Look at the Fear on this Woman's Face as Cuomo Makes Unwanted Sexual Advances

The Moon Bats are too damn stupid to be embarassed by Cuomo.
Answer the question, sorry Joe. Are intentional misquotes against USMB rules? Yes or no?

Couldn't tell you, but since I didn't misquote anyone it's kind of a mute point.

You keep going further into your muck never to admit you made a mistake, proving my point, your affiliation pride makes you what you are and your reward is the cause and affect of that sin.
You keep getting the type of politicians you falsely claim Trump of being, is just carma ten fold. *L*

No, actually, we got Trump because dumb white people finally let their race hate overwhelm their good judgement. You passed up 10 guys who would have made perfectly fine presidents to get someone who hates gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
1)you did missquote, but worse double downed and lied about a simple greeting and miss represented my post by lying even more.
2)you made excuses fir not being able to back your lie with a video of the greeting with the interviewer "I was talking about" in the post, bot who you assumed Trump was fictionally talking about.
The word "could" is fictional the word "did"
is non fictional. =you are pushing fiction aka tabloid events that didn't happen.
You "could have" once in your life taken the high road and admitted your error and swallow your pride, but you "didn't", you chose to double down taking the low road, =liberal political mindset is to never admit anything, displace and deflect.
3) you said something racist: Not all illegal imigrants are Mexican immigrants (illegal imigrants come from a variety of countries &
All Mexicans imigrants are not illegal imigrants, so when you once again fall for word play and blur the line between Immigration and illegal entrance you prove my point about being abused and a ventriliquist dummy for your political propaganda news source while being the racist you so love to Label others through your dissingenous narrative which you use to race bait and control a people you have zero respect for and use as puppets in your political game.
Your gay baiting is the same way, remember it was Trump who was first to console and support the victims of the hate crime at the Orlando night club while it was Hillary who had the homophobic terrorist's father front row at her rally-oops.
It was also Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon who blasted Trump's fake Russian hoax kink story, both who want equal rights for their kink but turn around and blast Trump and anyone in opposition to their affiliation for their supposed sexuality, especially knowing it's falsehood. If anyone should be sympathetic to false outtings and sexual ridicule it should be them=epic fail!
JoeB is a pussy troll who reports people and then claims he doesn’t know USMB rules. Explains a lot about him....60 and acts like he is six.
Cancel culture and censorship tactics is very much alive and well in forums where their strategy is silence posts by false charges (reporting) and or flame flooding so they move the topic they can't argue into an obscure and lost forum or locked topic. Party of Trolls online and offline.
Answer the question, sorry Joe. Are intentional misquotes against USMB rules? Yes or no?

Couldn't tell you, but since I didn't misquote anyone it's kind of a mute point.

You keep going further into your muck never to admit you made a mistake, proving my point, your affiliation pride makes you what you are and your reward is the cause and affect of that sin.
You keep getting the type of politicians you falsely claim Trump of being, is just carma ten fold. *L*

No, actually, we got Trump because dumb white people finally let their race hate overwhelm their good judgement. You passed up 10 guys who would have made perfectly fine presidents to get someone who hates gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
1)you did missquote, but worse double downed and lied about a simple greeting and miss represented my post by lying even more.
2)you made excuses fir not being able to back your lie with a video of the greeting with the interviewer "I was talking about" in the post, bot who you assumed Trump was fictionally talking about.
The word "could" is fictional the word "did"
is non fictional. =you are pushing fiction aka tabloid events that didn't happen.
You "could have" once in your life taken the high road and admitted your error and swallow your pride, but you "didn't", you chose to double down taking the low road, =liberal political mindset is to never admit anything, displace and deflect.
3) you said something racist: Not all illegal imigrants are Mexican immigrants (illegal imigrants come from a variety of countries &
All Mexicans imigrants are not illegal imigrants, so when you once again fall for word play and blur the line between Immigration and illegal entrance you prove my point about being abused and a ventriliquist dummy for your political propaganda news source while being the racist you so love to Label others through your dissingenous narrative which you use to race bait and control a people you have zero respect for and use as puppets in your political game.
Your gay baiting is the same way, remember it was Trump who was first to console and support the victims of the hate crime at the Orlando night club while it was Hillary who had the homophobic terrorist's father front row at her rally-oops.
It was also Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon who blasted Trump's fake Russian hoax kink story, both who want equal rights for their kink but turn around and blast Trump and anyone in opposition to their affiliation for their supposed sexuality, especially knowing it's falsehood. If anyone should be sympathetic to false outtings and sexual ridicule it should be them=epic fail!
JoeB is a pussy troll who reports people and then claims he doesn’t know USMB rules. Explains a lot about him....60 and acts like he is six.
Cancel culture and censorship tactics is very much alive and well in forums where their strategy is silence posts by false charges (reporting) and or flame flooding so they move the topic they can't argue into an obscure and lost forum or locked topic. Party of Trolls online and offline.
View attachment 465248
JoeB is a dishonest poster and supporter of cancel culture and antisemitism. Truth.
1)you did missquote, but worse double downed and lied about a simple greeting and miss represented my post by lying even more.

I took the transcript out of the NYT. Go whine to them.

3) you said something racist: Not all illegal imigrants are Mexican immigrants (illegal imigrants come from a variety of countries &
All Mexicans imigrants are not illegal imigrants,

Oh, get real. If illegal immigrants were coming from Canada or England, you and the other white trash wouldn't have an issue with them.

It was also Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon who blasted Trump's fake Russian hoax kink story, both who want equal rights for their kink but turn around and blast Trump and anyone in opposition to their affiliation for their supposed sexuality, especially knowing it's falsehood. If anyone should be sympathetic to false outtings and sexual ridicule it should be them=epic fail!

Trump wasn't being bashed for his "Sexuality" or "Kink". He was being blasted for cheating on his wife with porn stars and bragging about how he could sexually assault any woman he wanted to because he was famous.

This is just fine with the Party of Family Values, apparently.

This is why I don't think the Left should be unilaterally disarming on this message, taking our best advocates off the board because some ex-girlfriend or coworker whines about them. Trump and Kavanaugh can commit outright fucking sexual assault, and the GOP would still support them, but we are going to hang someone over a kiss at a wedding?
Your gay baiting is the same way, remember it was Trump who was first to console and support the victims of the hate crime at the Orlando night club while it was Hillary who had the homophobic terrorist's father front row at her rally-oops.

Wait, when did Trump do this?

What is it with you Trump cultists that you need to believe he is a better person than he actually is? This is what a cult looks like, everyone.
just wondering why the standard so many now want to apply to Cuomo is one the same people refuse to apply to trump, and in fact they voted for him TWICE, and they STILL worship the ground he walks on. They even erected a golden statue of him.

Far as I'm concerned, Cuomo is toast, he's now toxic. Stupid too, that he would behave that way AFTER the Me Too movement began. I just continue to wonder about the profound hypocrisy of trump supporters. It couldn't be any more blatant. Trump supporters should STFU, they have no right to judge, they forfeited that right a long time ago.
The Moon Bats are too damn stupid to be embarassed by Cuomo.
As a trump supporter flash you should STFU

You stupid Moon Bats are too damn idiotic to even know that your worthless Negro was the worst President this country ever had so how are you ever going to pull your head out of your ass and understand that China Joe is a disaster?
The sad thing is, Trump can brag about grabbing women by the pussy and pay off porn stars he was fucking while his third wife was home pregnant with his fifth child, and "The Party of Family Values" will back him right off the cliff....

Meanwhile, the Democrats will eat their own at the most minor offenses.
It is OK to grab pussy when "they let you do it". It is not ok to harass women who do not want it.
The Moon Bats are too damn stupid to be embarassed by Cuomo.
As a trump supporter flash you should STFU

You stupid Moon Bats are too damn idiotic to even know that your worthless Negro was the worst President this country ever had so how are you ever going to pull your head out of your ass and understand that China Joe is a disaster?
Maybe our Negro put you in the shitter where you probably belong but I know of no one that didn't praise our great president Obama for showing America what a real president can do Now look at the manure who is just out,,,,, Trump The worst ever
1)you did missquote, but worse double downed and lied about a simple greeting and miss represented my post by lying even more.

I took the transcript out of the NYT. Go whine to them.

3) you said something racist: Not all illegal imigrants are Mexican immigrants (illegal imigrants come from a variety of countries &
All Mexicans imigrants are not illegal imigrants,

Oh, get real. If illegal immigrants were coming from Canada or England, you and the other white trash wouldn't have an issue with them.

It was also Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon who blasted Trump's fake Russian hoax kink story, both who want equal rights for their kink but turn around and blast Trump and anyone in opposition to their affiliation for their supposed sexuality, especially knowing it's falsehood. If anyone should be sympathetic to false outtings and sexual ridicule it should be them=epic fail!

Trump wasn't being bashed for his "Sexuality" or "Kink". He was being blasted for cheating on his wife with porn stars and bragging about how he could sexually assault any woman he wanted to because he was famous.

This is just fine with the Party of Family Values, apparently.

This is why I don't think the Left should be unilaterally disarming on this message, taking our best advocates off the board because some ex-girlfriend or coworker whines about them. Trump and Kavanaugh can commit outright fucking sexual assault, and the GOP would still support them, but we are going to hang someone over a kiss at a wedding?
Transcripts do not show you actions nor timeline I am speaking about therefore you admit you are confused by passed story down the line without reference context and through using a source that has no credibility. I heard the tape, which is not how the news spins it through wording it themselves liken to Schiff and that telephone call.
The word spoken was "could grab" context being about star struck groupies, nothing to do with any actual act. And the interviewer lady greeting him out of the trailer has nothing to do with Trumps groupies comment, try to keep up to posters comments, what's actually being said here.
You online parrots of your news source spread the fake narrative for the tabloid news and are still doing so when corrected. You choose to sound like an idiot, you willingly choose to be in chaos of your own choice.
It is OK to grab pussy when "they let you do it". It is not ok to harass women who do not want it.

Oh, so grabbing women's pussies who aren't your wife because you are a rich celebrity is okay.

Party of Family Values, everyone.

The word spoken was "could grab" context being about star struck groupies, nothing to do with any actual act. And the interviewer lady greeting him out of the trailer has nothing to do with Trumps groupies comment, try to keep up to posters comments, what's actually being said here.

25 women have said Trump made unwanted sexual advances on them. The fact is, he DOES grab them by the pussy, not that he "could".
It is OK to grab pussy when "they let you do it". It is not ok to harass women who do not want it.

Oh, so grabbing women's pussies who aren't your wife because you are a rich celebrity is okay.

Party of Family Values, everyone.

The word spoken was "could grab" context being about star struck groupies, nothing to do with any actual act. And the interviewer lady greeting him out of the trailer has nothing to do with Trumps groupies comment, try to keep up to posters comments, what's actually being said here.

25 women have said Trump made unwanted sexual advances on them. The fact is, he DOES grab them by the pussy, not that he "could".
Pussy grabbing is one of the most delightful experiences that a man and woman will ever know, and has been for thousands of years. It is certainly ok when "they let you do it", and a handful of wet and ready pussy will go with the confirmation moan when it is grabbed right.

Unfortunately, lefties have to wait for pussy to be shoved into their hands like a welfare check, since they have been feminized to a point where they need to have a signed legal document before they dare touch the goods.
The media worshipped this man. Don't ever forget that. We Conservatives immediately suspected corruptness... the media didn't care to look. They praised him, gave him emmys, etc. Now, they have to eat it. They aren't objective, they root and advocate for a side. They aren't journalists.
Pussy grabbing is one of the most delightful experiences that a man and woman will ever know, and has been for thousands of years.

Holy shit... this is what a cult looks like, people.

The media worshipped this man. Don't ever forget that. We Conservatives immediately suspected corruptness... the media didn't care to look. They praised him, gave him emmys, etc. Now, they have to eat it. They aren't objective, they root and advocate for a side. They aren't journalists.

Again, these are bullshit complaints... but I think it shows why good people don't go into politics.

The guy was elevated because he showed leadership on Covid when Trump wasn't. But now that Covid has gone on too long, we're turning on him. Because that's what we do.

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