'Loose Lips' Biden A Security Threat That Cost American Lives


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

talking bout security threat, pussygraber says he is the commander of "suckers and losers" in chief, only the most deplorable people can back up such scumbag....

They could have been pulled out as soon as the information was made public. Why weren't they?
Good question for another thread - doesn't change the fact that you can add 16 more dead Americans to Joe's & Barry's body count because of ineptitude, stupidity, and being security risks who failed to protect Americans...
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

talking bout security threat, pussygraber says he is the commander of "suckers and losers" in chief, only the most deplorable people can back up such scumbag....

View attachment 385317
'pussy-grabber'? Biden said that? He is the only one who actually grabbed a woman's / intern's vagina...except for Slick Willy, of course.
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

talking bout security threat, pussygraber says he is the commander of "suckers and losers" in chief, only the most deplorable people can back up such scumbag....

View attachment 385317
'pussy-grabber'? Biden said that? He is the only one who actually grabbed a woman's / intern's vagina...except for Slick Willy, of course.

you maybe right, as the story goes pussygrabber has a very tiny dick, ha ha ha....
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

talking bout security threat, pussygraber says he is the commander of "suckers and losers" in chief, only the most deplorable people can back up such scumbag....

View attachment 385317
'pussy-grabber'? Biden said that? He is the only one who actually grabbed a woman's / intern's vagina...except for Slick Willy, of course.

you maybe right, as the story goes pussygrabber has a very tiny dick, ha ha ha....
I wouldn't know the intimate details as you do about Biden and Clinton...that would explain why Slick Willy prefers children, though...
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

BS on that story. Here is the story:
Under cover of darkness on the night of August 6, 2011, a special ops team that included a group of U.S. Army Rangers began an assault on a Taliban compound in the village of Jaw-e-Mekh Zareen in the Tangi Valley. The firefight at the house went on for at least two hours, and the ground team called in reinforcements. As the Chinook CH-47 transport helicopter (call sign: Extortion 17) carrying 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos, an Afghan civilian interpreter and a U.S. military dog approached, the insurgents fired on the helicopter and it crashed to the ground, killing all aboard.

As funerals for the fallen sailors and other servicemen took place throughout the United States, a team of specialists conducted an official investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The resulting report, delivered in October 2011, concluded that a Taliban fighter shot down the Chinook with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) as the helicopter neared its landing zone, and that “all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound.”

The Afgans got good at shooting down helicopters coming up mountain valleys, as we showed them how and equipped to against the Russian, when they invaded.
Chinook's are very large. If you are in a fire fight against US forces and you hear one coming up the valley and know, you do not have helicopters like that supporting you, it can only be US reinforcements and you shoot it down with a rocket propelled grenade, just as you were trained to do. You do not even care what unit is on it. It is just a very large slow moving, non-evasive troop carrier, target of opportunity, bringing a large number of troops to kill you if you let it land.

...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

BS on that story. Here is the story:
Under cover of darkness on the night of August 6, 2011, a special ops team that included a group of U.S. Army Rangers began an assault on a Taliban compound in the village of Jaw-e-Mekh Zareen in the Tangi Valley. The firefight at the house went on for at least two hours, and the ground team called in reinforcements. As the Chinook CH-47 transport helicopter (call sign: Extortion 17) carrying 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos, an Afghan civilian interpreter and a U.S. military dog approached, the insurgents fired on the helicopter and it crashed to the ground, killing all aboard.

As funerals for the fallen sailors and other servicemen took place throughout the United States, a team of specialists conducted an official investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The resulting report, delivered in October 2011, concluded that a Taliban fighter shot down the Chinook with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) as the helicopter neared its landing zone, and that “all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound.”

The Afgans got good at shooting down helicopters coming up mountain valleys, as we showed them how and equipped to against the Russian, when they invaded.
Chinook's are very large. If you are in a fire fight against US forces and you hear one coming up the valley and know, you do not have helicopters like that supporting you, it can only be US reinforcements and you shoot it down with a rocket propelled grenade, just as you were trained to do. You do not even care what unit is on it. It is just a very large slow moving, non-evasive troop carrier, target of opportunity, bringing a large number of troops to kill you if you let it land.

Do you know the positioning of the rocket launchers, how many, how 'perfect' the AMBUSH was placed? Of course not - the media did not cover that and more. This was a set up. You can take the word of pro-Biden media or someone who actually served...either way, I don't care. Snowflakes shy away from fact and embrace fake news media.
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

BS on that story. Here is the story:
Under cover of darkness on the night of August 6, 2011, a special ops team that included a group of U.S. Army Rangers began an assault on a Taliban compound in the village of Jaw-e-Mekh Zareen in the Tangi Valley. The firefight at the house went on for at least two hours, and the ground team called in reinforcements. As the Chinook CH-47 transport helicopter (call sign: Extortion 17) carrying 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos, an Afghan civilian interpreter and a U.S. military dog approached, the insurgents fired on the helicopter and it crashed to the ground, killing all aboard.

As funerals for the fallen sailors and other servicemen took place throughout the United States, a team of specialists conducted an official investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The resulting report, delivered in October 2011, concluded that a Taliban fighter shot down the Chinook with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) as the helicopter neared its landing zone, and that “all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound.”

The Afgans got good at shooting down helicopters coming up mountain valleys, as we showed them how and equipped to against the Russian, when they invaded.
Chinook's are very large. If you are in a fire fight against US forces and you hear one coming up the valley and know, you do not have helicopters like that supporting you, it can only be US reinforcements and you shoot it down with a rocket propelled grenade, just as you were trained to do. You do not even care what unit is on it. It is just a very large slow moving, non-evasive troop carrier, target of opportunity, bringing a large number of troops to kill you if you let it land.

Do you know the positioning of the rocket launchers, how many, how 'perfect' the AMBUSH was placed? Of course not - the media did not cover that and more. This was a set up. You can take the word of pro-Biden media or someone who actually served...either way, I don't care. Snowflakes shy away from fact and embrace fake news media.
I can also take experience shooting rockets as targets, knowledge of of size, silhouette, and flight characteristics of the Chinook in troop carrying mode. It doesn't exactly dance lightly and evasively above the landscape coming in for a landing. Friends that were in Vietnam say you can shoot the crap out of it with machine guns and it will usually keep on flying. A rocket propelled grenade (excellent even if shooting at a tank on a flank shot) can easily take one out. Biden had nothing to do with it and you know it. Try again.
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

BS on that story. Here is the story:
Under cover of darkness on the night of August 6, 2011, a special ops team that included a group of U.S. Army Rangers began an assault on a Taliban compound in the village of Jaw-e-Mekh Zareen in the Tangi Valley. The firefight at the house went on for at least two hours, and the ground team called in reinforcements. As the Chinook CH-47 transport helicopter (call sign: Extortion 17) carrying 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos, an Afghan civilian interpreter and a U.S. military dog approached, the insurgents fired on the helicopter and it crashed to the ground, killing all aboard.

As funerals for the fallen sailors and other servicemen took place throughout the United States, a team of specialists conducted an official investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The resulting report, delivered in October 2011, concluded that a Taliban fighter shot down the Chinook with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) as the helicopter neared its landing zone, and that “all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound.”

The Afgans got good at shooting down helicopters coming up mountain valleys, as we showed them how and equipped to against the Russian, when they invaded.
Chinook's are very large. If you are in a fire fight against US forces and you hear one coming up the valley and know, you do not have helicopters like that supporting you, it can only be US reinforcements and you shoot it down with a rocket propelled grenade, just as you were trained to do. You do not even care what unit is on it. It is just a very large slow moving, non-evasive troop carrier, target of opportunity, bringing a large number of troops to kill you if you let it land.

Do you know the positioning of the rocket launchers, how many, how 'perfect' the AMBUSH was placed? Of course not - the media did not cover that and more. This was a set up. You can take the word of pro-Biden media or someone who actually served...either way, I don't care. Snowflakes shy away from fact and embrace fake news media.
I can also take experience shooting rockets as targets, knowledge of of size, silhouette, and flight characteristics of the Chinook in troop carrying mode. It doesn't exactly dance lightly and evasively above the landscape coming in for a landing. Friends that were in Vietnam say you can shoot the crap out of it with machine guns and it will usually keep on flying. A rocket propelled grenade (excellent even if shooting at a tank on a flank shot) can easily take one out. Biden had nothing to do with it and you know it. Try again.
YOU ARE MIXING 2 STORIES TOGETHER. Again, there was never such a coordinated attack by the Taliban like this before. The number and placement of those involved in the AMBUSH proves they knew the exact date, time, flight path... It's not like this was the 1st time Joe or other Democrats leaked classified, jeopardizing...or costing...American lives.
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

talking bout security threat, pussygraber says he is the commander of "suckers and losers" in chief, only the most deplorable people can back up such scumbag....

View attachment 385317
Still no issue with Iran's bounties on dead troops during the Obama administration ?
Years ago, to make a point on CSPAN before Congress John Kerry read a classified report, exposing an under cover CIA Agent. The CIA scrambled to pull the agent out before he could be killed...Kerry was never punished. Hillary gave up info, Feinstein SOLD the Chinese info for decades, & Comey leaked it...none of them have been punished...yet.
Years ago, to make a point on CSPAN before Congress John Kerry read a classified report, exposing an under cover CIA Agent. The CIA scrambled to pull the agent out before he could be killed...Kerry was never punished. Hillary gave up info, Feinstein SOLD the Chinese info for decades, & Comey leaked it...none of them have been punished...yet.
I don't expect anyone to be punished for their misdeeds. :icon_rolleyes:
Years ago, to make a point on CSPAN before Congress John Kerry read a classified report, exposing an under cover CIA Agent. The CIA scrambled to pull the agent out before he could be killed...Kerry was never punished. Hillary gave up info, Feinstein SOLD the Chinese info for decades, & Comey leaked it...none of them have been punished...yet.
I don't expect anyone to be punished for their misdeeds. :icon_rolleyes:
Not as long as WE keep acting like sheep and let them get away with it...
Years ago, to make a point on CSPAN before Congress John Kerry read a classified report, exposing an under cover CIA Agent. The CIA scrambled to pull the agent out before he could be killed...Kerry was never punished. Hillary gave up info, Feinstein SOLD the Chinese info for decades, & Comey leaked it...none of them have been punished...yet.
I don't expect anyone to be punished for their misdeeds. :icon_rolleyes:
Not as long as WE keep acting like sheep and let them get away with it...
The Deep State is above the law it seems :smoke:
Years ago, to make a point on CSPAN before Congress John Kerry read a classified report, exposing an under cover CIA Agent. The CIA scrambled to pull the agent out before he could be killed...Kerry was never punished. Hillary gave up info, Feinstein SOLD the Chinese info for decades, & Comey leaked it...none of them have been punished...yet.
I don't expect anyone to be punished for their misdeeds. :icon_rolleyes:
Not as long as WE keep acting like sheep and let them get away with it...
The Deep State is above the law it seems :smoke:
The time to march on DC and take it back was when Comey said Hillary broke laws but no charges...Americans need to get off their asses and realize WE have the power, just not the knowledge or interest to do so. Being a sheep is easier...
Do you know the positioning of the rocket launchers, how many, how 'perfect' the AMBUSH was placed?

By spouting your dishonest fantasy, You're tapdancing on dead servicemen to score political points. Such dishonesty combined with ghoulishness is repulsive and disgusting even by Trump cult standards, and that's saying something.

What's more, your conspiracy theory is hilariously stupid. Greedily guzzling down what the cult has trickled down your willing throat for years has pickled your brain. According to your moron theory, the ambush was only set up because Biden praised Seal Team 6. According to your dementia-addled brain, the Taliban would have just given a friendly wave to the helicopter full of reinforcements coming to kill them if Biden hadn't said that.

Holy shit, you're stupid. And to think people like you are allowed to vote, and that your vote counts the same as a normal person's.

The number and placement of those involved in the AMBUSH proves they knew the exact date, time, flight path...

How does one guy popping out of a spider hole and getting off a lucky RPG shot into the gear box demonstrate that the Taliban knew the whole battle plan in detail? Sometimes the bad guys just get lucky.

And how does Biden praising Seal Team 6 reveal any sort of battle plan?

Good god, you're a moron.

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