Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
How do you know this? As far as I’ve seen Iran was complying up until Trump blew up the deal
No, and read past the headline-
You realize you’re literally quoting the president of ISIS right. Oh the irony. These guys are a third party org reporting on their analysis from the outside. Meanwhile the players who are actually involved including those in the Trump admin have stated on record that Iran had been complying.
No dummy, it is the Institute for Science and International Security.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
heard something yesterday that really made sense. Flynn was the main one at the time with Intel experience and the inside scoop on the Obama administration. He had the dirt and they needed to get him off the Trump team. I know they were sure anxious to get him out of ther
Well that's dumb. He could still pass along all the dirt. You can even make phone calls from prison.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.
still not sure how he can claim they are not the authoritarian when the first thing he does is blast an authority figure.

Authoritarianism and Authority are entirely different things in this context.
As for Baby Kim? Gimme a fukin break. They "fell in love" and he played your Toxic Orange Turd like a fiddle.

Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
Show us the collusion charges...
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
Show us the collusion charges...
What a dumb statement. Painfully dumb.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
Show us the collusion charges...
What a dumb statement. Painfully dumb.
So, no charges, eh?
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
Show us the collusion charges...
What a dumb statement. Painfully dumb.
So, no charges, eh?
It's not a crime. You seem very confused. We could make it a crime, though. Im not sure we want presidential campaign heads trying to repay their debts to foreigners by colluding with them. You seem cool with it, though.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
Show us the collusion charges...
What a dumb statement. Painfully dumb.
So, no charges, eh?
It's not a crime. You seem very confused. We could make it a crime, though. Im not sure we want presidential campaign heads trying to repay their debts to foreigners by colluding with them. You seem cool with it, though.
Sooo, if it’s not a crime...
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
Show us the collusion charges...
What a dumb statement. Painfully dumb.
So, no charges, eh?
It's not a crime. You seem very confused. We could make it a crime, though. Im not sure we want presidential campaign heads trying to repay their debts to foreigners by colluding with them. You seem cool with it, though.
Sooo, if it’s not a crime...
Go ahead, finish your sentence.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
How do you know this? As far as I’ve seen Iran was complying up until Trump blew up the deal
No, and read past the headline-
You realize you’re literally quoting the president of ISIS right. Oh the irony. These guys are a third party org reporting on their analysis from the outside. Meanwhile the players who are actually involved including those in the Trump admin have stated on record that Iran had been complying.
No dummy, it is the Institute for Science and International Security.
Did you really call me a dummy and then say that Institute for Science and International Security is not I.S.I.S?!
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
In nuclear discussion and physicists that is the same. You do not get to pick and choose to fit your agenda.

No. Hard water is not the same as heavy water.
Physicists don't use the terms interchangeably.
You are just a Trump supporter. What do you know?

More than you.....really low bar, I know.
More than me? You are dreaming my dear.

Yes, I know more than the guy who thinks there are "hard water" reactors out there.
But a wee bit less than the guy who knows Iran stopped making nuclear bombs for a while. Which is most people

Yes, your faith in the trustworthiness of the mullahs is sweet......
No Todd. We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence. Not from Russia or Qanon, or Facebook or conspiracies or unknown media. The nuclear inspectors are mostly US scientists. Did you hear any from them or any countries that are involved that Iran violated the agreement?

WHERE and WHAT is your EVIDENCE that Iran violated the agreement? You have nothing except coming from this lousy, liar and inept president.

Dat doesn’t mean we love the mullahs.

We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence.

That's good to know. What did those sources say about nuclear research activity on Iranian military bases?

As Obamunists refuse to admit.....no real inspections were EVER a part of the plan to give nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?
Who cares? They were investigating ties between the trump campaign and russians. And what they found was a campaign manager colluding, and a foreign agent doing back door deals, and more....
Show us the collusion charges...
What a dumb statement. Painfully dumb.
So, no charges, eh?
It's not a crime. You seem very confused. We could make it a crime, though. Im not sure we want presidential campaign heads trying to repay their debts to foreigners by colluding with them. You seem cool with it, though.
Sooo, if it’s not a crime...
No collusion is not a crime. What’s your point?
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?

So that is the question, were they trying to set him up for political reasons, otherwise as a proxy to indirectly hurt Trump or were they truly seeking a truth in an investigation ??

I think they set him up to get Trump, because they could care less about Michael Flynn in the broader scheme of things. It's all usery with an ultimate goal in mind to get Trump.

I heard something yesterday that really made sense. Flynn was the main one at the time with Intel experience and the inside scoop on the Obama administration. He had the dirt and they needed to get him off the Trump team. I know they were sure anxious to get him out of there.
Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?

So that is the question, were they trying to set him up for political reasons, otherwise as a proxy to indirectly hurt Trump or were they truly seeking a truth in an investigation ??

I think they set him up to get Trump, because they could care less about Michael Flynn in the broader scheme of things. It's all usery with an ultimate goal in mind to get Trump.
I keep hearing this set up gotchya stuff... what the hell does that even mean? There is the truth and there is lying. No gotchyas. Flynn chose to lie. Plain and simple
Don't play dumb about gotcha stuff. You know what it is, and how it works.

The whole ordeal was to be put into context, and then the application of laws based upon past incidents or cases. Flynn was treated in the extreme as based upon alterior motives being sought after in the bigger picture surrounding politics or political assassinations being conducted by the swamp creatures.
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
alterior motives
The FBI was tasked with investigating contacts between members of the trump circle and Russia.

Mike Flynn was doing back door deals with Russians. Then he lied about it.

Seems pretty consistent and on mission to me.

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