Louisville PD under Fed Investigation - Democrats Can't Resist Getting their Pound of Flesh

Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone.

Isn't Louisville a Democratic city?
Yes every majority black city in America is Democratic/Liberal. Why is that?

So why do Democrats have so many police in their ranks shooting brown people?

Why was a handcuffed black man in a Democratic city choked to death by a racist white cop? Maybe because liberals don't run the police departments of America. Not yet.
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone.

Isn't Louisville a Democratic city?
Yes every majority black city in America is Democratic/Liberal. Why is that?

So why do Democrats have so many police in their ranks shooting brown people?

Why was a handcuffed black man in a Democratic city choked to death by a racist white cop? Maybe because liberals don't run the police departments of America. Not yet.

Really? Because police chiefs are generally hired by the mayor. In fact, last summer several BLACK police chiefs resigned in the face of the BLM riots, including the chiefs of Seattle and Rochester, to name two off the top of my head. The police chief of Minneapolis is black, as a matter of fact. Now why would a black police chief employ so many white racist cops in his rank?
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
Actually, how blacks interact with cops IS probably a reason why they get killed more than us. So in that case I would agree that it's their behavior causing the problem and it does have something to do with why they get shot. Cops usually don't shoot people who are being respectful.

But then there's that guy who told the cop he had a CCW permit, reached into his glove box for his ID and BOOM, the cop murdered the guy right in front of his girlfriend.

You don't see this case as an example of how they treat blacks differently than whites? I do. If he was a white guy the cop would have had to see a gun and even then wouldn't shoot unless the gun was pointed at him.

It's bullshit you don't see the systemic racism here
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone.

Isn't Louisville a Democratic city?
Yes every majority black city in America is Democratic/Liberal. Why is that?

So why do Democrats have so many police in their ranks shooting brown people?

Why was a handcuffed black man in a Democratic city choked to death by a racist white cop? Maybe because liberals don't run the police departments of America. Not yet.

Really? Because police chiefs are generally hired by the mayor. In fact, last summer several BLACK police chiefs resigned in the face of the BLM riots, including the chiefs of Seattle and Rochester, to name two off the top of my head. The police chief of Minneapolis is black, as a matter of fact. Now why would a black police chief employ so many white racist cops in his rank?
When Howard Stern was a kid his uncle was a cop but couldn't be a chief or sergeant because he was jewish. Do you think the first jewish chief had a lot of power? The police good old boy network would be a tough thing for a black cop to reform.

And I'm not suggesting black cops aren't too militarized too. Blacks may get the brunt of this police brutality but I think even us whites should be for reforming the police. Anyone who's had a bad experience with a bad cop will agree. Body cams. And better training. A cop should know not to kneel on a guys neck for 9 minutes after he has handcuffed him. This cop was a perfect example of the cop who needed to be removed and/or retrained. They didn't allow his entire history to be told the jurors but they should have. He had a history of being so violent people filed complaints against him.

Do you think blacks file more false complaints against the police? No wonder blacks don't vote Republican.

Blacks file more complaints against cops than whites do. That should tell you that cops treat whites different.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
Actually, how blacks interact with cops IS probably a reason why they get killed more than us. So in that case I would agree that it's their behavior causing the problem and it does have something to do with why they get shot. Cops usually don't shoot people who are being respectful.

But then there's that guy who told the cop he had a CCW permit, reached into his glove box for his ID and BOOM, the cop murdered the guy right in front of his girlfriend.

You don't see this case as an example of how they treat blacks differently than whites? I do. If he was a white guy the cop would have had to see a gun and even then wouldn't shoot unless the gun was pointed at him.

It's bullshit you don't see the systemic racism here

What is bullshit is that you parrot that "systemic racism" narrative without a complete and honest breakdown of facts. Yes, sometimes there is bias, but not every time and I would argue not most times. You fail to see any facts except the ones that you want to see. The reason blacks have such negative interactions with cops is that blacks commit more crime per capita AND in a lot of cases, blacks are combative and disrespectful of police.

Blacks are disproportionally stopped by police because police are patrolling in areas where there is more crime...E.G. black neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class suburb of Louisville, KY, there are not cops just out "patrolling" the neighborhood. Go to the bad neighborhoods, and you will find the cops.... where they are needed most.

There are plenty of videos we could trade. Take Dillon Taylor for example. He was not fully cooperative but when he showed his hands like he was told to do, he was shot and killed.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
Actually, how blacks interact with cops IS probably a reason why they get killed more than us. So in that case I would agree that it's their behavior causing the problem and it does have something to do with why they get shot. Cops usually don't shoot people who are being respectful.

But then there's that guy who told the cop he had a CCW permit, reached into his glove box for his ID and BOOM, the cop murdered the guy right in front of his girlfriend.

You don't see this case as an example of how they treat blacks differently than whites? I do. If he was a white guy the cop would have had to see a gun and even then wouldn't shoot unless the gun was pointed at him.

It's bullshit you don't see the systemic racism here

What is bullshit is that you parrot that "systemic racism" narrative without a complete and honest breakdown of facts. Yes, sometimes there is bias, but not every time and I would argue not most times. You fail to see any facts except the ones that you want to see. The reason blacks have such negative interactions with cops is that blacks commit more crime per capita AND in a lot of cases, blacks are combative and disrespectful of police.

Before I read the rest, I can agree with this part.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
Actually, how blacks interact with cops IS probably a reason why they get killed more than us. So in that case I would agree that it's their behavior causing the problem and it does have something to do with why they get shot. Cops usually don't shoot people who are being respectful.

But then there's that guy who told the cop he had a CCW permit, reached into his glove box for his ID and BOOM, the cop murdered the guy right in front of his girlfriend.

You don't see this case as an example of how they treat blacks differently than whites? I do. If he was a white guy the cop would have had to see a gun and even then wouldn't shoot unless the gun was pointed at him.

It's bullshit you don't see the systemic racism here

Blacks are disproportionally stopped by police because police are patrolling in areas where there is more crime...E.G. black neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class suburb of Louisville, KY, there are not cops just out "patrolling" the neighborhood. Go to the bad neighborhoods, and you will find the cops.... where they are needed most.

There are plenty of videos we could trade. Take Dillon Taylor for example. He was not fully cooperative but when he showed his hands like he was told to do, he was shot and killed.

There is some truth to what you say here too but also don't lie, cops do profile blacks. DWB is a real thing. And I love it. Sorry, can't lie. I know it works. And I know it keeps black criminals in Detroit from coming out to the suburbs and criminalizing the rest of us and then they slip back into Detroit where we can't find them. We know cops profile blacks. We know why cops hate tinted windows. Let's not be dishonest here. Please tell me why it is illegal some places to have tinted windows? What if I don't want anyone to be able to look into my vehicle? I am not allowed? I thought this was America.

Anyways, so I don't mind cops profiling people. It keeps us safe. But lets not pretend it doesn't happen. If we are honest we can at least admit it to black people that yes we do racially profile them in our nice white neighborhoods. And we do it because blacks from Detroit come out and rob/rape/murder from us all too much.

I worked at a hotel that was on an exit that was right by 3 different expressways. A criminal from Detroit could come steal a nice car and be back down in Detroit in 15 minutes. They could take I696, I96 or M5. It happened all the time.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
Actually, how blacks interact with cops IS probably a reason why they get killed more than us. So in that case I would agree that it's their behavior causing the problem and it does have something to do with why they get shot. Cops usually don't shoot people who are being respectful.

But then there's that guy who told the cop he had a CCW permit, reached into his glove box for his ID and BOOM, the cop murdered the guy right in front of his girlfriend.

You don't see this case as an example of how they treat blacks differently than whites? I do. If he was a white guy the cop would have had to see a gun and even then wouldn't shoot unless the gun was pointed at him.

It's bullshit you don't see the systemic racism here

What is bullshit is that you parrot that "systemic racism" narrative without a complete and honest breakdown of facts. Yes, sometimes there is bias, but not every time and I would argue not most times. You fail to see any facts except the ones that you want to see. The reason blacks have such negative interactions with cops is that blacks commit more crime per capita AND in a lot of cases, blacks are combative and disrespectful of police.

Blacks are disproportionally stopped by police because police are patrolling in areas where there is more crime...E.G. black neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class suburb of Louisville, KY, there are not cops just out "patrolling" the neighborhood. Go to the bad neighborhoods, and you will find the cops.... where they are needed most.

There are plenty of videos we could trade. Take Dillon Taylor for example. He was not fully cooperative but when he showed his hands like he was told to do, he was shot and killed.

Dillon Taylor, 20, is clearly looking at the officer but refuses to take his hands out of his waistband as he was ordered to do and continues to walk backwards.

"No, fool," Taylor is heard saying.

Moments later, Taylor quickly lifts his shirt and takes his hands out of his waistband. Salt Lake police officer Bron Cruz reacts by firing two quick shots, striking Taylor in the chest and stomach. Taylor died as a result of his injuries.

Did the guy quickly lift up his shirt and take his hands out of his wasteband? Should the cop have to see the gun before he's allowed to shoot? I might tend to agree if the guy did pull his hands out quickly as if he were pulling out a gun, and he was saying NA FOOL to the officer when he was asked to stop and slowly put up his hands.

The one where the guy was going into his car and the cop shot him 7 times in the back. Was the cop justified because the guy wasn't listening? Do we want to give cops this power? I know it's a tough job but we really do need to draw a line. And not a different line for blacks than we draw for whites.

And this is happening all too often to blacks. Nice example of it sometimes happens to whites. This incident you shared was from 2014.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
Actually, how blacks interact with cops IS probably a reason why they get killed more than us. So in that case I would agree that it's their behavior causing the problem and it does have something to do with why they get shot. Cops usually don't shoot people who are being respectful.

But then there's that guy who told the cop he had a CCW permit, reached into his glove box for his ID and BOOM, the cop murdered the guy right in front of his girlfriend.

You don't see this case as an example of how they treat blacks differently than whites? I do. If he was a white guy the cop would have had to see a gun and even then wouldn't shoot unless the gun was pointed at him.

It's bullshit you don't see the systemic racism here

Blacks are disproportionally stopped by police because police are patrolling in areas where there is more crime...E.G. black neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class suburb of Louisville, KY, there are not cops just out "patrolling" the neighborhood. Go to the bad neighborhoods, and you will find the cops.... where they are needed most.

There are plenty of videos we could trade. Take Dillon Taylor for example. He was not fully cooperative but when he showed his hands like he was told to do, he was shot and killed.

There is some truth to what you say here too but also don't lie, cops do profile blacks. DWB is a real thing. And I love it. Sorry, can't lie. I know it works. And I know it keeps black criminals in Detroit from coming out to the suburbs and criminalizing the rest of us and then they slip back into Detroit where we can't find them. We know cops profile blacks. We know why cops hate tinted windows. Let's not be dishonest here. Please tell me why it is illegal some places to have tinted windows? What if I don't want anyone to be able to look into my vehicle? I am not allowed? I thought this was America.

Anyways, so I don't mind cops profiling people. It keeps us safe. But lets not pretend it doesn't happen. If we are honest we can at least admit it to black people that yes we do racially profile them in our nice white neighborhoods. And we do it because blacks from Detroit come out and rob/rape/murder from us all too much.

I worked at a hotel that was on an exit that was right by 3 different expressways. A criminal from Detroit could come steal a nice car and be back down in Detroit in 15 minutes. They could take I696, I96 or M5. It happened all the time.

Cops profiling people does not bother me at all. Haven't people ever heard that a few bad apples can ruin the bunch? Black shave to own that one. If you are walking down a street in a so-so neighborhood in Detroit and you see a couple of white kids in white shirts and ties, pushing heir bicycles on the sidewalk, everyone profiles them as well.

The point of this whole exchange is to refute the claim that only blacks are being killed by police. Or that it is so disproportionate. There just isnt evidence to back up those claims.
So yes, there is bias and profiling happening. Some people do get pulled over for DWB, but we have to consider why this happens. We can't only blame police officers when shit hits the fan in a police encounter that goes sour. 99.99% of all police officers will never shoot anyone in their whole career. Out of the millions and millions of police encounters that people face every year, you have a bigger chance of being struck by lightning than being killed by police.

The truth is that most all of this hype is brought on us by people who have something to gain. Media companies make profits by encouraging us to click buttons on social media and the internet and by having us watch TV. Politicians gain power (and therefore money) by allowing and even encouraging racial strife. Attorneys who chase ambulances (I'm looking at you Ben Crump) make money by creating strife and division. Everyone is making money except you and I and most every other person in America.

And while all that is happening, I'm sitting here in suburbia about to go help my black next door neighbor with his lawnmower. At the end of the day, we are all being played.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.

Your not gonna fool me with the bait and switch. Call me a name and then post something totally unrelated to the subject at hand... a study about respectful phrases? You're the dumb ass obviously.

Like I said, if there was empirical evidence to support the claim that whites "don't get murdered like we see blacks do", it would be widely known. SHOW ME.

"oh, we've seen tons of examples" <----- THAT'S IT?

I didn't ask you about how much respect people are treated with. Based on your "scientific method", we've seen tons of examples that blacks don't treat police with respect. But none of that has anything to do with how many blacks are being killed by police compared to the number of whites.
Actually, how blacks interact with cops IS probably a reason why they get killed more than us. So in that case I would agree that it's their behavior causing the problem and it does have something to do with why they get shot. Cops usually don't shoot people who are being respectful.

But then there's that guy who told the cop he had a CCW permit, reached into his glove box for his ID and BOOM, the cop murdered the guy right in front of his girlfriend.

You don't see this case as an example of how they treat blacks differently than whites? I do. If he was a white guy the cop would have had to see a gun and even then wouldn't shoot unless the gun was pointed at him.

It's bullshit you don't see the systemic racism here

Blacks are disproportionally stopped by police because police are patrolling in areas where there is more crime...E.G. black neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class suburb of Louisville, KY, there are not cops just out "patrolling" the neighborhood. Go to the bad neighborhoods, and you will find the cops.... where they are needed most.

There are plenty of videos we could trade. Take Dillon Taylor for example. He was not fully cooperative but when he showed his hands like he was told to do, he was shot and killed.

There is some truth to what you say here too but also don't lie, cops do profile blacks. DWB is a real thing. And I love it. Sorry, can't lie. I know it works. And I know it keeps black criminals in Detroit from coming out to the suburbs and criminalizing the rest of us and then they slip back into Detroit where we can't find them. We know cops profile blacks. We know why cops hate tinted windows. Let's not be dishonest here. Please tell me why it is illegal some places to have tinted windows? What if I don't want anyone to be able to look into my vehicle? I am not allowed? I thought this was America.

Anyways, so I don't mind cops profiling people. It keeps us safe. But lets not pretend it doesn't happen. If we are honest we can at least admit it to black people that yes we do racially profile them in our nice white neighborhoods. And we do it because blacks from Detroit come out and rob/rape/murder from us all too much.

I worked at a hotel that was on an exit that was right by 3 different expressways. A criminal from Detroit could come steal a nice car and be back down in Detroit in 15 minutes. They could take I696, I96 or M5. It happened all the time.

Cops profiling people does not bother me at all. Haven't people ever heard that a few bad apples can ruin the bunch? Black shave to own that one. If you are walking down a street in a so-so neighborhood in Detroit and you see a couple of white kids in white shirts and ties, pushing heir bicycles on the sidewalk, everyone profiles them as well.

The point of this whole exchange is to refute the claim that only blacks are being killed by police. Or that it is so disproportionate. There just isnt evidence to back up those claims.
So yes, there is bias and profiling happening. Some people do get pulled over for DWB, but we have to consider why this happens. We can't only blame police officers when shit hits the fan in a police encounter that goes sour. 99.99% of all police officers will never shoot anyone in their whole career. Out of the millions and millions of police encounters that people face every year, you have a bigger chance of being struck by lightning than being killed by police.

The truth is that most all of this hype is brought on us by people who have something to gain. Media companies make profits by encouraging us to click buttons on social media and the internet and by having us watch TV. Politicians gain power (and therefore money) by allowing and even encouraging racial strife. Attorneys who chase ambulances (I'm looking at you Ben Crump) make money by creating strife and division. Everyone is making money except you and I and most every other person in America.

And while all that is happening, I'm sitting here in suburbia about to go help my black next door neighbor with his lawnmower. At the end of the day, we are all being played.

Let me give you something else as an example to compare this to. Not raising the minimum wage is racist. You would say it's not because many whites also work for minimum wage. BUT, consider this. If you raised minimum wage, it would overwhelmingly help the black community because so many blacks work for minimum wage. Raising minimum wage would help blacks more than it would whites. Hell, you Republicans would say then that raising minimum wage is reverse discrimination against whites. You'd say it's class warfare. Stealing from the makers to give to the takers.

So maybe this is similar. Maybe I should be saying cops are being too brutal to our POOR communities. They treat our POOR citizens like second class citizens.

Yes, police also treat poor white trash poorly too. Unfortunately for black people cops treat all blacks like poor white trash. Why? Profiling? Fear of black men? Stereotyping? Bias? Racism?
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

On September 15, the city of Louisville agreed to pay Taylor's family $12 million and reform police practices.[
Cops profiling people does not bother me at all. Haven't people ever heard that a few bad apples can ruin the bunch? Black shave to own that one. If you are walking down a street in a so-so neighborhood in Detroit and you see a couple of white kids in white shirts and ties, pushing heir bicycles on the sidewalk, everyone profiles them as well.

The point of this whole exchange is to refute the claim that only blacks are being killed by police. Or that it is so disproportionate. There just isnt evidence to back up those claims.
So yes, there is bias and profiling happening. Some people do get pulled over for DWB, but we have to consider why this happens. We can't only blame police officers when shit hits the fan in a police encounter that goes sour. 99.99% of all police officers will never shoot anyone in their whole career. Out of the millions and millions of police encounters that people face every year, you have a bigger chance of being struck by lightning than being killed by police.

The truth is that most all of this hype is brought on us by people who have something to gain. Media companies make profits by encouraging us to click buttons on social media and the internet and by having us watch TV. Politicians gain power (and therefore money) by allowing and even encouraging racial strife. Attorneys who chase ambulances (I'm looking at you Ben Crump) make money by creating strife and division. Everyone is making money except you and I and most every other person in America.

And while all that is happening, I'm sitting here in suburbia about to go help my black next door neighbor with his lawnmower. At the end of the day, we are all being played.
If whites are being murdered by cops like this, then for me, that's even more reason we need to reform the cops. If not for them, for me!

I just want you to watch this video and tell me if you think cops should be able to shoot people who are running away from them when they say freeze.

And don't forget before you answer, I can recall fighting in college. The cops came. We all ran. Are you saying they should have shot at us?
If whites are being murdered by cops like this, then for me, that's even more reason we need to reform the cops. If not for them, for me!

I just want you to watch this video and tell me if you think cops should be able to shoot people who are running away from them when they say freeze.

And don't forget before you answer, I can recall fighting in college. The cops came. We all ran. Are you saying they should have shot at us?

My son got in trouble when he was 19. He was out in the woods with other people (around no one) when the cops came busting through the woods because they were told there were people underage drinking. They all ran. I suppose they should have been shot also.
If whites are being murdered by cops like this, then for me, that's even more reason we need to reform the cops. If not for them, for me!

I just want you to watch this video and tell me if you think cops should be able to shoot people who are running away from them when they say freeze.

And don't forget before you answer, I can recall fighting in college. The cops came. We all ran. Are you saying they should have shot at us?
That story is 6 years old and the cop went to prison, give it a rest. By the way more white people are shot by cops than black people. Open your eyes fool, and you went to college?

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