Louisville in "dire straits" over police shortage


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009

Louisville police department staffing 'in dire straits' amid high crime rates, recruitment woes: union

One of my grandsons was seriously thinking about becoming a cop. I told him that once it was a respected and worthwhile job that was difficult but often rewarding. Then I pointed out that today about half our society hates cops and will make their lives hell by rioting and throwing bricks at them or even murdering them with a firearm when they are just sitting in a car.

He’d wisely decided to join the Navy.

Back in the mid 1960s I also thought about becoming a cop but unfortunately at that time I was too short to meet the requirements. (That was before it was common to see women doing police work.) Today if I was young you couldn’t pay me enough money to be a cop. You may find yourself in a really bad situation when the shit hits the fan and do everything right and by the book but still end up in prison because a jury doesn’t want to see their city burnt to the ground.
One of my grandsons was seriously thinking about becoming a cop. I told him that once it was a respected and worthwhile job that was difficult but often rewarding. Then I pointed out that today about half our society hates cops and will make their lives hell by rioting and throwing bricks at them or even murdering them with a firearm when they are just sitting in a car.

He’d wisely decided to join the Navy.

Back in the mid 1960s I also thought about becoming a cop but unfortunately at that time I was too short to meet the requirements. (That was before it was common to see women doing police work.) Today if I was young you couldn’t pay me enough money to be a cop. You may find yourself in a really bad situation when the shit hits the fan and do everything right and by the book but still end up in prison because a jury doesn’t want to see their city burnt to the ground.

The scorn is well deserved.

Former LMPD officer avoids prison after pleading guilty to sexual misconduct

A third Louisville police officer has pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a minor in Explorer program

Former LMPD detective Mark Handy agrees to plea, includes prison time

LMPD officer who obtained Breonna Taylor search warrant to be fired - ABC 36 News

There is obviously something rotten in Louisville.
Lots of that going around....
Bayou Renaissance Man: Another message from Second City Cop
From the link;
"Another message from Second City Cop

In January this year, the famed Second City Cop (SCC) blog, describing the politicized madness of policing in the Windy City, was forced to "go silent" after its anonymous authors learned that their identities might soon be compromised. I wrote about it at the time, and passed on their farewell message.
They've apparently not been idle since then, and have just published another message to their readers via the Chicago Contrarian blog. Here it is in full.

Two months. We could regale you with stories about what we’ve been doing the past sixty days, but rest assured, you’d be bored pretty darn quick. Suffice it to say we’ve been busy. Some good, some bad, some truly sad, but busy. Life goes on until it doesn’t.
We’ll get to the question everyone is asking shortly.
In the meantime, how about that Groot? Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, Groot goes out, makes things infinitely worse, and then blames...the Police!
Two more suicides while we’re in limbo – nothing from the Groot and worse, a canned e-mail from Brownie. Did you know that after the suicide in 019, not a single member of the Command Staff showed up at Roll Calls for at least three days? Including the District Commander. But they care. Really. They tell us so in e-mails and e-learning videos.
Four cops shot in a matter of days – no condemnation from the political structure. Almost like they’re scared to show even the tiniest bit of support for the men and women in blue, lest the suspiciously dormant “rioters” notice them.
And now a dead 13-year-old gangbanger. How do we know he’s a gangbanger? Social media pictures of him flashing gang signs. Tattoos noted in the coroner report and the “eyebrow lines” shaved in. The announcement (that actually made the media) that the gang would be targeting unmarked squad cars and the cops riding within – would they do that for a non-gangbanger? (Hint: No.) Can anyone reading tell us exactly when a 13-year-old is allowed to be outside at 0230 hours with a firearm? We know the assorted caucuses in Springfield are busy rolling back all sorts of laws and passing new ones, but we don’t recall this one sneaking out of committee. Did Pritzker sign something the night before?
And there’s Groot, the f#$%ing “mayor” of Chicago, sympathizing with the “mother” who didn’t know her son was missing for two days, didn’t even report him missing for three, and identified the body in the morgue five days after the shooting. That’s “mother of the year” material right there.
Brownie was worse, posting an e-mail to everyone where he expressed exactly ZERO concern for the mental well-being of the Officer involved, who was placed into the unfortunate situation of responding to a “Shots Fired” call, and being quick enough to arrive on-scene in time to actually on-view someone with a gun. End result? Cops are wrong for engaging in....foot pursuits. That’s the message, loud and clear. They’ve already all but banned vehicle pursuits, so now chasing anyone on foot is to be regulated, monitored and banned.
Crimesha has relegated her entire office to being a criminal’s BFF. If you follow the CWB blog (still a daily read for us) a number of articles aren’t just about criminals out on “affordable bails” that are shooting and killing rivals along with a few innocent bystanders – it's about rapists who should be on electronic monitoring not even showing up to be lo-jacked, and then going out and raping again. Personally, there ought to be a bracelet of C-4 wrapped around their waist and detonated if they so much as approach a woman, but Crimesha seems happy to have them just out raping again.
You know what happens when cops can’t even foot chase? We’ve seen it on a daily basis with vehicle chases – you get a ton more of them because the criminal knows that (A) the cops aren’t chasing and (B) there’s no penalty for fleeing. No foot chases? Get ready for a massive upswing (or more massive upswing) in shoplifting, thefts, muggings and robberies.
Not only that, but they will almost all be armed. As in ready to visit violence on anyone who resists. As in bodies are going to stack up, because they know cops cannot engage in a foot pursuit. If you’re paying attention, you know it has already begun.
This part is darkly amusing – you know who is suffering quite a bit in Chicago? Minority mothers, whose kids are being raped, shot, mugged and murdered (check the HeyJackass.com stats page). And who’s in charge around these parts? Groot, Crimesha, Prickwrinkle – three minority mothers, whose “catch-and-release" policies, along with zero-bail initiatives, downgrading criminal acts (without legislative action) and anti-police support have led to the biggest shooting and killing tallies since 2016.
And a new crisis is on the horizon that the media hasn’t even touched on for some strange reason:

We still get e-mails from coppers with all sorts of info, hoping we will return and use it one day. Like the Academy. How many recruits are in the Academy right now? Many hundreds? One hundred? Try under 50.
And how many are in the hiring pipeline? Supposedly, after scouring the last THREE hiring lists for any warm body that washed out of pre-testing, over one-thousand letters and e-mails were sent out to take the Power test. How many showed up? About 70. One-third failed.
The FOP has the retirement numbers for Jan/Feb/Mar and there are hundreds. Literally hundreds....and not even 100 in the pipeline.

Anyone know why the media isn’t covering this? After all, Groot is “saving” millions in salary costs. “Savings” that will be dwarfed by overtime costs during the killing season on tap. Any reporters out there looking to make some waves, or is that illegal now? Or “undocumented” in the parlance of the current administration.
In any event, the BIG question....is the blog coming back? And again, we can only say, “Maybe.” We want to bring it (or something similar) back so that cops have somewhere to vent and participate in a “give-and-take" conversation. We don’t want to have the site reliant on the goodwill of the tech giants who have proven since the election that they have no qualms about attacking and silencing conservative thoughts, voices and anything that disrupts the current narrative. Our security is paramount in all of our calculations, and that means no obvious trail back to our people. Anonymizers and cut-outs are of limited use in the age of big tech. We are trying though.
Many thanks to the Contrarian for letting us camp out here and waste their electrons for a little while to touch base with everyone. In closing, from someone far wiser than we: “You aren’t here to save society...you are here to document the downfall, one RD number at a time.” This is what they want...nay, demanded.
Stay safe,

Thanks to the SCC authors for keeping us updated. We hope to see you back in the blogosphere as soon as you can manage it.
As for the surge of retirements among Chicago cops, I've heard the same thing about many major US cities lately. (To cite just one example, look at what's happening in New York City.) I'm seriously worried about my friends in such cities. When cops know they're going to be blamed for enforcing the laws as written, they're simply going to stop enforcing those laws - and that means we, the citizens of this country, will be left to our own devices and resources to protect ourselves from crime. If we do so, we, too, will be blamed for that - just as the cops are now being blamed.
Take heed, friends. Forewarned is forearmed - and we're going to need to be forearmed to deal with the forces of nihilism, destruction and breakdown currently infesting our cities, because nobody else will do it if we don't.
Interesting that the article said they either retired, or just left policing completely. If they were just dissatisfied with that one town, you would expect many or most to continue being a policeman in another town. I guess that if they were no longer free to kill people at will, that just took all the fun out of the job.
union is simply whining because their officers no longer have free reign to do whatever they want.
The kid had a gun and the cop defended himself

why dont you blame his single mom for letting him prowl the streets at 2am?
One of my grandsons was seriously thinking about becoming a cop. I told him that once it was a respected and worthwhile job that was difficult but often rewarding. Then I pointed out that today about half our society hates cops and will make their lives hell by rioting and throwing bricks at them or even murdering them with a firearm when they are just sitting in a car.

He’d wisely decided to join the Navy.

Back in the mid 1960s I also thought about becoming a cop but unfortunately at that time I was too short to meet the requirements. (That was before it was common to see women doing police work.) Today if I was young you couldn’t pay me enough money to be a cop. You may find yourself in a really bad situation when the shit hits the fan and do everything right and by the book but still end up in prison because a jury doesn’t want to see their city burnt to the ground.
You’re exaggerating about cops going to prison. Few ever do even after murdering someone. Try to get the facts rather believing bs.

Police officers are prosecuted for murder in less than 2 percent of fatal shootings
Police officers are rarely prosecuted in the US. Here’s why.
Police officers are prosecuted for murder in less than 2 percent of fatal shootings
A Very Rare Conviction
Derek Chauvin, convicted of second-degree murder, is the exception of exceptions.
A Very Rare Conviction
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Bad cops or no cops...I will go with the latter
Agreed. The problem is there are way too many bad cops.

What’s strange about all this is we had a black potus for 8 years, yet he somehow did nothing about this. Yet another example of the fraud that he is.
strange about all this is we had a black potus for 8 years, yet he somehow did nothing about this. Yet another example of the fraud that he is.
Obama jumpstarted the current black rage

he made blacks more angry and unreasonable
strange about all this is we had a black potus for 8 years, yet he somehow did nothing about this. Yet another example of the fraud that he is.
Obama jumpstarted the current black rage

he made blacks more angry and unreasonable

Indeed. Largely with things like taking over the Eric Garner investigation and doing nothing.

Louisville police department staffing 'in dire straits' amid high crime rates, recruitment woes: union

If anyone in Louisville voted for any public official that believes in pampering certain folks, then it serves him/her right.

Be a man/woman and take your medicine.
strange about all this is we had a black potus for 8 years, yet he somehow did nothing about this. Yet another example of the fraud that he is.
Obama jumpstarted the current black rage

he made blacks more angry and unreasonable
Largely with things like taking over the Eric Garner investigation and doing nothing.
how did that turn out for the race baiters?

after more than 30 arrests since 1980 Garner was dead because he resisted arrest

yes the family received $6 mil of the taxpayers money and will not have to sell unlicensed cigarettes on the street for at least a few years till the money runs out

But the cop was just doing his job and did not go to jail
strange about all this is we had a black potus for 8 years, yet he somehow did nothing about this. Yet another example of the fraud that he is.
Obama jumpstarted the current black rage

he made blacks more angry and unreasonable
Largely with things like taking over the Eric Garner investigation and doing nothing.
how did that turn out for the race baiters?

I don't know, How did you find that to be?
Good. I'm glad.

Until the hard working, brave, Police officers of all states/cities/towns throughout the USA start getting proper support and appreciated from the very top (the likes of Biden) and the media then why should they put their lives on the line?

For the person above who said cops going to jail is very rare - that's neither here nor there, because you're talking in a past tense of how things were and ignoring what's happening now and where things are heading. There's no way it stops at Chauvin, as we've seen - there's an actual blood lust at the moment.

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