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Losing a friend....

It does when its a fucking lie

Why do you LIE about Obama ?

Here you go again...trying to sidetrack the train. If I wanted to discuss the fact that Obama is goddamned Marxist asshole with you, I'd start a thread on it.

I want you to convince the world that my calling Obama a Marxist constitutes racism!

I already know that you CANNOT FUCKIN' DO THAT!

...because I have good sense and have had formal training in the use of LOGIC. Apparently, you are not in a similar position.
Black folks are proud of Obama.. He means a lot to them. They haven't given up hope yet.. I have no idea what that hope is?
Four years and he's not paying there mortgage's.. In fact he hasn't
done anything they expected him to do. He can't..... They are just citizens like the rest of us.

I think even the black folks who are disgusted with him for various political reasons will not like hearing he's bad.. and they won't admit they don't like his policies. They won't go vote either..... They just say they will to save face. He's a seriously disappointment to all.

You should keep your friend and not discuss Obama's politics.
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yes, you've read 50+ books and still know nothing.

including what definitions of socialism, fascism, progressivism, conservatism and liberalism are.


I know what they are - you don't...

You can define words all you like but that doesn't change the outcomes of those ideas...

Communism is a socioeconomic model, socialism is an economic model and fascism plays a role in both - communism by de facto.... Both those ideas are ruled via authoritarian or totalitarian (cults of personality) dictatorships...

You tell me how seizing individuals property is NOT authoritarian? you tell me how being brainwashed into worshiping a living idol (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Kim Jong Il, Kim Il-Sung etc) is not totalitarian??

You see - you know nothing about these philosophies..... Reading a couple of paragraphs about these ideas means nothing - you cant understand these concepts without extensive research....

If anything the definitions of the some of these concepts are blatantly wrong...

Mr. Nick should stick to posting about crashing parties full of drunken 18-21 year-olds where he can't get laid.

I should stick to my education path..........

People like you make the intelligent look bad given your submissiveness to authority and what they tell you to believe...
Four years ago I didn't give race a thought.. How can anyone not these days?

Media is full of assholes... so is DC.
How can anyone not these days?

By not listening to the President's racist-filled KOs every time he has a bee up his butt about someone who disagrees with him?

The constant reminder......

The Far Left is scarey.. I hope they fail and what would you liberals think if they don't and we are proved to be right about there end game..
The signs are there.. look closer and quit thinking about you Fed or State job or welfare check or food stamps or subsidized house and free med care and every other freebie you're after.
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It does when its a fucking lie

Why do you LIE about Obama ?

Here you go again...trying to sidetrack the train. If I wanted to discuss the fact that Obama is goddamned Marxist asshole with you, I'd start a thread on it.

I want you to convince the world that my calling Obama a Marxist constitutes racism!

I already know that you CANNOT FUCKIN' DO THAT!

...because I have good sense and have had formal training in the use of LOGIC. Apparently, you are not in a similar position.

If you had training in logic, you would know that those who love Obama just claim those that don't are racists if they are white. Why can't you accept that simple explanation?

You claim he's a Marxist and your friend could not accept that just as you can't accept being called a racist. You drew again and called him a stupid fool. What did that get you? A loss of a friend. Was it worth it? You are still enraged and your feelings are hurt so I guess it was. Hope you don't have too many political arguments with the friends you have left. Your temperment can't stand it.
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Maybe it's just plain stupidity? Obama is about as much of a marxist as Billy Graham is.

Perhaps you don't understand the core beliefs of marxism. But, I don't even want to get you started on your views. Suffice it to say that you calling anyone else stupid is ironic as fuck.

He may or may not, but it's clear you don't.

Obama no more Marxist than Billy Graham.

That HAS to be the single stupidest statement ever slobbered on USMB, TM - er Catzshit.
It does when its a fucking lie

Why do you LIE about Obama ?

Here you go again...trying to sidetrack the train. If I wanted to discuss the fact that Obama is goddamned Marxist asshole with you, I'd start a thread on it.

I want you to convince the world that my calling Obama a Marxist constitutes racism!

I already know that you CANNOT FUCKIN' DO THAT!

...because I have good sense and have had formal training in the use of LOGIC. Apparently, you are not in a similar position.

If you had training in logic, you would know that those who love Obama just claim those that don't are racists if they are white. Why can't you accept that simple explanation?

You claim he's a Marxist and your friend could not accept that just as you can't accept being called a racist. You drew again and called him a stupid fool. What did that get you? A loss of a friend. Was it worth it? You are still enraged and your feelings are hurt so I guess it was. Hope you don't have too many political arguments with the friends you have left. Your temperment can't stand it.
Total horse shit! You talk as if skin color affects logic. It does not. It affects feelings and prejudices...but not logic.

I am far from enraged. I have other friends that support and defend Obama. They too do not agree that he is Marxist...but they don't claim I am racist for doing so...because there is NO LOGIC in that.

Apparently, you are also unable to discern between logic and what you consider logical feelings. Learn to differentiate between the two. It is logical to assume that a black man will call a white man racist for criticizing Obama for any reason whatsoever. That is a logical feeling. It is NOT logical of the black man to do so.
If someone disrespects you and insults you for no good reason, then probably that was just a friend that turned into a bad one; and you have to move on. I wouldn't simply stop being friends with someone even if they were a Neo-Nazi, a Islamic fundamentalist or a member of another fringe group; so long as they keep their opinions to themselves when I ask for space, and just keep polite towards me.

I don't like Obama, I don't like Bush, I don't like Clinton, I don't like Bush Sr, I don't like Reagan and I don't like Kennedy among several other Presidents. I dislike them because of positions they took either in foreign policy, economics or just how they ran the country.

If someone can't respect (or at least tolerate) why I oppose authority figures or my stance on some ethical (or moral issues) and foreign policy; then they were never a good friend in the first place.
Me and my buddies crack racial jokes all the time at one another - we can get highly creative at times...

Obviously we all know its all fun and games - I suppose racial insults around here are endearing.

We have a fun time destroying and mocking what is politically correct...

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