Louisiana' AG claims state emergency powers - tells Army Corps to go fuck themselves

All this really means is that Holder will send him a letter informing him he is mistaken, giving the appropriate legal citations, and it will end there. The LA AG is just grandstanding, but when push comes to shove, the corps has a lot more pull than he does.

We have our own militia called the Louisiana National Guard that can do the work. If the feds get in the way Obama can expect to lose reelection.
An error occurred | Movable Type Enterprise
Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell sent a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sundayadvising them that the State of Louisiana was within its rights to rebuild barrier islands in order to combat the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Caldwell advised Lt. Gen. Robert L. Van Antwerp, commanding general of the Corps, that under the U.S. constitution the federal government does not have the legal authority to deny a state the right to conduct such emergency operations to protect its citizens and territory.

Good for LA. Do something for yourselves for once.
It's just too bad that Jindal didn't have an emergency plan in place the day he took office. Kind of silly to wait for the disaster before you come up with a course of action.

I doubt this will do any good, btw.

I wonder if the folks Washington D.C. are becoming concerned that their inaction or incompetence, or whatever is forcing the states to take all matters into their own hands.
I, for one, am happy the individual states are telling this government in so many words to "Stuff IT", you in Washington cannot or do not want to 'do it', WE CAN! :clap2:
:lol: ! Let the hate rain down, del. We all know that much of the rest of the nation despises us. The Cajuns themselves have had to deal with that shit for centuries. Its nothing new.

if by hate you mean indifference, you're absolutely right.

Sadly most Americans are indifferent to the natural resources not only here, but all over the place. They don't even know where their food and oil comes from, let alone how it got there.

And if they knew, they'd stop eating it and spend the extra money to buy local.

Food, Inc. | Watch Free Documentary Online

I wonder if the folks Washington D.C. are becoming concerned that their inaction or incompetence, or whatever is forcing the states to take all matters into their own hands.
I, for one, am happy the individual states are telling this government in so many words to "Stuff IT", you in Washington cannot or do not want to 'do it', WE CAN! :clap2:

I'd still seriously like to know what more Washington can do. Maybe you expect Obama to go down there in a mini-sub and stick his thumb (I'm being nice) into the hole to plug it up like the little boy who stuck his finger in the dike in that Hans Christian Anderson tale? Maybe he should nationalize the oil rigs and let NOLA find some expert government-paid engineers to fix the problem. Yeah, that's the ticket. I can hear the yelping from here.
Im glad to see the State acting on it's power. I am still a bit unsure why the Fed is pushing back.

I wonder if the folks Washington D.C. are becoming concerned that their inaction or incompetence, or whatever is forcing the states to take all matters into their own hands.
I, for one, am happy the individual states are telling this government in so many words to "Stuff IT", you in Washington cannot or do not want to 'do it', WE CAN! :clap2:

I'd still seriously like to know what more Washington can do. Maybe you expect Obama to go down there in a mini-sub and stick his thumb (I'm being nice) into the hole to plug it up like the little boy who stuck his finger in the dike in that Hans Christian Anderson tale? Maybe he should nationalize the oil rigs and let NOLA find some expert government-paid engineers to fix the problem. Yeah, that's the ticket. I can hear the yelping from here.

I don't know. Anything? What exactly have they done as of yet?
Can we at least be mildly amused at the spectacle of Bobby Jindal complaining that the federal government isn't doing enough?

I wonder if the folks Washington D.C. are becoming concerned that their inaction or incompetence, or whatever is forcing the states to take all matters into their own hands.
I, for one, am happy the individual states are telling this government in so many words to "Stuff IT", you in Washington cannot or do not want to 'do it', WE CAN! :clap2:

I'd still seriously like to know what more Washington can do. Maybe you expect Obama to go down there in a mini-sub and stick his thumb (I'm being nice) into the hole to plug it up like the little boy who stuck his finger in the dike in that Hans Christian Anderson tale? Maybe he should nationalize the oil rigs and let NOLA find some expert government-paid engineers to fix the problem. Yeah, that's the ticket. I can hear the yelping from here.

:lol: I don't expect Obama to do anything, in my opinion,he has already done enough damage to the country, what I do expect is that some one in his administration to do MORE, yes, maybe some ultimate fix is impossible, since this is such a massive problem there isn't any right now but, apparently just like the immigration issue they have fallen on their collective asses.
There is NO magic bullet for this unfortunate accident. Apparently there are a lot of 'things' that can or could have been done already, those states know a lot more than we are privy to and THAT'S why they have decided to stop waiting for the 'collective incompetents' in Washington, to make a meaningful decision.

I wonder if the folks Washington D.C. are becoming concerned that their inaction or incompetence, or whatever is forcing the states to take all matters into their own hands.
I, for one, am happy the individual states are telling this government in so many words to "Stuff IT", you in Washington cannot or do not want to 'do it', WE CAN! :clap2:

I'd still seriously like to know what more Washington can do. Maybe you expect Obama to go down there in a mini-sub and stick his thumb (I'm being nice) into the hole to plug it up like the little boy who stuck his finger in the dike in that Hans Christian Anderson tale? Maybe he should nationalize the oil rigs and let NOLA find some expert government-paid engineers to fix the problem. Yeah, that's the ticket. I can hear the yelping from here.

I don't know. Anything? What exactly have they done as of yet?

Regarding the blowout, everything legally (constitutionally) that they can. Washington cannot order nor wish away this problem. I truly find it ironic that suddenly all you folks are DEMANDING that the OA "do something" to control and/or fix a situation that a private industry created. Kinda reverse thinking, isn't it?
I'd still seriously like to know what more Washington can do. Maybe you expect Obama to go down there in a mini-sub and stick his thumb (I'm being nice) into the hole to plug it up like the little boy who stuck his finger in the dike in that Hans Christian Anderson tale? Maybe he should nationalize the oil rigs and let NOLA find some expert government-paid engineers to fix the problem. Yeah, that's the ticket. I can hear the yelping from here.

I don't know. Anything? What exactly have they done as of yet?

Regarding the blowout, everything legally (constitutionally) that they can. Washington cannot order nor wish away this problem. I truly find it ironic that suddenly all you folks are DEMANDING that the OA "do something" to control and/or fix a situation that a private industry created. Kinda reverse thinking, isn't it?

They can confiscate BP's assets in this country send the military in to take over the cleanup.

I wonder if the folks Washington D.C. are becoming concerned that their inaction or incompetence, or whatever is forcing the states to take all matters into their own hands.
I, for one, am happy the individual states are telling this government in so many words to "Stuff IT", you in Washington cannot or do not want to 'do it', WE CAN! :clap2:

I'd still seriously like to know what more Washington can do. Maybe you expect Obama to go down there in a mini-sub and stick his thumb (I'm being nice) into the hole to plug it up like the little boy who stuck his finger in the dike in that Hans Christian Anderson tale? Maybe he should nationalize the oil rigs and let NOLA find some expert government-paid engineers to fix the problem. Yeah, that's the ticket. I can hear the yelping from here.

:lol: I don't expect Obama to do anything, in my opinion,he has already done enough damage to the country, what I do expect is that some one in his administration to do MORE, yes, maybe some ultimate fix is impossible, since this is such a massive problem there isn't any right now but, apparently just like the immigration issue they have fallen on their collective asses.
There is NO magic bullet for this unfortunate accident. Apparently there are a lot of 'things' that can or could have been done already, those states know a lot more than we are privy to and THAT'S why they have decided to stop waiting for the 'collective incompetents' in Washington, to make a meaningful decision.

The only "meaningful decision" that remains in limbo is the Corps of Engineers, and Salazar has already said he would "push them out of the way" to get the shorelines sanded. But regarding the spill itself, any other "meaningful decision" was made, by Washington, Louisiana, and the residents and other volunteers who are pitching in.

CHRONOLOGY ? U.S. response to BP oil spill - International Business Times

BP Delays New Attempt to Stop Oil Leak in Gulf - NYTimes.com
At a news conference at a marina here on Sunday, Gov. Bobby Jindal recited a timeline of his requests to BP and the Coast Guard for containment boom, skimmers and other supplies, saying that the resources were still far from adequate weeks later.

Around 65 miles of Louisiana coastline had been “oiled,” he said, as local officials held aloft pictures of oil-coated pelicans and a porpoise.

Saying that promises of more supplies frequently fell through, Mr. Jindal said he was going to send members of the Louisiana National Guard and Wildlife and Fisheries agents to monitor the oil and even to locate boom and other response supplies, which he and other officials said were available but sitting unused.

Mr. Jindal also urged the Army Corps of Engineers to immediately approve a plan to build artificial barrier islands out of sand to hold back the oil, a plan widely praised by local parish officials but questioned by some experts. He said he would raise the issue with President Obama in a conference call on Monday.
I don't know. Anything? What exactly have they done as of yet?

Regarding the blowout, everything legally (constitutionally) that they can. Washington cannot order nor wish away this problem. I truly find it ironic that suddenly all you folks are DEMANDING that the OA "do something" to control and/or fix a situation that a private industry created. Kinda reverse thinking, isn't it?

They can confiscate BP's assets in this country send the military in to take over the cleanup.

Yeah, right. And the shouting would soon outweigh the importance of the tragedy.
OBAMA IS A DICTATOR!!!!!!!!!! Waaah!!!!!!!!!!!
Regarding the blowout, everything legally (constitutionally) that they can. Washington cannot order nor wish away this problem. I truly find it ironic that suddenly all you folks are DEMANDING that the OA "do something" to control and/or fix a situation that a private industry created. Kinda reverse thinking, isn't it?

I don't expect anyone to order or wish this problem away. Nor am I demanding the administration do anything.

I just find it interesting that they are claiming to do everything they can when as far as I've seen, they've done absolutely nothing except blame others. There has been an emergency plan on the books for just this very situation and they weren't prepared. Yet we are supposed to just blindly accept that they've done everything?

I commend the state of Lousiana for taking initiative and not waiting around for others to clean up the mess. I would just like people to remember that the Federal Government did not solve the problem nor do anything despite what it might claim.
Why would we want to give up being part of a country full of people so proud of where they live they don't even put it in their profile, like yourself?

damn, son, is that the best you can do?

i live outside of boston. that's where all you third worlders come when the going gets tough and you need a free meal.

Its actually just a way of tricking you into telling me where you live.

Everyone I've ever met from Boston hated it. In fact one of my neighbors moved here from Boston after interning here for a summer, and he's never going back.

good, we've got plenty of local mouthbreathers. we don't need to be importing them from the third world

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