Losing Ones Balance


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Another stupid global warming is bad for us paper.

Request that replies stay on topic and based on the blog post and no trolling.

Watts Up With That?

Losing Ones Balance
3 days ago

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach

According to NASA, we have the following exciting news about a new study.
Direct Observations Confirm that Humans are Throwing Earth’s Energy Budget off Balance
Earth is on a budget – an energy budget. Our planet is constantly trying to balance the flow of energy in and out of Earth’s system. But human activities are throwing that off balance, causing our planet to warm in response.
“Off Balance” … sounds scary, huh? Plus according to NASA, this isn’t some computer model output, it’s “direct observations”

The paper, sadly paywalled, is entitled “Observational evidence of increasing global radiative forcing” by Kramer et al., hereinafter Kramer2021. It claims that from 2003 through 2018, human actions increased the downwelling longwave infrared radiation from the atmosphere by 0.53 ± 0.11 watts per square meter (W/m2).



The Papers Author make errors and his conclusions irrelevant.
Another stupid global warming is bad for us paper.

Request that replies stay on topic and based on the blog post and no trolling.

Watts Up With That?

Losing Ones Balance
3 days ago

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach

According to NASA, we have the following exciting news about a new study.
Direct Observations Confirm that Humans are Throwing Earth’s Energy Budget off Balance
Earth is on a budget – an energy budget. Our planet is constantly trying to balance the flow of energy in and out of Earth’s system. But human activities are throwing that off balance, causing our planet to warm in response.
“Off Balance” … sounds scary, huh? Plus according to NASA, this isn’t some computer model output, it’s “direct observations”

The paper, sadly paywalled, is entitled “Observational evidence of increasing global radiative forcing” by Kramer et al., hereinafter Kramer2021. It claims that from 2003 through 2018, human actions increased the downwelling longwave infrared radiation from the atmosphere by 0.53 ± 0.11 watts per square meter (W/m2).



The Papers Author make errors and his conclusions irrelevant.

Kramer is almost as bad a "scientist " as Mann. And that's hard!
Another science based thread avoided by warmist/alarmists, but summer is coming when they go bananas over bogus claims of an unprecedented hot day or week, or Month and moan over wildfires too.

They wail over small irrelevant things while ignoring the science, it becoming all they have left. At another forum they have realized they can't answer the science anymore thus gone mostly quiet. Been posting a bunch of science papers and updated temperature data of various regions that shows cooling.

If the AMO finally shift to the cooling mode, global Cooling trend will show up.

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