Louisville PD under Fed Investigation - Democrats Can't Resist Getting their Pound of Flesh

This means the protests are working. Yippy! Police will be reformed. Excellent. I know you rightards don't believe there's a problem but that's because you aren't a young black man or black mother.

This reminds me of when conservative Americans hated viet nam protesters. Guess who loved those protesters? 15, 16 and 17 year old boys about to be sent off to die for what? So they wouldn't become a communist country? Who gives a fuck?
Hey dumbass who was President during Nam? Kennedy, than LBJ, both democrats, and Nixon, a republican, is the one who got us out. Who ordered the protestors to be gassed and beaten during the 1968 democrat convention, mayor Richard J. Daley, another democrat. Again I ask, and you went to college?
Speaking of shooting unarmed Americans. Funny you say that.

Black men are 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police during their lifetime. And Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

Perhaps you're for blm and don't even know it.


And black families are run by single teenage mothers, to the tune of about 75% of black homes.

And where do these kids get a father figure? That's right, the gangs and crack houses

Can't imagine why they get shot so much more than whites.

Because blacks fear the police and they have a reason to. If a black is shot by the police, they will likely get away with it. In the Breanna Taylor case, the Kentucky grand jury did not indict for killing Taylor but indicted for bullets that were shot into a white family's apartment. In addition the Kentucky AG either obstructed justice by withholding information to the grand jury or was lied to. Also the police are extremely trigger-happy these days. Try watching Dragnet. Jack Webb was a supporter of the police, yet he did several shows on reaching out to the minority community.
Not just shot, shot by cops.

Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

What do single moms have to do with why unarmed blacks are twice as likely to be shot by cops? Why are the cops shooting unarmed blacks more often than unarmed whites?

You're trying to change the subject.

Blacks are 10 times more likely to be involved in crime.

No it was the right address and her boyfriend shot at the police.

They came in unannounced even though they were ordered to announce themselves, they failed to do so. The boyfriend was standing his ground.
Why did you leave this part out? You're the second con to do this. Leave the most important part out.

Black people who were fatally shot by police were twice as likely to be unarmed.
Girlfriend of the drug dealer that she was screwing or still screwing with others---------current supposed boyfriend close name to old boyfriend and both are suspected drug dealers and buddies. Fuck drug dealers and your life expectancy will be shorter.

And oh btw, when we first got to florida we were staying in vacation rentals while we house hunted. Glass sliders/doors and windows all around the house. We had 3 pets so it was a scummy overpriced vacation rental that we were staying in. The owners were elderly and said that their wayward daughter and her boyfriend who had been living in the trashy home had a huge fight and that they had to rent the home to get repairs done to it. I felt bad for them and didn't try to negotiate down and I paid to have electricians come out and get rid of the electrocution hazard that the house offered. .

The Neighbors attested to the entertainment of the landlords daughter and boyfriends knock down drag out screaming fights and were happy that we moved in. (Turns out that the land lords had lots of money but extremely cheap assholes----but their daugher and her boyfriend were indeed trashy criminal involved people.) About a week after living in the vacation rental at 3 in the morning----I get BANG BANG BANG BANG at the front and back doors with these idiots surrounding the home and pushing their way in. My husband and I were both dead asleep (he can sleep through anything)---I got up and ran to the door naked as I sleep naked and was groggy------with all the loud banging waking the neighborhood including the people across the small lake because they were so loud as I ran infront of the glass sliders overlooking the lake to the front glass door trying to get my robe on.......I wanted to kill the bangers----I told my armed husband to stay in the hall as I answered the door ready to kill and kept asking myself If I should just shoot whoever was there. Turns out that it was bounty hunters or cops trying to serve a warrant on some asshole ( I assume the boyfriend of the landlords daughter)--------I was still wondering If I should kill them when they asked for whoever as I caught a glimpse of one of their party in the back yard. I didn't kill them----so Breonna and her idiot boyfriend have to live by the same rules that every one else does-----Banging on ones door by law enforcement is not grounds for shooting not even when they and the neighbors across the lake get a free show.

There is no evidence that either of them were drug dealers. Your saying so does not make it so. The police were in plainclothes and broke the door down. He has every right to shoot first and ask questions later. The police have to play by the same rules as well.
Dillon Taylor, 20, is clearly looking at the officer but refuses to take his hands out of his waistband as he was ordered to do and continues to walk backwards.

"No, fool," Taylor is heard saying.

Moments later, Taylor quickly lifts his shirt and takes his hands out of his waistband. Salt Lake police officer Bron Cruz reacts by firing two quick shots, striking Taylor in the chest and stomach. Taylor died as a result of his injuries.

Did the guy quickly lift up his shirt and take his hands out of his wasteband? Should the cop have to see the gun before he's allowed to shoot? I might tend to agree if the guy did pull his hands out quickly as if he were pulling out a gun, and he was saying NA FOOL to the officer when he was asked to stop and slowly put up his hands.

The one where the guy was going into his car and the cop shot him 7 times in the back. Was the cop justified because the guy wasn't listening? Do we want to give cops this power? I know it's a tough job but we really do need to draw a line. And not a different line for blacks than we draw for whites.

And this is happening all too often to blacks. Nice example of it sometimes happens to whites. This incident you shared was from 2014.

The question is whether he needed to fire 7 shots. Cops are more trigger-happy than ever. 7 shots should not have been needed.
My son got in trouble when he was 19. He was out in the woods with other people (around no one) when the cops came busting through the woods because they were told there were people underage drinking. They all ran. I suppose they should have been shot also.
Exactly! I'm curious if Republicans truly believe cops should be able to shoot fleeing suspects. Because they used to be allowed. Us liberals clearly stopped it. So I'm sure Republicans have never gotten over it and they urn to go back to the good old days when America was great and cops could club people.

And I bet you when we changed the policy, it was probably Republicans who passed it. Just like they were the actual champions of civil rights I'm sure back when we changed this law Republicans were the liberals. LOL. They just don't want to take credit for this. I'm sure if you look back to the 1960's you'll find some southern Democrat cops cracking heads.

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