Look out liberals primary results show Trump power isn't going anywhere

Oh shit a Socialist beat a Liberal in NY, that's it Republicans can go home its over.
Republicans in New York's 14th District might as well stay home next November, but it is corporate Democrats, like those who backed Hillary in 2016, who should be worried about what Ocasio-Cortez has started.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Legacy of the Bernie Sanders Movement

"Last month, Crowley’s victory looked so assured that he sent a surrogate to a debate with Ocasio-Cortez rather than attend himself.

"Crowley had been handpicked for his seat in Congress years ago by Thomas Manton, the last great boss of the Queens Democratic machine.

"But the Fourteenth District—a collection of mostly working-class neighborhoods straddling Queens and the Bronx—is now half Hispanic and just a fifth white.

"Crowley’s loss to the daughter of working-class Puerto Ricans confirmed a change in outer-borough political power that has both been inevitable and long delayed."

"But it was more than that, too. During her campaign, Ocasio-Cortez called for Congress to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement, pledged her support for a federal jobs guarantee and Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-all program, called for aggressive antitrust regulation that would break up the tech giants, and ran with the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America.

"For a while this spring, the midterms looked increasingly predictable and contained: it would be a partisan fight between Donald Trump and his opponents, waged in a fixed number of swing districts. Ocasio-Cortez’s victory suggests that the map may be larger than that."

It’s funny that this girl who won can only be defined by her race, and that makes her more qualified than the white guy that has been doing the job for years.
The white guy has been doing to job for Wall Street and the 1% for years. Maybe Democrats are waking to the idea there's a class war going on in this country?

It’s time you lefties just join the communist party already. Dems just aren’t getting it done for you.
It seems more likely to me that capitalism is not getting it done anymore for the vast majority of Americans.

Resistance Rising: Socialist Strategy in the Age of Political Revolution

"2016 was a game changing year for leftists and progressives. We are finally reemerging as a vital and powerful force after an extended period of stagnation and demoralization, and we face a political landscape more favorable than perhaps at any time since the 1960s.

"For roughly 30 years after the end of World War II, the United States and non-Communist Europe experienced solid economic growth, declining inequality, expanding social services and increasing working-class power, coupled with landmark advances toward racial, gender and sexual equality.

"In countries such as France and Sweden, labor and socialist movements even made significant (if fleeting) progress toward a democratic socialist transition.

"Though these gains were tainted in countries such as the United States by the racialized and gendered manner in which they were distributed, this period represents the high-water mark of working-class strength and security in the 20th century."

You admit you hate capitalism. You are a Marxist communist, just admit it.

Why do you commies have to hide your real beliefs and feelings?
Republicans in New York's 14th District might as well stay home next November, but it is corporate Democrats, like those who backed Hillary in 2016, who should be worried about what Ocasio-Cortez has started.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Legacy of the Bernie Sanders Movement

"Last month, Crowley’s victory looked so assured that he sent a surrogate to a debate with Ocasio-Cortez rather than attend himself.

"Crowley had been handpicked for his seat in Congress years ago by Thomas Manton, the last great boss of the Queens Democratic machine.

"But the Fourteenth District—a collection of mostly working-class neighborhoods straddling Queens and the Bronx—is now half Hispanic and just a fifth white.

"Crowley’s loss to the daughter of working-class Puerto Ricans confirmed a change in outer-borough political power that has both been inevitable and long delayed."

"But it was more than that, too. During her campaign, Ocasio-Cortez called for Congress to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement, pledged her support for a federal jobs guarantee and Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-all program, called for aggressive antitrust regulation that would break up the tech giants, and ran with the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America.

"For a while this spring, the midterms looked increasingly predictable and contained: it would be a partisan fight between Donald Trump and his opponents, waged in a fixed number of swing districts. Ocasio-Cortez’s victory suggests that the map may be larger than that."

It’s funny that this girl who won can only be defined by her race, and that makes her more qualified than the white guy that has been doing the job for years.
The white guy has been doing to job for Wall Street and the 1% for years. Maybe Democrats are waking to the idea there's a class war going on in this country?

It’s time you lefties just join the communist party already. Dems just aren’t getting it done for you.
It seems more likely to me that capitalism is not getting it done anymore for the vast majority of Americans.

Resistance Rising: Socialist Strategy in the Age of Political Revolution

"2016 was a game changing year for leftists and progressives. We are finally reemerging as a vital and powerful force after an extended period of stagnation and demoralization, and we face a political landscape more favorable than perhaps at any time since the 1960s.

"For roughly 30 years after the end of World War II, the United States and non-Communist Europe experienced solid economic growth, declining inequality, expanding social services and increasing working-class power, coupled with landmark advances toward racial, gender and sexual equality.

"In countries such as France and Sweden, labor and socialist movements even made significant (if fleeting) progress toward a democratic socialist transition.

"Though these gains were tainted in countries such as the United States by the racialized and gendered manner in which they were distributed, this period represents the high-water mark of working-class strength and security in the 20th century."

You admit you hate capitalism. You are a Marxist communist, just admit it.

Why do you commies have to hide your real beliefs and feelings?
Since I hate eternal war and endless debt, what other choice do I have regarding capitalism, and there has been no more in$ightful critic of that murderou$ doctrine than Karl Marx:

The Commodity | John Keeley

"The commodity is Marx’s starting point.

"'The wealth of societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails, appears as an immense collection of commodities; the individual commodity appears as its elementary form.'

"Marx is signalling that there is something else going on beneath the surface appearance."

Do you even care about what's going on beneath the $urface of capitali$m?

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