"Long Live Zimmerman"

There were 620,000 Americans killed in the War Between The States

I would venture to guess very few know that...it dwarfs the casualties we suffered in World War II even with all the modern methods of weapons used during the second world war.

The Top 5 American Wars with the Most Military Deaths

Yes, it is too bad so many people had to die because Southerners are racist assholes.

Be careful with such blanket statements about Southerners... Certainly we had racism but we also lived side by side and showed some kindness towards one another.
Zimmerman was attacked and shot a thug, a gay basher and a dope smoking fiend. Good riddance to that scum. Glad TM didn't reproduce and get himself and his whole future family on the government teat to be supported endlessly by good hard working white folks.

This is all coming to a head thanks to the race baiters and the government that allows and supports the attitude that orangutans deserve something special.

Meanwhile you hate a man because of lying news casters. The FBI investigated Zimmerman and they WANTED to find he was a racist. Guess what? They found he was not. The politicians forced a trail for murder on Zimmerman and even hand picked a harpy that would ignore facts in her zeal to win. Guess what? A Jury that also wanted to convict Zimmerman had no choice but to find not guilty because the facts all supported Zimmerman.

And then we have you, a hateful little turd that wishes someone would kill someone you don't like. And you have the temerity to whine about what happened over 100 years ago?

No, I hate the man because he shot an unarmed child.

And an all-white jury acquitted a murderer of a Black Child.... Hmm. Trayvon Martin, meet Emmett Till.

It was not an all white Jury dumb ass. But to the point, you believe that white people will ignore facts to save an Hispanic from murder charges? Care to post some evidence to support your claim?

3 of the Jurors ADMITTED they wanted to find him guilty but that the facts just were not there.
There were 620,000 Americans killed in the War Between The States

I would venture to guess very few know that...it dwarfs the casualties we suffered in World War II even with all the modern methods of weapons used during the second world war.

The Top 5 American Wars with the Most Military Deaths

Yes, it is too bad so many people had to die because Southerners are racist assholes.

Be careful with such blanket statements about Southerners... Certainly we had racism but we also lived side by side and showed some kindness towards one another.

I'm sure there are a lot of decent Southern folks.

And then there are assholes who refer to the Civil War as the "War Between the States" and act like they did nothing wrong.
There were 620,000 Americans killed in the War Between The States

I would venture to guess very few know that...it dwarfs the casualties we suffered in World War II even with all the modern methods of weapons used during the second world war.

The Top 5 American Wars with the Most Military Deaths

Yes, it is too bad so many people had to die because Southerners are racist assholes.

They died because Lincoln launched total war against them, not because they were racist.

However, you think being a bigot is a justification for killing someone. If it was, then all the people in the North should have been killed, because they were as racist as Southerners.
Yes, it is too bad so many people had to die because Southerners are racist assholes.

Be careful with such blanket statements about Southerners... Certainly we had racism but we also lived side by side and showed some kindness towards one another.

I'm sure there are a lot of decent Southern folks.

And then there are assholes who refer to the Civil War as the "War Between the States" and act like they did nothing wrong.

They actually call it the war of Northern aggression.

What did they do wrong, Joe?

It was not an all white Jury dumb ass. But to the point, you believe that white people will ignore facts to save an Hispanic from murder charges? Care to post some evidence to support your claim?

3 of the Jurors ADMITTED they wanted to find him guilty but that the facts just were not there.

Probably three of the jurors got out of there, had to face real people who wondered how the fuck they could ever let this POS go, and they make excuses for themselves.

I betcha they feel real good now that this guy has been caught slapping around his wife AND girlfriend.
Be careful with such blanket statements about Southerners... Certainly we had racism but we also lived side by side and showed some kindness towards one another.

I'm sure there are a lot of decent Southern folks.

And then there are assholes who refer to the Civil War as the "War Between the States" and act like they did nothing wrong.

They actually call it the war of Northern aggression.

What did they do wrong, Joe?

Try to destroy the country so a few rich assholes could keep owning slaves?

It was not an all white Jury dumb ass. But to the point, you believe that white people will ignore facts to save an Hispanic from murder charges? Care to post some evidence to support your claim?

3 of the Jurors ADMITTED they wanted to find him guilty but that the facts just were not there.

Probably three of the jurors got out of there, had to face real people who wondered how the fuck they could ever let this POS go, and they make excuses for themselves.

I betcha they feel real good now that this guy has been caught slapping around his wife AND girlfriend.

Facts not in evidence, Both of those charges have been dropped from lack of evidence. But then you know that just like you know your claim he is a racist is not only not true but that the FBI agrees he is not.
Zimmerman was attacked and shot a thug, a gay basher and a dope smoking fiend. Good riddance to that scum. Glad TM didn't reproduce and get himself and his whole future family on the government teat to be supported endlessly by good hard working white folks.

This is all coming to a head thanks to the race baiters and the government that allows and supports the attitude that orangutans deserve something special.

Again, Stormfront misses your wit and wisdom...
Yes, it is too bad so many people had to die because Southerners are racist assholes.

Be careful with such blanket statements about Southerners... Certainly we had racism but we also lived side by side and showed some kindness towards one another.

I'm sure there are a lot of decent Southern folks.

And then there are assholes who refer to the Civil War as the "War Between the States" and act like they did nothing wrong.

Slavery was an economic engine that was dying by the time of the Civil War.. The cotton gin changed everything. Slavery was NO longer viable. The war was about egos and stupidity.
I don't care whether George is a racist or not... IMO he's simply stupid.

If you don't care, then whey did you bring it up?

Now you're changing your story. You claimed he thought he was all of those things.

I have been a Republican for over 40 years... I just don't like trigger happy morons who can't speak.

If you are a Republican, then you're one of the Jake the Fake style Republicans. I don't know any Republicans who don't believe people have a right to defend themselves.

I didn't bring it up.. YOU did.

Who said this:

"Florida is full of deadbeats who game the system and nasty senior citizens.. I worked down in Broward a few years... and I have never seen anything like it. I also saw more racism and bad manners than ever in my whole life."

I am not a neo con.. and I don't think every issue of stupid criminality is a partisan issue.

George was "defending" himself".. LOLOLOL

You're obviously a left-wing bigot.
Zimmerman was attacked and shot a thug, a gay basher and a dope smoking fiend. Good riddance to that scum. Glad TM didn't reproduce and get himself and his whole future family on the government teat to be supported endlessly by good hard working white folks.

This is all coming to a head thanks to the race baiters and the government that allows and supports the attitude that orangutans deserve something special.

Gay basher? Dope fiend?

You think Trayvon Martin was an Orangutan? Sweet Jesus.. are you an American?
Be careful with such blanket statements about Southerners... Certainly we had racism but we also lived side by side and showed some kindness towards one another.

I'm sure there are a lot of decent Southern folks.

And then there are assholes who refer to the Civil War as the "War Between the States" and act like they did nothing wrong.

Slavery was an economic engine that was dying by the time of the Civil War.. The cotton gin changed everything. Slavery was NO longer viable. The war was about egos and stupidity.

I've heard the oppossite. That the Cotton Gin made cotton easier to process, therefore increasing it's cultivation and the need for slaves to cultivate it.
I'm sure there are a lot of decent Southern folks.

And then there are assholes who refer to the Civil War as the "War Between the States" and act like they did nothing wrong.

Slavery was an economic engine that was dying by the time of the Civil War.. The cotton gin changed everything. Slavery was NO longer viable. The war was about egos and stupidity.

I've heard the oppossite. That the Cotton Gin made cotton easier to process, therefore increasing it's cultivation and the need for slaves to cultivate it.

There were too many slaves and insufficient work by 1860.. The planters knew it was history. They cost too much to feed and maintain.

A black female could pull the cotton seeds out of about 2 pounds of cotton in a 10 hour day.. A cotton gin did 30 times that much work.
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I'm sure there are a lot of decent Southern folks.

And then there are assholes who refer to the Civil War as the "War Between the States" and act like they did nothing wrong.

Slavery was an economic engine that was dying by the time of the Civil War.. The cotton gin changed everything. Slavery was NO longer viable. The war was about egos and stupidity.

I've heard the oppossite. That the Cotton Gin made cotton easier to process, therefore increasing it's cultivation and the need for slaves to cultivate it.

All wars are about racism--Germans racist against Jews Americans against Japanese. what ever arab sect against Americans (911) by now you should get the point.
Slavery was an economic engine that was dying by the time of the Civil War.. The cotton gin changed everything. Slavery was NO longer viable. The war was about egos and stupidity.

I've heard the oppossite. That the Cotton Gin made cotton easier to process, therefore increasing it's cultivation and the need for slaves to cultivate it.

All wars are about racism--Germans racist against Jews Americans against Japanese. what ever arab sect against Americans (911) by now you should get the point.

Frequently not.. more often about haves versus have nots.
Zimmerman is alive and free, a worthless parasite thug wanna-be is dead. Justice is served.

Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.

Ha ha! He hasn't killed any so far and the only thing that's been happening is that he's becoming a professional artist. They have been trying to trump up any charges they can think of but he's still not in jail. As usual, and as in everything else, you are wrong.
Zimmerman is alive and free, a worthless parasite thug wanna-be is dead. Justice is served.

Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.

Ha ha! He hasn't killed any so far and the only thing that's been happening is that he's becoming a professional artist. They have been trying to trump up any charges they can think of but he's still not in jail. As usual, and as in everything else, you are wrong.

LOLOL.. he photo copied someone else's work and covered it in blue latex paint.

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