Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.
Investigating the Biden's corruption while VP is in the interests of the United States. We have a treaty with Ukraine guaranteeing mutual assistance on criminal investigations. The Congressional spending authorization required the Administration to certify that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for purposes of decreasing corruption and increasing accountability. There was no deadline other than by the end of the fiscal year, that the money was to be dispersed, which it was. But great job blowing up Biden and driving up Trump's poll numbers.
Zelensky is not going to get involved in this.

Which is exactly why the Democrats charged Trump with this phony impeachment.

The aid was released once it became public knowledge.

The aid was released well ahead of schedule. Did the Thought Police tell you what Trump was thinking when he released the aid?

Trump wanted a phony investigation but the sordid affair became public. Even Mulvaney confirms the quid pro quo.

No, what he said is that he was misconstrued in his words. More lying MSM.

It is abuse of power as pressuring a foreign country to investigate a political rival is not a part of any legitimate foreign policy.

Yet it was okay when Biden actually did it.

"The White House has relinquished its hold on $250 million in military aid to Ukraine after weeks of bipartisan pressure from lawmakers who said the funding was needed to deter Russia.

Republicans and Democratic members of the Senate Appropriations Committee said Thursday the administration had relented late Wednesday. The news emerged in a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on fiscal 2020 defense spending.

President Donald Trump’s initial hold angered some lawmakers who are typically his allies, including South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who chairs the Senate subcommittee that covers State Department spending.

“I will be the strongest voice here if they don’t timely release the [2020 military aid],” Graham said."

White House releases $250 million in Ukraine military aid

It was released after the hold became public amid pressure from Congress.

Mulvaney did ademit there was a quid pro quo. He is on tape saying it. There is nothing for the MSM to interpret. You are the lying weasel.

Biden did no such thing. The Obama Administration never withheld or threatened to withhold military aid. What they did wrong was not providing lethal aid. The Obama Administration threatened to withhold economic aid or more specifically loan guarantees. The reason was a corrupt prosecutor named Shokin. The federal government, the world community and Ukrainians knew Shokin was corrupt. He had closed a investigation into Burisma. Republican Senators like Ron Johnson even sent a letter to Ukraine echoing Biden's comments. No one had any problems with Biden then.
Yes. I don't agree with them that Trump was wrong, but, I do think that it was a widely held belief among the Senate GOP that Trump was wrong to bring up Biden in the phone call, but that it certainly was not a removeable offense.

Biden is a former Senator and it looks to me like they will do everything they can to make sure he is never held to account for his open corruption. Quite frankly, the entire US Senate may be similarly corrupt.

He wasn't just "brought up on the call". Trump was pressuring Zelensky to go on CNN and publicly announce investigation into Bidens.

That is not good faith pursuit of justice, it has nothing to do with justice, it's the opposite.

Belive it or not there actually is a proper process to report illegal activities to DOJ.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.
/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.
Investigating the Biden's corruption while VP is in the interests of the United States. We have a treaty with Ukraine guaranteeing mutual assistance on criminal investigations. The Congressional spending authorization required the Administration to certify that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for purposes of decreasing corruption and increasing accountability. There was no deadline other than by the end of the fiscal year, that the money was to be dispersed, which it was. But great job blowing up Biden and driving up Trump's poll numbers.

There is no evidence of any Biden corruption. The Defense Department was required to certify steps had been taken to fight corruption.
"Actually, the law required the Defense Department to certify that substantial progress had been made toward fighting corruption before releasing some of the money. That was done in May."
Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid
He wasn't just "brought up on the call". Trump was pressuring Zelensky to go on CNN and publicly announce investigation into Bidens.

That is not good faith pursuit of justice, it has nothing to do with justice, it's the opposite.

Belive it or not there actually is a proper process to report illegal activities to DOJ.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.

It is not. The only people that believe that is cracked pot Trump supporters.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
Obtaining warrants to illegally spy on the President with the use of a forged documents is "specified in the Constitution"?

Are you sure?

(Impeachment is specified in the Constitution. Also the warrants on Carter Page was obtained after Page left the campaign Maybe you can tell us how a campaign can be spied on when the subject is no longer a part of the campaign.
That has been explained hundreds of times in this forum. We can't help it if you are too dumb to understand it.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.

It is not. The only people that believe that is cracked pot Trump supporters.
You mean Trump supporters are the only ones who understand it. Here are the people who claim they don't understand it:

/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?
Rush's greatest crime was telling the truth.

Rush Limbaugh has not told the truth in some time. He is Trump's sock puppet.
Reading your posts is a waste of my time.

Your posts are a waste of time.
/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.
The term "political rival" has not legal meaning. You described a non-crime. Investigating crooks is what the DOJ is supposed to do.
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
Obtaining warrants to illegally spy on the President with the use of a forged documents is "specified in the Constitution"?

Are you sure?

(Impeachment is specified in the Constitution. Also the warrants on Carter Page was obtained after Page left the campaign Maybe you can tell us how a campaign can be spied on when the subject is no longer a part of the campaign.
That has been explained hundreds of times in this forum. We can't help it if you are too dumb to understand it.

You are apparently too dumb to realize that October comes after September. In September, Page left the campaign and in October the FISA warrants were sought. There was no attempt to spy on the Trump campaign.
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.

It is not. The only people that believe that is cracked pot Trump supporters.
You mean Trump supporters are the only ones who understand it. Here are the people who claim they don't understand it:


That picture certainly describes Trump supporters although I think the chimps are smarter than Trump supporters.
/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.
Investigating the Biden's corruption while VP is in the interests of the United States. We have a treaty with Ukraine guaranteeing mutual assistance on criminal investigations. The Congressional spending authorization required the Administration to certify that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for purposes of decreasing corruption and increasing accountability. There was no deadline other than by the end of the fiscal year, that the money was to be dispersed, which it was. But great job blowing up Biden and driving up Trump's poll numbers.

There is no evidence of any Biden corruption. The Defense Department was required to certify steps had been taken to fight corruption.
"Actually, the law required the Defense Department to certify that substantial progress had been made toward fighting corruption before releasing some of the money. That was done in May."
Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid
Biden admitted on video to extorting money from Ukraine
/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.
The term "political rival" has not legal meaning. You described a non-crime. Investigating crooks is what the DOJ is supposed to do.

The DOJ has not opened a investigation. They need something to open a preliminary investigation which they are unable to find.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.

It is not. The only people that believe that is cracked pot Trump supporters.
Wrong. It's an established fact.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
Obtaining warrants to illegally spy on the President with the use of a forged documents is "specified in the Constitution"?

Are you sure?

(Impeachment is specified in the Constitution. Also the warrants on Carter Page was obtained after Page left the campaign Maybe you can tell us how a campaign can be spied on when the subject is no longer a part of the campaign.
That has been explained hundreds of times in this forum. We can't help it if you are too dumb to understand it.

You are apparently too dumb to realize that October comes after September. In September, Page left the campaign and in October the FISA warrants were sought. There was no attempt to spy on the Trump campaign.
You're too fucking stupid to understand that the NSA has every phone call, email and electronic communication you ever made stored in a giant database in Utah.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.

It is not. The only people that believe that is cracked pot Trump supporters.
You mean Trump supporters are the only ones who understand it. Here are the people who claim they don't understand it:


That picture certainly describes Trump supporters although I think the chimps are smarter than Trump supporters.
It describes dumbasses like you that refuse to listen to any evidence that your deep state heroes are actually traitors.
/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.
The term "political rival" has not legal meaning. You described a non-crime. Investigating crooks is what the DOJ is supposed to do.

The DOJ has not opened a investigation. They need something to open a preliminary investigation which they are unable to find.
Trump was asking Ukraine for help in opening an investigation, moron. They already had something: Joe's admission of a quid pro quo on video.
And yet their votes didn't reflect that.

Horsecrap, Mitt's vote did reflect exactly that, but your argument is pure red herring either way.

Their vote was not for lack of evidence, these Republicans agree that Trump is culpable and what they are actually publicly saying with their vote is that removing him for it should be left to voters.

Either way, these improprieties are real and Vinman was correct to report what he saw to NSC lawyers and then give his truthful testimony to Congress as he was required by law.

Republicans now wanting to hang him for doing the right thing is deplorable.

One day when Trump is long gone it just may be a Democrat in the White House who is doing something wrong, so be careful where you fools are going with this, because guess what, there will be no one left to report it.

Well the next commie President will be impeached by a Republican led House because your people created this impeachment war. Thanks to them, you no longer need a crime or an impeachable offense to be impeached. Just do something the leaders of the House don't like, and off to impeachment we go.

Romney is not really a Republican. He's hated Trump since before he ran for office. HIs vote was out of hatred, not based on wrong or right. Vindman is part of the deep state. In fact, he was at the last Democrat primary when Biden kissed his ass right on stage. You can't have people in your administration working against you. That's why Trump got rid of him.

If you were a manager of a baseball team, and your pitcher was rooting for the other side, do you put him in the game? Of course not. You put in players that want your side to win. You don't want your pitcher walking batters, missing a ball hit in his direction, allowing base runners to steal bases. Only an idiot would do that. So if you see your pitcher acting that way, you take him out of the game. That's what Trump did.
Ask Bill Clinton who invented the impeachment war

Bill Clinton committed a felony. According to the US Constitution, it's an impeachable offense.

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What Trump did is a impeachable offense. Even Republican witness Jonathan Turley has said that.

Well if Jonathan Turley said that then it must be true. Let's make him president. Are we sure he's not the smartest guy in the world.

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