Looking into 9/11

When are you going to get to the part about Turner Construction?

I have read about some interesting connections with them and the Whitehouse during the 9/11 timeframe but these coincidences are still not enough to convince me it was an inside job.

Do you have anymore information on it?

Yesterday You posted:
I just started looking into 9/11...

Today you say that
"I [you] have read about some interesting connections with them and the Whitehouse during the 9/11 timeframe..."

Let me get this straight; you say that you "JUST" started looking into it and you've already read about Turner Construction? Okay...tell us, please, where did you read about Turner Construction's supposed connections so we can consider the "source"

I guess I could have been more specific. By "just started" I was referring to about a month ago I began interest and started reading about it. Didn't realize it mattered to someone so much?

Anyways I began posting to maybe get a better understanding on the subject.
I would suggest you check out this site..and then ask yourself why the controlled media ignores these outstanding individuals and instead refers to 9/11 truth as Rosie O'Donnells wacky conspiracy theories or Charlie Sheen and pretends as if the do not exist

I suppose anyone with a media career would like to keep their job, therefore, not risk their career on a hot potato subject.

I suppose anyone with a media career would like to make a mark at their job and risk going after a hot potato subject. Forty years after the fact; Woodward and Bernstein are still mentioned in textbooks and are household names. Woodward, at least, is a multi-millionaire and regularly gets six figure advances for books that haven't even sold a single copy yet.

You should think more about what you're going to write prior to writing it son. You don't want to be though of like ID-Eots.
I have read about some interesting connections with them and the Whitehouse during the 9/11 timeframe but these coincidences are still not enough to convince me it was an inside job.

Do you have anymore information on it?

Yesterday You posted:

Today you say that
"I [you] have read about some interesting connections with them and the Whitehouse during the 9/11 timeframe..."

Let me get this straight; you say that you "JUST" started looking into it and you've already read about Turner Construction? Okay...tell us, please, where did you read about Turner Construction's supposed connections so we can consider the "source"

I guess I could have been more specific. By "just started" I was referring to about a month ago I began interest and started reading about it. Didn't realize it mattered to someone so much?

Anyways I began posting to maybe get a better understanding on the subject.

Ahh...I see.

So you just began posting to get a better understanding on the subject. Well, read the 9/11 Commission Report and it explains everything about the day in a pretty interesting manner.

In fact, nobody can point to one inaccuracy in the report try as they may. Not one inaccuracy. Not one person can point to anything in the report that doesn't make sense.

So read the report and you'll get your "better understanding on the subject".
Ahh...I see.

So you just began posting to get a better understanding on the subject. Well, read the 9/11 Commission Report and it explains everything about the day in a pretty interesting manner.

In fact, nobody can point to one inaccuracy in the report try as they may. Not one inaccuracy. Not one person can point to anything in the report that doesn't make sense.

So read the report and you'll get your "better understanding on the subject".

Why are there some members on the 9/11 Commission publicly saying a lot of information was stonewalled and blocked from being investigated by the Whitehouse and other top officials in different branches?

Could this information they wanted to investigate but were blocked from doing so bring more to what went on with 9/11 and paint a different picture behind it?
Ahh...I see.

So you just began posting to get a better understanding on the subject. Well, read the 9/11 Commission Report and it explains everything about the day in a pretty interesting manner.

In fact, nobody can point to one inaccuracy in the report try as they may. Not one inaccuracy. Not one person can point to anything in the report that doesn't make sense.

So read the report and you'll get your "better understanding on the subject".

Why are there some members on the 9/11 Commission publicly saying a lot of information was stonewalled and blocked from being investigated by the Whitehouse and other top officials in different branches?

Could this information they wanted to investigate but were blocked from doing so bring more to what went on with 9/11 and paint a different picture behind it?

If you want knowledge and facts read THE COMMISSION by Philip Shenon. The most important part of that book is a huge slip by Shenon. The 911 Commission had the transcribed PDBs (Presidential Daily Briefings) that verify more than 40 warning by the CIA of the pending attack. Shenon published his book in 2008 but he and the NYT never published the spectacular story of the more than 40 warnings.

If you can't realize the NYT and the entire media purposely misled America by not publishing the 40+ warnings Bush got, you're an idiot.

Then Shenon wants the readers to believe that Bush was incoherent and ignored the warnings. Look at the upper left corner and see the south tower explode. Then read this: Screwed Again: ONLY BUSH WAS CAPABLE
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Ahh...I see.

So you just began posting to get a better understanding on the subject. Well, read the 9/11 Commission Report and it explains everything about the day in a pretty interesting manner.

In fact, nobody can point to one inaccuracy in the report try as they may. Not one inaccuracy. Not one person can point to anything in the report that doesn't make sense.

So read the report and you'll get your "better understanding on the subject".

Why are there some members on the 9/11 Commission publicly saying a lot of information was stonewalled and blocked from being investigated by the Whitehouse and other top officials in different branches?

Could this information they wanted to investigate but were blocked from doing so bring more to what went on with 9/11 and paint a different picture behind it?

candywhore just ignores that fact and repeats the same nonsense
I would suggest you check out this site..and then ask yourself why the controlled media ignores these outstanding individuals and instead refers to 9/11 truth as Rosie O'Donnells wacky conspiracy theories or Charlie Sheen and pretends as if the do not exist

I suppose anyone with a media career would like to keep their job, therefore, not risk their career on a hot potato subject.

I suppose anyone with a media career would like to make a mark at their job and risk going after a hot potato subject. Forty years after the fact; Woodward and Bernstein are still mentioned in textbooks and are household names. Woodward, at least, is a multi-millionaire and regularly gets six figure advances for books that haven't even sold a single copy yet.

You should think more about what you're going to write prior to writing it son. You don't want to be though of like ID-Eots.

You should take your own advice....AND YOU COMPARE APPLES TO ORANGES
Ahh...I see.

So you just began posting to get a better understanding on the subject. Well, read the 9/11 Commission Report and it explains everything about the day in a pretty interesting manner.

In fact, nobody can point to one inaccuracy in the report try as they may. Not one inaccuracy. Not one person can point to anything in the report that doesn't make sense.

So read the report and you'll get your "better understanding on the subject".

Why are there some members on the 9/11 Commission publicly saying a lot of information was stonewalled and blocked from being investigated by the Whitehouse and other top officials in different branches?

Could this information they wanted to investigate but were blocked from doing so bring more to what went on with 9/11 and paint a different picture behind it?

No. All pertinent facts are in the 9/11 Commission Report; try reading it.
ahh...i see.

So you just began posting to get a better understanding on the subject. Well, read the 9/11 commission report and it explains everything about the day in a pretty interesting manner.

In fact, nobody can point to one inaccuracy in the report try as they may. Not one inaccuracy. Not one person can point to anything in the report that doesn't make sense.

So read the report and you'll get your "better understanding on the subject".

why are there some members on the 9/11 commission publicly saying a lot of information was stonewalled and blocked from being investigated by the whitehouse and other top officials in different branches?

Could this information they wanted to investigate but were blocked from doing so bring more to what went on with 9/11 and paint a different picture behind it?

no. All pertinent facts are in the 9/11 commission report; try reading it.

no ??...are you saying the 9/11 commission chairmen did not say they were set up to fail ??? Or that you just do not agree with him ?
why are there some members on the 9/11 commission publicly saying a lot of information was stonewalled and blocked from being investigated by the whitehouse and other top officials in different branches?

Could this information they wanted to investigate but were blocked from doing so bring more to what went on with 9/11 and paint a different picture behind it?

no. All pertinent facts are in the 9/11 commission report; try reading it.

no ??...are you saying the 9/11 commission chairmen did not say they were set up to fail ??? Or that you just do not agree with him ?

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth » FF 911 Truth

Scholars For 9/11 Truth


Pilots For 9/11 Truth
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why are there some members on the 9/11 commission publicly saying a lot of information was stonewalled and blocked from being investigated by the whitehouse and other top officials in different branches?

Could this information they wanted to investigate but were blocked from doing so bring more to what went on with 9/11 and paint a different picture behind it?

no. All pertinent facts are in the 9/11 commission report; try reading it.

no ??...are you saying the 9/11 commission chairmen did not say they were set up to fail ??? Or that you just do not agree with him ?

No scumbag;

I'm saying the report is 100% accurate on the major points. Are you saying the report is not accurate? Please, for once, point out a discrepancy in the report.

We both know you can't. Makes me laugh.

he he he

I will prove using the most basic of emotions.


Greed would have caused someone that knew what happened to come forward by now with proof.

If that's not enough. Try this basic investigation technique; Follow the money.

Consider how many and who woul have to be bribed.
The cops that buried freinds
The Firefighter that buried freinds
All the investigators
clean up crews
amublance crews
the air lines
the terrorist themselves
on and on

common sense should kick in right about now, if you have any. If not, you can't be helped.
I will prove using the most basic of emotions.


Greed would have caused someone that knew what happened to come forward by now with proof.

If that's not enough. Try this basic investigation technique; Follow the money.

Consider how many and who woul have to be bribed.
The cops that buried freinds
The Firefighter that buried freinds
All the investigators
clean up crews
amublance crews
the air lines
the terrorist themselves
on and on

common sense should kick in right about now, if you have any. If not, you can't be helped.

You're right, of course.

I can hear the response now...all of those people can be intimidated by the sheer threat of violence. Just watch; one of them will bring it up.
no. All pertinent facts are in the 9/11 commission report; try reading it.

no ??...are you saying the 9/11 commission chairmen did not say they were set up to fail ??? Or that you just do not agree with him ?

No scumbag;

I'm saying the report is 100% accurate on the major points. Are you saying the report is not accurate? Please, for once, point out a discrepancy in the report.

We both know you can't. Makes me laugh.

he he he


So you have believe the report to be 100% accurate,,,but do not believe the assessment of it authors that they were set up to fail ....I see
I will prove using the most basic of emotions.


Greed would have caused someone that knew what happened to come forward by now with proof.

If that's not enough. Try this basic investigation technique; Follow the money.

Consider how many and who woul have to be bribed.
The cops that buried freinds
The Firefighter that buried freinds
All the investigators
clean up crews
amublance crews
the air lines
the terrorist themselves
on and on

common sense should kick in right about now, if you have any. If not, you can't be helped.

this is your list ...it is in no way required that the people you list were bribed
to pull off 9/11
I will prove using the most basic of emotions.


Greed would have caused someone that knew what happened to come forward by now with proof.

If that's not enough. Try this basic investigation technique; Follow the money.

Consider how many and who woul have to be bribed.
The cops that buried freinds
The Firefighter that buried freinds
All the investigators
clean up crews
amublance crews
the air lines
the terrorist themselves
on and on

common sense should kick in right about now, if you have any. If not, you can't be helped.

You're right, of course.

I can hear the response now...all of those people can be intimidated by the sheer threat of violence. Just watch; one of them will bring it up.

I'd guess that "they" would have to have bribed over 1000 people. 1000 people willing to take a small enough bribe that it can't be traced and honorable enough to keep thier promise not to talk. Especially when talking will make you millions.

What are the odds of our government being that good at profiling that many people?

If anyone thinks it's above 0%, I have swamp land in Arizona I'm looking to unload cuz I don't want to drain it to get to the gold that's under it. :lol:
I will prove using the most basic of emotions.


Greed would have caused someone that knew what happened to come forward by now with proof.

If that's not enough. Try this basic investigation technique; Follow the money.

Consider how many and who woul have to be bribed.
The cops that buried freinds
The Firefighter that buried freinds
All the investigators
clean up crews
amublance crews
the air lines
the terrorist themselves
on and on

common sense should kick in right about now, if you have any. If not, you can't be helped.

this is your list ...it is in no way required that the people you list were bribed
to pull off 9/11

PLease refer to the highlighted section.

Sorry Eots, you are one of the people born every minute. I hope you don't spend money on buying other peoples "research" on 9/11.

I wish the very best for you.
I will prove using the most basic of emotions.


Greed would have caused someone that knew what happened to come forward by now with proof.

If that's not enough. Try this basic investigation technique; Follow the money.

Consider how many and who woul have to be bribed.
The cops that buried freinds
The Firefighter that buried freinds
All the investigators
clean up crews
amublance crews
the air lines
the terrorist themselves
on and on

common sense should kick in right about now, if you have any. If not, you can't be helped.

You're right, of course.

I can hear the response now...all of those people can be intimidated by the sheer threat of violence. Just watch; one of them will bring it up.

I'd guess that "they" would have to have bribed over 1000 people. 1000 people willing to take a small enough bribe that it can't be traced and honorable enough to keep thier promise not to talk. Especially when talking will make you millions.

What are the odds of our government being that good at profiling that many people?

If anyone thinks it's above 0%, I have swamp land in Arizona I'm looking to unload cuz I don't want to drain it to get to the gold that's under it. :lol:

and your expertise in intel and covert operations planning is what ?

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