"Long Live Zimmerman"


You are spreading propaganda like a farmer spreads manure....hoping something will grow irregardless of the truth of the matter.

To destroy your b.s. point by point..........

No evidence whatsoever that George is or ever was a bully....your concoction contradicts the testimony of everyone who knew or was ever around george...from his employer, his co-workers and so on and so forth.

Would that be the employer who FIRED him? Hey, why hasn't George been back to work yet as a "part time bouncer" who was "paid under the table" if he was such a model employee? Could it because of stuff like this.

George Zimmerman lost job as party security guard for being too aggressive, ex-co-worker says * - NY Daily News

Then there was his cousin, who said ZImmerman molested her.

Woman Says George Zimmerman Molested Her For More Than A Decade

Regarding the fact that George was attacked by a black, unarmed teenager is completely irrelevant....most especially when everyone knows that black unarmed teenagers have beaten to death many, many white people with nothing more than their fists and feet.

There is game being played by black thugs now and it has been much in the news....it is called the 'Knockout Game' .....where a black teenager tries to knock out a completely innocent White Person...often elderly--with one punch...they usually videotape it and share it with their friends for shits and grins.

Well, then, why did Zimmerman ignore the instructions of dispatcher and chase this dangerous "thug" down a darkened street, then?

This still looks like a kid to me. But maybe I'm old.


No, his actions were racist. But he comes from a state where they used to make black people drink out of separate water fountains.

If you had even a mediocre understanding of the law and the legal process....you could understand the fact that George was found "Not Guilty" by a legally constituted Jury .....which is how things are settled in a civilized nation which has a concept known as 'due process'...now of course it is obvious you do not understand or appreciate that...but if you had ever lived in a nation without it you would appreciate it greatly.

Actually, most countries in the "civilized" world would never let George ZImmerman walk around with a gun.

There was a time though even in this Nation of Laws that Vigilante Justice was meted out....ironically liberals usually condemn that period in our history......but that is exactly what they wanted to do with George....lynch him...how pathetic.

Now you claim you are not coinfused..........if true that indicates you are a moron.

Deal Wid It Chump

Guy, no confusion at all. Zimmerman was a bad apple before he killed Trayvon, he's been a bad apple since.
What is Zimmerman's basic biography?

George Michael Zimmerman was born in 1983, the third of four children of Robert and Gladys Zimmerman. Robert, a retired military man and magistrate judge, describes the family as multiracial, telling the Orlando Sentinel that "George is a Spanish-speaking minority with many black family members and friends." Gladys is of Peruvian descent. George grew up in Manassas, Va., where neighbors describe the Zimmermans as very religious — George was an altar boy and evening receptionist at the family's parish, All Saints Catholic Church. The Zimmerman children attended Catholic school through eighth grade, then public high school. The family moved to Florida about a decade ago. George married Shellie Nicole Dean, a cosmetologist, in 2007.

What does he do for a living?
At the time he shot Martin, Zimmerman was working as an underwriter at mortgage risk-management firm Digital Risk. He had also been working on an associates degree at Seminole State College from 2009, with an eye toward law enforcement, until the school pushed him out after the shooting, citing safety reasons. In 2008, Zimmerman completed a 14-week citizens' police academy program offered by the Seminole Sheriff's Department. Zimmerman has also worked in the past as an insurance agent, and at used-car seller CarMax.

Has he had any previous run-ins with the law?

Yes, both as a victim and suspect. In 2001, Zimmerman was the victim of an unspecified minor criminal assault in Manassas.

In 2005, he was arrested after a shoving match with a cop. The cop was undercover and harrasing George's friend....George had no idea that the guy was even a cop.

A month later, he entered into a domestic violence dispute with ex-fiancée Veronica Zauzo; it was settled with a mutual restraining order. Like how many guys have not had minor fights or disputes with their girlfriends. The fact is George was never prosecuted for deomestic violence....thus it can be inferred it was nothing serious.

What else do we know about Zimmerman?

He registered as a Democrat in 2002, according to The Washington Free Beacon. Craig Sonner, Zimmerman's lawyer, told CNN that his client had recently mentored a young black boy, taking him out to play basketball and helping raise money for the boy's church.

And what about this neighborhood watch business?

Admirers and critics in the neighborhood agree that Zimmerman was a dedicated neighborhood watch volunteer — he called 911 at least 46 times in the past six years, complaining about everything from unruly children at the pool to uncollected trash to open garages, but his recent calls focused on what he deemed suspicious characters, most of them black. Zimmerman was key in starting the neighborhood watch program, which was set up with help from the Sanford Police Department and not affiliated with the national Neighborhood Watch organization.

Obviously George was a concerned and involved citizen and very motivated to try and help his community.

Regarding your assertion that most countries would not allow George to have a weapon....unfortunately most countries will allow no citizen to have a gun....and if you liberals and politically correct rhino's get your way....Guns will be taken away here in America also.

The charges you mention made by George's cousin have been refuted...he was never prosecuted and thus it also can be inferred there was nothing to it...simply desperate liberals searching for anything to try and make George look bad.

Florida is not the only state that had segregation laws.........are you claiming that everyone that lives in a Southern State is guilty of racism by association?

Sources: Brisbane Times, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, Orlando Sentinel (2, 3), Washington Free Beacon, Washington Post
What this Show Trial tried to achieve:

The point of the persecution was to make an example of George Zimmerman, and to teach whites, and the “white-enough,” that

They must endure and defer to black criminals as neighbors and trespassers;
They must not form neighborhood watches, because they’ll eventually be sued into penury. Let criminals of color take and do whatever they want;
Don’t carry a legal firearm, because we’ll treat you like a criminal anyway;
Be the frightened prisoner of your vehicle and home. Don’t act like a free man, and follow suspicious characters who may be endangering your family and neighbors, because that is now a crime;
Don’t call the police to report suspicious behavior, or even to report crimes you see being committed by those groups who commit most crimes
If you are violently attacked by a black, do not defend yourself, because if you do you may spend the rest of your life in prison, which would amount to a death sentence. Just pray that your attacker only maims and/or rapes, but doesn’t kill you.
What this Show Trial tried to achieve:

The point of the persecution was to make an example of George Zimmerman, and to teach whites, and the “white-enough,” that

They must endure and defer to black criminals as neighbors and trespassers;
They must not form neighborhood watches, because they’ll eventually be sued into penury. Let criminals of color take and do whatever they want;
Don’t carry a legal firearm, because we’ll treat you like a criminal anyway;
Be the frightened prisoner of your vehicle and home. Don’t act like a free man, and follow suspicious characters who may be endangering your family and neighbors, because that is now a crime;
Don’t call the police to report suspicious behavior, or even to report crimes you see being committed by those groups who commit most crimes
If you are violently attacked by a black, do not defend yourself, because if you do you may spend the rest of your life in prison, which would amount to a death sentence. Just pray that your attacker only maims and/or rapes, but doesn’t kill you.

Guy, Zimmerman was an asshole who shot an unarmed kid because he was getting his ass kicked in a fight he provoked.

I notice in the post previous to this one that you skipped over the parts where he broke a woman's ankle and molested his cousin, fine citizen that he was.

Six dumb clucks on a mostly white jury cut him loose, mostly because the cops didn't do their jobs until people pressured them to do so.

Someone should have drug tested him that night. The guy was on two drugs to treat ADHD.
Zimmerman is alive and free, a worthless parasite thug wanna-be is dead. Justice is served.

Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.
Need a mint Bozo?
I'll hand it to 'T'. He is doing his bit making sure ten thousand maggots aren't going hungry.
George deserves the Noble Peace Prize. How many old Black grannies have told their budding 'gang-banger' grand sons as they go out the door for another night of acting like simians? "Don't forget. The White Cracker may have a gun".
Zimmerman is alive and free, a worthless parasite thug wanna-be is dead. Justice is served.

Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.
Need a mint Bozo?
I'll hand it to 'T'. He is doing his bit making sure ten thousand maggots aren't going hungry.
George deserves the Noble Peace Prize. How many old Black grannies have told their budding 'gang-banger' grand sons as they go out the door for another night of acting like simians? "Don't forget. The White Cracker may have a gun".

Again, Stormfront misses your wit and wisdom...

The rest of us just think you're nuts.
The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin affair is one of the most important and clarifying moments in American history. To those who would say that this case has been blown out of proportion, I say this: you are not paying attention.

Have you noticed how liberals have lined up behind the (false) narrative that George Zimmerman was a homicidal racist? From President Obama to Senator Reid to Mayor Bloomberg, the faces of America’s liberal establishment are scrunched up in a howling rage over the acquittal of the neighborhood watch volunteer. Watching liberalism’s reaction to the trial’s outcome tells you everything you need to know about the raw, ugly truth of the left’s failed ideology.

The reason for the disconnect between the right and the left on the Zimmerman story is that this case represents three of the things that liberals hate most about this country: the Second Amendment, “profiling”, and the belief that this is a racist nation. Despite the fact that there was not one shred of evidence that George Zimmerman “racially profiled” Trayvon Martin, America’s liberals have literally taken to the streets to denounce a verdict that was, by all accounts, a just one. That’s because, in the immortal words of defense attorney Mark O’Mara, people were duped by a news media anxious to feed them a false tale of a man with a gun who defended his life.

I am saddened by stories of black families holding their children tight and declaring our justice system dead as a result of this verdict. But there was absolutely nothing in this fatal confrontation that could allow anyone with a sliver of decency or common sense to believe that George Zimmerman was racially motivated to kill Trayvon Martin. The evidence overwhelmingly supported Zimmerman’s defense that he was defending his life. And that pesky reality is something that will never change.

White liberals have clung to the lie that Zimmerman was a murderous racist who was just aching to blow away a young black man. But when you act as if you hate your own country and when you advocate for the elimination of key portions of the U.S. Constitution, it’s pretty easy to understand where liberals are coming from.

It seems to me that the Zimmerman prosecution and ugly aftermath leaves us with a teachable moment about today’s liberal. Now is the time to debunk, point by point, the three issues that made liberals fixate on the utter lie that led to the malicious prosecution of George Zimmerman:

1) The Second Amendment -- The jury had barely cleared out of the Sanford courtroom when gun-haters like President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg denounced the verdict as another reason to challenge the rights of law-abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves. “We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives in this country on a daily basis”, the President said after the Zimmerman verdict. “Gun violence?” No, Mr. President, the jury decided this was a case about a man’s right to defend his life, just like the brave U.S. Secret Service agents do on your behalf every minute of every hour of every day. Your life is defended by men and women with guns. I’m sure you’re as grateful as the rest of us for your armed protection. Just as I’m certain Mayor Bloomberg is appreciative of the well-armed bodyguards and cops who protect his life each and every day, despite his stubborn belief that ordinary Americans aren’t entitled to that same protection for themselves. While race has been in the forefront of the Zimmerman case, I’m convinced the contempt that liberals have for law-abiding gun owners has fanned the flames of hysteria;

2) Racial profiling -- Want to fire up a liberal? Dare to suggest that a nervous looking young Middle Eastern man standing in a TSA line to get on an airplane should be scrutinized. The left goes positively berserk over the concept of “profiling” a suspected bad guy. That’s why we face the prospect of little old ladies in wheelchairs being practically strip searched while Muslim activists dare a TSA officer to conduct an extra layer of security on them. Libs are convinced that police profiling is code for racism, even though profiling is successfully conducted every day in communities everywhere. If a white kid in a shiny BMW is driving through a black housing project known for drug deals, you can be sure that police officers in the area will pay special attention to him. The left would call that “racial profiling.” The rest of us call it good police work.

Few news stories can demonstrate the stark difference between conservatism and liberalism like the George Zimmerman trial has done. Americans of all races and ideologies should honor the courage of those six jurors in Sanford, Florida by standing up to the Al Sharptons of the world and voice support for truth and evidence and facts and the greatness of the United States of America. One this is clear: After watching the shrill reaction from liberals to the George Zimmerman verdict, I am reminded about why I’m proud to be a conservative.
Justice was served.

The perp is dead and the victim is leading a good life with huge financial rewards in store when NBC loses the lawsuite Z has filed against them....even already Z is reaping just financial rewards....he just sold a painting on E bay for around a hundred thousand dollars....just a simple painting of the American Flag....shows the high regard many have for Z. I love it.

George Zimmerman couldn't finish school, hold a job or pay his own rent.. He's 2 million in debt... and he will not get a windfall for this pointless killing.
Few news stories can demonstrate the stark difference between conservatism and liberalism like the George Zimmerman trial has done. Americans of all races and ideologies should honor the courage of those six jurors in Sanford, Florida by standing up to the Al Sharptons of the world and voice support for truth and evidence and facts and the greatness of the United States of America. One this is clear: After watching the shrill reaction from liberals to the George Zimmerman verdict, I am reminded about why I’m proud to be a conservative.

So where did you plagarize this horshite from?

A racist loser shot a innocent, unarmed child in cold blood in the middle of the street and suffered no consequences.

This is a travesty, and every time Zimmerman gets caught slapping around a woman or driving recklessly, it underscores the point.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

How do you know, as you said, there were no witnesses. They didn't have enough evidence to convict, his motives and what really happened will be long questioned.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

How do you know, as you said, there were no witnesses. They didn't have enough evidence to convict, his motives and what really happened will be long questioned.

There were no witnesses to the Trayvon Martin killing.

I am OK with the verdict.. the prosecution couldn't make their case... so the jury had to acquit.. but, George is no hero nor is he representative of any political party.

In recent months he has decided to be a lawyer.. a judge, now a psychologist..

He has also had sufficient problems with intimidating women and claims of domestic violence to red flag him.

Florida is full of deadbeats who game the system and nasty senior citizens.. I worked down in Broward a few years... and I have never seen anything like it. I also saw more racism and bad manners than ever in my whole life.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

You really should have watched the trial.
There was always a perverse wishfulness to the Zimmerman-haters: Aka........... Look how rotten and backward this country is. Look at what white-Hispanics are capable of. Look at the corruption of our criminal-justice system. Look at this poor child murdered in cold blood.

MSNBC tried and convicted Zimmerman, executed him by firing squad, then propped the body up at the defense table so it could do it all over again. Host Lawrence O’Donnell said Zimmerman shot “a black teenager to death for having done absolutely nothing,” and opined that “I believe what we have here is evidence of a police cover-up.”

At a rally, another of the network’s personalities, the Reverend Al Sharpton, compared the injustice done to Martin to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - and that may have been one of his cooler-headed moments.

The most poisonous interpretation of Zimmerman’s conduct - that he sought out and assassinated a black kid for being a black kid - was never plausible. Assassins generally don’t call the police before tracking down targets. But it looks positively ridiculous in light of all the evidence suggesting that right before Zimmerman fired, Martin was beating Zimmerman, not the other way around.

The prosecution had the odd habit of calling witnesses who contradicted its case against Zimmerman. One of them, a neighbor named John Good, testified that Martin was mounted “MMA-style” on top of Zimmerman, drubbing him in a “ground-and-pound.” A forensic witness called by the defense, Dr. Vincent Di Maio, testified that the muzzle of Zimmerman’s gun was against Martin’s clothing, which in turn was several inches away from Martin’s body - facts consistent with Martin being on top of Zimmerman.

Accounts differ on who was crying out for help that night. Martin’s family says it was Martin; Zimmerman’s family says it was Zimmerman. But Zimmerman is the one who had the injuries consistent with getting beaten up and being in distress.

All of this not only suggests that Zimmerman fired in self-defense but essentially proves it.

Justice, in the sense of a deliberate, lawful judgment consistent with the facts, was never the driving passion of the Zimmerman-haters. They wanted a racial morality play. If Trayvon Martin had been shot by another black person, no one would have cared. Al Sharpton wouldn’t have made him a cause. Lawrence O’Donnell wouldn’t have batted an eyelash. No one outside his immediate family and friends would have ever known his name.
George Zimmerman Needs A New Country. So Do We All.

Remember, this was an anarcho-tyranny show trial. The lack of any credible prosecution case is not a bug but a feature. The Obama-Holder Justice Department organized black mobs to demand and get a show trial, despite there being no grounds even for an arrest. [Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests, Judicial Watch, July 10, 2013.] Florida officials cooperated, turning our legal system upside down and presuming the guilt of a white-enough defendant.

And remember, George Zimmerman is a liberal who fought, when no blacks cared, to avenge the maltreatment of a black homeless man, Sherman Ware, by a white policeman’s son.[In 2010 race-related beating case, George Zimmerman pushed to discipline same officers who investigated Trayvon Martin shooting, By Matthew Boyle, Daily Caller, April 4, 2012] As my mom always says, no good deed goes unpunished. And that goes in spades for Zimmerman’s yeoman efforts to protect his community.

The prosecution called witnesses that neither helped the defense, or were laughably incompetent (Medical Examiner Dr. Shiping Bao). By Day 12 (Wednesday), the prosecution came full circle: after starting out claiming that Zimmerman was on top of Martin, the prosecution wound up arguing that Martin was on top, and even brought in a dummy to demonstrate, which elicited a lot of merciless puns about “dummies” from cable network lawyer-commentators otherwise supportive of railroading Zimmerman.

This case should never have been brought; once brought, the judge should have summarily dismissed it.

Some thoughts:

Judge Nelson refused to permit the defense to exhibit Trayvon Martin’s text messages, in which he bragged of bloody fights and swinging at bus drivers, of wanting to buy a gun, and a picture of a gun, giving the baseless assertion that it wasn’t clear that Martin was sending the messages from his own cell phone. Thus, the jury has no proper context in which to put Martin’s brutal beating of Zimmerman.

On top of that, the prosecution team has presented Martin as “a child”—“That child had every right to be in that 7-11…. Didn’t that child have the right to defend himself against that strange man?” (Prosecutor John Guy, in his emotional, baby-talk rebuttal to the defense’s closing argument, on Friday, July 12.) In effect, the prosecution has instructed the jury that it is a crime equal to assault and battery for a non-black man to merely follow a black, to which the black may respond with deadly force.

It is not a crime to follow someone, but try telling that to CNN division HLN, which summarized: “Scathing closing argument. Zimmerman started fight by following Martin.”

Contrast this to what jurors typically hear in cases with black defendants: Not only are defense attorneys routinely permitted to give details that cast the victim in a negative light, they are permitted to fabricate racial fairy tales to defame the victim.

In an Alabama case several years ago, Dedrick Griham carjacked, kidnapped, raped and sodomized a female Birmingham attorney. Graham’s attorney argued that the victim had staged the entire incident, via an imaginary black prostitute. And in the Knoxville Horror atrocity, Lemaricus Davidson’s defense team asserted that carjacking-kidnapping-gang-rape-torture-murder victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom had gone to the murder house voluntarily, and Christian had had consensual sex with Davidson.

In a similar example of double standards, a talking point in this case has been that Zimmerman should simply have called the police. But recall that in Gatesgate (2009), the white woman who saw Henry Louis “Skip” Gates and another black man breaking into a home and called 911 was vilified as a “racist.”

In Sanford, it is Trayvon Martin whom we must presume innocent, and George Zimmerman whom we must presume guilty. The jury has been led by the prosecution to believe that if the latter pokes holes in the defense’s case, it will arrive at reasonable doubt… regarding Zimmerman’s claims!

Shocking levels of hostility by prosecutors and judge:
In trying to coerce defense witness Sandra Osterman into saying that Zimmerman was showing rage and spite in his non-emergency call to the police, Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda kept replaying the tape, and getting angrier at Mrs. Osterman, when she wouldn’t submit. He wanted to play the tape a fourth time, but the sweetly unflappable woman tilted her head and stopped him with: “I've heard it three times,.”

Judge Debra Nelson has been every bit as hostile towards the defense in terms of her rulings, in permitting prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel’s outrageous behavior towards defense counsel Don West, and in herself seeking to publicly humiliate West when she directly addressed Zimmerman and sought, by hook or by crook, to make him testify.

De la Rionda and Judge Nelson were so petty that when defense counsel Mark O’Mara opened his brief cross-examination of Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton by sympathizing with her loss, de la Rionda immediately objected that that was “improper”—and the Judge sustained!

Andrew Branca, an expert on the law of self-defense, has commented:

In my opinion the level of prosecutorial misconduct in this case is of Mt. Everest proportions….

The State has stuck their thumb into the defense’s eye at every opportunity, making the defense’s job even more brutally difficult. The trial judge, after being told that the defense simply wasn’t ready to try a murder 2 case, in large part due to the State’s slow-roll of discovery, simply told them to go pound sand–a classical abuse of a trial judge’s discretion….

[Zimmerman Trial Day 2 – Analysis of State’s Witnesses by Andrew Branca, Legal Insurrection, June 25, 2013.]

What this Show Trial tried to achieve:
The point of this persecution is to make an example of George Zimmerman, and to teach whites, and the “white-enough,” that

They must endure and defer to black criminals as neighbors and trespassers;
They must not form neighborhood watches, because they’ll eventually be sued into penury. Let criminals of color take and do whatever they want;
Don’t carry a legal firearm, because we’ll treat you like a criminal anyway;
Be the frightened prisoner of your vehicle and home. Don’t act like a free man, and follow suspicious characters who may be endangering your family and neighbors, because that is now a crime;
Don’t call the police to report suspicious behavior, or even to report crimes you see being committed by those groups who commit most crimes
If you are violently attacked by a black, do not defend yourself, because if you do you may spend the rest of your life in prison, which would amount to a death sentence. Just pray that your attacker only maims and/or rapes, but doesn’t kill you.
This is what America has come to under Obama—a banana republic, replete with government-orchestrated mobs, political prisoners, and show trials.

The campaign against George Zimmerman was entirely political.

George Zimmerman was exonerated and justice was served despite the best efforts of the Federal governlment and the state of Florida to convict a innocent man.... Unfortunately now due to all the radical haters of George Zimmerman his life is in danger.... he needs to get a new name, a new face, and … a new country.

In fact, we all need a new country.

Snipped from V Dare by Nicholas Stix

Nicholas Stix [email him] is a New York City-based journalist and researcher, much of whose work focuses on the nexus of race, crime, and education. He spent much of the 1990s teaching college in New York and New Jersey. His work has appeared in Chronicles, The New York Post, Weekly Standard, Daily News, New York Newsday, American Renaissance, Academic Questions, Ideas on Liberty and many other publications. Stix was the project director and principal author of the NPI report, The State of White America-2007. He blogs at Nicholas Stix, Uncensored.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

You really should have watched the trial.

I did watch the trial and I read all the evidence dumps.

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