'Loose Lips' Biden A Security Threat That Cost American Lives

Do you know the positioning of the rocket launchers, how many, how 'perfect' the AMBUSH was placed?

By spouting your dishonest fantasy, You're tapdancing on dead servicemen to score political points. Such dishonesty combined with ghoulishness is repulsive and disgusting even by Trump cult standards, and that's saying something.

What's more, your conspiracy theory is hilariously stupid. Greedily guzzling down what the cult has trickled down your willing throat for years has pickled your brain. According to your moron theory, the ambush was only set up because Biden praised Seal Team 6. According to your dementia-addled brain, the Taliban would have just given a friendly wave to the helicopter full of reinforcements coming to kill them if Biden hadn't said that.

Holy shit, you're stupid. And to think people like you are allowed to vote, and that your vote counts the same as a normal person's.

The number and placement of those involved in the AMBUSH proves they knew the exact date, time, flight path...

How does one guy popping out of a spider hole and getting off a lucky RPG shot into the gear box demonstrate that the Taliban knew the whole battle plan in detail? Sometimes the bad guys just get lucky.

And how does Biden praising Seal Team 6 reveal any sort of battle plan?

Good god, you're a moron.
Thanks for exposing yourself as the uneducated idiot and partisan nut job you are. How does Biden exposing SEAL Team 6 ? What team was ambushed? 4? 3? No...6. God you are stupid.
Thank you for proving you have no idea what OPSEC is and why it is important.... Is this Joe?
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

BS on that story. Here is the story:
Under cover of darkness on the night of August 6, 2011, a special ops team that included a group of U.S. Army Rangers began an assault on a Taliban compound in the village of Jaw-e-Mekh Zareen in the Tangi Valley. The firefight at the house went on for at least two hours, and the ground team called in reinforcements. As the Chinook CH-47 transport helicopter (call sign: Extortion 17) carrying 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos, an Afghan civilian interpreter and a U.S. military dog approached, the insurgents fired on the helicopter and it crashed to the ground, killing all aboard.

As funerals for the fallen sailors and other servicemen took place throughout the United States, a team of specialists conducted an official investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The resulting report, delivered in October 2011, concluded that a Taliban fighter shot down the Chinook with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) as the helicopter neared its landing zone, and that “all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound.”

The Afgans got good at shooting down helicopters coming up mountain valleys, as we showed them how and equipped to against the Russian, when they invaded.
Chinook's are very large. If you are in a fire fight against US forces and you hear one coming up the valley and know, you do not have helicopters like that supporting you, it can only be US reinforcements and you shoot it down with a rocket propelled grenade, just as you were trained to do. You do not even care what unit is on it. It is just a very large slow moving, non-evasive troop carrier, target of opportunity, bringing a large number of troops to kill you if you let it land.

Isn't just about everything the OP post bullshit? I don't think I have ever seen a link he has ever posted that wasn't gateway pundit.
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

BS on that story. Here is the story:
Under cover of darkness on the night of August 6, 2011, a special ops team that included a group of U.S. Army Rangers began an assault on a Taliban compound in the village of Jaw-e-Mekh Zareen in the Tangi Valley. The firefight at the house went on for at least two hours, and the ground team called in reinforcements. As the Chinook CH-47 transport helicopter (call sign: Extortion 17) carrying 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos, an Afghan civilian interpreter and a U.S. military dog approached, the insurgents fired on the helicopter and it crashed to the ground, killing all aboard.

As funerals for the fallen sailors and other servicemen took place throughout the United States, a team of specialists conducted an official investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The resulting report, delivered in October 2011, concluded that a Taliban fighter shot down the Chinook with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) as the helicopter neared its landing zone, and that “all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound.”

The Afgans got good at shooting down helicopters coming up mountain valleys, as we showed them how and equipped to against the Russian, when they invaded.
Chinook's are very large. If you are in a fire fight against US forces and you hear one coming up the valley and know, you do not have helicopters like that supporting you, it can only be US reinforcements and you shoot it down with a rocket propelled grenade, just as you were trained to do. You do not even care what unit is on it. It is just a very large slow moving, non-evasive troop carrier, target of opportunity, bringing a large number of troops to kill you if you let it land.

Do you know the positioning of the rocket launchers, how many, how 'perfect' the AMBUSH was placed? Of course not - the media did not cover that and more. This was a set up. You can take the word of pro-Biden media or someone who actually served...either way, I don't care. Snowflakes shy away from fact and embrace fake news media.
I can also take experience shooting rockets as targets, knowledge of of size, silhouette, and flight characteristics of the Chinook in troop carrying mode. It doesn't exactly dance lightly and evasively above the landscape coming in for a landing. Friends that were in Vietnam say you can shoot the crap out of it with machine guns and it will usually keep on flying. A rocket propelled grenade (excellent even if shooting at a tank on a flank shot) can easily take one out. Biden had nothing to do with it and you know it. Try again.
YOU ARE MIXING 2 STORIES TOGETHER. Again, there was never such a coordinated attack by the Taliban like this before. The number and placement of those involved in the AMBUSH proves they knew the exact date, time, flight path... It's not like this was the 1st time Joe or other Democrats leaked classified, jeopardizing...or costing...American lives.
BS. They had been on a fire fight on the ground for 2 hours. Pretty obvious an incoming troop carrier helicopter is not bring birthday party favors. Not like it could quietly approach.
Thanks for exposing yourself as the uneducated idiot and partisan nut job you are. How does Biden exposing SEAL Team 6 ?

Dumbass, just how did Biden expose any tactical plans? Don't just weep and lie helplessly and say he did. Give us specifics. How did Biden saying "Seal Team 6 rocks!" enable the Taliban to set up an ambush?

You can't actually be as stupid as you sound here. You have to be lying deliberately for the glory of your Stalinist cult, right?
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

A. Gateway Pundit. Almost certainly not true.

B. Did he pass classified information to Russians in the oval office?
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

A. Gateway Pundit. Almost certainly not true.

B. Did he pass classified information to Russians in the oval office?
Funny you try to discredit what you can't disprove then spew unfounded fake news ... Bwuhahahaha
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

BS on that story. Here is the story:
Under cover of darkness on the night of August 6, 2011, a special ops team that included a group of U.S. Army Rangers began an assault on a Taliban compound in the village of Jaw-e-Mekh Zareen in the Tangi Valley. The firefight at the house went on for at least two hours, and the ground team called in reinforcements. As the Chinook CH-47 transport helicopter (call sign: Extortion 17) carrying 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos, an Afghan civilian interpreter and a U.S. military dog approached, the insurgents fired on the helicopter and it crashed to the ground, killing all aboard.

As funerals for the fallen sailors and other servicemen took place throughout the United States, a team of specialists conducted an official investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The resulting report, delivered in October 2011, concluded that a Taliban fighter shot down the Chinook with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) as the helicopter neared its landing zone, and that “all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound.”

The Afgans got good at shooting down helicopters coming up mountain valleys, as we showed them how and equipped to against the Russian, when they invaded.
Chinook's are very large. If you are in a fire fight against US forces and you hear one coming up the valley and know, you do not have helicopters like that supporting you, it can only be US reinforcements and you shoot it down with a rocket propelled grenade, just as you were trained to do. You do not even care what unit is on it. It is just a very large slow moving, non-evasive troop carrier, target of opportunity, bringing a large number of troops to kill you if you let it land.

Isn't just about everything the OP post bullshit? I don't think I have ever seen a link he has ever posted that wasn't gateway pundit.
Can't say about all, but this one if BS. It was a real story that some family members said it, just not true that it had anything to do with it. Been investigated and not the first Chinook (though a good reliable bird) to go down in this war or before and body count is higher because it carries a lot of troops.
Thanks for exposing yourself as the uneducated idiot and partisan nut job you are. How does Biden exposing SEAL Team 6 ?

Dumbass, just how did Biden expose any tactical plans? Don't just weep and lie helplessly and say he did. Give us specifics. How did Biden saying "Seal Team 6 rocks!" enable the Taliban to set up an ambush?

You can't actually be as stupid as you sound here. You have to be lying deliberately for the glory of your Stalinist cult, right?
Again, another idiot proving he has no idea what OPSEC means, is, or the dangers of not keeping it secure. Children failing to protect Biden by speaking of what they do not know...
The identity of teams conducting classified missions is kept secret for a reason. Once SEAL Team 6 was identified they became a target of revenge. As I pointed out, the Chinook was not taken out by chance by random rocket launchers. The team on the ground was engaged by a large force to draw the response team into that valley - all r ridges in and out had manpad / launcher teams. Once in the 'bowl' they were f*ed. Radio calls described rockets coming in from 'everywhere'... A satchel charge was also detonated from the inside by an Afghan troop added to the flight just before takeoff... There is much more to this story the media did not know / did not write, more people on this board don't know...but the identities of teams conducting classified ops are kept SECRET to prevent targeting / retaliation ... Biden gave up the identity of the team...the enemy did their homework and did the rest. The Afghan embedded with the team was the insurance policy...
Meanwhile, what actually happened.

Once SEAL Team 6 was identified they became a target of revenge.

Yep, you're actually claiming that the Taliban would have left any other helicopter alone. You are one serious paste-eating moron.

As I pointed out, the Chinook was not taken out by chance by random rocket launchers.

And that was one of your dumber lies, since that's pretty much exactly what happened.

Just give up. We know you're lying. You know you're lying. Everyone knows you're lying. Even your own cult finds your behavior here to be disgusting and stupid.
Meanwhile, what actually happened.

Once SEAL Team 6 was identified they became a target of revenge.

Yep, you're actually claiming that the Taliban would have left any other helicopter alone. You are one serious paste-eating moron.

As I pointed out, the Chinook was not taken out by chance by random rocket launchers.

And that was one of your dumber lies, since that's pretty much exactly what happened.

Just give up. We know you're lying. You know you're lying. Everyone knows you're lying. Even your own cult finds your behavior here to be disgusting and stupid.
STFU. I never said the Taliban would have left any other helicopter alone, you f*ing liar - YIU said that. I said the Chinook was caught in a pre-planned ambush! I didn't bother to read the rest of your bullshit after your 1st lie.
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

A. Gateway Pundit. Almost certainly not true.

B. Did he pass classified information to Russians in the oval office?
Funny you try to discredit what you can't disprove then spew unfounded fake news ... Bwuhahahaha
Lol, you discredited it when you used gateway pundit as a source!

STFU. I never said the Taliban would have left any other helicopter alone,

And so now you change your story and admit that your whole conspiracy theory about Seal Team 6 being targeted is garbage. Looks like my work here is done.

I didn't bother to read the rest of your bullshit after your 1st lie.

Don't worry. Given your history, nobody expected you not to be a gutless wonder. You always run when called on your BS, so you're not disappointing anyone.
'Seven mysterious Afghan commandos, along with one Afghan interpreter, joined these remarkable Americans on the helicopter that night.'

On Aug. 8, 2011, the Agence France-Presse quoted an unnamed Afghan government official saying that the chopper was lured to the area with the promise of finding Tahir — who wasn’t there.

...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

A. Gateway Pundit. Almost certainly not true.

B. Did he pass classified information to Russians in the oval office?
Funny you try to discredit what you can't disprove then spew unfounded fake news ... Bwuhahahaha
Lol, you discredited it when you used gateway pundit as a source!

Losers try to discredit sources when unable to discredit facts reported
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

A. Gateway Pundit. Almost certainly not true.

B. Did he pass classified information to Russians in the oval office?
Funny you try to discredit what you can't disprove then spew unfounded fake news ... Bwuhahahaha
Lol, you discredited it when you used gateway pundit as a source!

Losers try to discredit sources when unable to discredit facts reported
Ha! What facts?
“Citing intelligence ‘gathered from the area,’ ” the AFP said, “the official blamed Qari Tahir, a Taliban commander, for masterminding the attack. He alleged that four Pakistani nationals helped Tahir carry out the strike.”

“The Taliban knew which route the helicopter would take,” he added. “That’s the only route, so they took position on the either side of the valley on mountains and as the helicopter approached, they attacked it with rockets.”

F* you snowflakes...everything I said....
...just ask the family members of 16 dead SEAL team members...

talking bout security threat, pussygraber says he is the commander of "suckers and losers" in chief, only the most deplorable people can back up such scumbag....

View attachment 385317

Go study for your GED you dumbass dickwad.
STFU. I never said the Taliban would have left any other helicopter alone,

And so now you change your story and admit that your whole conspiracy theory about Seal Team 6 being targeted is garbage. Looks like my work here is done.

I didn't bother to read the rest of your bullshit after your 1st lie.

Don't worry. Given your history, nobody expected you not to be a gutless wonder. You always run when called on your BS, so you're not disappointing anyone.
I didn't change shit...but you don't need an excuse to slink away dumbass. The only thing you 'know' is what the media feeds you. I lived it for 30 years. Ever met a Taliban? Ever served with Afghan soldiers, having to look over your shoulder the whole time? Did you ever even try to read what that's like? You already proved you have no clue what OPSEC is...why I am I not surprised what you claim to know comes from liberal media who are selling out the country to protect Bien from his past...like they did for Barry & Hillary?!

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