Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.

they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it.

Lies about a non-crime that aren't part of a legitimate criminal investigation aren't material.

Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t.

If the call contained criminal acts, he should have been charged with those crimes. He wasn't.
Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal. Flynn should have been honest and transparent. He wasn’t. He lied to the public, got fired. He lied to the FBI, got arrested. But you keep defending him.... just try and find a more convincing argument.

Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal.

Unless the conversations involved election interference, not material.
Of course it’s material. How is it not? Trump had been saying for weeks “no contacts with Russia” Flynn lied to Pence who in turn spread that lie to us all... there were in fact contacts with Russia. Trump and Flynn spread the lie that there wasn’t. But no big deal right? Talk about the swamp

Of course it’s material. How is it not?

Flynn wasn't being investigated for a crime committed during the campaign, was he?
Nothing in the phone call was criminal, was it?
So how is a misremembrance or an out right lie about the call material?

Trump had been saying for weeks “no contacts with Russia”

Trump's statement doesn't make Flynn's call a crime.
Trump's claim was probably about the campaign, which
was long over at the time of the call, right?

there were in fact contacts with Russia.

Yup. Perfectly legal contacts.
Misrememberance?! Are you shitting me? Haha, you’re done man. Flynn didn’t misremember that he asked the Russians to temper their response to Obama’s sanctions. Not unless he hit his head and got amnesia. That is a straight up lie. If he lies about that then what else was he lying about? That’s the natural question and that’s why he opened the door to justified scrutiny

Misrememberance?! Are you shitting me?

So how is a misremembrance or an out right lie about the call material?

Are you 6 years old? How short is your attention span?
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.

they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it.

Lies about a non-crime that aren't part of a legitimate criminal investigation aren't material.

Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t.

If the call contained criminal acts, he should have been charged with those crimes. He wasn't.
Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal. Flynn should have been honest and transparent. He wasn’t. He lied to the public, got fired. He lied to the FBI, got arrested. But you keep defending him.... just try and find a more convincing argument.

Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal.

Unless the conversations involved election interference, not material.
Of course it’s material. How is it not? Trump had been saying for weeks “no contacts with Russia” Flynn lied to Pence who in turn spread that lie to us all... there were in fact contacts with Russia. Trump and Flynn spread the lie that there wasn’t. But no big deal right? Talk about the swamp

Of course it’s material. How is it not?

Flynn wasn't being investigated for a crime committed during the campaign, was he?
Nothing in the phone call was criminal, was it?
So how is a misremembrance or an out right lie about the call material?

Trump had been saying for weeks “no contacts with Russia”

Trump's statement doesn't make Flynn's call a crime.
Trump's claim was probably about the campaign, which
was long over at the time of the call, right?

there were in fact contacts with Russia.

Yup. Perfectly legal contacts.
I never said Flynn’s call was a crime. Now you’re putting words in my mouth because you don’t have a solid argument to stand behind... that’s pretty weak Todd

I never said Flynn’s call was a crime.

So he wasn't under criminal investigation for the call or for anything before the call.
That's why his lies during questioning about the call were not material.
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.
While the essence of the entrapment defense is the defendant's lack of predisposition to commit the offense, the "defense" of outrageous government conduct presupposes predisposition but seeks dismissal of the indictment on the ground that the conduct of law enforcement agents was "so outrageous that due process principles would absolutely bar the government from invoking judicial process to obtain a conviction." United States v. Russell, 411 U.S. 423, 431-32 (1973). Thus, the outrageous government conduct defense is not really a defense at all. Rather, it is a claim that the institution of the prosecution suffers from a purely legal defect; as such, the claim is waived unless raised prior to trial under Fed. R. Crim. P. 12(b)(1) and (b)(2). See, e.g., United States v. Henderson-Durand, 985 F.2d 970, 973 & n. 5 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 856 (1993); United States v. Duncan, 896 F.2d 271, 274 (7th Cir. 1990); United States v. Nunez-Rios, 622 F.2d 1093, 1099 (2d Cir. 1980).

The Supreme Court has never held that the government's mere use of undercover agents or informants, or the use of deception by them, gives rise to a due process violation, although in Russell it left open that possibility. The requisite level of outrageousness could be reached only where government conduct is so fundamentally unfair as to be "shocking to the universal sense of justice." Id. at 432. No court of appeals has held that a predisposed defendant may establish a due process violation simply because he purportedly was induced to commit the crime by an undercover agent or informant. See, e.g., United States v. Pedraza, 27 F.3d 1515, 1521 (10th Cir.) (not outrageous for government "to infiltrate an ongoing criminal enterprise, or to induce a defendant to repeat, continue, or even expand criminal activity."), cert. denied, 115 S. Ct. 347 (1994).

Defendants who claim to be victims of outrageous government conduct sometimes also argue that the district court should dismiss the indictment in the exercise of its supervisory power. In the absence of a due process violation, however, a district court has no authority to dismiss an indictment on this basis. See, e.g., United States v. Simpson, 927 F.2d 1088, 1090 (9th Cir. 1991).

The requisite level of outrageousness could be reached only where government conduct is so fundamentally unfair as to be "shocking to the universal sense of justice."

Like hiding exculpatory evidence?
Oh? What exculpatory evidence would that be?

You know, the agents notes. It's been in all the papers.

That's old news. Flynn tried that excuse back in 2018. It was reviewed by the court and adjudicated and Flynn lost.

Flynn tried that excuse back in 2018. It was reviewed by the court and adjudicated and Flynn lost.

He lost before the hidden, exculpatory evidence was turned over.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Pence saying that he now thinks Flynn unintentionally misled him has got to be one of the most pathetic excuses I’ve heard in a while. It literally made me laugh out loud when I first heard it. Are you really taking that seriously?!
a Jellyfish has a stronger spine than Pence
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.

they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it.

Lies about a non-crime that aren't part of a legitimate criminal investigation aren't material.

Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t.

If the call contained criminal acts, he should have been charged with those crimes. He wasn't.
Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal. Flynn should have been honest and transparent. He wasn’t. He lied to the public, got fired. He lied to the FBI, got arrested. But you keep defending him.... just try and find a more convincing argument.

Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal.

Unless the conversations involved election interference, not material.
Of course it’s material. How is it not? Trump had been saying for weeks “no contacts with Russia” Flynn lied to Pence who in turn spread that lie to us all... there were in fact contacts with Russia. Trump and Flynn spread the lie that there wasn’t. But no big deal right? Talk about the swamp
What was the crux of those contacts with Russia? Election interference?
Good question. The FBI was investigating Tussian interference into our election where they took measures to try and help the Trump campaign. Trump and his people had been spreading lies that there were no contacts with Russia. Well now there is contacts with Russia. When people lie they deserve to be scrutinized. Their words can’t be trusted. You do understand that right?
So, after we get past your deflection, no, Trump was not in contact with the Russians to interfere with the election.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Pence saying that he now thinks Flynn unintentionally misled him has got to be one of the most pathetic excuses I’ve heard in a while. It literally made me laugh out loud when I first heard it. Are you really taking that seriously?!
a Jellyfish has a stronger spine than Pence
Yeah, call the VP of the United States of America a liar. Desperate much?
Last edited:
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.
While the essence of the entrapment defense is the defendant's lack of predisposition to commit the offense, the "defense" of outrageous government conduct presupposes predisposition but seeks dismissal of the indictment on the ground that the conduct of law enforcement agents was "so outrageous that due process principles would absolutely bar the government from invoking judicial process to obtain a conviction." United States v. Russell, 411 U.S. 423, 431-32 (1973). Thus, the outrageous government conduct defense is not really a defense at all. Rather, it is a claim that the institution of the prosecution suffers from a purely legal defect; as such, the claim is waived unless raised prior to trial under Fed. R. Crim. P. 12(b)(1) and (b)(2). See, e.g., United States v. Henderson-Durand, 985 F.2d 970, 973 & n. 5 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 856 (1993); United States v. Duncan, 896 F.2d 271, 274 (7th Cir. 1990); United States v. Nunez-Rios, 622 F.2d 1093, 1099 (2d Cir. 1980).

The Supreme Court has never held that the government's mere use of undercover agents or informants, or the use of deception by them, gives rise to a due process violation, although in Russell it left open that possibility. The requisite level of outrageousness could be reached only where government conduct is so fundamentally unfair as to be "shocking to the universal sense of justice." Id. at 432. No court of appeals has held that a predisposed defendant may establish a due process violation simply because he purportedly was induced to commit the crime by an undercover agent or informant. See, e.g., United States v. Pedraza, 27 F.3d 1515, 1521 (10th Cir.) (not outrageous for government "to infiltrate an ongoing criminal enterprise, or to induce a defendant to repeat, continue, or even expand criminal activity."), cert. denied, 115 S. Ct. 347 (1994).

Defendants who claim to be victims of outrageous government conduct sometimes also argue that the district court should dismiss the indictment in the exercise of its supervisory power. In the absence of a due process violation, however, a district court has no authority to dismiss an indictment on this basis. See, e.g., United States v. Simpson, 927 F.2d 1088, 1090 (9th Cir. 1991).

The requisite level of outrageousness could be reached only where government conduct is so fundamentally unfair as to be "shocking to the universal sense of justice."

Like hiding exculpatory evidence?
Oh? What exculpatory evidence would that be?

You know, the agents notes. It's been in all the papers.

That's old news. Flynn tried that excuse back in 2018. It was reviewed by the court and adjudicated and Flynn lost.

Flynn tried that excuse back in 2018. It was reviewed by the court and adjudicated and Flynn lost.

He lost before the hidden, exculpatory evidence was turned over.
It was already addressed in court...

Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Flynn wasn't a 'bad guy' they made him one based on the false Russia investigation. Who was the 'big fish?'
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Flynn wasn't a 'bad guy' they made him one based on the false Russia investigation. Who was the 'big fish?'

He admitted he lied. Not only did he plead guilty, but he reaffirmed his guilt when he rejected the judge's offer to withdraw his guilty plea.

He lied. Deal with it.
The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Talk about a broken record. You've been spouting the exact same MSM-DNC talking points while completely ignoring most of the facts.
I’m ignoring the weak propaganda that the right wing is trying to use to defend Flynn when the simple facts show that he lied.... now he may have been mistreated after he lied and committed his crime. If that’s the case then we can explore that debate. But the line that he was tricked or trapped into lying is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in a while.
Facts are not 'weak propaganda' dufus.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Pence saying that he now thinks Flynn unintentionally misled him has got to be one of the most pathetic excuses I’ve heard in a while. It literally made me laugh out loud when I first heard it. Are you really taking that seriously?!
a Jellyfish has a stronger spine than Pence
That is pretty pathetic since the stated reason for firing Flynn was lying to the VP.

But then, this is the Administration of Alternative Facts: Lying brought to an entirely new level.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Flynn wasn't a 'bad guy' they made him one based on the false Russia investigation. Who was the 'big fish?'

He admitted he lied. Not only did he plead guilty, but he reaffirmed his guilt when he rejected the judge's offer to withdraw his guilty plea.

He lied. Deal with it.
Stay tuned....the actual facts (not the contrived facts) are going to be exposed, and you're going to be butthurt.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Pence saying that he now thinks Flynn unintentionally misled him has got to be one of the most pathetic excuses I’ve heard in a while. It literally made me laugh out loud when I first heard it. Are you really taking that seriously?!
a Jellyfish has a stronger spine than Pence
That is pretty pathetic since the stated reason for firing Flynn was lying to the VP.

But then, this is the Administration of Alternative Facts: Lying brought to an entirely new level.

Why Flynn was fired is that Sally Yates went to WH with phony information on Flynn.. She WAS the "next in line" by succession for AG and was ACTING AG when she MISREPRESENTED Michael Flynn to the Prez and VP Pence as being "Compromised by Russia".. After Comey was fired, Yates did a big public show that SHE was now in charge in spite of the fact that Trump was still looking at candidates for AG. When it was found out that Yates HAD BEEN IN ON the plan to REMOVE Flynn as NSAdvisor, -- HER ASS got summarily fired... She then CONTINUED to lie about Flynn, EVEN UNDER OATH to Congress.. Did that TWICE AFTER she was fired.

She should be stripped of pension at the LEAST for participating in this whole coup attempt.

SHE was part of conspiracy to persecute the President and REMOVE Flynn at all costs.. Because Flynn was one of the nation's top Intel people and could protect the Prez from the assault his Admin was under..

Here's one clue -- the rest are out there...

The fact he could not recall exactly what he said
No, you can stop right there. He did not make a mistake. He intentionally lied. Please read up before commenting again.
Yeah intentionally lied when it was found out later that he didn't have too. He found out one thing though, and that is when dealing with a set up in which was hoping to find a bigger fish, him lying to throw off his assasins didn't do him any good in the long run, so yes it wasn't a good move for him, but thank God it all came out in the wash that the FBI went rogue.
What a patriot... lying to the FBI to throw them off the sent of the legitimate business he was conducting. That sounds like Brilliant logic. Are you nuts?!
I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty. The fact that the FBI put pressure on him during an interrogation is exactly what cops do when interrogating suspects. Anybody want to give the Flynn defense another shot?

I have yet to hear anybody properly explain the theatrics surrounding the Flynn situation. He lied, was fired BY TRUMP for lying, was interviewed by the FBI, lied again, and then plead guilty.

Well, as Andrew McCarthy writes......

This goes to the point I’ve been pressing for years. There was no good-faith basis for an investigation of General Flynn. Under federal law, a false statement made to investigators is not actionable unless it is material. That means it must be pertinent to a matter that is properly under investigation. If the FBI did not have a legitimate investigative basis to interview Flynn, then that fact should have been disclosed as exculpatory information. It would have enabled his counsel to argue that any inaccurate statements he made were immaterial.
Of course they had a legitimate basis to interview Flynn. They were investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Flynn was lying about contacts with the Russians.... it doesn’t get and more black and white. What aren’t you understanding?
First of all, every Presidential transition team has had conversations with foreign entities. Also, Flynn was not urged to get a lawyer, in fact, the FBI falsely claimed their questioning of him was no big deal. The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn said he (Flynn) did not give any indication of deception. Flynn was never told that by his first set of lawyers. It is not 'black and white' the FBI lied as well and set up a purjury-trap in order to compile more fake evidence on their now debunked Russia-Trump investigation.
Perjury trap?! That’s a joke right? So because the FBI knew Flynn had been talking to the Russians and then asked him if he had been talking to the Russians which he chose to lie about and say NO... this is a devious perjury trap? Come on man. You don’t expect people to take that argument seriously do you?
So Flynn have you been talking to the Russians ? Flynn - (knowing why they've got him in the trap to begin with) says No......Otherwise he takes advantage of them not specifying what his conversation might have been, even though it was legal and harmless if he did speak with any Russians, so he said "No", and not giving them anymore information that would be misconstrued, and would fall into the context of what he knew they were probing him for (political assassination) in which was the trap they had set for him ??
Exactly... have you been talking to the Russians? Flynn Lied and said No... that’s obstruction and lying to federal officers. All he had to say was yes and told them what he remembered. He didn’t do that. He wasn’t tricked or forced.
He never said he had not been talking to the Russians. He was accused of making false statements about the content of the calls. The fact he could not recall exactly what he said and the FBI already had transcripts and were on a fishing expedition should not have been grounds to indict him in any way, shape or form. Flynn was only doing what every other transition team person has done. In addition, Comey broke protocol in sending agents into the White House and admitted doing so on national TV because he said he could get away with it. Also, the FBI falsely told Flynn that their questioning was really no big deal (after all they did not use protocols) and encouraged him NOT to have a lawyer present. They didn't even read him his Miranda rights. The whole thing was a dirty set-up in order to get Flynn and ultimately get to Trump.
Wait... you think he was arrested for not remembering exactly what was discussed in the two conversations?! Because the questions were about pretty significant things like asking Russians to temper their response to obama sanctions. It was the purpose of the call and Flynn denied making that request. That’s not forgetting details. That’s lying. If he was fuzzy about any details he could have easily said “I do not recall” but he didn’t say that. He lied and denied. When people lie to cops they break the law and they are going to get pressed harder to see what else they might be lying about. That’s how it works
Asking the Russians to do anything was not a crime, Flynn was in the transition team and did nothing more than any other transition team did with any other President. The FBI was on a fishing expedition. They knew what was in the call, did not tell Flynn, made it seem like a casual meeting, told him he did not need a lawyer and never gave him his Miranda rights. You seem to always leave out the details I guess because you are voluntarily ignorant of the facts. Flynn was not given the same rights as a common criminal. Also the FBI threatened to jail his son if he didn't go belly up. But I get it, you're perfectly OK with any malfeasance or sedition as long as the man (Trump) whom you hate so much, is is taken out by any means, including a Coup.

Also you haven't addressed the fact that Comey sent agents into the White House without following protocol and bragged about it. But, I know, dirty Comey is your hero....
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.

they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it.

Lies about a non-crime that aren't part of a legitimate criminal investigation aren't material.

Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t.

If the call contained criminal acts, he should have been charged with those crimes. He wasn't.
Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal. Flynn should have been honest and transparent. He wasn’t. He lied to the public, got fired. He lied to the FBI, got arrested. But you keep defending him.... just try and find a more convincing argument.

Lies about conversations with Russians when Russians were interfering with our election is a big deal.

Unless the conversations involved election interference, not material.
Of course it’s material. How is it not? Trump had been saying for weeks “no contacts with Russia” Flynn lied to Pence who in turn spread that lie to us all... there were in fact contacts with Russia. Trump and Flynn spread the lie that there wasn’t. But no big deal right? Talk about the swamp
What was the crux of those contacts with Russia? Election interference?
Good question. The FBI was investigating Tussian interference into our election where they took measures to try and help the Trump campaign. Trump and his people had been spreading lies that there were no contacts with Russia. Well now there is contacts with Russia. When people lie they deserve to be scrutinized. Their words can’t be trusted. You do understand that right?
So, after we get past your deflection, no, Trump was not in contact with the Russians to interfere with the election.
Quit throwing cold water on him, he's blowing enough smoke as it is. LOL.
Wait hold up... you don’t think he lied?!
No. Watch the video and find out for yourself.

why did Trump fire him? Why did the Feds arrest him?
The FBI intentionally went in and ambushed Flynn with the intent of tricking him into
a perjury trap as a way of taking Trump down.
It is very easy to do without a good lawyer standing by and James Comey himself
admitted he got Flynn to meet with two FBI agents informally without a lawyer, foolishly trusting the FBI
which he certainly doesn't now and knows better.
In other words Comey set Flynn up and led him straight into a trap and says as much (watch the video, don't take my word).

As far as Trump firing Flynn I'm sure it was done for political expediency. Trump will dump people in a blink
of the eye. If I can stress one thing again...watch the video from two anti Trump progressives. Learn something even if it hurts you.
Don't regurgitate leftist talking points and urban legends.
Conspiracy to persecute the president? I call balony on that. Flynn lied. He did not have to. If anything, the conspiracy was by Trump & Co on the American people With their inherent disrespect for the rule of law.

People are making a big deal out something that may not mean what they think.

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him.

Worth a read.
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Pence saying that he now thinks Flynn unintentionally misled him has got to be one of the most pathetic excuses I’ve heard in a while. It literally made me laugh out loud when I first heard it. Are you really taking that seriously?!
a Jellyfish has a stronger spine than Pence
That is pretty pathetic since the stated reason for firing Flynn was lying to the VP.

But then, this is the Administration of Alternative Facts: Lying brought to an entirely new level.
i'm sorry - under which admin did fake news come to light?
under which admin did RUSSIA start?
under which admin did we see every police action demonized and what happened twisted?
under which admin did we not know where to pee anymore?
under which admin did spying on the press take place?
under which admin did spying on congress take place?
under which admin did we see "facts" about guns being 99% full of shit and "alternative"?

until we see what is happening with unbiased eyes, guess what?

gonna keep getting worse.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Watch the video and answer all these questions for yourself! Watch it, watch it, watch it.
The FBI threatened to prosecute Flynn under the Logan Act for talking with Kisyluk (a ridiculous threat..the last person prosecuted under that law was before the Civil War and the FBI also threatened to go after Flynn's son).

Flynn was frightened and intimidated by the FBI and and he caved in instead of fighting the FBI because he had no legal advice and couldn't afford to bankrupt his family and take the risk of not accepting a deal.
Guys like Mueller and Comey get guilty pleas all the time like this.
Do you want to roll the dice and win, which you won't do . Or do you really want to make us really go after you and spend your next twenty years in a federal prison...maybe next to your son.

Don't take my word for it. Listen to and watch Jimmy Dore and Aaron Mate'. Wise up, learn something.
Conspiracy to persecute the president? I call balony on that. Flynn lied. He did not have to. If anything, the conspiracy was by Trump & Co on the American people With their inherent disrespect for the rule of law.

People are making a big deal out something that may not mean what they think.

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him.

Worth a read.
"The FBI had closed its investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in early January 2017, but now-disgraced anti-Trump FBI official Peter Strzok reopened it the same day, new court documents unsealed Thursday revealed. "

Also 'worth a read'

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