Looks like Israel has achieved a new world record

That's a relief.
It gets Israel completely off the hook ....

Tell me more about what you think of the savages who fire rockets into civilian ereas? Who stone women to death for having sex before marriage? Who behead people for having a differen religion?

When Nazi Germany was bombed to ashes there were no "free the Nazis" demonstrations.

Because back then people at least knew evil for what it is.

And nowerdays even parts of the moderate left side with these fascist savages in Gaza and Lebanon.

Now that's the old blame the victim trick. The murderous Israeli animals kill hundreds of Palestinian children in a span of a few weeks this summer and this nutcase claims the Palestinians behead people of different religions. Heck, the Palestinians are Christians and Muslims and no women has been beheaded by the Palestinians. And yes, the Palestinians will try to break the blockade and occupation. That's their right.
11-month-old Balqis Ghawadra became the youngest prisoner in the world, after visiting her father in Eshel Israeli prison, occupied Beer Sheva.

Imprisoning, 11 month old Palestinian girls, whatever next?

Israel Takes Record for World s Youngest Prisoner 11 Months Old - International Middle East Media Center

That is not true.
They were detained with their Mother and then released.
Israel releases 2 infants detained with mother on jail visit Maan News Agency
Israel releases 2 infants detained with mother on jail visit.
Executive director of the Palestinian Prisoner's Society Abdullah al-Zghari said that the two children -- nine-month-old Balqis Ghawadra and two-year-old Baraa Ghawadra -- had been delivered to the organization from the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem after Israeli authorities dropped them off there.
Al-Zghari added that the children had been detained, along with their mother, who is still in Israeli custody, in a social affairs office in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba since Wednesday.
Your own post states that the 2 infants were released you idiot. If they weren't jailed, what were they released from?
Your own post states that the 2 infants were released you idiot. If they weren't jailed, what were they released from?

The Palestinian Prisoner's Society is a detainment center not a jail.

What is the difference between a detainment center and a jail? Guantanamo is called a detention center, seems like a jail to me. But come, I am sure you have a deflective answer.
Your own post states that the 2 infants were released you idiot. If they weren't jailed, what were they released from?

The Palestinian Prisoner's Society is a detainment center not a jail.

What is the difference between a detainment center and a jail? Guantanamo is called a detention center, seems like a jail to me. But come, I am sure you have a deflective answer.

Image of a detainment center


Image of a jail

Your own post states that the 2 infants were released you idiot. If they weren't jailed, what were they released from?

Were they going to just let the children wander around on their own till they could be taken some place or till someone came and picked them up?
You cannot believe anything except the worst of the Israelis. How did you become so hateful and bigoted?
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Your own post states that the 2 infants were released you idiot. If they weren't jailed, what were they released from?

The Palestinian Prisoner's Society is a detainment center not a jail.

What is the difference between a detainment center and a jail? Guantanamo is called a detention center, seems like a jail to me. But come, I am sure you have a deflective answer.

Image of a detainment center


Image of a jail


So making things up again. It doesn't work.
Your own post states that the 2 infants were released you idiot. If they weren't jailed, what were they released from?

Were they going to just the children wonder around on their own till they could be taken some place or till someone came and picked them up?
You cannot believe anything except the worst of the Israelis. How did you become so hateful and bigoted?

How have you become so hateful. Approving of and happy with the killing of hundreds of Palestinian children this summer. And no, it was not necessary and it was not the Palestinians that murdered those hundreds of children, your good friends the Israeli Jews killed those children.
Your own post states that the 2 infants were released you idiot. If they weren't jailed, what were they released from?

Were they going to just the children wonder around on their own till they could be taken some place or till someone came and picked them up?
You cannot believe anything except the worst of the Israelis. How did you become so hateful and bigoted?

How have you become so hateful. Approving of and happy with the killing of hundreds of Palestinian children this summer. And no, it was not necessary and it was not the Palestinians that murdered those hundreds of children, your good friends the Israeli Jews killed those children.

How many palestinians kids have you fed? How many parents or families have you help in the camps? How many have you held as they told their stories? Not that many I would fathom.
I don't hate the palestinians, just the lies, manipulation and violence that their leadership and hate groups carry out.
I give money every week to my Church which is Catholic and we Catholics worldwide support the Palestinians.

And you you hypocritical piece of crap, you watch your murderous friends kill thousands of Christians and Muslims on a regular basis and then blame the victims. The main hate group is the murderous Israeli regime.
I give money every week to my Church which is Catholic and we Catholics worldwide support the Palestinians.

And you you hypocritical piece of crap, you watch your murderous friends kill thousands of Christians and Muslims on a regular basis and then blame the victims. The main hate group is the murderous Israeli regime.

difference between sympathy for the palestinians a human beings not supporting them in their use of hateful words or violence to harm Israelis, deny Israelis a right to exist or their ties to the land.
You really do not understand your church very well
Hate of the jews or any type of hate was not part of the teachings. Church has apologized for persecution of the jews in the past. They admitted they were wrong.
Bethlehem hospital will make sure they are well treated and much easier for the sister-in-law or other relative to pick them up and take them home. It might have been a compromise between the three parties and thinking what was best for the children.
11-month-old Balqis Ghawadra became the youngest prisoner in the world, after visiting her father in Eshel Israeli prison, occupied Beer Sheva.

Imprisoning, 11 month old Palestinian girls, whatever next?

Israel Takes Record for World s Youngest Prisoner 11 Months Old - International Middle East Media Center

"Occupied Be'er Sheva"?!


So I'm a settler, now??

Wow, you guys are totally ignorant, aren't you?

Well Beersheeba or Bir as-Sab as it was known was originally part of the Arab state at Partition and conquered by the Zionists in 1948, so yes, you are a settler/colonist.

Hahaha in your dreams . It was never under Arab control
11-month-old Balqis Ghawadra became the youngest prisoner in the world, after visiting her father in Eshel Israeli prison, occupied Beer Sheva.

Imprisoning, 11 month old Palestinian girls, whatever next?

Israel Takes Record for World s Youngest Prisoner 11 Months Old - International Middle East Media Center

"Occupied Be'er Sheva"?!


So I'm a settler, now??

Wow, you guys are totally ignorant, aren't you?

Well Beersheeba or Bir as-Sab as it was known was originally part of the Arab state at Partition and conquered by the Zionists in 1948, so yes, you are a settler/colonist.

Hahaha in your dreams . It was never under Arab control

What a tosser. "In 1947 the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) proposed that Beersheba be in the Jewish State in their partition plan for Palestine. However, when the UN's Ad Hoc Committee revised the plan, they moved Beersheva to the Arab State on account of it being primarily Arab." Beersheba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
11-month-old Balqis Ghawadra became the youngest prisoner in the world, after visiting her father in Eshel Israeli prison, occupied Beer Sheva.

Imprisoning, 11 month old Palestinian girls, whatever next?

Israel Takes Record for World s Youngest Prisoner 11 Months Old - International Middle East Media Center

"Occupied Be'er Sheva"?!


So I'm a settler, now??

Wow, you guys are totally ignorant, aren't you?

Well Beersheeba or Bir as-Sab as it was known was originally part of the Arab state at Partition and conquered by the Zionists in 1948, so yes, you are a settler/colonist.

The Partition plan had no viability once the Arabs rejected the partition plan. Nowdays, anything inside the green-line is completely Israeli, even by the mind of most absurd liberals.

You're a liar and a deciever.
11-month-old Balqis Ghawadra became the youngest prisoner in the world, after visiting her father in Eshel Israeli prison, occupied Beer Sheva.

Imprisoning, 11 month old Palestinian girls, whatever next?

Israel Takes Record for World s Youngest Prisoner 11 Months Old - International Middle East Media Center

"Occupied Be'er Sheva"?!


So I'm a settler, now??

Wow, you guys are totally ignorant, aren't you?

Well Beersheeba or Bir as-Sab as it was known was originally part of the Arab state at Partition and conquered by the Zionists in 1948, so yes, you are a settler/colonist.

The Partition plan had no viability once the Arabs rejected the partition plan. Nowdays, anything inside the green-line is completely Israeli, even by the mind of most absurd liberals.

You're a liar and a deciever.

Apart from Jordan and Egypt, the palestinian borders are only what Israel gives them through negotiated compromise.
The two-state solution is dead. There will be no compromise. israel will continue to practice Apartheid for as long as the rest of the world allows it to. Eventually, there will be a South Africa style solution and a democratic, secular state will be established where all people within the area of Mandatory Palestine will have equal rights.

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