Looters take advantage of Hurricane Irma

What kind of stupid logic is that? You shade tree psychologists crack me up with your
lame assessments. 75% of blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living.
Unwed births doesn't mean the fathers are absent. Many couples choose to cohabitate without the nuptials. Others get married after the birth of a child... But high unwed birth rates aren't limited to American Blacks. Many of your beloved Nordic countries have rates nearly as high as US Blacks do.
Empirical. Where I live it's almost all black, $73k median income, mostly fatherless, failing schools and high crime.
And you judge all blacks by your microcosm
of an emperical experience? It figures.
It's empirical and runs through the entire country.
You judge people by skin color.
Personally, I don't. But when faced by a wolf pack of racists...such as you and your friends hanging out here, I can also generalize to make a point. I'd call my views axiomatic rather than empirical.
You don't like the idea of consulting observation and results?
When those "observations" are based on bias and ignorance filtered through the brain of a
Racist like you...I am not the least bit reticent in challenging the veracity of it.
I would choose spearchucking over Hitler and Stalin any day. And if they represent civilization...you can have it.
I'm sure there were plenty of spearchuckers who were just as murderous as Stalin and Hitler.
Nope.... Not even close...
Like you're from Africa?
Lots of White people come from Africa...isn't South Africa in Africa? Are you from Africa?
Then you need to reconsider the term African-American.
Me? I didn't coin the term. But, yes...some white people are indeed African Americans.
So the racists here are disparaging them too when using the term pejoratively.
Your topic fails on all counts.its afalse narrative based on your personal bigotry alone. My statement OTOH is a matter of historical record. How dare you speak of black thievery when your ilk are the kings of theivery. Shit...your kind perpetrated armed robbery upon the Native aborigines of this land and you have the gall to speak of thievery ...some fuggin nerve...

Fuck em....we just took what they had stolen from others.
Not true ... American Indians generally didn't have the concept of land ownership.

What a fuken clown!!!!
Are you really trying to tell me the indians didnt kill each other for prime hunting land?
I'll just say this, before white men invaded, the autochthonous people of what was to become the United States of America,they had no written language. Any evidence they warred with each other was written into hisiory by the greatest liars and murderers on earth...White men. I don't doubt that some Indian tribes did fight each other. Not for the land necessarily but because they raided and plundered each other for women, baubles or whatever. Blood vendettas likely started when some one was killed during these raids. But fighting over land was not necessary since game was so plentiful that the entire continent was a prime hunting ground.
Still...the Angel of Death came with White invaders who nearly decimated the entire New World aborigines. There is nothing you can say to justify the unparalleled evil your people carry with them everywhere they go.

Game was plentiful? How do you know?
They got their collective asses whipped by the new tribe in town to fuken bad for them.
And for you to claim the indians werent warlike is a joke.
They slaughtered each other wholesale.
Who told you that ...another white man?
sometimes they killed the men of other tribes just to get the women to have as slaves

the Africans also murdered/warred on/etc each other for hunting/farming lands
I have a thread on the NAs --Myth of NAs

Hundreds of years before ANY white man set foot in Africa the entire continent was in a constant state of one tribe warring on their neighboring tribes.

Here I have collected an assortment of racist apologists caught trying to justify the evil White people have commited upon the earth by desperately trying to put the skirmishes of primitive tribes on a par with their global destruction.
are you saying the other races are superior to whites?
Fuck em....we just took what they had stolen from others.
Not true ... American Indians generally didn't have the concept of land ownership.

What a fuken clown!!!!
Are you really trying to tell me the indians didnt kill each other for prime hunting land?
I'll just say this, before white men invaded, the autochthonous people of what was to become the United States of America,they had no written language. Any evidence they warred with each other was written into hisiory by the greatest liars and murderers on earth...White men. I don't doubt that some Indian tribes did fight each other. Not for the land necessarily but because they raided and plundered each other for women, baubles or whatever. Blood vendettas likely started when some one was killed during these raids. But fighting over land was not necessary since game was so plentiful that the entire continent was a prime hunting ground.
Still...the Angel of Death came with White invaders who nearly decimated the entire New World aborigines. There is nothing you can say to justify the unparalleled evil your people carry with them everywhere they go.

Game was plentiful? How do you know?
They got their collective asses whipped by the new tribe in town to fuken bad for them.
And for you to claim the indians werent warlike is a joke.
They slaughtered each other wholesale.
Who told you that ...another white man?

The violence of indians is well documented by indians themselves you idiot.
Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.
But restricting your math formulae to the USA in terms of race based crime stats does nothing for those seeking the truth about the most destructive and murderous people on earth...White people. Add it up...genius.
Stick to the topic. We are talking about the black predisposition for stealing, not your ideological contortions.
Your topic fails on all counts.its afalse narrative based on your personal bigotry alone. My statement OTOH is a matter of historical record. How dare you speak of black thievery when your ilk are the kings of theivery. Shit...your kind perpetrated armed robbery upon the Native aborigines of this land and you have the gall to speak of thievery ...some fuggin nerve...

Fuck em....we just took what they had stolen from others.
Not true ... American Indians generally didn't have the concept of land ownership.

What a fuken clown!!!!
Are you really trying to tell me the indians didnt kill each other for prime hunting land?
I'll just say this, before white men invaded, the autochthonous people of what was to become the United States of America,they had no written language. Any evidence they warred with each other was written into hisiory by the greatest liars and murderers on earth...White men. I don't doubt that some Indian tribes did fight each other. Not for the land necessarily but because they raided and plundered each other for women, baubles or whatever. Blood vendettas likely started when some one was killed during these raids. But fighting over land was not necessary since game was so plentiful that the entire continent was a prime hunting ground.
Still...the Angel of Death came with White invaders who nearly decimated the entire New World aborigines. There is nothing you can say to justify the unparalleled evil your people carry with them everywhere they go.

Calling white men "the greatest liars and murderers on earth" is as foolish as calling blacks inherently criminal. Even if it is as a response, it makes a silly racial generalization. Racial generalizations are not going to be an effective way to fight against racial generalizations.

And if, rather than just trying a "fight fire with fire" tactic, you actually think white men are evil, that's ridiculous.
Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.
But restricting your math formulae to the USA in terms of race based crime stats does nothing for those seeking the truth about the most destructive and murderous people on earth...White people. Add it up...genius.

Since I don't live anywhere but the U.S., there is no need to include anything else.
Depleted family structure. No daddies. Mostly boys committing that crime. Black girls not as much. They have mothers. This also explains why black female college graduation rates dwarf those of black males.
The demagogues and lefty poitical opportunists want to blame racism legacy and poverty, etc. But it's really only a result of depleted family structure.
What kind of stupid logic is that? You shade tree psychologists crack me up with your
lame assessments. 75% of blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living.
Unwed births doesn't mean the fathers are absent. Many couples choose to cohabitate without the nuptials. Others get married after the birth of a child... But high unwed birth rates aren't limited to American Blacks. Many of your beloved Nordic countries have rates nearly as high as US Blacks do.
Empirical. Where I live it's almost all black, $73k median income, mostly fatherless, failing schools and high crime.
And you judge all blacks by your microcosm
of an emperical experience? It figures.
It's empirical and runs through the entire country.
You judge people by skin color.
Personally, I don't. But when faced by a wolf pack of racists...such as you and your friends hanging out here, I can also generalize to make a point. I'd call my views axiomatic rather than empirical.

I should have waited to read this post before commenting on the previous one. ;)
Not true ... American Indians generally didn't have the concept of land ownership.

What a fuken clown!!!!
Are you really trying to tell me the indians didnt kill each other for prime hunting land?
I'll just say this, before white men invaded, the autochthonous people of what was to become the United States of America,they had no written language. Any evidence they warred with each other was written into hisiory by the greatest liars and murderers on earth...White men. I don't doubt that some Indian tribes did fight each other. Not for the land necessarily but because they raided and plundered each other for women, baubles or whatever. Blood vendettas likely started when some one was killed during these raids. But fighting over land was not necessary since game was so plentiful that the entire continent was a prime hunting ground.
Still...the Angel of Death came with White invaders who nearly decimated the entire New World aborigines. There is nothing you can say to justify the unparalleled evil your people carry with them everywhere they go.

Game was plentiful? How do you know?
They got their collective asses whipped by the new tribe in town to fuken bad for them.
And for you to claim the indians werent warlike is a joke.
They slaughtered each other wholesale.
Who told you that ...another white man?

The violence of indians is well documented by indians themselves you idiot.
What tribes have documented this...idiot?
BTW...how many times do i have to repeat myself...sometimes tribes did raid other villages...but the White man epitomized Death everywhere he has gone in the name of Mammon.
I would choose spearchucking over Hitler and Stalin any day. And if they represent civilization...you can have it.
I'm sure there were plenty of spearchuckers who were just as murderous as Stalin and Hitler.
Nope.... Not even close...
Like you're from Africa?
Lots of White people come from Africa...isn't South Africa in Africa? Are you from Africa?
Then you need to reconsider the term African-American.

I have always disliked that label. I'm not a big fan of Asian, either, as there are a whole crapload of Asians who don't fit into the category that used to be known as "Oriental." Of course, white and black have never been extremely accurate labels, either.

Just goes to show that race is, in many ways, an ill-defined concept to begin with, IMO.
Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.
But restricting your math formulae to the USA in terms of race based crime stats does nothing for those seeking the truth about the most destructive and murderous people on earth...White people. Add it up...genius.

Since I don't live anywhere but the U.S., there is no need to include anything else.

If you want to make a connection between a person's race and crime statistics, limiting yourself to a single country is pretty disingenuous. If blacks commit crimes at a far lower (or higher) rate elsewhere, it would have an effect on the argument that blacks are more violent, or more inherently criminal, or whatever you are trying to say about blacks as a race.

If you are not blaming just a person's race, of course, that is different.
What kind of stupid logic is that? You shade tree psychologists crack me up with your
lame assessments. 75% of blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living.
Unwed births doesn't mean the fathers are absent. Many couples choose to cohabitate without the nuptials. Others get married after the birth of a child... But high unwed birth rates aren't limited to American Blacks. Many of your beloved Nordic countries have rates nearly as high as US Blacks do.
Empirical. Where I live it's almost all black, $73k median income, mostly fatherless, failing schools and high crime.
And you judge all blacks by your microcosm
of an emperical experience? It figures.
It's empirical and runs through the entire country.
You judge people by skin color.
Personally, I don't. But when faced by a wolf pack of racists...such as you and your friends hanging out here, I can also generalize to make a point. I'd call my views axiomatic rather than empirical.

I should have waited to read this post before commenting on the previous one. ;)
You still have time to erase it!
What a fuken clown!!!!
Are you really trying to tell me the indians didnt kill each other for prime hunting land?
I'll just say this, before white men invaded, the autochthonous people of what was to become the United States of America,they had no written language. Any evidence they warred with each other was written into hisiory by the greatest liars and murderers on earth...White men. I don't doubt that some Indian tribes did fight each other. Not for the land necessarily but because they raided and plundered each other for women, baubles or whatever. Blood vendettas likely started when some one was killed during these raids. But fighting over land was not necessary since game was so plentiful that the entire continent was a prime hunting ground.
Still...the Angel of Death came with White invaders who nearly decimated the entire New World aborigines. There is nothing you can say to justify the unparalleled evil your people carry with them everywhere they go.

Game was plentiful? How do you know?
They got their collective asses whipped by the new tribe in town to fuken bad for them.
And for you to claim the indians werent warlike is a joke.
They slaughtered each other wholesale.
Who told you that ...another white man?

The violence of indians is well documented by indians themselves you idiot.
What tribes have documented this...idiot?
BTW...how many times do i have to repeat myself...sometimes tribes did raid other villages...but the White man epitomized Death everywhere he has gone in the name of Mammon.

So the indians were evil. Glad we cleared that up.
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.
But restricting your math formulae to the USA in terms of race based crime stats does nothing for those seeking the truth about the most destructive and murderous people on earth...White people. Add it up...genius.

Since I don't live anywhere but the U.S., there is no need to include anything else.

If you want to make a connection between a person's race and crime statistics, limiting yourself to a single country is pretty disingenuous. If blacks commit crimes at a far lower (or higher) rate elsewhere, it would have an effect on the argument that blacks are more violent, or more inherently criminal, or whatever you are trying to say about blacks as a race.

If you are not blaming just a person's race, of course, that is different.
Do you honestly think blacks are peaceful and prosperous people outside of the US, or are they grossly over represented in crime and the justice systems elsewhere?
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.
But restricting your math formulae to the USA in terms of race based crime stats does nothing for those seeking the truth about the most destructive and murderous people on earth...White people. Add it up...genius.

Since I don't live anywhere but the U.S., there is no need to include anything else.

If you want to make a connection between a person's race and crime statistics, limiting yourself to a single country is pretty disingenuous. If blacks commit crimes at a far lower (or higher) rate elsewhere, it would have an effect on the argument that blacks are more violent, or more inherently criminal, or whatever you are trying to say about blacks as a race.

If you are not blaming just a person's race, of course, that is different.

What does elsewhere have to do with what happens in the U.S.?
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.
But restricting your math formulae to the USA in terms of race based crime stats does nothing for those seeking the truth about the most destructive and murderous people on earth...White people. Add it up...genius.

Since I don't live anywhere but the U.S., there is no need to include anything else.

If you want to make a connection between a person's race and crime statistics, limiting yourself to a single country is pretty disingenuous. If blacks commit crimes at a far lower (or higher) rate elsewhere, it would have an effect on the argument that blacks are more violent, or more inherently criminal, or whatever you are trying to say about blacks as a race.

If you are not blaming just a person's race, of course, that is different.
I once researched and discovered that the USA is the only nation that breaks down arrests.victimization and criminality by race.
The inception of race based crime stats coincided with the civil rights era and integration. Why? Nothing positive has come of it. The data only stigmatizes the majority of Blacks who are God fearing Christians who rarely ever bresk the law.

Further, it perpetuates polarization and is likely the root cause of racial strife and disdain for innocent Blacks by Whites in general.
Last edited:
Lots of White people come from Africa...isn't South Africa in Africa? Are you from Africa?
You opinions are comical best. At worse, your so-called "arguments" contain enough stereotypes, mindless canards, overly simplistic answers and silly generalizations, which unfortunately, make your replies, less than useless. But I still consider them entertaining. :)
Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.
But restricting your math formulae to the USA in terms of race based crime stats does nothing for those seeking the truth about the most destructive and murderous people on earth...White people. Add it up...genius.

Since I don't live anywhere but the U.S., there is no need to include anything else.

If you want to make a connection between a person's race and crime statistics, limiting yourself to a single country is pretty disingenuous. If blacks commit crimes at a far lower (or higher) rate elsewhere, it would have an effect on the argument that blacks are more violent, or more inherently criminal, or whatever you are trying to say about blacks as a race.

If you are not blaming just a person's race, of course, that is different.
Do you honestly think blacks are peaceful and prosperous people outside of the US, or are they grossly over represented in crime and the justice systems elsewhere?
Heh heh heh...it's the racist Greek again.

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