"Long Live Zimmerman"

Just for the stupid..... Zimmerman is STILL not guilty of any murder, beating or supposed sexual assault. Still free and earning money.

Must really suck for you hater dupes.
Just for the stupid..... Zimmerman is STILL not guilty of any murder, beating or supposed sexual assault. Still free and earning money.

Must really suck for you hater dupes.

It hurts some of them to this day. Lefties care little for truth, logic, facts, or the law. They only care about winning. Their loss, nay their butt whipping, that they took on this case has deranged them further. You can see it in every post they make on this subject.
Zimmerman isn't the first racist murder to be let go and he will not be the last.

Evidently facts and evidence takes second place to a progressive racial agenda every time. The people who truly denied justice for Trayvon were those who demanded a trial with insufficient evidence. Now, even if someone comes forward with more evidence, the case cannot be brought again.

Trayvon got exactly what he deserved.....all the evidence was presented and there was no evidence that indicated George did anything other than what he claimed.

All this b.s. about trayvon being just a innocent teenager walking home is pathetic and ridiculous to the extreme.

Most of the morons who claim there was a miscarriage of justice did not even watch the trial.

The truth of the matter is that there was never any evidence to cause the state to bring George to trial........The Sanford Police dept. did an excellet investigation of the incident and found nothing that indicated George was guilty of anything and he was thus released........the Federal government got involved Eric Holder put pressure on Rick Scott the Governor of florida.......he was brought to trail because the Florida Governor succumbed to political pressure from the Obama Aministration and appointed a tainted special prosecutor who went on a witch hunt and came up with nothing but still yet they brought George to trial to placate the radical liberals who wanted to perpetuate the myth of black victimhood and white racism....even though George was a hispanic.

The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous and a huge waste of taxpayer money.

There should be a congressional investigation into the whole mess....Eric Holder should be held accountable for the attempted lynching of a innocent man as well as Obama with his highly prejudicial statement of ...."If i had a son he would look like trayvon"----of course Obama was referring to the picture of Trayvon circulated by the media that was about 5 yrs. old....showing Trayvon when he was a innocent child of 12 or so....absolutely fraudulent attempt by the media to sway public opinion.
How is that federal prosecution coming? Wasn't the family going to file a massive lawsuit? Nothing, right.
How is that federal prosecution coming? Wasn't the family going to file a massive lawsuit? Nothing, right.

Even Eric Holder's FBI cleared George of being a racist long before the trial.............even though O and eric holder would sell their first born to charge Z with a federal civil rights case violation.... it will not happen.

Regarding Florida and George's susceptibility to a civil lawsuit.......................A false perception exists across the United States Civil Tort Laws allow the victim or family victimized by an action which resulting in suffering, loss or harm to file legal action to seek at least, punitive justice.

The decision by a jury of six Women not only allowed George Zimmerman to walk free from killing the 17-year old wanna be gangsta, and Florida Statutory laws also protects Trayvon’s killer from any civil damages.

Trayvon's pathetic parents did collect from the Homeowners Assoc. who paid up before the trial probably thinking George would be convicted.


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George Zimmerman is alive, not in jail and making money off his art, and the worthless thug is dead and won't be leaching off of taxpayers.

Justice was served and life is good!

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