Looking Clearly At Right-wing Christian Terrorism

"Reflecting on the past five years, a leading far-right extremism expert I recently interviewed described the homeland security report as “prophetic.” Mark Pitcavage, the Anti-Defamation League’s director of investigative research, explained that most of the warnings in the 2009 report have become realities. "

Looking clearly at right-wing terrorism Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

"New rise of the far right. For almost 15 years after the Oklahoma City bombing, far-right extremism remained a relative constant; now it has risen again in group numbers, violence, and latent explosiveness. To gain greater clarity on this alarming trajectory, I recently spoke with Mark Potok, an expert in domestic extremism and director of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Addressing the numerical ebb and flow with far-right “hate groups” (that is, US white supremacist and other groups whose beliefs or practices attack or malign an entire class of people), Potok said, “What we’ve been seeing is a long slow steady rise since 2000—it has gone from 602 groups that year to 1,007 groups in 2012.” The rise was connected to the election of an African-American president and accompanying conspiracy theories, Potok explained; a severe economic recession and fears related to immigration also were factors.

This expansion of hate groups has been paralleled by growth in the number of “patriot groups” (defined as US militias and other strongly anti-government related groups that are not primarily white supremacist or racist in orientation). The Southern Poverty Law Center's count of such groups initially peaked in the mid-1990s, at 858. A steep decline ensued, especially after the so-called Y2K bug—the potential mass demise of computers made before the year 2000—failed to bring about societal chaos, rapture, or a millenarian apocalypse. In 2001, the movement hit its nadir with 150 groups and remained low throughout both of President George W. Bush’s terms.

But in 2009, Potok said, “[t]he patriot group numbers began skyrocketing. By 2011 there were 1,274, and in 2012 the numbers peaked at 1,360.”
Leftist FACTLESS whining.. Can't even find examples of "right wing extremism" in this POS article.. Because someone shoots up a Holocaust museum and hates JEWS -- that makes them a "christian extremist"...

AND -- this academic marxist wannabe carelessly dismisses the concerns of our Veterans and 3rd party political organizations that were LIBELED by that now DISMISSED "report"..

More funding from the biggest progressive left. That's what this is for..
Why do you have to make up fake "christian terrorism" when you have plenty of REAL islamic terrorism happening all over the place? No one is buying this garbage. Im an atheist and even I know your full of shit about christians.

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