Look At Cain Woop An On the Attack Agenda Driven MSLSD Anchor

I saw no ass kicking by either side. Cain avoided a couple of questions answers by acting all insulted. Why does the right think their candidates should be handled with kid gloves?

It was a racist attack by O'Donnell, this fuck actually ATTACKED Cain for going to school and staying out of trouble. Not to mention, Cain's adolescent years have nothing to do with the economic woes of this country, which should be the main theme of this upcoming election.
He did NOT attack........................... he questioned the mans gutlessness of letting others fight the fight for him.
Cain showed he can hold his own with a liberal.
Cain was serving his country in Vietnam as civil servant. Helping to make missiles.
Where was Lawrence? In college. Why didn't Lawrence join instead of being in college?
Why can Cain be in college during the civil rights movement and not join the protesters and Lawrence can be in college and not join in Vietnam?
Lawrence didn't even listen to Cain when he talked about a relative being sick during the civil rights movement.
Lawrence said he did not read anything in his book about a sick friend.
That was a very hostile interview and Cain kicked his butt.
He did NOT attack........................... he questioned the mans gutlessness of letting others fight the fight for him.

Some people destroy......some people create.

I'll take Cain's solution.

Btw, Obama never marched. Where the fuck was he????

He lived in Hawaii. He lived in Jakarta. Cain lived in Atlanta. He saw it all. Obama saw nothing.
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He did NOT attack........................... he questioned the mans gutlessness of letting others fight the fight for him.

Right, Cain, at 15 years old should have been out there busting cops heads, hanging out with Bill Ayers and smoking dope instead of making something of himself....... :cuckoo:

Had Cain been arrested for "fighting", O'Donnell would have attacked him for being a criminal, racist hacks like him only fool sheep like you.....
Cain was in the very birthplace of the movement at the very momment it was coming into being..................................................................................................................................................................He can not pretend his way through this question.......................................................................................................................................................He did not participate and he did not answer WHY he didnt participate, eventually he woill have to answer it straight on.
I honestly believe Obama feels guilt over not being part of the destructive days of the 60s and he's trying to make up for it today.
Cain showed he can hold his own with a liberal.
Cain was serving his country in Vietnam as civil servant. Helping to make missiles.
Where was Lawrence? In college. Why didn't Lawrence join instead of being in college?
Why can Cain be in college during the civil rights movement and not join the protesters and Lawrence can be in college and not join in Vietnam?
Lawrence didn't even listen to Cain when he talked about a relative being sick during the civil rights movement.
Lawrence said he did not read anything in his book about a sick friend.
That was a very hostile interview and Cain kicked his butt.

Odonnal isnt the one running for president
Cain was in the very birthplace of the movement at the very momment it was coming into being..................................................................................................................................................................He can not pretend his way through this question.......................................................................................................................................................He did not participate and he did not answer WHY he didnt participate, eventually he woill have to answer it straight on.

Cain shoulda busted some caps in a few of them cracker ass cops, then he'd be gettin mad street cred! .... :thup:
I don't feel Cain did that well here.

Are you kidding watch the entire thing. Disingenuous attack after disingenuous attack he had to repel and he did it. The Civil Rights question, the avoiding Vietnam bullshit (tossing out John Kerry's name was cute) and everything else was a meaningless attack. Then he only gave him two minutes out of 23 to talk about the economy! TWO MINUTES!!! Are you serious? That is what is on everyone's mind!

Cain showed he is not ready for prime time.....he can't even handle MSNBC

He fumbled badly when asked about his career and positions on major political and historical issues
I don't feel Cain did that well here.

Are you kidding watch the entire thing. Disingenuous attack after disingenuous attack he had to repel and he did it. The Civil Rights question, the avoiding Vietnam bullshit (tossing out John Kerry's name was cute) and everything else was a meaningless attack. Then he only gave him two minutes out of 23 to talk about the economy! TWO MINUTES!!! Are you serious? That is what is on everyone's mind!

Lovin' the avatar, Hook! :clap2:
He was in college at the momment people were giving their lives for his freedoms.

He chose not to fight for it himself.

That was a choice.

We have a right to hear why he made that choice and wether he owes the people who were harmed and or killed anything.
I loved when O'Donnell disingenuous called him a draft dodger when Cain kept repeating," I worked for Department of Navy as a ballistics analyst!"

He wasn't in the navy, but they employed him, because he us a math genius! If Cain isn't Mr/ Cool, he would have lost it and said "Douche Bag what do you know understand about working for the Navy as a Ballistics Analyst, is that not impressive enough for you or is only community organizing impressive enough? Did you ask Obama why he didn't serve in the military you piece of dogshit!"

As someone who worked for both the Dept of Navy and Dept of the Army for over 33 years, I would never have tried to sell my service as the equivalent to being active duty

Cain should be ashamed
Cain was in the very birthplace of the movement at the very momment it was coming into being..................................................................................................................................................................He can not pretend his way through this question.......................................................................................................................................................He did not participate and he did not answer WHY he didnt participate, eventually he woill have to answer it straight on.

And how about you? Do you actively participate in every event that you support? I may be pro life or pro women's rights but I don't have to go to every rally.
I loved when O'Donnell disingenuous called him a draft dodger when Cain kept repeating," I worked for Department of Navy as a ballistics analyst!"

He wasn't in the navy, but they employed him, because he us a math genius! If Cain isn't Mr/ Cool, he would have lost it and said "Douche Bag what do you know understand about working for the Navy as a Ballistics Analyst, is that not impressive enough for you or is only community organizing impressive enough? Did you ask Obama why he didn't serve in the military you piece of dogshit!"

As someone who worked for both the Dept of Navy and Dept of the Army for over 33 years, I would never have tried to sell my service as the equivalent to being active duty

Cain should be ashamed

I don't believe Mr. Cain did either. He plainly said, it was the choice of the Navy that he stay where he was rather than enlist. His job was too important and couldn't be done by most others.
O'Donnell is self proclaimed socialist. and an actor. O'Donnell plays Lee Hatcher, the Henrickson family attorney, in the HBO series Big Love about a polygamous family in Utah. In addition to being a producer on The West Wing, O'Donnell also played President Josiah Bartlet's father in a flashback sequence of the episode "Two Cathedrals".
He also portrayed Judge Lawrence Barr in two episodes of Monk.
he also replaced keith overbite when he got the boot.

now why should we doubt his qualifications ??? :eusa_whistle:
Seems to me that the media establishment is afraid of Cain and is again trying to influence the GOP nomination process. This has been their MO since at least '96 when they hand selected Bob Dole as the GOP candidate. They tried again in 2000 by playing nice with John McCain. Thankfully that didn't work out or we would have suffered through a Gore Presidency.
They got their wish in '08, again influencing the selection of an aged, physically damaged, slightly right of center candidate that hadn't the charisma to energize Conservatives.
The MSM is afraid of Cain, primarily because he takes the race card out of the deck, is a straight talking Conservative and has the ability to light a fire under the asses of the right.
Watch as the nomination process unfolds. Look over the list of top tier candidates for the least Conservative, least charismatic and least physically fit candidate. You'll see the MSM trying to influence his selection.

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