Looks like Thom Tillis (R-NC) will be a one-term Senator

Would make my day to roll over and kiss you right now,” Cunningham wrote in one of the steamy messages to Arlene Guzman Todd, a public relations professional in California.
“I want to kiss you,” Todd said elsewhere. “I want a night with you.”

That is not sexting
That is some guy trying to get laid
wow, this is a non-issue... Is this really the best you have?

Yeah, there's nothing lower than an asshole making moves on a veterans wife.

You wouldn't know, being married to your right hand, but to veterans, it's a big deal.
Would make my day to roll over and kiss you right now,” Cunningham wrote in one of the steamy messages to Arlene Guzman Todd, a public relations professional in California.
“I want to kiss you,” Todd said elsewhere. “I want a night with you.”

That is not sexting
That is some guy trying to get laid

Cunningham: I want lobbyists to touch my cock

Tillis: I want to put my hand in your pocket
wow, this is a non-issue... Is this really the best you have?

Yeah, there's nothing lower than an asshole making moves on a veterans wife.

You wouldn't know, being married to your right hand, but to veterans, it's a big deal.
That lowlife is DONE. There are too many normal people in NC and they won't stand for it. We appreciate the fuckup.
As a NC resident I’m still supporting Cunningham. I mean... she is at least cute. Plus everyone has a mistress... He was just dumb getting outed. Thats why the rest of us (me and Trump Jr) use WhatsApp and Snapchat. Amateurs use texts. He’s not good a cheating that’s why he’s a Democrat. If he were good at cheating he’d be a Republican!

wow, this is a non-issue... Is this really the best you have?

Yeah, there's nothing lower than an asshole making moves on a veterans wife.

You wouldn't know, being married to your right hand, but to veterans, it's a big deal.
I think she's a vet too, based on HER texts to the wayward candidate. LOL

Yeah? So? He's JAG. That means he knows EXACTLY how wrong it is to pursue her.
Yeah, there's nothing lower than an asshole making moves on a veterans wife.

You wouldn't know, being married to your right hand, but to veterans, it's a big deal.

Um, guy, besides your wierd sex fantasies about me, she's a grown woman and makes her own decisions.

Besides, you guys are now the "Grab her by the Pussy" party... you really don't have business to talk.
wow, this is a non-issue... Is this really the best you have?
Well considering the fact that you guys take a mispronounced word
And try to turn it into a lying scandal
I say this is a pretty juicy tidbit that could absolutely turn the election.
Yeah it qualifies as a "best " item.

Yeah, there's nothing lower than an asshole making moves on a veterans wife.

You wouldn't know, being married to your right hand, but to veterans, it's a big deal.

Um, guy, besides your wierd sex fantasies about me, she's a grown woman and makes her own decisions.

Besides, you guys are now the "Grab her by the Pussy" party... you really don't have business to talk.

Like Katie Hopkins says:
I'd rather have him grab me by the pussy than have a pussy in the White House.

Featured image
North Carolina has played a key role in Democrats’ hopes to take control of the Senate this year. Republican Thom Tillis is defending while the Democrats seemed to have found a strong challenger in veteran Cal Cunningham. But news broke that married Cunningham has been carrying on a torrid affair with a married political consultant from California, Arlene Guzman Todd, the wife of combat veteran of 5 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The affair became public when someone, likely her husband, leaked a series of texts between Cunningham and Todd. Here they are; click to enlarge:


Do middle-aged philanderers not realize how ridiculous their lovey-dovey texts will seem to others, once they inevitably become public? Cunningham’s dalliance will expose him to moral disapproval, but more devastating will be the ridicule. This debacle should be enough to put North Carolina in the GOP column, and significantly reduce the Democrats’ chances of taking the Senate.
Featured image
North Carolina has played a key role in Democrats’ hopes to take control of the Senate this year. Republican Thom Tillis is defending while the Democrats seemed to have found a strong challenger in veteran Cal Cunningham. But news broke that married Cunningham has been carrying on a torrid affair with a married political consultant from California, Arlene Guzman Todd, the wife of combat veteran of 5 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The affair became public when someone, likely her husband, leaked a series of texts between Cunningham and Todd. Here they are; click to enlarge:

Do middle-aged philanderers not realize how ridiculous their lovey-dovey texts will seem to others, once they inevitably become public? Cunningham’s dalliance will expose him to moral disapproval, but more devastating will be the ridicule. This debacle should be enough to put North Carolina in the GOP column, and significantly reduce the Democrats’ chances of taking the Senate.

OMG that's cringeworthy. Sounds like a 7th grader just finding out about pussy. These sissy marxist types don't get near as much gash as the rest of us.... that's why they usually end up miserable and gayer than fuck with a male 2nd cousin.

This lowlife can learn about women on his own time. He's done.
Well considering the fact that you guys take a mispronounced word
And try to turn it into a lying scandal
I say this is a pretty juicy tidbit that could absolutely turn the election.
Yeah it qualifies as a "best " item.

You could say that, but it's probably not true. No one is going to really care that he made some texts to a friend.

If they did, then "Grab her by the Pussy" would have been the end of Trump.

Do middle-aged philanderers not realize how ridiculous their lovey-dovey texts will seem to others, once they inevitably become public? Cunningham’s dalliance will expose him to moral disapproval, but more devastating will be the ridicule. This debacle should be enough to put North Carolina in the GOP column, and significantly reduce the Democrats’ chances of taking the Senate.

Meh, we are well past the point where sex scandals mean all that much as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult.
wow, this is a non-issue... Is this really the best you have?
Yeah, there's nothing lower than an asshole making moves on a veterans wife.

You wouldn't know, being married to your right hand, but to veterans, it's a big deal.
Yup, a Vet who served this nation, under fire, five tours in Afghan and Iraq, this married Cunningham clown is trying to screw his wife.

But, wait, there's more:

WELL, IT’S THE PARTY OF BILL CLINTON AND HARVEY WEINSTEIN: North Carolina Democratic Senate Candidate Cal Cunningham backs out of town hall as new cheating allegation surfaces.

All eyes are on North Carolina Democrat Senate candidate Cal Cunningham after he "pulled out" of a town hall event on Monday following the publication of steamy text messages between the candidate and a woman who is not his wife.

Cunningham, a Democrat challenging incumbent Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., "withdrew" from a campaign event scheduled for Monday and organizers hope to reschedule, WUNC reported.

The news of Cunningham backing out of the town hall comes hours after information of another affair by "I Love Them All" Cunningham surfaced Monday, from a woman who has been having an affair with Cunningham since 2012.

Cunningham, who is married, apologized on Friday after the website NationalFile.com published steamy text messages between the candidate and a public relations strategist named Arlene Guzman Todd. The news that surfaced today involves a second woman.

This woman was devastated to learn that the married guy she has been cheating with for eight years was also trying to screw a Vet's wife.

Wants to do to North Carolinians what he does to the rest of the folks that have trusted him.​

“I have hurt my family, disappointed my friends, and am deeply sorry," Cunningham, who is married with two teenage children, said in a statement late Friday. "The first step in repairing those relationships is taking complete responsibility, which I do."

He may update those comments now that what was assumed to by mistress one, is actually mistress two, but, who knows how many more shoes will drop.

Wealthy donors poured $28.3 million in donations over the past three months into this philandering clown before he got busted with mistress two (currently, she may still move down the ranking) now that mistress one has shown up.
Cal will be divorced, paying child support and working the plumbing aisle at Home Depot soon. His kids will hate him, the mistresses will disappear (nobody is attracted to $14/hour hardware store employees) and I see a lot of 3-day tequila benders in his future. Along with a return to well-deserved obscurity. Buh-bye scumbag.
Democrat Star Cal Cunningham’s Mistress Has Nude Photos – Slept with Him at Family Home


Cal Cunningham with his family​

Text messages show that North Carolina Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham’s mistress Arlene Guzman Todd has naked photos of Cunningham, and that Cunningham and Guzman Todd had sex in Cunningham’s family home…

Guzman Todd began to have mixed emotions about Cunningham, at one point saying “quite frankly he doesn’t deserve my p**sy.” She then debated whether or not to formally end things with the Democrat rising star.

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