Looks like Republicans have locked up the 2022 Election

Oh I think a fellow American wanting about half of us in detainment camps should be a topic in just about every thread. You're only not appalled by it because he leans your way.

I have no fucking clue what you are talking about. I assume you just made it like you do most things these days
My point is they would still steal because we feed them and take care of them in Prison, so you have to make prison inhumane first!

Prisons were once prisons a long time ago. The problem is they took their treatment complaints to some liberal judge and they ruled their treatment as cruel and unusual punishment. That's why prisons are what they are today; that and the riots that took place.
What’s to know? Four adults - all related - with three kids. None work. All collect welfare. Why doesn’t the mother of the kids stay home and take care of them, and the other three adults work? At the going rate for entry-level Target and Walmart jobs, they would bring in $100k a year.

Or.….the mother could get a part-time job while the kids are in school, and add another $20k or so to the HHI? A perfect example of people who could be in a six-figure household, but are content to goof off all day and live off OPM.

They put Section 8 people in suburbs. What's the point of working when you can live just as good if not better than the working. Biden wants to put that on steroids too.

They put Section 8 people in suburbs. What's the point of working when you can live just as good if not better than the working. Biden wants to put that on steroids too.

Yeah, I did a little math. The food stamps, rent subsidy, and TANF add up to around $3500 a month - tax free. That’s $42,000 tax-free, or a salary of around $50,000. Why would anyone earning less than $50,000 want to work?
What’s missing from the country is a sense of pride.

We need to force people to work by withholding welfare from able-bodied adults who refuse to take a job.

Either that or you don't get one red cent until you are fixed first. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases. We are breeding more poor people and can't understand why we can't solve poverty. In the meantime a typical middle-class family can't afford more than two children.

In our neighboring suburb I was reading about a house fire. A woman and her six kids escaped. What do you want to bet she could never afford those kids in the first place? What will those kids grow up to be when they reach adulthood?
Unfortunately, we live in a society rampant with criminals. Glad they’re in prison.
Yet, most societies are able to handle them without locking everyone up

Same goes for Capital Punishment. Most of the civilized world has abandoned it.

They look at our criminal Justice system as barbaric
Why would anyone wear orange makeup, why would a man be wearing makeup at all?

Because it's the Democrat way.

You joke but something that important could lead to a revolt!

How else can a ugly woman get laid?

Biden better get the Beer flowing before men wake and realize what they have been banging wasn’t Ana de Armas but instead Hillary Clinton!!!

Then again I think Libertarians are more suited to get the Beer flowing again!

Biden is covered. He'll just blame it on the Republicans like he always does and the media will run with it like they always do.
Yet, most societies are able to handle them without locking everyone up

Same goes for Capital Punishment. Most of the civilized world has abandoned it.

They look at our criminal Justice system as barbaric

Yeah, real barbaric. Three square meals a day plus snacks if your friends or family contribute to your prison account, cable television, workout room, pool room, a field outside to play sports, limited internet access.

We have the same things in the outside world. They're called get-away weekends and we have to pay for them.
The death penalty eliminates repeat criminal activity and would solve overcrowding in the prison system.

The death penalty is no deterrent because it takes so long to fry somebody. Are you worried about what's going to happen to you 15 years from now? Well neither are they. Death penalty would be a deterrent if we exhausted all appeals in six months and you're gone.
Yet, most societies are able to handle them without locking everyone up

Same goes for Capital Punishment. Most of the civilized world has abandoned it.

They look at our criminal Justice system as barbaric
I think the criminals are barbaric, and a multi-murderer deserves the needle to ensure he doesn’t do it again.

But your sympathies lie with the criminal. It’s the lib position, and it’s why violent crime is skyrocketing.

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