Lone terrorist responsible for deadly attack on Bourke Street


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A lone terrorist was responsible for a deadly stabbing attack that unfolded on Bourke Street in Melbourne's CBD on Friday afternoon.

One man was killed and two others injured after being stabbed by a man who set a ute alight outside the Target store near the busy intersection of Bourke and Swanston streets.

The attacker, who was a 30-year-old Somali community member known to ASIO, was shot by police after he repeatedly lunged at them with a knife.

He was taken to hospital in a critical condition, but died on the operating table.

A relative of the man was arrested on terror-related charges last year. However, sources said there had been no intelligence from counter-terror authorities about any serious threat.

Lone terrorist responsible for deadly attack on Bourke Street

That was on Friday.

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