Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

alterior motives
The FBI was tasked with investigating contacts between members of the trump circle and Russia.

Mike Flynn was doing back door deals with Russians. Then he lied about it.

Seems pretty consistent and on mission to me.

Mike Flynn was doing back door deals with Russians.

Which deals? Link?
He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying
haha, yeah, so fatboy said. Of course, Trump told the same lie to Pence that FLynn did.

Flynn was fired for making trump look bad on television. No other reason.
Alot of information has come out since then, so Trump may have acted prematurely back then.. Stay tuned.
But nothing changed the fact that Flynn lied to Pence, which is the reason fatboy gave for firing him.
He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying
haha, yeah, so fatboy said. Of course, Trump told the same lie to Pence that FLynn did.

Flynn was fired for making trump look bad on television. No other reason.
Alot of information has come out since then, so Trump may have acted prematurely back then.. Stay tuned.
But nothing changed the fact that Flynn lied to Pence, which is the reason fatboy gave for firing him.
Regardless, everything is fluid, and information changes everything. Stay tuned.
Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?

So that is the question, were they trying to set him up for political reasons, otherwise as a proxy to indirectly hurt Trump or were they truly seeking a truth in an investigation ??

I think they set him up to get Trump, because they could care less about Michael Flynn in the broader scheme of things. It's all usery with an ultimate goal in mind to get Trump.
I keep hearing this set up gotchya stuff... what the hell does that even mean? There is the truth and there is lying. No gotchyas. Flynn chose to lie. Plain and simple
Don't play dumb about gotcha stuff. You know what it is, and how it works.

The whole ordeal was to be put into context, and then the application of laws based upon past incidents or cases. Flynn was treated in the extreme as based upon alterior motives being sought after in the bigger picture surrounding politics or political assassinations being conducted by the swamp creatures.
I’m not playing dumb, I’ve asked several times and nobody can explain how the “gotchya” works... lying was a conscious choice that Flynn made. There was no inappropriate force or trick.
The FBI was trying to root out ties between the Russian and the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying to everybody about contacts with Russians... he set himself up to be scrutinized
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?

So that is the question, were they trying to set him up for political reasons, otherwise as a proxy to indirectly hurt Trump or were they truly seeking a truth in an investigation ??

I think they set him up to get Trump, because they could care less about Michael Flynn in the broader scheme of things. It's all usery with an ultimate goal in mind to get Trump.
I keep hearing this set up gotchya stuff... what the hell does that even mean? There is the truth and there is lying. No gotchyas. Flynn chose to lie. Plain and simple
Don't play dumb about gotcha stuff. You know what it is, and how it works.

The whole ordeal was to be put into context, and then the application of laws based upon past incidents or cases. Flynn was treated in the extreme as based upon alterior motives being sought after in the bigger picture surrounding politics or political assassinations being conducted by the swamp creatures.
I’m not playing dumb, I’ve asked several times and nobody can explain how the “gotchya” works... lying was a conscious choice that Flynn made. There was no inappropriate force or trick.
The FBI was trying to root out ties between the Russian and the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying to everybody about contacts with Russians... he set himself up to be scrutinized
You are playing dumb,
He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying
haha, yeah, so fatboy said. Of course, Trump told the same lie to Pence that FLynn did.

Flynn was fired for making trump look bad on television. No other reason.
Flynn was gored for getting caught... Trump told the same lies and made himself look bad on TV. He just wasn’t stupid enough to go on record with the FBI and repeat the lies
Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?

So that is the question, were they trying to set him up for political reasons, otherwise as a proxy to indirectly hurt Trump or were they truly seeking a truth in an investigation ??

I think they set him up to get Trump, because they could care less about Michael Flynn in the broader scheme of things. It's all usery with an ultimate goal in mind to get Trump.
I keep hearing this set up gotchya stuff... what the hell does that even mean? There is the truth and there is lying. No gotchyas. Flynn chose to lie. Plain and simple
Don't play dumb about gotcha stuff. You know what it is, and how it works.

The whole ordeal was to be put into context, and then the application of laws based upon past incidents or cases. Flynn was treated in the extreme as based upon alterior motives being sought after in the bigger picture surrounding politics or political assassinations being conducted by the swamp creatures.
I’m not playing dumb, I’ve asked several times and nobody can explain how the “gotchya” works... lying was a conscious choice that Flynn made. There was no inappropriate force or trick.
The FBI was trying to root out ties between the Russian and the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying to everybody about contacts with Russians... he set himself up to be scrutinized
You are playing dumb,
I’m asking questions which you seem totally ill equipped to answer
He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying
haha, yeah, so fatboy said. Of course, Trump told the same lie to Pence that FLynn did.

Flynn was fired for making trump look bad on television. No other reason.
Flynn was gored for getting caught... Trump told the same lies and made himself look bad on TV. He just wasn’t stupid enough to go on record with the FBI and repeat the lies
The indictments will clean out the corrupt Democrat traitors in the FBI and DOJ
He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying
haha, yeah, so fatboy said. Of course, Trump told the same lie to Pence that FLynn did.

Flynn was fired for making trump look bad on television. No other reason.
Flynn was gored for getting caught... Trump told the same lies and made himself look bad on TV. He just wasn’t stupid enough to go on record with the FBI and repeat the lies
The indictments will clean out the corrupt Democrat traitors in the FBI and DOJ

Are you not capable of staying on topic? I guess I don’t blame you for changing the subject since you can’t defend the indefensible, just don’t expect anybody to take you seriously
and information changes everything.
Not the fact that Flynn lied to Pence, it doesn't. Nothing will ever change that.
Maybe not, but the reasoning for it might, and the reaction to it will after new information came to light. People do many things out of fear, intimidation etc, so we shall see how things dramatically change once it was known who ordered the investigation to remain open. Otherwise the case due to being compromised by a rogue agent is thrown out just as it should be.... Restore Flynn just like he should be...
Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.
Were the questions being asked, uhhh in concerning actual law breaking or were they asked in order to get a gotcha on Flynn ?

So that is the question, were they trying to set him up for political reasons, otherwise as a proxy to indirectly hurt Trump or were they truly seeking a truth in an investigation ??

I think they set him up to get Trump, because they could care less about Michael Flynn in the broader scheme of things. It's all usery with an ultimate goal in mind to get Trump.
I keep hearing this set up gotchya stuff... what the hell does that even mean? There is the truth and there is lying. No gotchyas. Flynn chose to lie. Plain and simple
Don't play dumb about gotcha stuff. You know what it is, and how it works.

The whole ordeal was to be put into context, and then the application of laws based upon past incidents or cases. Flynn was treated in the extreme as based upon alterior motives being sought after in the bigger picture surrounding politics or political assassinations being conducted by the swamp creatures.
I’m not playing dumb, I’ve asked several times and nobody can explain how the “gotchya” works... lying was a conscious choice that Flynn made. There was no inappropriate force or trick.
The FBI was trying to root out ties between the Russian and the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying to everybody about contacts with Russians... he set himself up to be scrutinized
You are playing dumb,
I’m asking questions which you seem totally ill equipped to answer
Actually not. You never accept anything you don’t conceive to be conducive to your agenda.

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