Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
I’m dumb yet you can’t produce one quote to back up your bullshit. Haha.

I said the term Perjury trap was bogus because nobody forced Flynn to lie. Of course there is such thing as the term Perjury trap... you all just keep misusing it implying that there was something improper that happened that tricked Flynn into lying. That’s utter bullshit. Just like the accusations you spew at me and can’t back up
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?
Come on Slade, Comey went around the incoming administration and admitted "because I could GET AWAY with it." He was not investigating a crime and, from FBI internal memos they were trying to get him to lie. If that is not a trap, I don't know what is. Normally, the cops have evidence of a crime in an interrogation. Comey had a fake Dossier and a legal conversation Flynn had with Kysliak. That's it!!! Scant proof of any crime and certainly no reason to grill an innocent man like a murder suspect and pretend it's just friendly conversation. Beyond that, suggesting that the interview would 'go quicker' without a lawyer was a concerted effort to get him to say things he ordinarily would not say without his council present. Now can you please stop sqawking out the same ridiculous DNC talking point garbage? It's getting tedious and boring. Time to move on bud.
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So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
I’m dumb yet you can’t produce one quote to back up your bullshit. Haha.

And once again, there you go with another lie! You are a fucking childish dishonest lie machine! Jesus H. Christ!
You and I both know you denied there is such a thing as a perjury trap because I went to Wikipedia and produced the truth. You can't go a single post without lying! Sometimes not even a single sentence.

I said the term Perjury trap was bogus because nobody forced Flynn to lie. Of course there is such thing as the term Perjury trap... you all just keep misusing it implying that there was something improper that happened that tricked Flynn into lying. That’s utter bullshit. Just like the accusations you spew at me and can’t back up
So of course you in the space of this single post have denied you ever lied about the existence of such a thing as a perjury trap (lie). You denied such a thing exists.

Then you admit you denied such a thing (lie, you know damned well there is just such a thing because I cited the fact) but said it was "bogus". You claim doesn't negate the thing.
And lie again, you contradicted your first lie by admitting there are perjury traps...(two for one lie).

Then you said there is such a thing, but then you claimed I don't use the term properly.....well that's
YOUR opinion! ( which is again a lie...whether you think I use the term correctly or not such a thing exists).

So keep running little rabbit. You will never run away from all your lies. It isn't possible and you pile up mountains of lies as you run away. You are so dismally stupid!
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Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?
Come on Slade, Comey went around the incoming administration and admitted "because I could GET AWAY with it." He was not investigating a crime and, from FBI internal memos they were trying to get him to lie. If that is not a trap, I don't know what is. Normally, the cops have evidence of a crime in an interrogation. Comey had a fake Dossier and a legal conversation Flynn had with Kysliak. That's it!!! Scant proof of any crime and certainly no reason to grill an innocent man like a murder suspect and pretend it's just friendly conversation. Beyond that, suggesting that the interview would 'go quicker' without a lawyer was a concerted effort to get him to say things he ordinarily would not say without his council present. Now can you please stop sqawking out the same ridiculous DNC talking point garbage? It's getting tedious and boring. Time to move on bud.
Leo you can call it a trap if you want but it is a disingenuous term used to degrade and vilify what is standard practice in law enforcement. If you think there is something improper for cops to ask questions they know the answer to to see if the subject is being honest or not then I don’t know what to tell ya. Flynn made the decision to lie. You seem to be totally fine with it and even make excuses for him. The FBI has much more than a fake dossier. For starters elements of the dossier were corroborated in the muller report. There was also evidence of contacts between Russia and Trumps campaign and the Trump people lying to the public about them. When people lie they are suspect. To investigates is totally warranted. Now what, if anything, about what I just said is not true
So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
I’m dumb yet you can’t produce one quote to back up your bullshit. Haha.

And once again, there you go with another lie! You are a fucking childish dishonest lie machine! Jesus H. Christ!
You and I both know you denied there is such a thing as a perjury trap because I went to Wikipedia and produced the truth. You can't go a single post without lying! Sometimes not even a single sentence.

I said the term Perjury trap was bogus because nobody forced Flynn to lie. Of course there is such thing as the term Perjury trap... you all just keep misusing it implying that there was something improper that happened that tricked Flynn into lying. That’s utter bullshit. Just like the accusations you spew at me and can’t back up
So of course you in the space of this single post have denied you ever lied about a perjury trap (lie). Then you admit you denied such a thing (lie, you know damned well there is just such a thing and lie again,
you contradicted the first lie by admitting there are perjury tramps...two for one lie).
Then you said there is such a thing, but then you claim I don't use the term properly.....well that's
YOUR opinion! ( which is again a lie...whether you think I use the term correctly or not such a thing exists).

So keep running little rabbit. You will never run away from all your lies. It isn't possible and you pile up mountains of lies as you run away. You are so dismally stupid!
I was denying the existence of a trap in the context that you all were implying it was. Of course the term Perjury Trap exists. It would be stupid to argue otherwise. I guess I really need to dumb these things down for you because everything seems to go right over your head
I was denying the existence of a trap in the context that you all were implying it was.
NO! You just flatly denied such a thing existed until I got a citation and proved otherwise. Fuckin' coward.
Prosecutorial malfeasance and misconduct. There is no other "context" for the term.

Of course the term Perjury Trap exists. It would be stupid to argue otherwise.
Yeah, it sure would be dumb, shit for brains! Why did you deny such a common prosecutorial practice existed?

I guess I really need to dumb these things down for you because everything seems to go right over your
I guess you need to grow a pair of balls and take responsibility for your ignorance without trying
to weasel away from it. You are as fucking transparent as a cheap pane of glass. Go fuck yourself, coward!
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?
Come on Slade, Comey went around the incoming administration and admitted "because I could GET AWAY with it." He was not investigating a crime and, from FBI internal memos they were trying to get him to lie. If that is not a trap, I don't know what is. Normally, the cops have evidence of a crime in an interrogation. Comey had a fake Dossier and a legal conversation Flynn had with Kysliak. That's it!!! Scant proof of any crime and certainly no reason to grill an innocent man like a murder suspect and pretend it's just friendly conversation. Beyond that, suggesting that the interview would 'go quicker' without a lawyer was a concerted effort to get him to say things he ordinarily would not say without his council present. Now can you please stop sqawking out the same ridiculous DNC talking point garbage? It's getting tedious and boring. Time to move on bud.
Leo you can call it a trap if you want but it is a disingenuous term used to degrade and vilify what is standard practice in law enforcement. If you think there is something improper for cops to ask questions they know the answer to to see if the subject is being honest or not then I don’t know what to tell ya. Flynn made the decision to lie. You seem to be totally fine with it and even make excuses for him. The FBI has much more than a fake dossier. For starters elements of the dossier were corroborated in the muller report. There was also evidence of contacts between Russia and Trumps campaign and the Trump people lying to the public about them. When people lie they are suspect. To investigates is totally warranted. Now what, if anything, about what I just said is not true
It is NOT standard law enforcement to try to trap a witness into lying. If the Cops suspect a CRIME then they advise of RIGHTS to have a lawyer present but, in this case, they advised the OPPOSITE. That is certainly NOT standard law enforcement in any way shape or form. I understand you can pick pieces out of the story and cloak yourself in the law but that in itself is disingenuous. Flynn committed no crime by all evidence and also, was not advised of the exculpatory evidence that 2 agents said Flynn was being truthful. Basically they convinced him to say he was lying so he could plea. He had already exhausted his funds, lost his house and they were threatening his son. That is NOT how law enforcement, if it is going by ethical standards, works.
So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
I’m dumb yet you can’t produce one quote to back up your bullshit. Haha.

And once again, there you go with another lie! You are a fucking childish dishonest lie machine! Jesus H. Christ!
You and I both know you denied there is such a thing as a perjury trap because I went to Wikipedia and produced the truth. You can't go a single post without lying! Sometimes not even a single sentence.

I said the term Perjury trap was bogus because nobody forced Flynn to lie. Of course there is such thing as the term Perjury trap... you all just keep misusing it implying that there was something improper that happened that tricked Flynn into lying. That’s utter bullshit. Just like the accusations you spew at me and can’t back up
So of course you in the space of this single post have denied you ever lied about a perjury trap (lie). Then you admit you denied such a thing (lie, you know damned well there is just such a thing and lie again,
you contradicted the first lie by admitting there are perjury tramps...two for one lie).
Then you said there is such a thing, but then you claim I don't use the term properly.....well that's
YOUR opinion! ( which is again a lie...whether you think I use the term correctly or not such a thing exists).

So keep running little rabbit. You will never run away from all your lies. It isn't possible and you pile up mountains of lies as you run away. You are so dismally stupid!
I was denying the existence of a trap in the context that you all were implying it was. Of course the term Perjury Trap exists. It would be stupid to argue otherwise. I guess I really need to dumb these things down for you because everything seems to go right over your head
No, you need to stop with you myopic view of what happened and stop ignoring other exculpatory evidence. I certainly hope you are not a lawyer.

These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic

And frustrating. They are turning valid criticisms into grist to fuel their huge, multifaceted conspiracy theory of a coup. You can’t argue conspiracy theories, logic has no place there, it becomes an exercise in frustation. That is what I found with birthers.

And you willfully ignore the political classes own statements where 19 minutes after inauguration they were already plotting on how to remove him.

Like I said Coyote, look in the mirror.

I did. And I found this.

Do you not understand that there is a HUGE gulf between obstructing a president, and trying to ILLEGALLY remove one from office? C'mon Coyote. You are not dumb. You are smart, but there is NO equivalency here. One groups actions were LEGAL. The other groups actions, were not.

Do you have a link for that - illegally trying to remove him from office? The only thing I can find is that a CA Dem candidate started a super pac called "Impeach Trump".

BEFORE Trump was elected the FBI was spying on his campaign. ILLEGALLY. You tell me.

Actually, according to Horowitz's report it wasn't illegal, there was sufficient reason for it.

Are you saying that is the basis of the claim that the Dems were plotting to remove Trump?

There was? What, prey tell. The ILLEGALLY obtained steele dossier? Get real.

There was nothing illegal about how the dossier was obtained. Also, it wasn't the only evidence backing up the investigation. So ya, I believe Horowitz, unlike either of us he would have seen all the information.

But back to the question - you said that the Dems were plotting to overthrow Trump before his inauguration - what is that based on?

Yet the material found within the 'Steele Dossier' was unsubstantiated, lies and fantasy as testified too by Christopher Steele himself in a London Court. Additionally it was funded by Hillary Clinton that funneled the money ($1.9 Million) through Perkins-Coie LLC. to Fusion GPS. hat in itself was illegal.
Any unbiased judge would in court consider the use of this material as evidence as poisonous fruit.
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?
Come on Slade, Comey went around the incoming administration and admitted "because I could GET AWAY with it." He was not investigating a crime and, from FBI internal memos they were trying to get him to lie. If that is not a trap, I don't know what is. Normally, the cops have evidence of a crime in an interrogation. Comey had a fake Dossier and a legal conversation Flynn had with Kysliak. That's it!!! Scant proof of any crime and certainly no reason to grill an innocent man like a murder suspect and pretend it's just friendly conversation. Beyond that, suggesting that the interview would 'go quicker' without a lawyer was a concerted effort to get him to say things he ordinarily would not say without his council present. Now can you please stop sqawking out the same ridiculous DNC talking point garbage? It's getting tedious and boring. Time to move on bud.
Leo you can call it a trap if you want but it is a disingenuous term used to degrade and vilify what is standard practice in law enforcement. If you think there is something improper for cops to ask questions they know the answer to to see if the subject is being honest or not then I don’t know what to tell ya. Flynn made the decision to lie. You seem to be totally fine with it and even make excuses for him. The FBI has much more than a fake dossier. For starters elements of the dossier were corroborated in the muller report. There was also evidence of contacts between Russia and Trumps campaign and the Trump people lying to the public about them. When people lie they are suspect. To investigates is totally warranted. Now what, if anything, about what I just said is not true
It is NOT standard law enforcement to try to trap a witness into lying. If the Cops suspect a CRIME then they advise of RIGHTS to have a lawyer present but, in this case, they advised the OPPOSITE. That is certainly NOT standard law enforcement in any way shape or form. I understand you can pick pieces out of the story and cloak yourself in the law but that in itself is disingenuous. Flynn committed no crime by all evidence and also, was not advised of the exculpatory evidence that 2 agents said Flynn was being truthful. Basically they convinced him to say he was lying so he could plea. He had already exhausted his funds, lost his house and they were threatening his son. That is NOT how law enforcement, if it is going by ethical standards, works.
They didn’t have evidence to arrest Flynn they just knew he was lying about contacts with Russian. Remember he lied to pence who in turn lied to the American people which resulted in Flynn being fired. So when somebody is lying they are suspect... why are they lying?

if people’s cars were being vandalized and I set a “trap” by leaving a door open and a purse on the seat to see who came along and stole it. Would I be breaking the law by trapping the burglar. Would you be defending the burglar in that situation?

when cops go under cover to get evidence is that also entrapment ?
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
Sure there was. To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

He's the incoming NSA.
So? Before becoming the NSA, he was just a citizen with no authority to act on behalf of the USA's government. He did so anyway. The FBI was right to investigate the matter.
Before becoming the NSA, he was just a citizen with no authority to act on behalf of the USA's government.

It's perfectly legal for members of an incoming administration to contact foreign governments.

The FBI was right to investigate the matter.

They investigated.
A week after the call they found no derogatory info and were going to drop the case.
Oh? Who authorized Flynn to discuss Obama's sanctions with Russia?
So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
I’m dumb yet you can’t produce one quote to back up your bullshit. Haha.

And once again, there you go with another lie! You are a fucking childish dishonest lie machine! Jesus H. Christ!
You and I both know you denied there is such a thing as a perjury trap because I went to Wikipedia and produced the truth. You can't go a single post without lying! Sometimes not even a single sentence.

I said the term Perjury trap was bogus because nobody forced Flynn to lie. Of course there is such thing as the term Perjury trap... you all just keep misusing it implying that there was something improper that happened that tricked Flynn into lying. That’s utter bullshit. Just like the accusations you spew at me and can’t back up
So of course you in the space of this single post have denied you ever lied about a perjury trap (lie). Then you admit you denied such a thing (lie, you know damned well there is just such a thing and lie again,
you contradicted the first lie by admitting there are perjury tramps...two for one lie).
Then you said there is such a thing, but then you claim I don't use the term properly.....well that's
YOUR opinion! ( which is again a lie...whether you think I use the term correctly or not such a thing exists).

So keep running little rabbit. You will never run away from all your lies. It isn't possible and you pile up mountains of lies as you run away. You are so dismally stupid!
I was denying the existence of a trap in the context that you all were implying it was. Of course the term Perjury Trap exists. It would be stupid to argue otherwise. I guess I really need to dumb these things down for you because everything seems to go right over your head
No, you need to stop with you myopic view of what happened and stop ignoring other exculpatory evidence. I certainly hope you are not a lawyer.
No problem! I’d be happy to do that as I’ve spent most my time in this thread filling in the missing piece that you all are leaving out in your narrative.
If you think there is something improper for cops to ask questions they know the answer to to see if the subject is being honest or not then I don’t know what to tell ya.

There was nothing illegal in the phone call. No legitimate reason to ask him about the call.
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
Sure there was. To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

He's the incoming NSA.
So? Before becoming the NSA, he was just a citizen with no authority to act on behalf of the USA's government. He did so anyway. The FBI was right to investigate the matter.
Before becoming the NSA, he was just a citizen with no authority to act on behalf of the USA's government.

It's perfectly legal for members of an incoming administration to contact foreign governments.

The FBI was right to investigate the matter.

They investigated.
A week after the call they found no derogatory info and were going to drop the case.
Oh? Who authorized Flynn to discuss Obama's sanctions with Russia?

He needed authorization? LOL!
I was denying the existence of a trap in the context that you all were implying it was.
NO! You just flatly denied such a thing existed until I got a citation and proved otherwise. Fuckin' coward.
Prosecutorial malfeasance and misconduct. There is no other "context" for the term.

Of course the term Perjury Trap exists. It would be stupid to argue otherwise.
Yeah, it sure would be dumb, shit for brains! Why did you deny such a common prosecutorial practice existed?

I guess I really need to dumb these things down for you because everything seems to go right over your
I guess you need to grow a pair of balls and take responsibility for your ignorance without trying
to weasel away from it. You are as fucking transparent as a cheap pane of glass. Go fuck yourself, coward!
So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
I’m dumb yet you can’t produce one quote to back up your bullshit. Haha.

And once again, there you go with another lie! You are a fucking childish dishonest lie machine! Jesus H. Christ!
You and I both know you denied there is such a thing as a perjury trap because I went to Wikipedia and produced the truth. You can't go a single post without lying! Sometimes not even a single sentence.

I said the term Perjury trap was bogus because nobody forced Flynn to lie. Of course there is such thing as the term Perjury trap... you all just keep misusing it implying that there was something improper that happened that tricked Flynn into lying. That’s utter bullshit. Just like the accusations you spew at me and can’t back up
So of course you in the space of this single post have denied you ever lied about a perjury trap (lie). Then you admit you denied such a thing (lie, you know damned well there is just such a thing and lie again,
you contradicted the first lie by admitting there are perjury tramps...two for one lie).
Then you said there is such a thing, but then you claim I don't use the term properly.....well that's
YOUR opinion! ( which is again a lie...whether you think I use the term correctly or not such a thing exists).

So keep running little rabbit. You will never run away from all your lies. It isn't possible and you pile up mountains of lies as you run away. You are so dismally stupid!
I was denying the existence of a trap in the context that you all were implying it was. Of course the term Perjury Trap exists. It would be stupid to argue otherwise. I guess I really need to dumb these things down for you because everything seems to go right over your head
No, you need to stop with you myopic view of what happened and stop ignoring other exculpatory evidence. I certainly hope you are not a lawyer.
No problem! I’d be happy to do that as I’ve spent most my time in this thread filling in the missing piece that you all are leaving out in your narrative.
You have not done any of that. You purpsel
So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
Oh, I walked right into your trap. Just like when you claimed there was no such thing as a perjury trap.
Well done, Debate King. Well done (oh....I guess that was one of your more popular lies).

You are dumber than a box of dog turds.
I’m dumb yet you can’t produce one quote to back up your bullshit. Haha.

And once again, there you go with another lie! You are a fucking childish dishonest lie machine! Jesus H. Christ!
You and I both know you denied there is such a thing as a perjury trap because I went to Wikipedia and produced the truth. You can't go a single post without lying! Sometimes not even a single sentence.

I said the term Perjury trap was bogus because nobody forced Flynn to lie. Of course there is such thing as the term Perjury trap... you all just keep misusing it implying that there was something improper that happened that tricked Flynn into lying. That’s utter bullshit. Just like the accusations you spew at me and can’t back up
So of course you in the space of this single post have denied you ever lied about a perjury trap (lie). Then you admit you denied such a thing (lie, you know damned well there is just such a thing and lie again,
you contradicted the first lie by admitting there are perjury tramps...two for one lie).
Then you said there is such a thing, but then you claim I don't use the term properly.....well that's
YOUR opinion! ( which is again a lie...whether you think I use the term correctly or not such a thing exists).

So keep running little rabbit. You will never run away from all your lies. It isn't possible and you pile up mountains of lies as you run away. You are so dismally stupid!
I was denying the existence of a trap in the context that you all were implying it was. Of course the term Perjury Trap exists. It would be stupid to argue otherwise. I guess I really need to dumb these things down for you because everything seems to go right over your head
No, you need to stop with you myopic view of what happened and stop ignoring other exculpatory evidence. I certainly hope you are not a lawyer.
No problem! I’d be happy to do that as I’ve spent most my time in this thread filling in the missing piece that you all are leaving out in your narrative.
OK Slade......Here are a few missing pieces you might want to address.

1. Flynn's RT visit with Putin wasn't nefarious. In fact, it was cleared by his former employer, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and he received a defensive briefing before he went to Russia and debriefed with U.S. intelligence after he returned. Exculpatory Russia evidence about Mike Flynn that US intel kept secret
2. Not a Russian agent. A Justice Department memo exonerated Flynn of Russia collusion on Jan. 30, 2017, nearly a year before he pled guilty. "The FBI did not believe Flynn was acting as an agent of Russia," a DOJ memo states. https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/fbis-russia-collusion-case-fell-apart-first-month-trump-presidency
3. Case closed memo. FBI agents wrote a memo to close the investigation of Flynn on Jan. 4, 2017, writing they found "no derogatory" evidence that Flynn committed a crime or posed a national security threat. FBI management then ordered the closure to be rescinded and pivoted toward trying lure Flynn into an interview. FBI found no 'derogatory' Russia evidence on Flynn, planned to close case before leaders intervened
4. DOJ heartburn. Senior Justice officials expressed concern and alarm at the way the FBI was treating Flynn, including trying to interview him without the normally required notification to the Trump White House. Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates expressed significant concern that White House officials weren't being advised. “The interview was problematic from Yates’ perspective because, as a matter of protocol and courtesy, the White House Counsel’s Office should have been notified beforehand," a DOJ memo stated. Obama DOJ officials privately told Mueller they were alarmed by FBI treatment of Flynn
5. Logan Act threat wasn't real. DOJ officials immediately did not believe Flynn could realistically be prosecuted under the Logan Act for his conversations with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified he was told such a prosecution was a "long shot," and former Assistant Attorney General Mary McCord "said that upon learning of Flynn’s phone calls with Ambassador Kislyak, a Logan Act prosecution seemed like a stretch to her,” DOJ memos say. Obama DOJ officials privately told Mueller they were alarmed by FBI treatment of Flynn
6. Unequal treatment. James Comey bragged in a videotaped interview that he authorized the FBI to try to conduct a Flynn interview without the proper notifications and protocol, hoping to catch Flynn and the new Trump White House off guard. In other words, they didn't follow procedure or treat Flynn like others when it came to due process. Comey said the tactic was "something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized administration." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/co...ents-to-interview-mike-flynn-was-not-standard
7. Disguising a required warning. FBI officials debated whether they could avoid, disguise or slip in the required FBI admonition against lying to agents at the start of Flynn's interview to keep him off guard. "It would be an easy way to just casually slip that in," FBI lawyer Lisa Page texted during the discussions. FBI notes detail effort to catch Flynn in lie to 'get him fired' as Trump adviser.
8. "Playing games." Then-Assistant Director for Counterintelligence William Priestap wrote in handwritten notes that he feared the bureau was "playing games" with the Flynn interview in an effort to get the national security adviser to lie so "we can prosecute him or get him fired." FBI notes detail effort to catch Flynn in lie to 'get him fired' as Trump adviser
9. No deception. The FBI agents who interviewed Flynn, including Peter Strzok, did not believe Flynn intended to lie or be deceptive in his interview. "Strzok provided his view that Flynn appeared truthful during the interview," a memo from Mueller's team stated. Obama DOJ officials privately told Mueller they were alarmed by FBI treatment of Flynn
10. No actual denial. The FBI agents who interviewed Flynn indicated in a draft report that Flynn did not directly deny talking to Kislyak about sanctions, as he was accused by Mueller. Instead they noted he couldn't remember, wasn't sure and even conceded it was possible. Here's a direct quote from the draft interview memo. "FLYNN stated it was possible that he talked to KISLYAK on the issue, but if he did, he did not remember doing so." That's a far cry from a direct denial. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthe...smiss/fa06f5e13a0ec71843b6/optimized/full.pdf
11.) Interview Reports Edited. According to evidence DOJ disclosed this month, FBI officials subsequently edited the original Flynn interview report. After Strzok and fellow special agent Joe Pientka interviewed the Trump adviser, Pientka wrote the original interview report, known as a 302, then Strzok heavily edited it, so much so that he worried he was “trying not to completely re-write” the memo. Then FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who neither attended the interview nor is an agent, edited it again, according to the DOJ evidence. And then that version of the 302 was never given to the court. Instead, a substitute summary of the interview written months later was presented as official evidence, an act current and former FBI officials told me was extraordinarily unusual. Opinion | ‘Rewrite’ in Flynn’s Case Shows FBI Needs Reform
12.) Evidence withheld. The biggest, and perhaps most troubling discovery, according to DOJ officials and Flynn's lawyers, was the majority of the above evidence was withheld from the courts and Flynn's legal team for years despite repeated orders that all exculpatory Brady materials, i.e. evidence of innocence, be produced.

They didn’t have evidence to arrest Flynn they just knew he was lying about contacts with Russian. Remember he lied to pence who in turn lied to the American people which resulted in Flynn being fired. So when somebody is lying they are suspect... why are they lying?

if people’s cars were being vandalized and I set a “trap” by leaving a door open and a purse on the seat to see who came along and stole it. Would I be breaking the law by trapping the burglar. Would you be defending the burglar in that situation?
That's called "entrapment" and it's illegal. A burglar would be released if arrested because you, under
the context of your example, would be inducing someone to commit a crime they would not otherwise commit.
You don't "defend" the burglar when you realize entrapment is wrong.

when cops go under cover to get evidence is that also entrapment ?
Nope! Unless these cops weren't just witnessing a criminal gang or enterprise but actively
encouraging crimes be committed. You have a shaky understanding of it all.
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
Sure there was. To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.
Again, why were they curious or who was it that was directing them that was curious ?
If you think there is something improper for cops to ask questions they know the answer to to see if the subject is being honest or not then I don’t know what to tell ya.

There was nothing illegal in the phone call. No legitimate reason to ask him about the call.
You're talking in circles Todd, we’ve been through this. You’re point does not land. Cops can talk to people with whom they don’t have evidence of crimes
If you think there is something improper for cops to ask questions they know the answer to to see if the subject is being honest or not then I don’t know what to tell ya.

There was nothing illegal in the phone call. No legitimate reason to ask him about the call.
You're talking in circles Todd, we’ve been through this. You’re point does not land. Cops can talk to people with whom they don’t have evidence of crimes

And that's why his lies were not material.

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