"Long Live Zimmerman"

Don't worry about it, ZImmerman will end up in prison sooner or later.

Guy's been arrested four times since his acquittal.

Not true....but of course you are not interested in the truth.
Defended himself against a child, thug, whatever. He did society a favor.

Spoken like a true racist.
Will this help: Defended himself against a simian punk waste of space. I do give 'T' some credit though. He's currently helping make sure ten thousand maggots aren't going hungry.
Does that work for you? LOL

So you are trying to outracist Meathead?

Hey, you know what, maybe some of you guys would be more at home at a site like Stormfront where they tolerate that sort of thing.
Spoken like a true racist.
Will this help: Defended himself against a simian punk waste of space. I do give 'T' some credit though. He's currently helping make sure ten thousand maggots aren't going hungry.
Does that work for you? LOL

So you are trying to outracist Meathead?

Hey, you know what, maybe some of you guys would be more at home at a site like Stormfront where they tolerate that sort of thing.

Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.
Will this help: Defended himself against a simian punk waste of space. I do give 'T' some credit though. He's currently helping make sure ten thousand maggots aren't going hungry.
Does that work for you? LOL

So you are trying to outracist Meathead?

Hey, you know what, maybe some of you guys would be more at home at a site like Stormfront where they tolerate that sort of thing.

Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.

Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?
So you are trying to outracist Meathead?

Hey, you know what, maybe some of you guys would be more at home at a site like Stormfront where they tolerate that sort of thing.

Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.

Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

Actually there was a case exactly about that.... how did it turn out? A clear cut case of self defense like in the Zimmerman case is not about race at all. And that is exactly what we had with the Zimmerman case.
So you are trying to outracist Meathead?

Hey, you know what, maybe some of you guys would be more at home at a site like Stormfront where they tolerate that sort of thing.

Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.

Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

Blacks are constantly killing whites....very rarely even makes the news. Irregardless............what you do not understand obviously is that each case has its own particular legal complexities and possible defenses for the defendent...you seem very confused.

If you have a point it rests somewhere beyond your ability to express it.
Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.

Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

Blacks are constantly killing whites....very rarely even makes the news. Irregardless............what you do not understand obviously is that each case has its own particular legal complexities and possible defenses for the defendent...you seem very confused.

If you have a point it rests somewhere beyond your ability to express it.

No confusion at all.

A bully shot an unarmed black child in the middle of the street.

And because he did it in the Asshole State, he got away with it.

Until he kills someone else, which is probably inevitable.
So you are trying to outracist Meathead?

Hey, you know what, maybe some of you guys would be more at home at a site like Stormfront where they tolerate that sort of thing.

Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.

Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

If a white kid was on the phone with his fat girlfriend, and he called a black man a "******", then proceeded to jump the black man and slam his head into a curb, we would cheer when the black man shot him. Violent racists deserve death.

Look at Kanye West. He's a fucking douche bag and everyone hates him. He just punched a white teenager in the face. Do you see white people sympathizing with the white kid? No you don't, because he is a racist piece of shit who deserved to get punched.
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Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.

Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

If a white kid was on the phone with his fat girlfriend, and he called a black man a "******", then proceeded to jump the black man and slam his head into a curb, we would cheer when the black man shot him. Violent racists deserve death.

Very good point. I was once called Cracker,redneck, honky at work. I worked at the Louisiana State Supreme Court Clerk's Office at the time . It was standard practice by the blacks. Oh, don't dare wake up a sleeping coworker so you won't have to do their job. That's RACIST/discrimination!
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"He would put his hands under my pants, under my underwear," the witness says.
That bombshell is part of a new set of evidence released by Special Prosecutor Angela Corey. [...]

In a statement released earlier, witness 9 told Sanford police that Zimmerman does not like blacks. In the audio-recorded interview released today, she reiterated that but without providing specifics.

Zimmerman's family, she said, "don't like black people if they don't act like white people. They like black people if they act white."

The truth sucks, but the checklist is accurate.

He killed a child.

He beat his wife.

He molested his girlfriend's daughter and sent her sexts.

Ass to the list, deadbeat, because he hasn't paid his legal bill and tried to get Florida to pay part of it.
His court costs should be deducted from Trayvon's family welfare checks.

That's right!!

Child Killer.




Welfare Freeloader.

Long live the Child killer/molester wife beater who doesn't pays his bills and collects welfare. Hero of the far-right.

Broadcasting being stupid...priceless
Trying to silence speech you don't like? How very liberal of you.

Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

If a white kid was on the phone with his fat girlfriend, and he called a black man a "******", then proceeded to jump the black man and slam his head into a curb, we would cheer when the black man shot him. Violent racists deserve death.

Look at Kanye West. He's a fucking douche bag and everyone hates him. He just punched a white teenager in the face. Do you see white people sympathizing with the white kid? No you don't, because he is a racist piece of shit who deserved to get punched.

Sorry, "Cracker" isn't the same as "******" and you know it.

And if you think the cops would have given that black dude a pat on the back and sent him home with his gun, you are delusional.

And Kayne West. Wow, you left out the part where the teenager attacked his girlfriend and verbally assaulted her with racial epitaths. But here's the thing. West despite all his money and the fact he was provoked, is actually facing charges. So you are kind of making my point.
Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

Blacks are constantly killing whites....very rarely even makes the news. Irregardless............what you do not understand obviously is that each case has its own particular legal complexities and possible defenses for the defendent...you seem very confused.

If you have a point it rests somewhere beyond your ability to express it.

No confusion at all.

A bully shot an unarmed black child in the middle of the street.

And because he did it in the Asshole State, he got away with it.

Until he kills someone else, which is probably inevitable.

You are spreading propaganda like a farmer spreads manure....hoping something will grow irregardless of the truth of the matter.

To destroy your b.s. point by point..........

No evidence whatsoever that George is or ever was a bully....your concoction contradicts the testimony of everyone who knew or was ever around george...from his employer, his co-workers and so on and so forth.

Regarding the fact that George was attacked by a black, unarmed teenager is completely irrelevant....most especially when everyone knows that black unarmed teenagers have beaten to death many, many white people with nothing more than their fists and feet.

There is game being played by black thugs now and it has been much in the news....it is called the 'Knockout Game' .....where a black teenager tries to knock out a completely innocent White Person...often elderly--with one punch...they usually videotape it and share it with their friends for shits and grins.

Regarding the term 'child' ....you no doubt believe Trayvon looked like that years old picture the media circulated of him when he was like 12 yrs. old....in truth he was going on 18 and that innocent kid in the picture no longer existed. Well you can't be blamed too much for letting the media fool ya...even obama was fooled....thus his infamous statement of ..."If i had a son he would look like trayvon".

I do not know what state you are from nor do I care....but your stupid attempt to blame the state of florida for anything is ridiculous.

George did not get away with anything...he was a innocent man who did nothing that he needed to get away with...all his actions were legal.

If you had even a mediocre understanding of the law and the legal process....you could understand the fact that George was found "Not Guilty" by a legally constituted Jury .....which is how things are settled in a civilized nation which has a concept known as 'due process'...now of course it is obvious you do not understand or appreciate that...but if you had ever lived in a nation without it you would appreciate it greatly.

There was a time though even in this Nation of Laws that Vigilante Justice was meted out....ironically liberals usually condemn that period in our history......but that is exactly what they wanted to do with George....lynch him...how pathetic.

Now you claim you are not coinfused..........if true that indicates you are a moron.

Deal Wid It Chump
Just pointing out the racists for everyone to see them.

Do you think if a black man shot a white child coming home from the store, there would be the kinds of defenses made here?

If a white kid was on the phone with his fat girlfriend, and he called a black man a "******", then proceeded to jump the black man and slam his head into a curb, we would cheer when the black man shot him. Violent racists deserve death.

Look at Kanye West. He's a fucking douche bag and everyone hates him. He just punched a white teenager in the face. Do you see white people sympathizing with the white kid? No you don't, because he is a racist piece of shit who deserved to get punched.

Sorry, "Cracker" isn't the same as "******" and you know it.

Pff, what? Are you high? :lol:

And if you think the cops would have given that black dude a pat on the back and sent him home with his gun, you are delusional.

They didn't pat Zimmerman on the back either. How many useless points are you going to make?

And Kayne West. Wow, you left out the part where the teenager attacked his girlfriend and verbally assaulted her with racial epitaths. But here's the thing. West despite all his money and the fact he was provoked, is actually facing charges. So you are kind of making my point.

He didn't attack his girlfriend, he used racial slurs, and that's why no one is standing by the kid. The white community doesnt stand behind racists..

Youre dumb.
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If one were to take a poll on the alleged racism of George Zimmerman it is indisputable that the great majority of blacks would agree...........and more than likely even a majority of white people would agree George is racist....now how did they arrive at such a conclusion....very simple....they listened to the media.

Now here are some things the media did not take the time to tell these gullible sorts.

Ignored by media: Zimmerman voted for Obama, tutored black kids - Wilmington Conservative | Examiner.com

You are spreading propaganda like a farmer spreads manure....hoping something will grow irregardless of the truth of the matter.

To destroy your b.s. point by point..........

No evidence whatsoever that George is or ever was a bully....your concoction contradicts the testimony of everyone who knew or was ever around george...from his employer, his co-workers and so on and so forth.

Would that be the employer who FIRED him? Hey, why hasn't George been back to work yet as a "part time bouncer" who was "paid under the table" if he was such a model employee? Could it because of stuff like this.

George Zimmerman lost job as party security guard for being too aggressive, ex-co-worker says * - NY Daily News

Then there was his cousin, who said ZImmerman molested her.

Woman Says George Zimmerman Molested Her For More Than A Decade

Regarding the fact that George was attacked by a black, unarmed teenager is completely irrelevant....most especially when everyone knows that black unarmed teenagers have beaten to death many, many white people with nothing more than their fists and feet.

There is game being played by black thugs now and it has been much in the news....it is called the 'Knockout Game' .....where a black teenager tries to knock out a completely innocent White Person...often elderly--with one punch...they usually videotape it and share it with their friends for shits and grins.

Well, then, why did Zimmerman ignore the instructions of dispatcher and chase this dangerous "thug" down a darkened street, then?

Regarding the term 'child' ....you no doubt believe Trayvon looked like that years old picture the media circulated of him when he was like 12 yrs. old....in truth he was going on 18 and that innocent kid in the picture no longer existed. Well you can't be blamed too much for letting the media fool ya...even obama was fooled....thus his infamous statement of ..."If i had a son he would look like trayvon".

This still looks like a kid to me. But maybe I'm old.


I do not know what state you are from nor do I care....but your stupid attempt to blame the state of florida for anything is ridiculous.

George did not get away with anything...he was a innocent man who did nothing that he needed to get away with...all his actions were legal.

No, his actions were racist. But he comes from a state where they used to make black people drink out of separate water fountains.

If you had even a mediocre understanding of the law and the legal process....you could understand the fact that George was found "Not Guilty" by a legally constituted Jury .....which is how things are settled in a civilized nation which has a concept known as 'due process'...now of course it is obvious you do not understand or appreciate that...but if you had ever lived in a nation without it you would appreciate it greatly.

Actually, most countries in the "civilized" world would never let George ZImmerman walk around with a gun.

There was a time though even in this Nation of Laws that Vigilante Justice was meted out....ironically liberals usually condemn that period in our history......but that is exactly what they wanted to do with George....lynch him...how pathetic.

Now you claim you are not coinfused..........if true that indicates you are a moron.

Deal Wid It Chump

Guy, no confusion at all. Zimmerman was a bad apple before he killed Trayvon, he's been a bad apple since.

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