Look at the tolerant, peaceful progressives


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
A bunch of ignorant, immature children who can't accept losing after a lifetime of participation trophies...

Thank you for showing that. They should be captured and do 20 years in Gitmo now that they have more space.

However, I am not sure anything that far gone is worth saving?
Have to agree with the sentiment that people who resort to violence should be imprisoned.
I can't believe there are actually people out there who wouldn't. There is no place for violence, lawlessness, etc. in the U.S.

I will be the first to vehemently defend a peaceful protest by anyone (progressives, KKK, Black Panthers, etc.) - but violence, rioting, violating the law is unacceptable.

I actually argued with a fellow conservative during Trump's inauguration. They interviewed a woman with a clever sign who opposed Trump. The fellow conservative said that everyone should support Trump on his Inauguration Day and not protest him. I disagreed - the woman was respectful, peaceful, law abiding - etc. and was a shining example of America and our 1st Amendment rights. She had a sign that wasn't vulgar, she was well spoken, and was just stating her position in opposition.
You know who's paying for the damages? Not the Mexicans. You. Me.

Hell, if they do this every day across the country, I'll be happy as a little "fuck you" for getting me to pay for a stupid wall. Sure, I'll have to pay for the damages too, but that's cool.
You know who's paying for the damages? Not the Mexicans. You. Me.

Hell, if they do this every day across the country, I'll be happy as a little "fuck you" for getting me to pay for a stupid wall. Sure, I'll have to pay for the damages too, but that's cool.
I don't understand why law enforcement has been allowing this for so long. At the first sign of a rock thrown or a bat swung at property - the perpetrators should be taken to the ground and arrested.

And here is the other thing - how many fellow progressives suffered because of the actions of these people? How many fellow progressives owned one of the businesses that was destroyed or worked at one of them? It's insane.
You know who's paying for the damages? Not the Mexicans. You. Me.

Hell, if they do this every day across the country, I'll be happy as a little "fuck you" for getting me to pay for a stupid wall. Sure, I'll have to pay for the damages too, but that's cool.
I don't understand why law enforcement has been allowing this for so long. At the first sign of a rock thrown or a bat swung at property - the perpetrators should be taken to the ground and arrested.

And here is the other thing - how many fellow progressives suffered because of the actions of these people? How many fellow progressives owned one of the businesses that was destroyed or worked at one of them? It's insane.

According to you idiots, not a single progressive or liberal works. I don't have a job you say.

So zero. It was only conservatives affected.

Things will start to get interesting once whole livelihoods are destroyed in a wonderful new Trump Era.
meh protest people. These aren't the one's who've been tormenting us. The millennials are a bloody conservative generation.
Our right to address grievances is a crucial part of the constitution but what I have found is that the Deep State sets up "free speech zones" on things they want kept hidden while allowing those to run amok with little to no consequence if it sows the seeds of discontent and keeps us divided.
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