Looks like Obama and the Democrats are going to spend the next 2 years bashing America


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Let's not forget, Obama's first trip and statement to the world started with an apology tour. Now, his cronies in the Senate, reeling from a massive defeat last November are on a mission to destroy American prestige and reputation with this latest CIA Report.

What is the big revelation about this report? That we waterboarded and sleep deprived terrorist animals to obtain information? How is that anything new? This has been argued before and they lost. Yet, the leftist media keeps calling it "horrific torture" as if it's in any way equal to cutting off people's fingers or poking out one's eyes. All they did was putting Jihadists under psychologically stressful conditions, all legal and approved by the congress.

What is there to be gained from this rehashing of things that happened over a decade ago? Absolutely NOTHING. Other than embarrassment, providing ammunition for our enemies, and most importantly creating lack of faith by our allies and the CIA and other agencies who are working to keep America safe.

This has to be the most ideologically radical, anti American administration and Democrat congress in the history of this country. Maybe they think by rehashing and reminding people of the Bush years, it will serve as good diversion from the bitch-slapping the American voter just handed them.

All that they are accomplishing is digging their own graves for the 2016 election.
That's all the dems do is scare the poor. Talking about keeping them in chains

And look at the headlines on DRUDGE over the last week..........what a fucking Jonestown the country has become. Dang.....the Carter years were the good old days.......who'd ever thunk it?:2up:
And look at the headlines on DRUDGE over the last week..........what a fucking Jonestown the country has become. Dang.....the Carter years were the good old days.......who'd ever thunk it?:2up:

Jonestown! LMFAO... Haiti has more to offer than our inner hoods

"Looks like Obama and the Democrats are going to spend the next 2 years bashing America"

Looks like conservatives are going to spend the next two years contriving lies and straw man fallacies such as the quoted above – just as they have for the last six years.
didn't Barry promise to close Gitmo?
Why would he do that. It's the best place for terrorists these days. The 20th hijacker is complaining about being beat up and picked on in federal prison by other prisoners while the terrorists in GITMO are enjoying soccer, flat-screen televisions in their cells, and nobody is allowed to yell at them. A caller into Rush Limbaugh's radio show said his son is one of the MPs, and a detainee stole his handcuff key and his son yelled at the guy. The detainee filed a complaint and this guy's son lost a strip for being abusive to a prisoner.

CALLER: They have to watch everything they say, our guards, my son, as an MP, has to be careful of every word that's being recorded that he says --

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: -- all over the place, while these guys sit in Club Gitmo with cable boxes and flat-screen TVs.

RUSH: Well, how did they get those?

CALLER: Well, apparently it's been the replacement for the waterboarding.

RUSH: Oh. Flat-screen TVs.

CALLER: They have it made down there. My son's been trained in not raising his voice. He has sensitivity training --

RUSH: I believe all that, but are you telling me they've got flat-screen TVs in their cells?

CALLER: He said they have cable boxes, cable TV, and all of that set up in their cells.

RUSH: In their cells.

CALLER: That was in his training that he just finished up, and in fact he's en route even as we speak.

RUSH: And they probably get to watch the Al-Qaeda network.

CALLER: (laughing) I'm not too sure about that.

RUSH: Well, there is one. I don't know if it's on television. Clearly the Al-Qaeda people have a streaming network. I mean, they've got websites and stuff. Flat screens in the cells?

CALLER: It seems a little backwards, but even when he was in Afghanistan at Bagram guarding, he had a prisoner -- I'm sorry -- a detainee, excuse me. We don't want to break the ROE.

RUSH: Right, right, right, right.

CALLER: Stole his, grabbed hold of one of the keys to the handcuffs, and so he was raising his voice to the guy, saying you need to do this. Well, he complained, and that went to my son's commander. My son got bucked a rank for a month for raising his voice at the detainee trying to get the key back.

RUSH: Now, come on. You've got to be kidding me?

CALLER: If I can make this up, you know, hey, this is the kind of stuff that I don't think people understand.

RUSH: You get docked a rank for raising your voice?

CALLER: Yeah. He got bucked a rank for mistreating the detainee by raising his voice.

RUSH: I guess, given who's running this show, and given their perception of who the real bad guys are and that we've gotta prove we're not bad guys and maintain our values, I guess this isn't that hard to believe. But it is.
The Father of a Club Gitmo Guard - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Some may find this hard to believe, but I find it easier to believe this than the lies that Diane Feinstein put out this week.
The Dums take bows while pushing the pussyification of America agenda with these idea's of sending the bad guys Blimpie Subs and Cokes and wanting to send them on ski vacations away from all the sand.

Can we please ff to the inevitable and just let the limpwristers have their own country somewhere where they can defend their homes with wiffle ball bats and their waters with row boats!! While they are at it, they can decommission all of the police and raise peoples taxes to the 80% level.:happy-1::happy-1:
"Looks like Obama and the Democrats are going to spend the next 2 years bashing America"

Looks like conservatives are going to spend the next two years contriving lies and straw man fallacies such as the quoted above – just as they have for the last six years.

lol s0n..........analysis fAiL............

There was an election last month s0n.........your side got their clocks cleaned. At this point in time, America looks at the Dums as the Bozo party......and by the way, you can thank our president for that!! He's taken the term "pathological liar" to heights never seen before in American politics.:2up:

Sucks for you!!!!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:
"Looks like Obama and the Democrats are going to spend the next 2 years bashing America"

Looks like conservatives are going to spend the next two years contriving lies and straw man fallacies such as the quoted above – just as they have for the last six years.
Wrong. It's clearly their tactic. It's the only explanation, the practices were stopped while Bush was still in office.

The fact is this is their only move left since losing so much power, if they can trash the country and make it look like the Republicans fault they have a chance. Liberals don't care how much damage they do as long as they get their way. Like a spoiled brat that smears feces on the wall until mom lets him do what he wants.
"Looks like Obama and the Democrats are going to spend the next 2 years bashing America"

Looks like conservatives are going to spend the next two years contriving lies and straw man fallacies such as the quoted above – just as they have for the last six years.
Wrong. It's clearly their tactic. It's the only explanation, the practices were stopped while Bush was still in office.

The fact is this is their only move left since losing so much power, if they can trash the country and make it look like the Republicans fault they have a chance. Liberals don't care how much damage they do as long as they get their way. Like a spoiled brat that smears feces on the wall until mom lets him do what he wants.

"Like a spoiled brat that smears feces on the wall until mom lets him do what he wants"

LMAO.......perfect analogy.

Fucking pantywaist limpwristers.:boobies::boobies::up:

How the hell did so many males become so pussified in the last generation?:dunno:
didn't Barry promise to close Gitmo?
Why would he do that. It's the best place for terrorists these days. The 20th hijacker is complaining about being beat up and picked on in federal prison by other prisoners while the terrorists in GITMO are enjoying soccer, flat-screen televisions in their cells, and nobody is allowed to yell at them. A caller into Rush Limbaugh's radio show said his son is one of the MPs, and a detainee stole his handcuff key and his son yelled at the guy. The detainee filed a complaint and this guy's son lost a strip for being abusive to a prisoner.

CALLER: They have to watch everything they say, our guards, my son, as an MP, has to be careful of every word that's being recorded that he says --

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: -- all over the place, while these guys sit in Club Gitmo with cable boxes and flat-screen TVs.

RUSH: Well, how did they get those?

CALLER: Well, apparently it's been the replacement for the waterboarding.

RUSH: Oh. Flat-screen TVs.

CALLER: They have it made down there. My son's been trained in not raising his voice. He has sensitivity training --

RUSH: I believe all that, but are you telling me they've got flat-screen TVs in their cells?

CALLER: He said they have cable boxes, cable TV, and all of that set up in their cells.

RUSH: In their cells.

CALLER: That was in his training that he just finished up, and in fact he's en route even as we speak.

RUSH: And they probably get to watch the Al-Qaeda network.

CALLER: (laughing) I'm not too sure about that.

RUSH: Well, there is one. I don't know if it's on television. Clearly the Al-Qaeda people have a streaming network. I mean, they've got websites and stuff. Flat screens in the cells?

CALLER: It seems a little backwards, but even when he was in Afghanistan at Bagram guarding, he had a prisoner -- I'm sorry -- a detainee, excuse me. We don't want to break the ROE.

RUSH: Right, right, right, right.

CALLER: Stole his, grabbed hold of one of the keys to the handcuffs, and so he was raising his voice to the guy, saying you need to do this. Well, he complained, and that went to my son's commander. My son got bucked a rank for a month for raising his voice at the detainee trying to get the key back.

RUSH: Now, come on. You've got to be kidding me?

CALLER: If I can make this up, you know, hey, this is the kind of stuff that I don't think people understand.

RUSH: You get docked a rank for raising your voice?

CALLER: Yeah. He got bucked a rank for mistreating the detainee by raising his voice.

RUSH: I guess, given who's running this show, and given their perception of who the real bad guys are and that we've gotta prove we're not bad guys and maintain our values, I guess this isn't that hard to believe. But it is.
The Father of a Club Gitmo Guard - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Some may find this hard to believe, but I find it easier to believe this than the lies that Diane Feinstein put out this week.
My guess is that the guy wasn`t kidding the drug addicted talk show host. It`s called lying.
Let's not forget, Obama's first trip and statement to the world started with an apology tour. Now, his cronies in the Senate, reeling from a massive defeat last November are on a mission to destroy American prestige and reputation with this latest CIA Report.

What is the big revelation about this report? That we waterboarded and sleep deprived terrorist animals to obtain information? How is that anything new? This has been argued before and they lost. Yet, the leftist media keeps calling it "horrific torture" as if it's in any way equal to cutting off people's fingers or poking out one's eyes. All they did was putting Jihadists under psychologically stressful conditions, all legal and approved by the congress.

What is there to be gained from this rehashing of things that happened over a decade ago? Absolutely NOTHING. Other than embarrassment, providing ammunition for our enemies, and most importantly creating lack of faith by our allies and the CIA and other agencies who are working to keep America safe.

This has to be the most ideologically radical, anti American administration and Democrat congress in the history of this country. Maybe they think by rehashing and reminding people of the Bush years, it will serve as good diversion from the bitch-slapping the American voter just handed them.

All that they are accomplishing is digging their own graves for the 2016 election.

why would he stop now

he has bashed America all of his life
Yep, they are going to make our lives even more miserable than the first six years. I just hope the people learns a lesson from putting Obama some Progressive/Democrat NO EXPERIENCED community AGITATOR in as President and never do IT AGAIN
didn't Barry promise to close Gitmo?
Why would he do that. It's the best place for terrorists these days. The 20th hijacker is complaining about being beat up and picked on in federal prison by other prisoners while the terrorists in GITMO are enjoying soccer, flat-screen televisions in their cells, and nobody is allowed to yell at them. A caller into Rush Limbaugh's radio show said his son is one of the MPs, and a detainee stole his handcuff key and his son yelled at the guy. The detainee filed a complaint and this guy's son lost a strip for being abusive to a prisoner.

CALLER: They have to watch everything they say, our guards, my son, as an MP, has to be careful of every word that's being recorded that he says --

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: -- all over the place, while these guys sit in Club Gitmo with cable boxes and flat-screen TVs.

RUSH: Well, how did they get those?

CALLER: Well, apparently it's been the replacement for the waterboarding.

RUSH: Oh. Flat-screen TVs.

CALLER: They have it made down there. My son's been trained in not raising his voice. He has sensitivity training --

RUSH: I believe all that, but are you telling me they've got flat-screen TVs in their cells?

CALLER: He said they have cable boxes, cable TV, and all of that set up in their cells.

RUSH: In their cells.

CALLER: That was in his training that he just finished up, and in fact he's en route even as we speak.

RUSH: And they probably get to watch the Al-Qaeda network.

CALLER: (laughing) I'm not too sure about that.

RUSH: Well, there is one. I don't know if it's on television. Clearly the Al-Qaeda people have a streaming network. I mean, they've got websites and stuff. Flat screens in the cells?

CALLER: It seems a little backwards, but even when he was in Afghanistan at Bagram guarding, he had a prisoner -- I'm sorry -- a detainee, excuse me. We don't want to break the ROE.

RUSH: Right, right, right, right.

CALLER: Stole his, grabbed hold of one of the keys to the handcuffs, and so he was raising his voice to the guy, saying you need to do this. Well, he complained, and that went to my son's commander. My son got bucked a rank for a month for raising his voice at the detainee trying to get the key back.

RUSH: Now, come on. You've got to be kidding me?

CALLER: If I can make this up, you know, hey, this is the kind of stuff that I don't think people understand.

RUSH: You get docked a rank for raising your voice?

CALLER: Yeah. He got bucked a rank for mistreating the detainee by raising his voice.

RUSH: I guess, given who's running this show, and given their perception of who the real bad guys are and that we've gotta prove we're not bad guys and maintain our values, I guess this isn't that hard to believe. But it is.
The Father of a Club Gitmo Guard - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Some may find this hard to believe, but I find it easier to believe this than the lies that Diane Feinstein put out this week.
My guess is that the guy wasn`t kidding the drug addicted talk show host. It`s called lying.
Only way you could say that is if you were stationed there.

Were you?
Yep, they are going to make our lives even more miserable than the first six years. I just hope the people learns a lesson from putting Obama some Progressive/Democrat NO EXPERIENCED community AGITATOR in as President and never do IT AGAIN
Yes, it time for some Progressive/Democrat with a terrible on the job record former FOTUS agitator because it is alleged she has no dick.
The question is, who's left to throw under the bus? In the last two weeks it has been police officers across the country, the judicial system, and now the CIA.
One fact remains liberals tend to adopt any and all forms of conduct, not excluding civil disobedience, to stress their discontent. Spoiled or illusions of grandeur? Sad to think that my generation, the minority of entitled narcissistic pot heads are now in command of this country. Spare the rod spoil the child syndrome has reared its ugly head.
The question is, who's left to throw under the bus? In the last two weeks it has been police officers across the country, the judicial system, and now the CIA.
Government workers, if the government shuts down again.

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