"Long Live Zimmerman"

Justice was served.

The perp is dead and the victim is leading a good life with huge financial rewards in store when NBC loses the lawsuite Z has filed against them....even already Z is reaping just financial rewards....he just sold a painting on E bay for around a hundred thousand dollars....just a simple painting of the American Flag....shows the high regard many have for Z. I love it.

George Zimmerman couldn't finish school, hold a job or pay his own rent.. He's 2 million in debt... and he will not get a windfall for this pointless killing.

Bull shit. Show your proof that he's $2 million in debt.
The perp is dead and the victim is leading a good life with huge financial rewards in store when NBC loses the lawsuite Z has filed against them....even already Z is reaping just financial rewards....he just sold a painting on E bay for around a hundred thousand dollars....just a simple painting of the American Flag....shows the high regard many have for Z. I love it.

George Zimmerman couldn't finish school, hold a job or pay his own rent.. He's 2 million in debt... and he will not get a windfall for this pointless killing.

Bull shit. Show your proof that he's $2 million in debt.

Actually he owes his defense team 2.5 million.. Google it. Where have you been?
I've heard the oppossite. That the Cotton Gin made cotton easier to process, therefore increasing it's cultivation and the need for slaves to cultivate it.

All wars are about racism--Germans racist against Jews Americans against Japanese. what ever arab sect against Americans (911) by now you should get the point.

Frequently not.. more often about haves versus have nots.

Wrong darling have nots do not have so how could they war. Its always about racism. Think of who had wars with who always one race against another
And where did you get this psychotic babbling from? It sure didn't come from the real world.

A racist loser....

Proven not racist.

.......shot a innocent,

Not innocent, Martin was guilty of assault.

unarmed child....


in cold blood in the middle of the street...

Your hyperbole is irrelevant.

and suffered no consequences.

Wrong again loser. He suffered quite a bit and he should not have. GZ is innocent, Martin was guilty, but GZ is being punished.

This is a travesty,

Yes it is, as I have already explained. GZ should never have had to stand trial, and the taxpayers should never have had to waste hundreds of thousands of dollar to find out what the Sanford police already determined. It was a case of pure self-defense.

and every time Zimmerman gets caught slapping around a woman.......

Which is exactly...NEVER.

.....driving recklessly,

Speeding? You're getting desperate.

.....it underscores the point.

The only actual point shown is that you don't have even a tiny clue of what you are talking about.

This whole thread is full of the usual shit-fer-brains racist trailer trash but, gz got away with murder. How was THAT "railroading"?

And, I wish there was a rule that assholes like the op had to warn people about their links.

To all you trailer trash - its your own fault that you're failures. Quit blaming everyone else for your own fat ass laziness.
George Zimmerman couldn't finish school, hold a job or pay his own rent.. He's 2 million in debt... and he will not get a windfall for this pointless killing.

Bull shit. Show your proof that he's $2 million in debt.

Actually he owes his defense team 2.5 million.. Google it. Where have you been?

Yep. And he said he had no intention of paying them.

Anyone wanna bet he won't pay child support either?

Of course he won't.

Why don't you brain dead racists here start a fund to support his kid? He's never going to earn his own way, will always suck on teats of assholes like you so why not help him out?
Christ what a bunch of morons you people are!

There were no witnesses to the shooting..

No, but there was evidence.

and George told his story without being questioned ..

Complete garbage, the Sanford Police questioned him extensively the night it happened.

He never had to take the stand.

Which is his right, your right and everyone else's right.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative..

It has everything to do with partisan bull shit. Particularly with the partisan racism from the democrats.

George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement.

Irrelevant. Your emotional backlash resulting from the butthurt you have over the truth in this case not going your way, is irrelevant.

He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

Prove that he was unemployed and broke when he started. Right now he's a professional artist and unless you think that an artist is not a profession, he's working and earning money.

You lose.
Bull shit. Show your proof that he's $2 million in debt.

Actually he owes his defense team 2.5 million.. Google it. Where have you been?

Yep. And he said he had no intention of paying them.

Anyone wanna bet he won't pay child support either?

Of course he won't.

Why don't you brain dead racists here start a fund to support his kid? He's never going to earn his own way, will always suck on teats of assholes like you so why not help him out?

Child support? He has no children... What woman would have children with him?
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

How do you know, as you said, there were no witnesses. They didn't have enough evidence to convict, his motives and what really happened will be long questioned.

There were no witnesses to the Trayvon Martin killing.

I am OK with the verdict.. the prosecution couldn't make their case... so the jury had to acquit.. but, George is no hero nor is he representative of any political party.

In recent months he has decided to be a lawyer.. a judge, now a psychologist..

He has also had sufficient problems with intimidating women and claims of domestic violence to red flag him.

Florida is full of deadbeats who game the system and nasty senior citizens.. I worked down in Broward a few years... and I have never seen anything like it. I also saw more racism and bad manners than ever in my whole life.

I hope you are no longer here in Florida, we don't need idiots here.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

You really should have watched the trial.

I did watch the trial and I read all the evidence dumps.

You couldn't have, you are lying.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

You're the typical left-wing Zimmerman hater. This story has everything to do with your ideology. All leftist hate Zimmerman whether they know the facts or not, and you don't know jack shit about Zimmerman.

All wars are about racism--Germans racist against Jews Americans against Japanese. what ever arab sect against Americans (911) by now you should get the point.

Frequently not.. more often about haves versus have nots.

Wrong darling have nots do not have so how could they war. Its always about racism. Think of who had wars with who always one race against another

Well, since the Spanish, French, English, Irish, Scots, Danes, Germans, and Dutch made war on each other for at least 1000 years, I guess that in today's history lesson, we have learned that each of them are seperate races, even though the Anglo-Saxons were originally Germans, and the Danes took over much of England and became British, and after the Norman conquest, the French occuipied England and started a line of kings which is still in power 1,000 years later.

Who would have known that the French and English are a different race?
Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.

I hope you are not saying you plan to kill him??? Or do you know someone who is planning to kill him? Or are you just hoping he is killed?

Perhaps you consider yourself a prophet?..........have you ever in your entire pathetic life predicted anything that came true?

I would make a big bet that you die long before George does........in your case most likely of natural causes....I doubt if you ever venture out of your cave long enough to get into any kind of conflict in the real world.

Well, no, I don't go around chasing black folks with a gun because they are in my housing complex....

But, yeah, your boy Zimmerman... if the cops don't shoot him, he'll probably end up killing someone else.

Ha ha, you are a butthurt idiot.
There were 620,000 Americans killed in the War Between The States

I would venture to guess very few know that...it dwarfs the casualties we suffered in World War II even with all the modern methods of weapons used during the second world war.

The Top 5 American Wars with the Most Military Deaths

Yes, it is too bad so many people had to die because Southerners are racist assholes.

Boy! Your ignorance knows no limits! Don't know a thing about history either. Sucks to be you I guess.

It was not an all white Jury dumb ass. But to the point, you believe that white people will ignore facts to save an Hispanic from murder charges? Care to post some evidence to support your claim?

3 of the Jurors ADMITTED they wanted to find him guilty but that the facts just were not there.

Probably three of the jurors got out of there, had to face real people who wondered how the fuck they could ever let this POS go, and they make excuses for themselves.

I betcha they feel real good now that this guy has been caught slapping around his wife AND girlfriend.

Facts not in evidence, Both of those charges have been dropped from lack of evidence. But then you know that just like you know your claim he is a racist is not only not true but that the FBI agrees he is not.

The left wing nut jobs just cannot stop making stuff up. It's all they have. The certainly have no facts.
Slavery was an economic engine that was dying by the time of the Civil War.. The cotton gin changed everything. Slavery was NO longer viable. The war was about egos and stupidity.

I've heard the oppossite. That the Cotton Gin made cotton easier to process, therefore increasing it's cultivation and the need for slaves to cultivate it.

All wars are about racism--Germans racist against Jews Americans against Japanese. what ever arab sect against Americans (911) by now you should get the point.

Oh my God the dumbasses are in full force!

The Americans were racist against the Japanese? The attacked America without declaring war you dolt.
Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.

Ha ha! He hasn't killed any so far and the only thing that's been happening is that he's becoming a professional artist. They have been trying to trump up any charges they can think of but he's still not in jail. As usual, and as in everything else, you are wrong.

LOLOL.. he photo copied someone else's work and covered it in blue latex paint.

Prove it. You can't you are lying.

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