Looks like Israel has achieved a new world record

Well, looks like they let Nihal al-Ghawadra go after dumping her children at Holy Family Hospital in Beit Lahim. So all she has to do is go pick them up from Bir as-Sab. That's only a 3.5 hour jouney if she's allowed to use Zionist Israeli buses, compared to a 12 hour journey if she takes the shorter route through Palestine; all those checkpoints, "settlers only" roads, random road closures, etc.
...My research shows up he is (probably)one of the people responsible for the suicide terror attack in Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, 4th Oct, 2003.

PROBABLY? So he's in prison, held without trial or evidence. What more natural for the Zionist scum to arrest his wife and kids, just to pressure a "confession" out of him, they've used similar tactics before.
The only 'probably ' is for you and its an unlikely one, life sentence is for murder, and I simply connected the fatal terror attacks made with the date of imprisoning and public data available.
Israel have zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years when the real monster responsible for this atrocity walk free you impotent moron.

No, civilised liberal democracies have, "zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years...", Zionist Israel on the other hand, does this all the time to innocent men, women and children; mainly for "fun" but ostensibly to try and make the Palestinians leave of their own accord.
...My research shows up he is (probably)one of the people responsible for the suicide terror attack in Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, 4th Oct, 2003.

PROBABLY? So he's in prison, held without trial or evidence. What more natural for the Zionist scum to arrest his wife and kids, just to pressure a "confession" out of him, they've used similar tactics before.
The only 'probably ' is for you and its an unlikely one, life sentence is for murder, and I simply connected the fatal terror attacks made with the date of imprisoning and public data available.
Israel have zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years when the real monster responsible for this atrocity walk free you impotent moron.

No, civilised liberal democracies have, "zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years...", Zionist Israel on the other hand, does this all the time to innocent men, women and children; mainly for "fun" but ostensibly to try and make the Palestinians leave of their own accord.
"Fun" would be living in peace with the Palestinians or without, I couldn't follow how come that Israel is trying to make the Palestinians leave on their own accord while forcing them to stay at once.
Why don't you and your ilk go back to where your great grand parents came from. Why did your ancestors have to invade Palestine and cause such misery to Palestinian Christians and Muslims?
...My research shows up he is (probably)one of the people responsible for the suicide terror attack in Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, 4th Oct, 2003.

PROBABLY? So he's in prison, held without trial or evidence. What more natural for the Zionist scum to arrest his wife and kids, just to pressure a "confession" out of him, they've used similar tactics before.
The only 'probably ' is for you and its an unlikely one, life sentence is for murder, and I simply connected the fatal terror attacks made with the date of imprisoning and public data available.
Israel have zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years when the real monster responsible for this atrocity walk free you impotent moron.

No, civilised liberal democracies have, "zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years...", Zionist Israel on the other hand, does this all the time to innocent men, women and children; mainly for "fun" but ostensibly to try and make the Palestinians leave of their own accord.

"Fun" would be living in peace with the Palestinians or without, I couldn't follow how come that Israel is trying to make the Palestinians leave on their own accord while forcing them to stay at once.

Zionists want all of Palestine; they lands they call "Judea" and "Samaria". They grudgingly reliquished their conquest of Gaza so they could concentrate their settlement efforts elsewhere.
My grandparents lived in the south since before 1948, so you can shove your "settler" crap to where the sun never shines.

I don't care where your grandparents lived in 1947, which European country did they or their parents come from to settle "in the South"? Regardless, Bir as-Sab/Beersheba was an Arab town before 1948, so I'll keep my "settler" comments in the bright sunshine where they belong, thank you.

As your fellow team palestine members report from the Anglo-American study shows the vast majority of arab muslims in Palestine arrived some time between 1920 and 1948. So will they also return to where they originated from. Now what would you say to a person whose grand parents came from Egypt or Iran prior to 1947 after being forced out at gunpoint.
As for Beersheba isn't that mentioned in the Bible 1,000 years before the invention of arabs making it a Jewish town prior to 1948 ?
...My research shows up he is (probably)one of the people responsible for the suicide terror attack in Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, 4th Oct, 2003.

PROBABLY? So he's in prison, held without trial or evidence. What more natural for the Zionist scum to arrest his wife and kids, just to pressure a "confession" out of him, they've used similar tactics before.

So what if they did things the Palestinian way and raped his wife and children in front of his mangled body, slit their throats and fed their flesh to him. Would you find that more palatable to your ISLAMONAZI sense of propriety
Why don't you and your ilk go back to where your great grand parents came from. Why did your ancestors have to invade Palestine and cause such misery to Palestinian Christians and Muslims?

LINK ? that shows the Jews invaded Palestine then Abdul, one from a non partisan source that shows that since 1850 the European Jews were not invited to settle in Palestine ?
...My research shows up he is (probably)one of the people responsible for the suicide terror attack in Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, 4th Oct, 2003.

PROBABLY? So he's in prison, held without trial or evidence. What more natural for the Zionist scum to arrest his wife and kids, just to pressure a "confession" out of him, they've used similar tactics before.
The only 'probably ' is for you and its an unlikely one, life sentence is for murder, and I simply connected the fatal terror attacks made with the date of imprisoning and public data available.
Israel have zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years when the real monster responsible for this atrocity walk free you impotent moron.

No, civilised liberal democracies have, "zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years...", Zionist Israel on the other hand, does this all the time to innocent men, women and children; mainly for "fun" but ostensibly to try and make the Palestinians leave of their own accord.

"Fun" would be living in peace with the Palestinians or without, I couldn't follow how come that Israel is trying to make the Palestinians leave on their own accord while forcing them to stay at once.

Zionists want all of Palestine; they lands they call "Judea" and "Samaria". They grudgingly reliquished their conquest of Gaza so they could concentrate their settlement efforts elsewhere.

LINK ? from a non partisan source that is also official Israeli Government policy. Something like the Palestinian charter will do were it states that they will not cease terrorism and murder until they hold all the land from the river to the sea.
Anyone managed to excuse Israel sending a baby to prison, or are you all working on trying to hide the fact in the OP?
Why don't you and your ilk go back to where your great grand parents came from. Why did your ancestors have to invade Palestine and cause such misery to Palestinian Christians and Muslims?

LOL The only people who should leave are the terrorist Palestinians. ISraelis aren't going anywhere you dumb troll.

And I already dismantled your 'invasion' lie 100 times, it's really pathetic that you need to keep using it. You are officially the biggest propagandist on USMB :clap2:
...My research shows up he is (probably)one of the people responsible for the suicide terror attack in Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, 4th Oct, 2003.

PROBABLY? So he's in prison, held without trial or evidence. What more natural for the Zionist scum to arrest his wife and kids, just to pressure a "confession" out of him, they've used similar tactics before.
The only 'probably ' is for you and its an unlikely one, life sentence is for murder, and I simply connected the fatal terror attacks made with the date of imprisoning and public data available.
Israel have zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years when the real monster responsible for this atrocity walk free you impotent moron.

No, civilised liberal democracies have, "zero interest finding an innocent men and feed him in prison for 20+ years...", Zionist Israel on the other hand, does this all the time to innocent men, women and children; mainly for "fun" but ostensibly to try and make the Palestinians leave of their own accord.

Can you document this with links ?
Well, looks like they let Nihal al-Ghawadra go after dumping her children at Holy Family Hospital in Beit Lahim. So all she has to do is go pick them up from Bir as-Sab. That's only a 3.5 hour jouney if she's allowed to use Zionist Israeli buses, compared to a 12 hour journey if she takes the shorter route through Palestine; all those checkpoints, "settlers only" roads, random road closures, etc.
Awwwww, poor Palestinians . What a terrible situation :(

Who gives a shit you Muslim Nazi ?
Anyone managed to excuse Israel sending a baby to prison, or are you all working on trying to hide the fact in the OP?

I think the Zionist chimps on this board are too busy throwing their faeces in my direction. :D:p

Their controlllers have added me to their script as "a Muslim" , either convert or Nazi. :talk2hand::rofl:
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My grandparents lived in the south since before 1948, so you can shove your "settler" crap to where the sun never shines.

I don't care where your grandparents lived in 1947, which European country did they or their parents come from to settle "in the South"? Regardless, Bir as-Sab/Beersheba was an Arab town before 1948, so I'll keep my "settler" comments in the bright sunshine where they belong, thank you.

As your fellow team palestine members report from the Anglo-American study shows the vast majority of arab muslims in Palestine arrived some time between 1920 and 1948. So will they also return to where they originated from. Now what would you say to a person whose grand parents came from Egypt or Iran prior to 1947 after being forced out at gunpoint.
As for Beersheba isn't that mentioned in the Bible 1,000 years before the invention of arabs making it a Jewish town prior to 1948 ?

Which "Anglo-American" study is that then?
I would say, oh bad luck. Your grandparents should have gone to America, or better yet stayed where they were and resisted the Zionist terroists that tried to turn Egyptians and Iranians against their native Jewish population.
The Bible is a fantasy novel, written by religious fundamentalist fanatics who were deported by the Babylonians, so they could keep an eye on them; hardly an unbiased source
My grandparents lived in the south since before 1948, so you can shove your "settler" crap to where the sun never shines.

I don't care where your grandparents lived in 1947, which European country did they or their parents come from to settle "in the South"? Regardless, Bir as-Sab/Beersheba was an Arab town before 1948, so I'll keep my "settler" comments in the bright sunshine where they belong, thank you.

As your fellow team palestine members report from the Anglo-American study shows the vast majority of arab muslims in Palestine arrived some time between 1920 and 1948. So will they also return to where they originated from. Now what would you say to a person whose grand parents came from Egypt or Iran prior to 1947 after being forced out at gunpoint.
As for Beersheba isn't that mentioned in the Bible 1,000 years before the invention of arabs making it a Jewish town prior to 1948 ?

Which "Anglo-American" study is that then?
I would say, oh bad luck. Your grandparents should have gone to America, or better yet stayed where they were and resisted the Zionist terroists that tried to turn Egyptians and Iranians against their native Jewish population.
The Bible is a fantasy novel, written by religious fundamentalist fanatics who were deported by the Babylonians, so they could keep an eye on them; hardly an unbiased source

The one Abdul keep pushing as factual, even when he is shown it is nothing of the sort
My grandparents lived in the south since before 1948, so you can shove your "settler" crap to where the sun never shines.

I don't care where your grandparents lived in 1947, which European country did they or their parents come from to settle "in the South"? Regardless, Bir as-Sab/Beersheba was an Arab town before 1948, so I'll keep my "settler" comments in the bright sunshine where they belong, thank you.

As your fellow team palestine members report from the Anglo-American study shows the vast majority of arab muslims in Palestine arrived some time between 1920 and 1948. So will they also return to where they originated from. Now what would you say to a person whose grand parents came from Egypt or Iran prior to 1947 after being forced out at gunpoint.
As for Beersheba isn't that mentioned in the Bible 1,000 years before the invention of arabs making it a Jewish town prior to 1948 ?

Which "Anglo-American" study is that then?
I would say, oh bad luck. Your grandparents should have gone to America, or better yet stayed where they were and resisted the Zionist terroists that tried to turn Egyptians and Iranians against their native Jewish population.
The Bible is a fantasy novel, written by religious fundamentalist fanatics who were deported by the Babylonians, so they could keep an eye on them; hardly an unbiased source

A pity you are wrong on everything you say as my grandparents 20 times removed stayed were they were and resisted the invasion of muslims verytime they tried to steal our land. As for the Bible it was written by Greeks at least 20 years after the death of Jesus, but it still contains HISTORCAL DATA that destroys team palestines POV.
Your Koran is noting more that stolen tales from the Bible and Torah spiced up with commands to mass murder, steal and rape.
My grandparents lived in the south since before 1948, so you can shove your "settler" crap to where the sun never shines.

I don't care where your grandparents lived in 1947, which European country did they or their parents come from to settle "in the South"? Regardless, Bir as-Sab/Beersheba was an Arab town before 1948, so I'll keep my "settler" comments in the bright sunshine where they belong, thank you.

As your fellow team palestine members report from the Anglo-American study shows the vast majority of arab muslims in Palestine arrived some time between 1920 and 1948. So will they also return to where they originated from. Now what would you say to a person whose grand parents came from Egypt or Iran prior to 1947 after being forced out at gunpoint.
As for Beersheba isn't that mentioned in the Bible 1,000 years before the invention of arabs making it a Jewish town prior to 1948 ?

Which "Anglo-American" study is that then?
I would say, oh bad luck. Your grandparents should have gone to America, or better yet stayed where they were and resisted the Zionist terroists that tried to turn Egyptians and Iranians against their native Jewish population.
The Bible is a fantasy novel, written by religious fundamentalist fanatics who were deported by the Babylonians, so they could keep an eye on them; hardly an unbiased source

A pity you are wrong on everything you say as my grandparents 20 times removed stayed were they were and resisted the invasion of muslims verytime they tried to steal our land. As for the Bible it was written by Greeks at least 20 years after the death of Jesus, but it still contains HISTORCAL DATA that destroys team palestines POV.
Your Koran is noting more that stolen tales from the Bible and Torah spiced up with commands to mass murder, steal and rape.

So...no idea about this "Anglo-American study then?
Don't remember the Muslims attacking the British Isles in the 1500's...the Hapsburgs (Spain) and the Valois (France), maybe. So you aren't British then, figures. Given the ottomans were expanding around that time crushing every resisance they encountered, looks like your Grandparents lived in the Balkans, North Africa or Iran, then, by process of elimination.
Not my Koran, never read it. Only time I look at it is to use a universally available on line version, normally when Zionists and their Islamophobic fascist wannabees try to misquote or take passeges out of context to push their agendas.

Oh, almost forgot, depend which version of the Bible you're talking about, I was referring to the Babylonian version otherwise known as a "Talmud"

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