Look at the filthy mess Occupy ICE protesters left in Portland

Jeeze. It will take their sanitation crews quite a while to clean up that mess.

What a bunch of knuckleheads.
Liberalfilth always leave mountains of filth behind when they congregate in large numbers. It's physical proof they have no respect for anyone or anything. They're too self-absorbed.
Typical of the fucking left when they get in the streets.
And just think, Ted Wheeler the mayor has openly stated that he stands with these fucking animals.

Portland police clear protest camp at ICE headquarters




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Get ICE to clean it up. They'll finally be doing a service to their country.
you mean like the service the protesters do?....
Typical of the fucking left when they get in the streets.
And just think, Ted Wheeler the mayor has openly stated that he stands with these fucking animals.

Portland police clear protest camp at ICE headquarters




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Get ICE to clean it up. They'll finally be doing a service to their country.

They do America a great service, every time they arrest an illegal.

On the other hand your freeloading violent brethren deserve to have to pay for this filth.
These are Occupy ICE Protesters


I don’t need to comment on this.

These champions of the Left must have done a poor job because they left a mess so large that the city had to hire private contractors to clean up it up. Videos of the encampment show garbage, large structures, mattresses, clothing, and portable toilets.

The mess has even raised safety and biohazard concerns.

The city has hired private contractors to clean up the mess left behind at the #OccupyICEPDX camp. They’re calling this site a biohazard. pic.twitter.com/Py2Zx9zjIZ

Marja Martinez (@MarjaKPTV) July 25, 2018

In the encampment, police found large structures, nails, needles, and feces.

From 'Occupy ICE' Protestors Leave Gross Biohazard Mess In Portland Encampment

With Tweets and more videos @ Prison Planet.com » Occupy ICE PDX Protesters Leave Heaps Of Trash, Human Waste For City To Clean At Taxpayers’ Expense
"The union that represents employees of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Monday called on Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler to immediately provide law enforcement services to ICE employees.

Attorney Sean Riddell, legal representative for the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, sent a letter to the mayor's office Monday requesting a meeting with Wheeler to discuss the hands-off approach Portland police took to the OccupyICEPDX protest.

Demonstrators held a 38-day-long occupation at the facility beginning June 17 in protest to President Donald Trump's immigration policies.

Riddell wrote in the letter that Wheeler's decision created "a zone of terror and lawlessness" and resulted in threats of physical violence and harassment toward ICE employees.

The letter, which was emailed to Wheeler's chief of staff around 7:30 a.m. Monday, said the union would like to avoid federal litigation, but is "prepared to protect our membership and their families."

"The Council and I assert that your current policy forbidding Portland law enforcement agencies from assisting employees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency ("ICE") who request law enforcement assistance while at or away from work is a violation of the United States Constitution's Equal Protection Clause," Riddell wrote."

ICE union asks Portland mayor for police protection

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