"Long Live Zimmerman"

There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

How do you know, as you said, there were no witnesses. They didn't have enough evidence to convict, his motives and what really happened will be long questioned.

There were no witnesses to the Trayvon Martin killing.

I am OK with the verdict.. the prosecution couldn't make their case... so the jury had to acquit.. but, George is no hero nor is he representative of any political party.

In recent months he has decided to be a lawyer.. a judge, now a psychologist..

He has also had sufficient problems with intimidating women and claims of domestic violence to red flag him.

Florida is full of deadbeats who game the system and nasty senior citizens.. I worked down in Broward a few years... and I have never seen anything like it. I also saw more racism and bad manners than ever in my whole life.

I never claimed he was a hero, nor did I say he represented anyone. Every state has deadbeats, every state has rude people, every state has people with bad manners.

People have a way of finding what they look for.
Zimmerman is alive and free, a worthless parasite thug wanna-be is dead. Justice is served.

Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.

I hope you are not saying you plan to kill him??? Or do you know someone who is planning to kill him? Or are you just hoping he is killed?

Perhaps you consider yourself a prophet?..........have you ever in your entire pathetic life predicted anything that came true?

I would make a big bet that you die long before George does........in your case most likely of natural causes....I doubt if you ever venture out of your cave long enough to get into any kind of conflict in the real world.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

You really should have watched the trial.

I did watch the trial and I read all the evidence dumps.

Then.........obviously you are one of those libtards who will never let the truth interfere with that movie playing in your head.
You really should have watched the trial.

I did watch the trial and I read all the evidence dumps.

Then.........obviously you are one of those libtards who will never let the truth interfere with that movie playing in your head.

Actually, I am very conservative.. but I don't think stupid murder has much to do with political parties.

George is a loser and always will be. Why do you think he was evicted 7 times and called the cops on his landlord?
I did watch the trial and I read all the evidence dumps.

Then.........obviously you are one of those libtards who will never let the truth interfere with that movie playing in your head.

Actually, I am very conservative.. but I don't think stupid murder has much to do with political parties.

George is a loser and always will be. Why do you think he was evicted 7 times and called the cops on his landlord?

You call defending one's life stupid murder? Pathetic

Also you need to study up..........'Murder' is a legal term.....a homicide is not murder unless it is proved in a court of law to be murder...which of course never happened.

In a nutshell you do not have the knowledge or the expertise to comment on this case in a credible manner............you are entitled to your opinion but opinions are like assholes....everyone has one.

In the final analysis here and when all is said and done....here is what you Zimmerman haters are left with>>>>>>https://www.google.com/search?q=Picture+of+trayvon+dead&client=opera&hs=oiv&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=GYyqFKI9RIFUJM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcQLn3ycCOPDAkyKU2J12A2jLoSLvofwRvuLYZL7-8IKrPclV8A4DQ%253B576%253B385%253BwPWTKn29yb_m3M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.allthingscrimeblog.com%25252F2013%25252F07%25252F13%25252Fgeorge-zimmerman-trial-inadmissible-evidence-cuts-both-ways%25252F&sa=X&ei=nbXaUqarJ5LlsATnl4DIBg&ved=0CEAQ9QEwCA
Then.........obviously you are one of those libtards who will never let the truth interfere with that movie playing in your head.

Actually, I am very conservative.. but I don't think stupid murder has much to do with political parties.

George is a loser and always will be. Why do you think he was evicted 7 times and called the cops on his landlord?

You call defending one's life stupid murder? Pathetic

Also you need to study up..........'Murder' is a legal term.....a homicide is not murder unless it is proved in a court of law to be murder...which of course never happened.

In a nutshell you do not have the knowledge or the expertise to comment on this case in a credible manner............you are entitled to your opinion but opinions are like assholes....everyone has one.

In the final analysis here and when all is said and done....here is what you Zimmerman haters are left with>>>>>>https://www.google.com/search?q=Picture+of+trayvon+dead&client=opera&hs=oiv&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=GYyqFKI9RIFUJM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcQLn3ycCOPDAkyKU2J12A2jLoSLvofwRvuLYZL7-8IKrPclV8A4DQ%253B576%253B385%253BwPWTKn29yb_m3M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.allthingscrimeblog.com%25252F2013%25252F07%25252F13%25252Fgeorge-zimmerman-trial-inadmissible-evidence-cuts-both-ways%25252F&sa=X&ei=nbXaUqarJ5LlsATnl4DIBg&ved=0CEAQ9QEwCA

George's wife had left him that night.. He had something to prove... and he's a dumb SOB. He was hardly injured and he was too stupid to speak and diffuse the situation.

Actually I have a good bit of training in law.

He wasn't convicted and that's fine.. but he's still dumb as a brick.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

You're the typical left-wing Zimmerman hater. This story has everything to do with your ideology. All leftist hate Zimmerman whether they know the facts or not, and you don't know jack shit about Zimmerman.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

How do you know, as you said, there were no witnesses. They didn't have enough evidence to convict, his motives and what really happened will be long questioned.

There were no witnesses to the Trayvon Martin killing.

I am OK with the verdict.. the prosecution couldn't make their case... so the jury had to acquit.. but, George is no hero nor is he representative of any political party.

In recent months he has decided to be a lawyer.. a judge, now a psychologist..

He has also had sufficient problems with intimidating women and claims of domestic violence to red flag him.

Florida is full of deadbeats who game the system and nasty senior citizens.. I worked down in Broward a few years... and I have never seen anything like it. I also saw more racism and bad manners than ever in my whole life.

You're obviously just a left-wing asshole who hates Zimmerman on principle. Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's part black, for Christ's sake.

Zimmerman never tried to be a lawyer, a judge or a psychologist. He simply defended himself from a thug who was beating his brains out.
There were no witnesses to the shooting.. and George told his story without being questioned .. to the media, his video tapes, his TV appearance.. He never had to take the stand.

This story has NOTHING to do with liberals or conservative.. George is a coward with a Walter Mitty fantasy of being law enforcement. He will end up the way he started... unemployed and flat broke.

You really should have watched the trial.

I did watch the trial and I read all the evidence dumps.

Then you must be stupid or a bigot.
How do you know, as you said, there were no witnesses. They didn't have enough evidence to convict, his motives and what really happened will be long questioned.

There were no witnesses to the Trayvon Martin killing.

I am OK with the verdict.. the prosecution couldn't make their case... so the jury had to acquit.. but, George is no hero nor is he representative of any political party.

In recent months he has decided to be a lawyer.. a judge, now a psychologist..

He has also had sufficient problems with intimidating women and claims of domestic violence to red flag him.

Florida is full of deadbeats who game the system and nasty senior citizens.. I worked down in Broward a few years... and I have never seen anything like it. I also saw more racism and bad manners than ever in my whole life.

You're obviously just a left-wing asshole who hates Zimmerman on principle. Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's part black, for Christ's sake.

Zimmerman never tried to be a lawyer, a judge or a psychologist. He simply defended himself from a thug who was beating his brains out.

I don't care whether George is a racist or not... IMO he's simply stupid.

Yes.. George is now saying that he will be a lawyer, judge or psychologist. LOLOLO

I have been a Republican for over 40 years... I just don't like trigger happy morons who can't speak.
There were no witnesses to the Trayvon Martin killing.

I am OK with the verdict.. the prosecution couldn't make their case... so the jury had to acquit.. but, George is no hero nor is he representative of any political party.

In recent months he has decided to be a lawyer.. a judge, now a psychologist..

He has also had sufficient problems with intimidating women and claims of domestic violence to red flag him.

Florida is full of deadbeats who game the system and nasty senior citizens.. I worked down in Broward a few years... and I have never seen anything like it. I also saw more racism and bad manners than ever in my whole life.

You're obviously just a left-wing asshole who hates Zimmerman on principle. Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's part black, for Christ's sake.

Zimmerman never tried to be a lawyer, a judge or a psychologist. He simply defended himself from a thug who was beating his brains out.

I don't care whether George is a racist or not... IMO he's simply stupid.

If you don't care, then whey did you bring it up?

Yes.. George is now saying that he will be a lawyer, judge or psychologist. LOLOLO

Now you're changing your story. You claimed he thought he was all of those things.

I have been a Republican for over 40 years... I just don't like trigger happy morons who can't speak.

If you are a Republican, then you're one of the Jake the Fake style Republicans. I don't know any Republicans who don't believe people have a right to defend themselves.
You're obviously just a left-wing asshole who hates Zimmerman on principle. Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's part black, for Christ's sake.

Zimmerman never tried to be a lawyer, a judge or a psychologist. He simply defended himself from a thug who was beating his brains out.

I don't care whether George is a racist or not... IMO he's simply stupid.

If you don't care, then whey did you bring it up?

Yes.. George is now saying that he will be a lawyer, judge or psychologist. LOLOLO

Now you're changing your story. You claimed he thought he was all of those things.

I have been a Republican for over 40 years... I just don't like trigger happy morons who can't speak.

If you are a Republican, then you're one of the Jake the Fake style Republicans. I don't know any Republicans who don't believe people have a right to defend themselves.

shaarona is obviously a 'black' name........how many black republicans are there....more rare than a snowball in hell. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Irregardless.......until the blacks can come to understand that all their problems are not due to white racism there will be no progress in race relations in America.

But of course....the Blacks are not nearly to blame as much as the libtards who brainwashed them into believing that fairy tale via the public schools, hollyweird and the mass media.

The worst conflict America has ever experienced was the Civil War.....we are more divided now than at anytime since that horrendous conflict.....and in addition more threatened by external dangers than at anytime in our history.....can America survive as a divided nation....???
You're obviously just a left-wing asshole who hates Zimmerman on principle. Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's part black, for Christ's sake.

Zimmerman never tried to be a lawyer, a judge or a psychologist. He simply defended himself from a thug who was beating his brains out.

I don't care whether George is a racist or not... IMO he's simply stupid.

If you don't care, then whey did you bring it up?

Yes.. George is now saying that he will be a lawyer, judge or psychologist. LOLOLO

Now you're changing your story. You claimed he thought he was all of those things.

I have been a Republican for over 40 years... I just don't like trigger happy morons who can't speak.

If you are a Republican, then you're one of the Jake the Fake style Republicans. I don't know any Republicans who don't believe people have a right to defend themselves.

I didn't bring it up.. YOU did.

I am not a neo con.. and I don't think every issue of stupid criminality is a partisan issue.

George was "defending" himself".. LOLOLOL
Zimmerman is alive and free, a worthless parasite thug wanna-be is dead. Justice is served.

Zimmerman will be in prison or taking a dirt nap within the next year.

It's just a matter of how many other people he'll manage to kill in the process.

I hope you are not saying you plan to kill him??? Or do you know someone who is planning to kill him? Or are you just hoping he is killed?

Perhaps you consider yourself a prophet?..........have you ever in your entire pathetic life predicted anything that came true?

I would make a big bet that you die long before George does........in your case most likely of natural causes....I doubt if you ever venture out of your cave long enough to get into any kind of conflict in the real world.

Well, no, I don't go around chasing black folks with a gun because they are in my housing complex....

But, yeah, your boy Zimmerman... if the cops don't shoot him, he'll probably end up killing someone else.
There were 620,000 Americans killed in the War Between The States

I would venture to guess very few know that...it dwarfs the casualties we suffered in World War II even with all the modern methods of weapons used during the second world war.

The Top 5 American Wars with the Most Military Deaths

Yes, it is too bad so many people had to die because Southerners are racist assholes.

Meanwhile you hate a man because of lying news casters. The FBI investigated Zimmerman and they WANTED to find he was a racist. Guess what? They found he was not. The politicians forced a trail for murder on Zimmerman and even hand picked a harpy that would ignore facts in her zeal to win. Guess what? A Jury that also wanted to convict Zimmerman had no choice but to find not guilty because the facts all supported Zimmerman.

And then we have you, a hateful little turd that wishes someone would kill someone you don't like. And you have the temerity to whine about what happened over 100 years ago?

Meanwhile you hate a man because of lying news casters. The FBI investigated Zimmerman and they WANTED to find he was a racist. Guess what? They found he was not. The politicians forced a trail for murder on Zimmerman and even hand picked a harpy that would ignore facts in her zeal to win. Guess what? A Jury that also wanted to convict Zimmerman had no choice but to find not guilty because the facts all supported Zimmerman.

And then we have you, a hateful little turd that wishes someone would kill someone you don't like. And you have the temerity to whine about what happened over 100 years ago?

No, I hate the man because he shot an unarmed child.

And an all-white jury acquitted a murderer of a Black Child.... Hmm. Trayvon Martin, meet Emmett Till.

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