Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

This is where your narrative falls apart. Flynn wasn’t under any of that pressure at the time
of the interview when he LIED. If the FBI used that lie to try and extract more information from him in a way that fell
outside the law then the FBI should be held to account. That’s a separate issue and it does not exonerate Flynn for the crime he committed. Keep trying to muddy the water by conflating the two issues though. You’re totally fooling us all!
The FBI has been held to account. That's why the prosecutor in the Flynn case threw in the towel and the case against Flynn has been dropped. It's been nice chatting.
the prosecutor in the Flynn case quit in rebellion of the action, then that cleared Barr's guys to withdraw the prosecution against Flynn, right after he quit.

much like the prosecutors over the Roger Stone case quit, the day Barr's guys came in and changed the recommended sentence under the guidelines to a ''cushy'' lower sentence for the president's ''friend''.

dirty is, as dirty does

crooked is, as crooked does....

I can't comprehend how even you guys don't see this.....?
"Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts."

So WTF? Grack suddenly denied exculpatory materials to Flynn? Why? Seriously, can anyone here answer that question?
Grack believed that he had no obligation to give these as Flynn accepted a plea agreement. This was in erorr as the court ordered "all relevant exculpatory evidence" handed over, which they to this day did not until it was redacted and released by Barr. Grack violated the courts order in no uncertain terms and Sullivan is very upset at this point. I fully expect Sullivan to throw out the whole case as criminal misconduct by the state. I hope he takes off a few heads when he does it and forwards them for prosecution themselves for framing Flynn.

Couldn't say if sufficient evidence exists that will stand up in court, but I would say that the applicable lawyers should at the least lose their license to practice law. Can they do that at the federal level? It might be a state by state issue, and the blue states won't do that; looks bad don't you know for the party.

But the whole mess stinks to high heaven. To me, this is worse than Watergate, which of course was an actual crime but a victimless one. No one was hurt and damaged in any way by Watergate except for the tarnished reputations on those involved. But this time, the reputations of some of our most trusted institutions have been severely damaged, and it will be quite some time before that trust is restored. Which BTW Mr Wray is not doing so well at.
You’re right about on thing... trust is broken. When we have a POTUS and a NSA lying to the public and lying to FBI agents in the course of an investigation we have a big problem.

Then maybe the Democrats should not have a run a non-stop serial liar, and had a person that instigated a lack of trust for 8 years.
I don’t see how that’s relevant at all. Are you making the point that since you didn’t trust Obama it’s a free pass for republicans to lie without consequence?
What goes around, comes around.
Welcome to politics. You reap what you sow. You let your guys lie non-stop, and then complain others are doing what you yourself have done for decades? Oh well.
I don’t let anybody do anything, that’s not my place. You acting like past people’s lies justify current people’s lies is a grade school argument. Grow up.

It's not me man. I didn't even vote for Trump. I pointing out the facts. You need grow up, and realize that past excuses and justifications, have current day counter-reactions.

Bottom line... they don't care what you think. They don't care that you are crying about how he lied, and blaw blaw. They don't care. Do you not understand that?

They heard you people in the past justify every single lie told by Clinton, and lies told by Obama, and lies told by Hillary.

And now you want to cry about lying. And then when we point this out, you cry "they need to grow up!"

It's just like "believe all women!" without any evidence against Bret Kavanough, and now we have some women complaining about Biden, and it's "Yeah well that was in the past! We didn't mean without evidence! You people need to grow up!"

You are the people who need to grow up. You keep reaping what you sow, and then crying about it. Every bad lying jerk wad you defend, destroys your ability to cry about people acting the same why against you. Sorry. you have no credibility here.

Take your own advice, and grow up.


No you can keep crying about how Trump lies all you want. Feel free. Knock yourself out. But don't be surprised when no one cares, and we're all....


Hand enough of your non-stop lies, and then complaining about lying. So go ahead... keep talking to the hand.
This is where your narrative falls apart. Flynn wasn’t under any of that pressure at the time
of the interview when he LIED. If the FBI used that lie to try and extract more information from him in a way that fell
outside the law then the FBI should be held to account. That’s a separate issue and it does not exonerate Flynn for the crime he committed. Keep trying to muddy the water by conflating the two issues though. You’re totally fooling us all!
The FBI has been held to account. That's why the prosecutor in the Flynn case threw in the towel and the case against Flynn has been dropped. It's been nice chatting.
the prosecutor in the Flynn case quit in rebellion of the action, then that cleared Barr's guys to withdraw the prosecution against Flynn, right after he quit.

much like the prosecutors over the Roger Stone case quit, the day Barr's guys came in and changed the recommended sentence under the guidelines to a ''cushy'' lower sentence for the president's ''friend''.

dirty is, as dirty does

crooked is, as crooked does....

I can't comprehend how even you guys don't see this.....?
"Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts."

So WTF? Grack suddenly denied exculpatory materials to Flynn? Why? Seriously, can anyone here answer that question?
Grack believed that he had no obligation to give these as Flynn accepted a plea agreement. This was in erorr as the court ordered "all relevant exculpatory evidence" handed over, which they to this day did not until it was redacted and released by Barr. Grack violated the courts order in no uncertain terms and Sullivan is very upset at this point. I fully expect Sullivan to throw out the whole case as criminal misconduct by the state. I hope he takes off a few heads when he does it and forwards them for prosecution themselves for framing Flynn.

Couldn't say if sufficient evidence exists that will stand up in court, but I would say that the applicable lawyers should at the least lose their license to practice law. Can they do that at the federal level? It might be a state by state issue, and the blue states won't do that; looks bad don't you know for the party.

But the whole mess stinks to high heaven. To me, this is worse than Watergate, which of course was an actual crime but a victimless one. No one was hurt and damaged in any way by Watergate except for the tarnished reputations on those involved. But this time, the reputations of some of our most trusted institutions have been severely damaged, and it will be quite some time before that trust is restored. Which BTW Mr Wray is not doing so well at.
You’re right about on thing... trust is broken. When we have a POTUS and a NSA lying to the public and lying to FBI agents in the course of an investigation we have a big problem.

Then maybe the Democrats should not have a run a non-stop serial liar, and had a person that instigated a lack of trust for 8 years.
Democrats did not run Trump, you did?
Yeah, they ran someone by any and every measure, worse than Trump.... Hillary, and Obama.
This is where your narrative falls apart. Flynn wasn’t under any of that pressure at the time
of the interview when he LIED. If the FBI used that lie to try and extract more information from him in a way that fell
outside the law then the FBI should be held to account. That’s a separate issue and it does not exonerate Flynn for the crime he committed. Keep trying to muddy the water by conflating the two issues though. You’re totally fooling us all!
The FBI has been held to account. That's why the prosecutor in the Flynn case threw in the towel and the case against Flynn has been dropped. It's been nice chatting.
the prosecutor in the Flynn case quit in rebellion of the action, then that cleared Barr's guys to withdraw the prosecution against Flynn, right after he quit.

much like the prosecutors over the Roger Stone case quit, the day Barr's guys came in and changed the recommended sentence under the guidelines to a ''cushy'' lower sentence for the president's ''friend''.

dirty is, as dirty does

crooked is, as crooked does....

I can't comprehend how even you guys don't see this.....?
"Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts."

So WTF? Grack suddenly denied exculpatory materials to Flynn? Why? Seriously, can anyone here answer that question?
Grack believed that he had no obligation to give these as Flynn accepted a plea agreement. This was in erorr as the court ordered "all relevant exculpatory evidence" handed over, which they to this day did not until it was redacted and released by Barr. Grack violated the courts order in no uncertain terms and Sullivan is very upset at this point. I fully expect Sullivan to throw out the whole case as criminal misconduct by the state. I hope he takes off a few heads when he does it and forwards them for prosecution themselves for framing Flynn.

Couldn't say if sufficient evidence exists that will stand up in court, but I would say that the applicable lawyers should at the least lose their license to practice law. Can they do that at the federal level? It might be a state by state issue, and the blue states won't do that; looks bad don't you know for the party.

But the whole mess stinks to high heaven. To me, this is worse than Watergate, which of course was an actual crime but a victimless one. No one was hurt and damaged in any way by Watergate except for the tarnished reputations on those involved. But this time, the reputations of some of our most trusted institutions have been severely damaged, and it will be quite some time before that trust is restored. Which BTW Mr Wray is not doing so well at.
You’re right about on thing... trust is broken. When we have a POTUS and a NSA lying to the public and lying to FBI agents in the course of an investigation we have a big problem.

Then maybe the Democrats should not have a run a non-stop serial liar, and had a person that instigated a lack of trust for 8 years.
I don’t see how that’s relevant at all. Are you making the point that since you didn’t trust Obama it’s a free pass for republicans to lie without consequence?
What goes around, comes around.
Welcome to politics. You reap what you sow. You let your guys lie non-stop, and then complain others are doing what you yourself have done for decades? Oh well.
I don’t let anybody do anything, that’s not my place. You acting like past people’s lies justify current people’s lies is a grade school argument. Grow up.

It's not me man. I didn't even vote for Trump. I pointing out the facts. You need grow up, and realize that past excuses and justifications, have current day counter-reactions.

Bottom line... they don't care what you think. They don't care that you are crying about how he lied, and blaw blaw. They don't care. Do you not understand that?

They heard you people in the past justify every single lie told by Clinton, and lies told by Obama, and lies told by Hillary.

And now you want to cry about lying. And then when we point this out, you cry "they need to grow up!"

It's just like "believe all women!" without any evidence against Bret Kavanough, and now we have some women complaining about Biden, and it's "Yeah well that was in the past! We didn't mean without evidence! You people need to grow up!"

You are the people who need to grow up. You keep reaping what you sow, and then crying about it. Every bad lying jerk wad you defend, destroys your ability to cry about people acting the same why against you. Sorry. you have no credibility here.

Take your own advice, and grow up.


No you can keep crying about how Trump lies all you want. Feel free. Knock yourself out. But don't be surprised when no one cares, and we're all....

View attachment 334762

Hand enough of your non-stop lies, and then complaining about lying. So go ahead... keep talking to the hand.
I’d hope any good American would “cry” as you like to call it about anybody in power lying. I certainly don’t think that pointing to hypocrisy or people of the other party justifies people lying now. You like to jump to the partisan finger pointing. I get that. It distracts from the substance at hand. Tell you what I’ll continue crying about leaders who lie and you continue to take it in the ass and make excuses for them. Agree to disagree
This is where your narrative falls apart. Flynn wasn’t under any of that pressure at the time
of the interview when he LIED. If the FBI used that lie to try and extract more information from him in a way that fell
outside the law then the FBI should be held to account. That’s a separate issue and it does not exonerate Flynn for the crime he committed. Keep trying to muddy the water by conflating the two issues though. You’re totally fooling us all!
The FBI has been held to account. That's why the prosecutor in the Flynn case threw in the towel and the case against Flynn has been dropped. It's been nice chatting.
the prosecutor in the Flynn case quit in rebellion of the action, then that cleared Barr's guys to withdraw the prosecution against Flynn, right after he quit.

much like the prosecutors over the Roger Stone case quit, the day Barr's guys came in and changed the recommended sentence under the guidelines to a ''cushy'' lower sentence for the president's ''friend''.

dirty is, as dirty does

crooked is, as crooked does....

I can't comprehend how even you guys don't see this.....?
"Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts."

So WTF? Grack suddenly denied exculpatory materials to Flynn? Why? Seriously, can anyone here answer that question?
Grack believed that he had no obligation to give these as Flynn accepted a plea agreement. This was in erorr as the court ordered "all relevant exculpatory evidence" handed over, which they to this day did not until it was redacted and released by Barr. Grack violated the courts order in no uncertain terms and Sullivan is very upset at this point. I fully expect Sullivan to throw out the whole case as criminal misconduct by the state. I hope he takes off a few heads when he does it and forwards them for prosecution themselves for framing Flynn.

Couldn't say if sufficient evidence exists that will stand up in court, but I would say that the applicable lawyers should at the least lose their license to practice law. Can they do that at the federal level? It might be a state by state issue, and the blue states won't do that; looks bad don't you know for the party.

But the whole mess stinks to high heaven. To me, this is worse than Watergate, which of course was an actual crime but a victimless one. No one was hurt and damaged in any way by Watergate except for the tarnished reputations on those involved. But this time, the reputations of some of our most trusted institutions have been severely damaged, and it will be quite some time before that trust is restored. Which BTW Mr Wray is not doing so well at.
You’re right about on thing... trust is broken. When we have a POTUS and a NSA lying to the public and lying to FBI agents in the course of an investigation we have a big problem.

Then maybe the Democrats should not have a run a non-stop serial liar, and had a person that instigated a lack of trust for 8 years.
I don’t see how that’s relevant at all. Are you making the point that since you didn’t trust Obama it’s a free pass for republicans to lie without consequence?
What goes around, comes around.
Welcome to politics. You reap what you sow. You let your guys lie non-stop, and then complain others are doing what you yourself have done for decades? Oh well.
I don’t let anybody do anything, that’s not my place. You acting like past people’s lies justify current people’s lies is a grade school argument. Grow up.

It's not me man. I didn't even vote for Trump. I pointing out the facts. You need grow up, and realize that past excuses and justifications, have current day counter-reactions.

Bottom line... they don't care what you think. They don't care that you are crying about how he lied, and blaw blaw. They don't care. Do you not understand that?

They heard you people in the past justify every single lie told by Clinton, and lies told by Obama, and lies told by Hillary.

And now you want to cry about lying. And then when we point this out, you cry "they need to grow up!"

It's just like "believe all women!" without any evidence against Bret Kavanough, and now we have some women complaining about Biden, and it's "Yeah well that was in the past! We didn't mean without evidence! You people need to grow up!"

You are the people who need to grow up. You keep reaping what you sow, and then crying about it. Every bad lying jerk wad you defend, destroys your ability to cry about people acting the same why against you. Sorry. you have no credibility here.

Take your own advice, and grow up.


No you can keep crying about how Trump lies all you want. Feel free. Knock yourself out. But don't be surprised when no one cares, and we're all....

View attachment 334762

Hand enough of your non-stop lies, and then complaining about lying. So go ahead... keep talking to the hand.
I’d hope any good American would “cry” as you like to call it about anybody in power lying. I certainly don’t think that pointing to hypocrisy or people of the other party justifies people lying now. You like to jump to the partisan finger pointing. I get that. It distracts from the substance at hand. Tell you what I’ll continue crying about leaders who lie and you continue to take it in the ass and make excuses for them. Agree to disagree

They didn't. So I guess there is an entire ideology of people in this country, that are... by your own standard..... not good Americans.

Tell you what I’ll continue crying about leaders who lie and you continue to take it in the ass and make excuses for them.

Show me the post, where you complained about Hillary Clinton saying to the FBI, that after 20 years in high office, she still had absolutely no idea at all, how to tell what information was classified, and which was not.

You do that.

Until you provide proof, that you actually complain about all leaders who lie, you yourself are just a partisan bigot who pretends to have morals, and loves virtue signaling.

I don't have to take anything.... because in order for me to be harmed by your claims, I'd have to care what you thought to begin with. Why would I care what a clear hypocrite thinks of me?
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
This is where your narrative falls apart. Flynn wasn’t under any of that pressure at the time
of the interview when he LIED. If the FBI used that lie to try and extract more information from him in a way that fell
outside the law then the FBI should be held to account. That’s a separate issue and it does not exonerate Flynn for the crime he committed. Keep trying to muddy the water by conflating the two issues though. You’re totally fooling us all!
The FBI has been held to account. That's why the prosecutor in the Flynn case threw in the towel and the case against Flynn has been dropped. It's been nice chatting.
the prosecutor in the Flynn case quit in rebellion of the action, then that cleared Barr's guys to withdraw the prosecution against Flynn, right after he quit.

much like the prosecutors over the Roger Stone case quit, the day Barr's guys came in and changed the recommended sentence under the guidelines to a ''cushy'' lower sentence for the president's ''friend''.

dirty is, as dirty does

crooked is, as crooked does....

I can't comprehend how even you guys don't see this.....?
"Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts."

So WTF? Grack suddenly denied exculpatory materials to Flynn? Why? Seriously, can anyone here answer that question?
Grack believed that he had no obligation to give these as Flynn accepted a plea agreement. This was in erorr as the court ordered "all relevant exculpatory evidence" handed over, which they to this day did not until it was redacted and released by Barr. Grack violated the courts order in no uncertain terms and Sullivan is very upset at this point. I fully expect Sullivan to throw out the whole case as criminal misconduct by the state. I hope he takes off a few heads when he does it and forwards them for prosecution themselves for framing Flynn.

Couldn't say if sufficient evidence exists that will stand up in court, but I would say that the applicable lawyers should at the least lose their license to practice law. Can they do that at the federal level? It might be a state by state issue, and the blue states won't do that; looks bad don't you know for the party.

But the whole mess stinks to high heaven. To me, this is worse than Watergate, which of course was an actual crime but a victimless one. No one was hurt and damaged in any way by Watergate except for the tarnished reputations on those involved. But this time, the reputations of some of our most trusted institutions have been severely damaged, and it will be quite some time before that trust is restored. Which BTW Mr Wray is not doing so well at.
You’re right about on thing... trust is broken. When we have a POTUS and a NSA lying to the public and lying to FBI agents in the course of an investigation we have a big problem.

Then maybe the Democrats should not have a run a non-stop serial liar, and had a person that instigated a lack of trust for 8 years.
I don’t see how that’s relevant at all. Are you making the point that since you didn’t trust Obama it’s a free pass for republicans to lie without consequence?
What goes around, comes around.
Welcome to politics. You reap what you sow. You let your guys lie non-stop, and then complain others are doing what you yourself have done for decades? Oh well.
I don’t let anybody do anything, that’s not my place. You acting like past people’s lies justify current people’s lies is a grade school argument. Grow up.

It's not me man. I didn't even vote for Trump. I pointing out the facts. You need grow up, and realize that past excuses and justifications, have current day counter-reactions.

Bottom line... they don't care what you think. They don't care that you are crying about how he lied, and blaw blaw. They don't care. Do you not understand that?

They heard you people in the past justify every single lie told by Clinton, and lies told by Obama, and lies told by Hillary.

And now you want to cry about lying. And then when we point this out, you cry "they need to grow up!"

It's just like "believe all women!" without any evidence against Bret Kavanough, and now we have some women complaining about Biden, and it's "Yeah well that was in the past! We didn't mean without evidence! You people need to grow up!"

You are the people who need to grow up. You keep reaping what you sow, and then crying about it. Every bad lying jerk wad you defend, destroys your ability to cry about people acting the same why against you. Sorry. you have no credibility here.

Take your own advice, and grow up.


No you can keep crying about how Trump lies all you want. Feel free. Knock yourself out. But don't be surprised when no one cares, and we're all....

View attachment 334762

Hand enough of your non-stop lies, and then complaining about lying. So go ahead... keep talking to the hand.
I’d hope any good American would “cry” as you like to call it about anybody in power lying. I certainly don’t think that pointing to hypocrisy or people of the other party justifies people lying now. You like to jump to the partisan finger pointing. I get that. It distracts from the substance at hand. Tell you what I’ll continue crying about leaders who lie and you continue to take it in the ass and make excuses for them. Agree to disagree
Ironic because you are lying for Obama and Comey (Strzok, Yates, McCabe, Rosenstein, etc.) and taking it up the ass for them.
Is that how you saw this ending?
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
Sure there was. To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
Sure there was. To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

He's the incoming NSA.
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
Sure there was. To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

He's the incoming NSA.
So? Before becoming the NSA, he was just a citizen with no authority to act on behalf of the USA's government. He did so anyway. The FBI was right to investigate the matter.
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
That makes bo sense
Asking questions is not setting traps.
That's wishful bull shit! Perjury trap - Wikipedia
The principle is well known...to everyone but you.

Flynn lied on his own free will
The FBI was perfectly aware they were entrapping Flynn and had to be careful about it.
Ok so per your link this is what you are whining about?

“A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial strategy, which is sometimes claimed to be prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath). Courts on state and federal levels almost never recognize such as inappropriate, doing so would in essence, condone perjury.”
If you could just shut the media's mouth, and stop the leaks, the case may have stood, but the get Trump threats by the media in their gotcha now bullcrap (revealing methods and traps), just keeps backfiring and backfiring. Any day now.. rotflmbo.
The media have always been dishonest turfs. It’s not that hard to stay out of that vortex. Either way, our leaders should rise above, not stoop down to their level or in Trumps case... go below. It’s an embarrassment
Really? One would not know you thought the media was dishonest because your posts parrot what they say about Trump. The fact that Trump holds then to account IS rising above their distortions and lies.
if the media says the same stuff that im sayIng then that stuff is accurate. The media is mixed bag of accurate, hyperbolic and dishonest reporting.
The leftist shit 'bag' media says the same things you do. The same shit bag media that follows liars like Hillary, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and any other TDS politician and that parrots them. You parrot THOSE bags of shit.
I don’t parrot shit, I call it like I see it... I can’t help it if trump and his puppets call everything a lie.
No one called 'everything a lie' that is an irresponsible blanket statement. The same kind of statement the lamestream media makes and you're here squawking out the same shit.
Yes I agree not everything is anything. So why are you wasting time trying to say I’m parroting lies from the media? How about you just stick the the things I say and refute what you can if you can
I have already refuted what you posted. You keep parroting the same media talking points. There was a concerted effort to get rid of Flynn. The FBI did not use protocol when interviewing Flynn, they told him he did not need a lawyer, they pretended it was just a chat, did not offer his Miranda rights and memos have surfaced they were trying to get him to lie about information they already had. Also Obama was in on it. Now, you say none of that is a big deal but given everything that the Democrats have tried, it fits right in with with their conspiracy to unseat Trump. You had a US Representative (Adam Schiff) reading what he purported to be a transcript of Trump's Ukraine call and outright lying about what was said. You had Shumer and Pelosi declaring that Trump was 'unfit'......Also Obama fired Flynn for coming down hard on radical Muslims. What was he doing wanting to be 'in the loop' in the FBI's 'Razor' scheme? Flynn did noting wrong and was representing the new administration and to powerful Democrats that was enough to set him up. The FBI had no cause to investigate him they just wanted him out of the way.
Dude you lie in your first sentence. They told him he could bring a lawyer. That’s a fact, stop acting like they tricked him, stop lying! Flynn said in court that the FBI did not trap him and he knew the consequences of lying. Jesus Christ. Stop spreading fake shit! Flynn lied by choice not by force. He has a history of it. The FBI tried and leverage that lie to get as much info as they could. You may think they pushed to hard... that’s fine, we can have that debate. But come back to fucking earth.
No, you're lying, "Comey also says officials told Flynn the interview would be faster without one." You did not tell the whole truth you just spewed half-assed propaganda with no regard at all to the facts at the time.

"In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place. His contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate” and the interview “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis,” the department said. "

"Flynn in his filing claimed that “I never would have pled guilty” if his first set of lawyers had told him that FBI agents wrote that he had a “sure demeanor” and “did not give any indication of deception” in a report they prepared after questioning him about the nature of his conversations with then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."

"Instead, Flynn said that “I tried to ‘accept responsibility’ by admitting to offenses I understood the government I love and trusted said I committed.”

You are dead wrong, the facts do not support what you claim. Flynn committed no crime in talking to Kysliak. Exculpatory evidence was withheld at his trial. It was a set up pure and simple. Those in the FBI should be held responsible for a miscarriage of justice.
Ok let’s get very specific here. The agents said they offered him council but said it would slow things down. That’s is the absolute truth isn’t it? Is anything in that statement a lie?
Why did they discourage him from having council by saying the interview would go quicker? The only reason for that is to try to set up a trap. Why did they not afford him the same consideration as anyone else? Why was exculpatory evidence withheld at the trial? Do you just follow like a sheep to slaughter as long as your TDS is satisfied? What was the crime they were investigating?
It’s not a trap! That’s a buzz word you keep using. Flynn knew his rights, he knew he could have a lawyer and he knew lying was a crime.... he did it anyways, nobody forced him. Of course the cops would rather there not be an attorney present, and of course they would like to exposed a lie or admission to used against Flynn. That’s what cops do during investigations. Do you have any clue how law enforcement works?

That’s what cops do during investigations.

Why were the cops investigating that phone call?
Because it could have been a violation of the Logan Act.

They should have charged him, they had the transcript.
Zero need for an interview.
They chose to interview him. Nothing wrong with that.

And no good reason for it either.
Sure there was. To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

To get additional information about why he was talking to a Russian ambassador and who authorized him to do so.

He's the incoming NSA.
So? Before becoming the NSA, he was just a citizen with no authority to act on behalf of the USA's government. He did so anyway. The FBI was right to investigate the matter.
Before becoming the NSA, he was just a citizen with no authority to act on behalf of the USA's government.

It's perfectly legal for members of an incoming administration to contact foreign governments.

The FBI was right to investigate the matter.

They investigated.
A week after the call they found no derogatory info and were going to drop the case.
This is where your narrative falls apart. Flynn wasn’t under any of that pressure at the time
of the interview when he LIED. If the FBI used that lie to try and extract more information from him in a way that fell
outside the law then the FBI should be held to account. That’s a separate issue and it does not exonerate Flynn for the crime he committed. Keep trying to muddy the water by conflating the two issues though. You’re totally fooling us all!
The FBI has been held to account. That's why the prosecutor in the Flynn case threw in the towel and the case against Flynn has been dropped. It's been nice chatting.
the prosecutor in the Flynn case quit in rebellion of the action, then that cleared Barr's guys to withdraw the prosecution against Flynn, right after he quit.

much like the prosecutors over the Roger Stone case quit, the day Barr's guys came in and changed the recommended sentence under the guidelines to a ''cushy'' lower sentence for the president's ''friend''.

dirty is, as dirty does

crooked is, as crooked does....

I can't comprehend how even you guys don't see this.....?
"Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts."

So WTF? Grack suddenly denied exculpatory materials to Flynn? Why? Seriously, can anyone here answer that question?
Grack believed that he had no obligation to give these as Flynn accepted a plea agreement. This was in erorr as the court ordered "all relevant exculpatory evidence" handed over, which they to this day did not until it was redacted and released by Barr. Grack violated the courts order in no uncertain terms and Sullivan is very upset at this point. I fully expect Sullivan to throw out the whole case as criminal misconduct by the state. I hope he takes off a few heads when he does it and forwards them for prosecution themselves for framing Flynn.

Couldn't say if sufficient evidence exists that will stand up in court, but I would say that the applicable lawyers should at the least lose their license to practice law. Can they do that at the federal level? It might be a state by state issue, and the blue states won't do that; looks bad don't you know for the party.

But the whole mess stinks to high heaven. To me, this is worse than Watergate, which of course was an actual crime but a victimless one. No one was hurt and damaged in any way by Watergate except for the tarnished reputations on those involved. But this time, the reputations of some of our most trusted institutions have been severely damaged, and it will be quite some time before that trust is restored. Which BTW Mr Wray is not doing so well at.
You’re right about on thing... trust is broken. When we have a POTUS and a NSA lying to the public and lying to FBI agents in the course of an investigation we have a big problem.

Then maybe the Democrats should not have a run a non-stop serial liar, and had a person that instigated a lack of trust for 8 years.
I don’t see how that’s relevant at all. Are you making the point that since you didn’t trust Obama it’s a free pass for republicans to lie without consequence?
What goes around, comes around.
Welcome to politics. You reap what you sow. You let your guys lie non-stop, and then complain others are doing what you yourself have done for decades? Oh well.
I don’t let anybody do anything, that’s not my place. You acting like past people’s lies justify current people’s lies is a grade school argument. Grow up.

It's not me man. I didn't even vote for Trump. I pointing out the facts. You need grow up, and realize that past excuses and justifications, have current day counter-reactions.

Bottom line... they don't care what you think. They don't care that you are crying about how he lied, and blaw blaw. They don't care. Do you not understand that?

They heard you people in the past justify every single lie told by Clinton, and lies told by Obama, and lies told by Hillary.

And now you want to cry about lying. And then when we point this out, you cry "they need to grow up!"

It's just like "believe all women!" without any evidence against Bret Kavanough, and now we have some women complaining about Biden, and it's "Yeah well that was in the past! We didn't mean without evidence! You people need to grow up!"

You are the people who need to grow up. You keep reaping what you sow, and then crying about it. Every bad lying jerk wad you defend, destroys your ability to cry about people acting the same why against you. Sorry. you have no credibility here.

Take your own advice, and grow up.


No you can keep crying about how Trump lies all you want. Feel free. Knock yourself out. But don't be surprised when no one cares, and we're all....

View attachment 334762

Hand enough of your non-stop lies, and then complaining about lying. So go ahead... keep talking to the hand.
I’d hope any good American would “cry” as you like to call it about anybody in power lying. I certainly don’t think that pointing to hypocrisy or people of the other party justifies people lying now. You like to jump to the partisan finger pointing. I get that. It distracts from the substance at hand. Tell you what I’ll continue crying about leaders who lie and you continue to take it in the ass and make excuses for them. Agree to disagree
OK let me point out the lefts hypocrisy about predidential treatment of the media. Didn't cry foul when he was flat spying on citizens did you? Trump sounds unprofessional in a speech, you cry like a bitch.

He summed you up very well. Get a better mirror.
This is where your narrative falls apart. Flynn wasn’t under any of that pressure at the time
of the interview when he LIED. If the FBI used that lie to try and extract more information from him in a way that fell
outside the law then the FBI should be held to account. That’s a separate issue and it does not exonerate Flynn for the crime he committed. Keep trying to muddy the water by conflating the two issues though. You’re totally fooling us all!
The FBI has been held to account. That's why the prosecutor in the Flynn case threw in the towel and the case against Flynn has been dropped. It's been nice chatting.
the prosecutor in the Flynn case quit in rebellion of the action, then that cleared Barr's guys to withdraw the prosecution against Flynn, right after he quit.

much like the prosecutors over the Roger Stone case quit, the day Barr's guys came in and changed the recommended sentence under the guidelines to a ''cushy'' lower sentence for the president's ''friend''.

dirty is, as dirty does

crooked is, as crooked does....

I can't comprehend how even you guys don't see this.....?
"Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. In an October 2019 filing, Van Grack denied governmental misconduct and assured the court that the government “has complied, and will continue to comply, with its discovery and disclosure obligations, including those imposed pursuant to Brady and the Court’s Standing Order.”

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts."

So WTF? Grack suddenly denied exculpatory materials to Flynn? Why? Seriously, can anyone here answer that question?
Grack believed that he had no obligation to give these as Flynn accepted a plea agreement. This was in erorr as the court ordered "all relevant exculpatory evidence" handed over, which they to this day did not until it was redacted and released by Barr. Grack violated the courts order in no uncertain terms and Sullivan is very upset at this point. I fully expect Sullivan to throw out the whole case as criminal misconduct by the state. I hope he takes off a few heads when he does it and forwards them for prosecution themselves for framing Flynn.

Couldn't say if sufficient evidence exists that will stand up in court, but I would say that the applicable lawyers should at the least lose their license to practice law. Can they do that at the federal level? It might be a state by state issue, and the blue states won't do that; looks bad don't you know for the party.

But the whole mess stinks to high heaven. To me, this is worse than Watergate, which of course was an actual crime but a victimless one. No one was hurt and damaged in any way by Watergate except for the tarnished reputations on those involved. But this time, the reputations of some of our most trusted institutions have been severely damaged, and it will be quite some time before that trust is restored. Which BTW Mr Wray is not doing so well at.
You’re right about on thing... trust is broken. When we have a POTUS and a NSA lying to the public and lying to FBI agents in the course of an investigation we have a big problem.

Then maybe the Democrats should not have a run a non-stop serial liar, and had a person that instigated a lack of trust for 8 years.
I don’t see how that’s relevant at all. Are you making the point that since you didn’t trust Obama it’s a free pass for republicans to lie without consequence?
What goes around, comes around.
Welcome to politics. You reap what you sow. You let your guys lie non-stop, and then complain others are doing what you yourself have done for decades? Oh well.
I don’t let anybody do anything, that’s not my place. You acting like past people’s lies justify current people’s lies is a grade school argument. Grow up.

It's not me man. I didn't even vote for Trump. I pointing out the facts. You need grow up, and realize that past excuses and justifications, have current day counter-reactions.

Bottom line... they don't care what you think. They don't care that you are crying about how he lied, and blaw blaw. They don't care. Do you not understand that?

They heard you people in the past justify every single lie told by Clinton, and lies told by Obama, and lies told by Hillary.

And now you want to cry about lying. And then when we point this out, you cry "they need to grow up!"

It's just like "believe all women!" without any evidence against Bret Kavanough, and now we have some women complaining about Biden, and it's "Yeah well that was in the past! We didn't mean without evidence! You people need to grow up!"

You are the people who need to grow up. You keep reaping what you sow, and then crying about it. Every bad lying jerk wad you defend, destroys your ability to cry about people acting the same why against you. Sorry. you have no credibility here.

Take your own advice, and grow up.


No you can keep crying about how Trump lies all you want. Feel free. Knock yourself out. But don't be surprised when no one cares, and we're all....

View attachment 334762

Hand enough of your non-stop lies, and then complaining about lying. So go ahead... keep talking to the hand.
I’d hope any good American would “cry” as you like to call it about anybody in power lying. I certainly don’t think that pointing to hypocrisy or people of the other party justifies people lying now. You like to jump to the partisan finger pointing. I get that. It distracts from the substance at hand. Tell you what I’ll continue crying about leaders who lie and you continue to take it in the ass and make excuses for them. Agree to disagree
Ironic because you are lying for Obama and Comey (Strzok, Yates, McCabe, Rosenstein, etc.) and taking it up the ass for them.
Is that how you saw this ending?
What did I lie about? name the lie and quote me. Let’s see you fail yet again.
What did I lie about? name the lie and quote me. Let’s see you fail yet again
You lie every time you defend the Obama gang. You've been lying literally for hundreds of posts.
You lie when you give cover to and defend the coup that intended to force a legally elected president from office.

In earlier decades you would have been treated like the Rosenbergs. I'm not sure you still shouldn't be.
What did I lie about? name the lie and quote me. Let’s see you fail yet again
You lie every time you defend the Obama gang. You've been lying literally for hundreds of posts.
You lie when you give cover to and defend the coup that intended to force a legally elected president from office.

In earlier decades you would have been treated like the Rosenbergs. I'm not sure you still shouldn't be.
So you can’t point to any specific quote of me lying?! That’s what I thought. Failed again... big surprise
They needed information about the calls, beyond the transcripts of the calls?
Probably about other people. Like, "Individual 1". And also about the Russian operations, which, as a lot of people seem to forget, was also their focus.

So getting a date wrong, or a detail wrong, weeks after the call is a big deal?
Who told you that? No, perjury is not a mistake. It's a willful lie. Flynn admitted the willful lie, under oath, in court.

I know, but after shooting themselves in the head, what is the DOJ going to do now?
Probably jack shit, the same as the last 1000 times this same nothingburger attempt was made.
After seeing the hand written notes from the FBI......it was setting him up...pure and simple.
They already had his statement from earlier. The only thing Flynn is guilty of is being naive
for not having a lawyer with him.
That and hiring a lawyer connected in anyway with Eric Holder.
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.
Did you know LE lies to get someone to lie? A lie is a lie.
OKfine the genius with the quote of the year. “A lie is a lie”. That 3rd grade education has done wonders for you. Truly marvelous.
Is that like the Dems “ it wasn’t rape,rape” distinctions?

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