'Loose Lips' Biden A Security Threat That Cost American Lives

The identity of teams conducting classified missions is kept secret for a reason. Once SEAL Team 6 was identified they became a target of revenge. As I pointed out, the Chinook was not taken out by chance by random rocket launchers. The team on the ground was engaged by a large force to draw the response team into that valley - all r ridges in and out had manpad / launcher teams. Once in the 'bowl' they were f*ed. Radio calls described rockets coming in from 'everywhere'... A satchel charge was also detonated from the inside by an Afghan troop added to the flight just before takeoff... There is much more to this story the media did not know / did not write, more people on this board don't know...but the identities of teams conducting classified ops are kept SECRET to prevent targeting / retaliation ... Biden gave up the identity of the team...the enemy did their homework and did the rest. The Afghan embedded with the team was the insurance policy...
Than you are also aware there are 4 different squadrons under six and this was not the one on the bin laden mission, aside from individuals that may have subbed or changed teams to fill needed holes. Also, if you think it was not known seal team six operated in and out of that theater, you are living in a conspiracy dream world. Further, while the seals were acknowledged in the speech of May 3, 2011, the team number was not mentioned. DID NOT IDENTIFY SEAL TEAM 6 OR ANY TEAM BY NUMBER OR PERSONNEL NAME or color. Have read there was a Afghani operating with the team that was thought to be dirty, if so, guarantee he died that night. Last I read, the satchel charge detonation inside the bird had been ruled out. That would only be ruled out by examination of the wreckage of the bird. That clears it for me, as I took that course. A lateral RPG strike in the upper front quarter or upper rear quarter could easily take out the bird causing it to fall into the mountanous AO and as you are probably aware, they, like our shoulder fired rockets are usually employed in multiples, so forget lucky shot. It ain't hard to aim and fire fairly accurately if you are trained. Like I said, we trained them years ago to shoot from the moutainsides as the target back then was the Russian Hind helicopter (the most heavily armored helicopter on any battle field of that time and most likely could not be taken out with an RPG from below. Was there an OPSEC breach? Quite possibly, especially if there was a was a dirty Hadji in the the woodpile. Still no relation to anything Biden said, so basic premise of story incorrect and provable on any fact check site of the speech.
The identity of teams conducting classified missions is kept secret for a reason. Once SEAL Team 6 was identified they became a target of revenge. As I pointed out, the Chinook was not taken out by chance by random rocket launchers. The team on the ground was engaged by a large force to draw the response team into that valley - all r ridges in and out had manpad / launcher teams. Once in the 'bowl' they were f*ed. Radio calls described rockets coming in from 'everywhere'... A satchel charge was also detonated from the inside by an Afghan troop added to the flight just before takeoff... There is much more to this story the media did not know / did not write, more people on this board don't know...but the identities of teams conducting classified ops are kept SECRET to prevent targeting / retaliation ... Biden gave up the identity of the team...the enemy did their homework and did the rest. The Afghan embedded with the team was the insurance policy...
Than you are also aware there are 4 different squadrons under six and this was not the one on the bin laden mission, aside from individuals that may have subbed or changed teams to fill needed holes. Also, if you think it was not known seal team six operated in and out of that theater, you are living in a conspiracy dream world. Further, while the seals were acknowledged in the speech of May 3, 2011, the team number was not mentioned. DID NOT IDENTIFY SEAL TEAM 6 OR ANY TEAM BY NUMBER OR PERSONNEL NAME or color. Have read there was a Afghani operating with the team that was thought to be dirty, if so, guarantee he died that night. Last I read, the satchel charge detonation inside the bird had been ruled out. That would only be ruled out by examination of the wreckage of the bird. That clears it for me, as I took that course. A lateral RPG strike in the upper front quarter or upper rear quarter could easily take out the bird causing it to fall into the mountanous AO and as you are probably aware, they, like our shoulder fired rockets are usually employed in multiples, so forget lucky shot. It ain't hard to aim and fire fairly accurately if you are trained. Like I said, we trained them years ago to shoot from the moutainsides as the target back then was the Russian Hind helicopter (the most heavily armored helicopter on any battle field of that time and most likely could not be taken out with an RPG from below. Was there an OPSEC breach? Quite possibly, especially if there was a was a dirty Hadji in the the woodpile. Still no relation to anything Biden said, so basic premise of story incorrect and provable on any fact check site of the speech.
Yet you have not completely proven so ... And again, undeniably, Biden violated OPSEC it regardless of if anything came of it...Democrats just can't help leaking classified...
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

talking bout security threat, pussygraber says he is the commander of "suckers and losers" in chief, only the most deplorable people can back up such scumbag....

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Please.post a source that has a video or at least a tape of this. You cant. Your source cant. In fact the only thing they have is "credible witnesses". The same type of witnesses that wack job skank couldnt produce during the Kavanaugh hearings. Blazing Fraud...hahaha.
The identity of teams conducting classified missions is kept secret for a reason. Once SEAL Team 6 was identified they became a target of revenge. As I pointed out, the Chinook was not taken out by chance by random rocket launchers. The team on the ground was engaged by a large force to draw the response team into that valley - all r ridges in and out had manpad / launcher teams. Once in the 'bowl' they were f*ed. Radio calls described rockets coming in from 'everywhere'... A satchel charge was also detonated from the inside by an Afghan troop added to the flight just before takeoff... There is much more to this story the media did not know / did not write, more people on this board don't know...but the identities of teams conducting classified ops are kept SECRET to prevent targeting / retaliation ... Biden gave up the identity of the team...the enemy did their homework and did the rest. The Afghan embedded with the team was the insurance policy...
Than you are also aware there are 4 different squadrons under six and this was not the one on the bin laden mission, aside from individuals that may have subbed or changed teams to fill needed holes. Also, if you think it was not known seal team six operated in and out of that theater, you are living in a conspiracy dream world. Further, while the seals were acknowledged in the speech of May 3, 2011, the team number was not mentioned. DID NOT IDENTIFY SEAL TEAM 6 OR ANY TEAM BY NUMBER OR PERSONNEL NAME or color. Have read there was a Afghani operating with the team that was thought to be dirty, if so, guarantee he died that night. Last I read, the satchel charge detonation inside the bird had been ruled out. That would only be ruled out by examination of the wreckage of the bird. That clears it for me, as I took that course. A lateral RPG strike in the upper front quarter or upper rear quarter could easily take out the bird causing it to fall into the mountanous AO and as you are probably aware, they, like our shoulder fired rockets are usually employed in multiples, so forget lucky shot. It ain't hard to aim and fire fairly accurately if you are trained. Like I said, we trained them years ago to shoot from the moutainsides as the target back then was the Russian Hind helicopter (the most heavily armored helicopter on any battle field of that time and most likely could not be taken out with an RPG from below. Was there an OPSEC breach? Quite possibly, especially if there was a was a dirty Hadji in the the woodpile. Still no relation to anything Biden said, so basic premise of story incorrect and provable on any fact check site of the speech.
Yet you have not completely proven so ... And again, undeniably, Biden violated OPSEC it regardless of if anything came of it...Democrats just can't help leaking classified...
BS Congratulating seals without naming units or individual is no breach of OPSEC in general and certainly not in relation mission specific of the one where an RPG took down a reinforcement troop helicopter in a mountain pass or valley. You don't think the Afghans would have fought to defend there in the mountains where they hide if seals had not been involved? You do not think they would shoot down a helicopter bringing reinforcements if there were not seals involve? Get a grip. Seals are always high value targets and always have been Same goes of helicopters bringing reinforcements. You have given me no reason the think you have special un released knowledge. You are just wrong and carried away with a fantasy.
...they should have been reassigned or separated to do something else. It is not like that administration was doing nothing when bounties were being placed on personnel stationed in the region.
I didn't change shit...but you don't need an excuse to slink away dumbass.

In your tantrum there, you failed to answer the questions that have been asked to you over and over. And again, that's expected, given your history of cowardice and failure.

How did Biden saying "Good job seals!" violate opsec?

You keep telling that really stupid lie, and never backing it up, so everyone keeps laughing at you. You're lying out of butthurt and impotent loser-rage, and because you're a particularly brainless cult stooge.

Now, speaking of treason, don't you have some more Russian propaganda to spread? Like you've been doing for years now?

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