Looters take advantage of Hurricane Irma

"They aren't ALL bad" is a terrible fucking argument. Clearly its impossible to defend the rampant violence in the black community.
Several thousand homicides per year out of 42 million is not rampant violence. If you want a picture of rampant violence
I can point to Hitler and Stalin...They belong to YOUR RACE..if you believe in race, that is.
Murder is the only type of violence in the black community? Pfff :laugh:
there are almost as many homicides in white on white violence.
ALMOST as many? How can that be when there are 4 times as many white people? Black people kill MORE than whites with only a fraction of the white communities population! Clearly there is a massive problem.
No the massive problem is that whites kill on a global scale more than any so- called race.
And they killed millions during the 20th century. When God judges your people the murder tab will be higher than any among men. The theft by your people will be so vast that only God can add it up. The lies told by Whites to facilitate thievery and murder will fill the nostrils of the Lord with a stench so poweful even He will recoil in disgust.
God hates a liar and a thief...and ...your kind
has made a science of lying, cheating and thievery. You have made it respectable; and, the techniques are taught in your most prestigious business schools...for the love of money is the root of all evil...
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
thank god they're not as intelligent as whites
I can see why you might not want to reply when you give opinions and then imply they are facts. ;)
Someday, after you go to school, you may (or may not) learn the difference between Fact and Opinion....between literal and figurative speaking, then maybe....just maybe, we can speak at an educated level. Until then, please don't bore me with your ideological musings.

You posted that blacks are inherently criminal, with a predisposition toward stealing, then a few post later told someone you "deal in facts." Perhaps you might want to take a look at the difference between fact and opinion. ;)
None of which has anything to do with what I was saying, which is that it is not a fact that blacks have a predisposition toward crime.

Unfortunately the fact is, based on stats that actually are biased in favor of Blacks, Afro Americans are 200 times more likely to commit violent crime than (Pre-Middle East/African invasion orchestrated by Zionists) Euro Americans.

I'm not denying that blacks are arrested for or commit more crime. I'm just saying that the reason(s) that is true are not certain or clear, and that blacks being inherently criminal is not a fact, but an opinion.
That blacks are convicted of or commit more crimes does not in any way make it a fact that blacks have a predisposition to crime. Perhaps you do not understand the difference between correlation and causation. There are multiple possible causes for blacks to commit more crimes. It does not have to be inherent.
Lemme guess. It's the white man's fault, right?

Didn't say anything of the sort. Socioeconomic status and culture can drive criminality, it doesn't have to be due to race or caused by another race. It's possible that systemic racism could play or have played a part, but I wouldn't personally consider it the driving factor.

The point, however, is that there is no proof or even consensus about what causes people to commit crimes, let alone what causes people of a particular race to commit crimes. Therefore, saying that blacks have a predisposition to commit crimes is certainly not a fact.
Enough of your psychobabble. Blacks have been told for decades they are victims and are entitled. Excuses are made for their conduct and their criminality has been nurtured by political opportunists (liberals). They feel they can commit crimes with impunity and the left is responsible for creating this monster.

None of which has anything to do with what I was saying, which is that it is not a fact that blacks have a predisposition toward crime.
Then why do they commit most of them? Sounds like predisposition to me.

If you think a predisposition to crime is the only reason crime is committed, or that being inherently criminal is the only reason crime is committed, there is no reason for further discussion.

If it's not the only possible reason, then saying it is a fact would be untrue, yes?
Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


That blacks are convicted of or commit more crimes does not in any way make it a fact that blacks have a predisposition to crime. Perhaps you do not understand the difference between correlation and causation. There are multiple possible causes for blacks to commit more crimes. It does not have to be inherent.

Posting a meme about crime statistics does not prove that blacks have a greater predisposition to crime than any other race.

Oh, and what do you know about my supposed "idealism"? Do you think you know me?

I get what you're trying to say here, it's whities fault, ok got it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, that may be what you want me to be trying to say, but it is in no way what I am saying.
But not nearly as criminal as white people who loot entire continents and kill millions for profit.
Stick to the topic. We are talking about the black predisposition for stealing, not your ideological contortions.
Your topic fails on all counts.its afalse narrative based on your personal bigotry alone. My statement OTOH is a matter of historical record. How dare you speak of black thievery when your ilk are the kings of theivery. Shit...your kind perpetrated armed robbery upon the Native aborigines of this land and you have the gall to speak of thievery ...some fuggin nerve...

Fuck em....we just took what they had stolen from others.
Not true ... American Indians generally didn't have the concept of land ownership.

What a fuken clown!!!!
Are you really trying to tell me the indians didnt kill each other for prime hunting land?
I'll just say this, before white men invaded, the autochthonous people of what was to become the United States of America,they had no written language. Any evidence they warred with each other was written into hisiory by the greatest liars and murderers on earth...White men. I don't doubt that some Indian tribes did fight each other. Not for the land necessarily but because they raided and plundered each other for women, baubles or whatever. Blood vendettas likely started when some one was killed during these raids. But fighting over land was not necessary since game was so plentiful that the entire continent was a prime hunting ground.
Still...the Angel of Death came with White invaders who nearly decimated the entire New World aborigines. There is nothing you can say to justify the unparalleled evil your people carry with them everywhere they go.
--- 26 people looted same Miami Walmart after Hurricane Irma | Daily Mail Online ---

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blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites
their crime rate is much higher
the percentage of blacks commiting crime/murder is much, much higher than whites......why?
Depleted family structure. No daddies. Mostly boys committing that crime. Black girls not as much. They have mothers. This also explains why black female college graduation rates dwarf those of black males.
The demagogues and lefty poitical opportunists want to blame racism legacy and poverty, etc. But it's really only a result of depleted family structure.
What kind of stupid logic is that? You shade tree psychologists crack me up with your
lame assessments. 75% of blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living.
Unwed births doesn't mean the fathers are absent. Many couples choose to cohabitate without the nuptials. Others get married after the birth of a child... But high unwed birth rates aren't limited to American Blacks. Many of your beloved Nordic countries have rates nearly as high as US Blacks do.
Empirical. Where I live it's almost all black, $73k median income, mostly fatherless, failing schools and high crime.
And you judge all blacks by your microcosm
of an emperical experience? It figures.
It's empirical and runs through the entire country.
You judge people by skin color.
Personally, I don't. But when faced by a wolf pack of racists...such as you and your friends hanging out here, I can also generalize to make a point. I'd call my views axiomatic rather than empirical.
Those "spearchuckers" were trying to defend their homelands from white thugs who came to rape, pillage and plunder. Cowards like you
just love it when you can wreak destruction
on people of color with few consequences or risks to yourselves.... Vietnam Cuba and North Korea ...three third world countries put a check on your ass. Its just too bad so many American, Viets Cibans and Koreans had to die because our arrogant politicians underestimated the resolve and determination of armed autochtnonous people who come together rto resist militant imperialism. Many white "patriots" fled the country and moved to Canada or paid some doctor to make false physical evaluations ..i.e. deferments for minor condolitions such as bone spurs... But many 19 yesr olds, Black, White or whatever... heeded the call and faced the horrors of war. I was one of them..
My reward is getting home safe and being able to have a voice in selecting my leaders...hoping to keep idiots like those who got us mired in Vietnam from coming to power again.... unfortunately, things do not
always go the way I want: but that's America. Now we have Trump who seems to be obsessed with putting us back on the road to another Vietnam.

Allow me to toy with the remark you made about spearchuckers and substitue Asian communistsarmed with AK-47s and backed by military might of China. Kim Jong Un would understands the relevance of your spearchucker comment and apply it thustly: He has seen that he has to be aggressive if he wants to survive. He saw what happened to Saddam Hussein and Kadafi when they capitulated and gave up their WMDs. Kim knows he same thing is going to happen to him. Can you really blame him for being so aggressive?
After all there must be millions of Americans who think like you do that those spear chuckers, communist Asians or whatever must kneel before you or die.
Those spearchuckers were chucking spears at each other, too. Civilization was the option but they chose more spearchucking.
I would choose spearchucking over Hitler and Stalin any day. And if they represent civilization...you can have it.
I'm sure there were plenty of spearchuckers who were just as murderous as Stalin and Hitler.
Nope.... Not even close...
Like you're from Africa?
Lots of White people come from Africa...isn't South Africa in Africa? Are you from Africa?
Depleted family structure. No daddies. Mostly boys committing that crime. Black girls not as much. They have mothers. This also explains why black female college graduation rates dwarf those of black males.
The demagogues and lefty poitical opportunists want to blame racism legacy and poverty, etc. But it's really only a result of depleted family structure.
What kind of stupid logic is that? You shade tree psychologists crack me up with your
lame assessments. 75% of blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living.
Unwed births doesn't mean the fathers are absent. Many couples choose to cohabitate without the nuptials. Others get married after the birth of a child... But high unwed birth rates aren't limited to American Blacks. Many of your beloved Nordic countries have rates nearly as high as US Blacks do.
Empirical. Where I live it's almost all black, $73k median income, mostly fatherless, failing schools and high crime.
And you judge all blacks by your microcosm
of an emperical experience? It figures.
It's empirical and runs through the entire country.
You judge people by skin color.
Personally, I don't. But when faced by a wolf pack of racists...such as you and your friends hanging out here, I can also generalize to make a point. I'd call my views axiomatic rather than empirical.
You don't like the idea of consulting observation and results?
Those spearchuckers were chucking spears at each other, too. Civilization was the option but they chose more spearchucking.
I would choose spearchucking over Hitler and Stalin any day. And if they represent civilization...you can have it.
I'm sure there were plenty of spearchuckers who were just as murderous as Stalin and Hitler.
Nope.... Not even close...
Like you're from Africa?
Lots of White people come from Africa...isn't South Africa in Africa? Are you from Africa?
Then you need to reconsider the term African-American.
I would choose spearchucking over Hitler and Stalin any day. And if they represent civilization...you can have it.
I'm sure there were plenty of spearchuckers who were just as murderous as Stalin and Hitler.
Nope.... Not even close...
Like you're from Africa?
Lots of White people come from Africa...isn't South Africa in Africa? Are you from Africa?
Then you need to reconsider the term African-American.

White African-American boy not ‘black’ enough for award
sometimes they killed the men of other tribes just to get the women to have as slaves

the Africans also murdered/warred on/etc each other for hunting/farming lands
I have a thread on the NAs --Myth of NAs

Hundreds of years before ANY white man set foot in Africa the entire continent was in a constant state of one tribe warring on their neighboring tribes.

Here I have collected an assortment of racist apologists caught trying to justify the evil White people have commited upon the earth by desperately trying to put the skirmishes of primitive tribes on a par with their global destruction.
Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


Blacks commit 5x more violent crimes with 1/5 the population as whites.
Again, you're expecting lefties to apply math skills. Give it up.

Not apply them just accept them when applied correctly on their behalf.
Stick to the topic. We are talking about the black predisposition for stealing, not your ideological contortions.
Your topic fails on all counts.its afalse narrative based on your personal bigotry alone. My statement OTOH is a matter of historical record. How dare you speak of black thievery when your ilk are the kings of theivery. Shit...your kind perpetrated armed robbery upon the Native aborigines of this land and you have the gall to speak of thievery ...some fuggin nerve...

Fuck em....we just took what they had stolen from others.
Not true ... American Indians generally didn't have the concept of land ownership.

What a fuken clown!!!!
Are you really trying to tell me the indians didnt kill each other for prime hunting land?
I'll just say this, before white men invaded, the autochthonous people of what was to become the United States of America,they had no written language. Any evidence they warred with each other was written into hisiory by the greatest liars and murderers on earth...White men. I don't doubt that some Indian tribes did fight each other. Not for the land necessarily but because they raided and plundered each other for women, baubles or whatever. Blood vendettas likely started when some one was killed during these raids. But fighting over land was not necessary since game was so plentiful that the entire continent was a prime hunting ground.
Still...the Angel of Death came with White invaders who nearly decimated the entire New World aborigines. There is nothing you can say to justify the unparalleled evil your people carry with them everywhere they go.

Game was plentiful? How do you know?
They got their collective asses whipped by the new tribe in town to fuken bad for them.
And for you to claim the indians werent warlike is a joke.
They slaughtered each other wholesale.
sometimes they killed the men of other tribes just to get the women to have as slaves

the Africans also murdered/warred on/etc each other for hunting/farming lands
I have a thread on the NAs --Myth of NAs

Hundreds of years before ANY white man set foot in Africa the entire continent was in a constant state of one tribe warring on their neighboring tribes.

Here I have collected an assortment of racist apologists caught trying to justify the evil White people have commited upon the earth by desperately trying to put the skirmishes of primitive tribes on a par with their global destruction.
are you saying the other races are superior to whites?
Several thousand homicides per year out of 42 million is not rampant violence. If you want a picture of rampant violence
I can point to Hitler and Stalin...They belong to YOUR RACE..if you believe in race, that is.
Murder is the only type of violence in the black community? Pfff :laugh:
there are almost as many homicides in white on white violence.
ALMOST as many? How can that be when there are 4 times as many white people? Black people kill MORE than whites with only a fraction of the white communities population! Clearly there is a massive problem.
No the massive problem is that whites kill on a global scale more than any so- called race.
And they killed millions during the 20th century. When God judges your people the murder tab will be higher than any among men. The theft by your people will be so vast that only God can add it up. The lies told by Whites to facilitate thievery and murder will fill the nostrils of the Lord with a stench so poweful even He will recoil in disgust.
God hates a liar and a thief...and ...your kind
has made a science of lying, cheating and thievery. You have made it respectable; and, the techniques are taught in your most prestigious business schools...for the love of money is the root of all evil...
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
thank god they're not as intelligent as whites
Blacks don't commit murder at 7 times the rate of whites. The FBI stats don't measure world statistics dummy. If they did ...starting in the early 20th century...whites would be statistically more than 10 times likely to commit murder than blacks.

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