Looks like Republicans have locked up the 2022 Election

The states already do that.
Then how come four related adults in a household, with three kids, are all on food stamps, and TANF, and Medicaid, etc., etc, and not a SINGLE one has a job? The oldest adult is about 50 (the grandmother), and the other three are in their 20s.
Problem is they will revert to crime if they can’t get what they want from the Government…
So we are paying criminals not to rob us?

How about instead we ramp up the punishment on thugs? If you don’t work, and Instead plan to mug people and loot stores, you will be put in jail without bond, be convicted, and serve at least 6 months in prison if your theft was under $1000 and a year if over.
So we are paying criminals not to rob us?

How about instead we ramp up the punishment on thugs? If you don’t work, and Instead plan to mug people and loot stores, you will be put in jail without bond, be convicted, and serve at least 6 months in prison if your theft was under $1000 and a year if over.
Many would take that because it is free meals for them and a place to sleep even if they are raped…
Then how come four related adults in a household, with three kids, are all on food stamps, and TANF, and Medicaid, etc., etc, and not a SINGLE one has a job? The oldest adult is about 50 (the grandmother), and the other three are in their 20s.
Considering I have no knowledge of this situation I can't evaluate a damn thing.
Many would take that because it is free meals for them and a place to sleep even if they are raped…
Good. I’d pay to have them put away where decent people are protected from them. If they might be raped, well….then they can consider that before they mug a little old lady or break the counters at a jewelry store.
This is a perfect example of how the supply chain collapse, coupled with exploding demand fueled by $11 TRILLION in stimulus over 12 years, and coupled with a Fed that stupidly held interest down for too long, has caused inflation to both explode and feed on itself.

In Normal World, that is.

This is what happens when the fed continues to pump blood into a corpse. Now the fed has no move. These measly little 75 basis point increases aren't going to solve the problem. Its just lipstick on a pig. Interest rates should have been at 10 percent 8 years ago in order to suck the cash back out but they failed to act. But then again, the fed created this frankenstein.
Considering I have no knowledge of this situation I can't evaluate a damn thing.
What’s to know? Four adults - all related - with three kids. None work. All collect welfare. Why doesn’t the mother of the kids stay home and take care of them, and the other three adults work? At the going rate for entry-level Target and Walmart jobs, they would bring in $100k a year.

Or.….the mother could get a part-time job while the kids are in school, and add another $20k or so to the HHI? A perfect example of people who could be in a six-figure household, but are content to goof off all day and live off OPM.
Good. I’d pay to have them put away where decent people are protected from them. If they might be raped, well….then they can consider that before they mug a little old lady or break the counters at a jewelry store.
My point is they would still steal because we feed them and take care of them in Prison, so you have to make prison inhumane first!
What’s to know? Four adults - all related - with three kids. None work. All collect welfare. Why doesn’t the mother of the kids stay home at take care of them, and the other three adults work? At the going rate for entry-level Target and Walmart jobs, they would bring in $100k a year.
They could drive for a living and triple that amount.
I didn't say it. As much as I'm disgusted with today's Democrats--and believe me, I am--it was Rightwinger who wants his fellow American citizens to be put in detainment camps. Ask him about it.

What does that have to do with the topic of the thread?
My point is they would still steal because we feed them and take care of them in Prison, so you have to make prison inhumane first!
Eh….prison is bad enough, but perhaps we can institute work programs where they go and clean up shit. Maybe around the homeless encampments. Or the migrant tent cities.

But the problem is that we aren’t putting them there. What about the Democrat who just killed the Republican teen? Why isn’t his butt in jail?

We need to PUT people in prison when they commit crimes. Right now, the libs are letting violent offenders back on the street.
They could drive for a living and triple that amount.
And if they had some pride in the idea of supporting themselves, they would.

The libs have convinced people that it is just as acceptable to live off of other people’s money than it is to work for a living. We need to get back to Clinton’s welfare reform with work requirements.
Don’t be an idiot. I worked for 40 years and am now retired.

What is SHAMEFUL are people in their 20s and 30s, not working at all, while collecting food stamps, rent subsidies, and TANF payments. It is creating a labor shortage, which in turn exacerbates inflation, which in turn creates more problems for the HONEST people who currently work, or worked all their adult lives and now were enjoying retirement.

We need a new rule: anyone with children older than 6 needs to get a job. Period. Enough with all the handouts that are turning America into a nation of entitled, non-productive people.
You still trying to pass off that myth as true?

We need to PUT people in prison when they commit crimes. Right now, the libs are letting violent offenders back on the street.

The US has over 2.5 million incarcerated
The most in the world
What does that have to do with the topic of the thread?

Oh I think a fellow American wanting about half of us in detainment camps should be a topic in just about every thread. You're only not appalled by it because he leans your way.
You’re so full of denial that you are making me lose my breakfast. People like you voted for an idiot, manipulated by the Marxist Democrats, who are intent on destroying the middle class.

And chance to stop it comes in a few weeks.
Did you teach or indoctrinate? You sure seem bitter. Hmmm. Sounds like you need a stiff one.

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