss it.


I hope the game was fun. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for when you guys start in on some other n00b.

Man. Some people. SMH.

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