Look who cares more.. Mitt is on his way to New Orleans

I'm sure NO is praying that Barry doesn't come to their fair city.

Its a disaster when the POTUS lands anywhere. Security is a nightmare and the whole city is shut down to accomodate the POTUS.

I'm sure they are busy enough without having Barry boy land.
The minute obama goes to NOLA you on the right will scream about it.

Mark my words

You are screaming about Mitt going. You started this thread. So if they scream about Obama going they are at worst as bad as you.

Maybe Mitt Romney isn't aware of this, but he isn't the President. Unless he plans on picking up a chainsaw to clear roads or piloting a rescue craft, he can't actually do anything but get in the way.

Why would he go to New Orleans anyway? New Orleans made it out of the storm pretty good. The areas around New Orleans were hit much harder. Makes no sense. Maybe he isn't and you were just ignorant of basic geography when you wrote the subject line?
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Obama should go. He should shake Jindal's hand and say "well done brownie" oh wait,, nope,,, that won't work Jindal is a Republican. And there folks is your answer.
Hmmmmm, I seem to remember how bad President Bush was when he didn't go there when the left thought he should.

OMG the double standards are killing me. :cuckoo:
I'm sure NO is praying that Barry doesn't come to their fair city.

Its a disaster when the POTUS lands anywhere. Security is a nightmare and the whole city is shut down to accomodate the POTUS.

I'm sure they are busy enough without having Barry boy land.

No President has yet to beat LBJ during Betsy, who showed up a New Orleans shelter with no power, in the night, lighting himself up by flashlight, saying in a megaphone: "My name's Lyndon Johnson, and I'm your President. I'm here to help, and we'll do everything we can to get y'all sorted out as soon as we can . . ."

And before LBJ left the city later the next day, he slashed the federal red tape and made sure the wheels of help were in motion.
Cracks me up how fast this Kiss Ass Romney and crew got there. Its only a show and if he were to ever get in office God forbid He could give a shit..........
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Hmmmmm, I seem to remember how bad President Bush was when he didn't go there when the left thought he should.

OMG the double standards are killing me. :cuckoo:

Really? Yes there were idiots like you and others that expect a president to arrive in a storm torn area and distract the recovery.
He missed his chance, he's late to the party.

That's OK.

Mitt will handle it.

Mitt won't do anything more than speak.

Oblama has already sent help. Real help and not just the empty words of a wanna be.
You have NO ideal what Mitt will do behind the seen , since Mitt GIVES WAY more to charity then Obama I am sure he will GIVE but not broadcast it everywhere. Obama on the hand will not use a penny of his money he will use our Tax dollars. Which I do NOT have a problem with at all but since Mitt does give WAY More in charity I am sure he will give to this as well.
The Dear Leader is likely in hiding. With all-time record high Labor Day Gas Prices, i can't blame him. He's not a popular guy at this point.
Investment opportunity's abound in crises such as this. I'm sure Mitt will find some good buys.
Cracks me up how fast this Kiss Ass Romney and crew got there. Its only a show and if he were to ever get in office God forbid He could give a shit..........

And if he didn't, you Obamabot wingnuts would be bitchin about that. You're very dishonest people. But hey, enjoy your record high Labor Day Gas Prices. See ya. :)
moon there is no point to arguing with people like naturegirl, look though all her posts, she NEVER EVER makes a full point with evidence to support it. all she does is add little 1 liner zingers, dont waste your time man. the fact that in the last 30 years Obama and clinton if they added their vacation day together they would not even touch bush1,bush2 or regan, doesnt matter to these guys

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