Losing One's Life to Liberalism....

Do liberals ever sleep at night??

It's like they are awake 24/7 trying to think of new ways to get into other people's lives.

Demanding new laws about, what you can eat, what you can say, the car you drive, light bulbs in your house; the freaken list is endless. :evil:

None of those laws exist. Ok, the light bulb one does, but I'm sure you know that particular law was implemented by Republicans, under the Bush administration. :lol:
Look at the first word of my 3rd sentence. :doubt:

I don't see any liberals demanding any of those things. However, Republicans did implement that light bulb law that you're fuming over.
None of those laws exist. Ok, the light bulb one does, but I'm sure you know that particular law was implemented by Republicans, under the Bush administration. :lol:

I'm sure you know it was implemented by both, being it passed a Democratic Congress and was signed by a Republican president.
Do you support ending government funded school breakfast/lunch programs?

I do. That food is unhealthy, processed crap anyway.

From conception to birth. After that, fuck 'em.

I'm pro-choice, dumb ass. Try again.

Regulation works, and has value, even to business:

Safety regulations save money, lives»

by Mike Rich

Accidents & Fatalities,Canada,Construction

Workplace safety advocates and opponents of further government regulation have long argued wither workplace safety requirements improve the safety and productivity or the workplace, or create a drain on a company’s resources.

A new study may have finally answered that debate.

The study, co-authored by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Toffel, Professor David Levine of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and Boston University doctoral student Matthew Johnson, states workplace inspections reduce on-the-job injuries and their associated costs without causing any harm to companies’ performance or profits.

Read more: Safety regulations save money, lives - The Safety Blog
Do liberals ever sleep at night??

It's like they are awake 24/7 trying to think of new ways to get into other people's lives.

Demanding new laws about, what you can eat, what you can say, the car you drive, light bulbs in your house; the freaken list is endless. :evil:

None of those laws exist. Ok, the light bulb one does, but I'm sure you know that particular law was implemented by Republicans, under the Bush administration. :lol:

Political correctness isn't a law,yet people are getting fired for it. Do we have freedom of speech or not?
Yes, the light bulb was done by Repub's (written by Dem's but both parties voted for it., but notice that conservative's and moderate's are voting people in, that are changing that party. I don't see Dem's changing their party in the way Washington conducts it's business.
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Jillian sounds just like the Europeans who post here on the board. Free education, free medical care.
Our Government pensions and medical care is paid for by taxes,by employee's and employer's, FICA. They are not free.
Same with school meals. Paid for by taxes.

Have you ever been to Europe?
Poor kids get a healthy breakfast.

Since you care so much how about you pay for it then? Oh that's right, I forgot, you folks are only charitable when someone else is footing the bill.

Last I checked it was the school's responsibility to educate, not parent. I feed my kid. There is no reason why other parents shouldn't be feeding theirs. The increased nannying by the government schools encourages continued parental neglect.

It's a child for Christ sakes...

The kids parents are either unable or unwilling to provide a proper breakfast. I am glad that you do such an admirable job in feeding your own children. But to take a stand that I take care of mine, screw the rest is callous
'Helicopter moms' are not a liberal phenomenon.

Homeschooling, for instance, is considered a classic example of helicopter parenting.

Is that a liberal thing?????
Free breakfast/lunch should be a state funded program. The state is aware of the needs of it's less fortunate. Just another Federally funded program so they can regulate and control everyone. The more money a state takes from the feds, the more obligated they become.

Besides, I'll take a leap of faith here and say the states could certainly find a more affordable route than the Feds. Childhood obesity is huge, and while I realize some kids don't get the nutrition they need, it's not a Federal responsibility!!
Jillian sounds just like the Europeans who post here on the board. Free education, free medical care.
Our Government pensions and medical care is paid for by taxes,by employee's and employer's, FICA. They are not free.
Same with school meals. Paid for by taxes.

no... better to have a society where whomever has the gun gets to "stand [his] ground"

your priorities are warped.

and i love the "european" thing...

there should CONTINUE to be free education

there should be medical care for everyone. we're the only ostensibly "civilized" society that doesn't take care of its own.

i work. i pay taxes... i'd like romney and others who are similarly situated, to pay the same rate of taxes that i do. but they don't... because they have income derived from interest and my income is comprised of W2 wages. to me, income has a definition and whatever fits in that definition is taxable AT THE SAME RATE.

i do love how rightwingnuts love interfering in people's most intimate choices but don't want to pay for education.

explains why education levels in the red states is the pits.

Wow, conservatives are so compassionate towards poor people.
Yes we are.

How much of your personal time last week did you spend working for free in the behalf of poor people?

Less than 15 minutes?

One hour?

10% of your free time?

Six hours?

7-15 hours?

15-40 hours?


Every conservative knows the answer to that right off the bat. Incidentally, whining online about people your team wants to crush and constant berating and scolding benefactors of the poor is not considered working in the behalf of the poor for nothing. It's called biting the hand that feeds and shelters poor people.

Do such ignominious speaking behaviors at your own risk, dear.

Your needed a spanking, didn't you.
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Do liberals ever sleep at night??

It's like they are awake 24/7 trying to think of new ways to get into other people's lives.

Demanding new laws about, what you can eat, what you can say, the car you drive, light bulbs in your house; the freaken list is endless. :evil:

None of those laws exist. Ok, the light bulb one does, but I'm sure you know that particular law was implemented by Republicans, under the Bush administration. :lol:

Political correctness isn't a law,yet people are getting fired for it. Do we have freedom of speech or not?
Yes, the light bulb was done by Repub's, but notice that conservative's and moderate's are voting people in, that are changing that party. I don't see Dem's changing their party in the way Washington conducts it's business.

The light bulb issue is a good example of what democrats do. Yes a republican said that more efficient lightbulbs should be phased in, BUT it took democrats to make incandescent bulbs ILLEGAL. Now, democrats can actually blame republicans for making lightbulbs illegal, because republicans said they should be phased in.

It's right out of the playbook, democrats do it over and over. They did it with reusable grocery bags in California too.

Democrats don't care about health care, or feeding the poor, or any of their social programs. The goal is the suicide rate in those countries that are essentially socialistic. If not the suicide rate, certainly the level of citizen-misery that is present in Greece, Spain and Italy. Portugal is as bad or worse, but the people are pacified with remarkable amounts of drugs.
Regulation works, and has value, even to business:

Safety regulations save money, lives»

by Mike Rich

Accidents & Fatalities,Canada,Construction

Workplace safety advocates and opponents of further government regulation have long argued wither workplace safety requirements improve the safety and productivity or the workplace, or create a drain on a company’s resources.

A new study may have finally answered that debate.

The study, co-authored by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Toffel, Professor David Levine of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and Boston University doctoral student Matthew Johnson, states workplace inspections reduce on-the-job injuries and their associated costs without causing any harm to companies’ performance or profits.

Read more: Safety regulations save money, lives - The Safety Blog

Yes, regulations are good. But they have become out of control. We are starting to become like the countries in Africa. Even the countries in Africa have realized that and are cutting them back. guess what? The ones who are doing it are doing much better.
Our over the top regulations are strangling our companies.
Wow, conservatives are so compassionate towards poor people.
Yes we are.

How much of your personal time last week did you spend working for free in the behalf of poor people?

Less than 15 minutes?

One hour?

10% of your free time?

Six hours?

7-15 hours?

15-40 hours?


Every conservative knows the answer to that right off the bat. Incidentally, whining online about people your team wants to crush and constant berating and scolding benefactors of the poor is not considered working in the behalf of the poor for nothing. It's called biting the hand that feeds and shelters poor people.

Do such ignominious speaking behaviors at your own risk, dear.

Your needed a spanking, didn't you.

Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Now shut the fuck up, you jackass.
Wow, conservatives are so compassionate towards poor people.
Yes we are.

How much of your personal time last week did you spend working for free in the behalf of poor people?

Less than 15 minutes?

One hour?

10% of your free time?

Six hours?

7-15 hours?

15-40 hours?


Every conservative knows the answer to that right off the bat. Incidentally, whining online about people your team wants to crush and constant berating and scolding benefactors of the poor is not considered working in the behalf of the poor for nothing. It's called biting the hand that feeds and shelters poor people.

Do such ignominious speaking behaviors at your own risk, dear.

Your needed a spanking, didn't you.

Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Now shut the fuck up, you jackass.

So I'm guessing you're just not in to volunteering your time.............:eek:
Free breakfast/lunch should be a state funded program. The state is aware of the needs of it's less fortunate. Just another Federally funded program so they can regulate and control everyone. The more money a state takes from the feds, the more obligated they become.

Besides, I'll take a leap of faith here and say the states could certainly find a more affordable route than the Feds. Childhood obesity is huge, and while I realize some kids don't get the nutrition they need, it's not a Federal responsibility!!

That's only a logical argument if you believe that a healthy well educated population is NOT a vital national interest.
Wow, conservatives are so compassionate towards poor people.
Yes we are.

How much of your personal time last week did you spend working for free in the behalf of poor people?

Less than 15 minutes?

One hour?

10% of your free time?

Six hours?

7-15 hours?

15-40 hours?


Every conservative knows the answer to that right off the bat. Incidentally, whining online about people your team wants to crush and constant berating and scolding benefactors of the poor is not considered working in the behalf of the poor for nothing. It's called biting the hand that feeds and shelters poor people.

Do such ignominious speaking behaviors at your own risk, dear.

Your needed a spanking, didn't you.

Shut up, you screeching beast. Go back to the birfer threads where you belong.

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