Look at This Crap...This is What Liberals Want?

Well, at least over there, the workers have some leverage in even talking about pensions. Over here, pensions largely evaporated in the 1980's when the corporations did away with them. If you follow the link on the changes proposed, you'll get the idea of what Macron is proposing. And after reading through it, I'm wondering why right wingers don't see what Macron is doing as a positive. Isn't this what you on the right want?

Over here, years of wage stagnation brought on by corporate collusion and an ever increasing cost of living is slowly but surely making a larger "have not" class. Meanwhile, Republicans happily serve their corporate masters with generous tax cuts while telling the poor and middle class to "pick themselves up by their bootstraps".
It's much easier to tax a small minority than it is to take stuff away from the masses. The wealth tax proposed by Liz Warren had it's day in Europe - and failed miserably - but Liz insists it will work this time, Comrades!!

If a Wealth Tax is Such a Good Idea, Why Did Europe Kill Theirs?
Normally progressives like to point to Europe for policy success. Not this time. The experiment with the wealth tax in Europe was a failure in many countries. France's wealth tax contributed to the exodus of an estimated 42,000 millionaires between 2000 and 2012, among other problems. Only last year, French president Emmanuel Macron killed it.

In 1990, twelve countries in Europe had a wealth tax. Today, there are only three: Norway, Spain, and Switzerland. According to reports by the OECD and others, there were some clear themes with the policy: it was expensive to administer, it was hard on people with lots of assets but little cash, it distorted saving and investment decisions, it pushed the rich and their money out of the taxing countries—and, perhaps worst of all, it didn't raise much revenue.

... Uncle Ferd thought dey removed the ladies clothes...

... with an x-ray lens.


Well, at least over there, the workers have some leverage in even talking about pensions. Over here, pensions largely evaporated in the 1980's when the corporations did away with them. If you follow the link on the changes proposed, you'll get the idea of what Macron is proposing. And after reading through it, I'm wondering why right wingers don't see what Macron is doing as a positive. Isn't this what you on the right want?

Over here, years of wage stagnation brought on by corporate collusion and an ever increasing cost of living is slowly but surely making a larger "have not" class. Meanwhile, Republicans happily serve their corporate masters with generous tax cuts while telling the poor and middle class to "pick themselves up by their bootstraps".
“Corporate masters” lmfao :21:
People want the pensions they were promised?

How liberal of them? I guess?

Not real sure what you're getting at here......
Crybaby cocksuckers. Socialism doesn’t work. France has no $$$ for pensioners...kinda like Illinois.
Not really answering my question there Spunky.

Nice range on the spittle-spraying though.
What I’m getting at is the socialist countries inevitably fail.
Worshiping materialism is the attribute shared by the systems that people so profess to hate. Misunderstood, distorted terms and labels force everyone into a group hated by the others, yet they are all, ultimately, the same. They value the material more than the living.
When we finally come to appreciate the fact that all value, anything of worth in any sense, is entirely based upon the humans who define it, then we will value the source of value; humans.
Worshiping materialism is the attribute shared by the systems that people so profess to hate. Misunderstood, distorted terms and labels force everyone into a group hated by the others, yet they are all, ultimately, the same. They value the material more than the living.
When we finally come to appreciate the fact that all value, anything of worth in any sense, is entirely based upon the humans who define it, then we will value the source of value; humans.
Materialism is great. Drives the free market and a free market fosters democracy. Why the Soviet Union collapsed.
Worshiping materialism is the attribute shared by the systems that people so profess to hate. Misunderstood, distorted terms and labels force everyone into a group hated by the others, yet they are all, ultimately, the same. They value the material more than the living.
When we finally come to appreciate the fact that all value, anything of worth in any sense, is entirely based upon the humans who define it, then we will value the source of value; humans.
Greed is good.

Well, at least over there, the workers have some leverage in even talking about pensions. Over here, pensions largely evaporated in the 1980's when the corporations did away with them. If you follow the link on the changes proposed, you'll get the idea of what Macron is proposing. And after reading through it, I'm wondering why right wingers don't see what Macron is doing as a positive. Isn't this what you on the right want?

Over here, years of wage stagnation brought on by corporate collusion and an ever increasing cost of living is slowly but surely making a larger "have not" class. Meanwhile, Republicans happily serve their corporate masters with generous tax cuts while telling the poor and middle class to "pick themselves up by their bootstraps".
Them damn corporations. How dare they employ all these taxpayers.
This is only the beginning. And if you don't see what is happening in France is a precursor to what will happen here - you need to educate yourself.
I thank God I have an actual, old fashioned pension from a company I worked for for years.
NOTHING beats a REAL pension plan. 401ks are a joke compared to the value of a pension. Actual pensions, not the pension schemes of the 90's.
I say this is only the beginning, because a rising, global economic problem just starting to rear it's head is what to do with the excess population.
Through technology, corporatism and globalism - it takes far less people to provide the needs and services to the citizenry than it did a few decades ago. A LOT less. Raising the retirement age only compounds the problem, and simply pushes it down the road. EXACTLY what the U.S. government has been doing for 25 years.
As time goes by, it will take even less people to be employed than today.
What if one of them is YOU?
Worshiping materialism is the attribute shared by the systems that people so profess to hate. Misunderstood, distorted terms and labels force everyone into a group hated by the others, yet they are all, ultimately, the same. They value the material more than the living.
When we finally come to appreciate the fact that all value, anything of worth in any sense, is entirely based upon the humans who define it, then we will value the source of value; humans.
Greed is good.

Really? Greed is good? Have you never heard of the 7 Deadly Sins? Greed is one of them.

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